I using curd to show CGridview I join 2 table in my computer it work
but when deploy to linux server not work what wrong? ,help me pls!!
in controller
$model=new UserLogin('search');
$dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('UserLogin', array(
'criteria' => array(
'pagination' => array(
'pageSize' => 20,
$this->render('admin', array(
this error
Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
455 /**
456 * Performs lazy find with the specified base record.
457 * #param CActiveRecord $baseRecord the active record whose related object is to be fetched.
458 */
459 public function lazyFind($baseRecord)
460 {
461 if(is_string($this->_table->primaryKey))
462 $this->records[$baseRecord->{$this->_table->primaryKey}]=$baseRecord;
463 else
464 {
465 $pk=array();
466 foreach($this->_table->primaryKey as $name)
467 $pk[$name]=$baseRecord->$name;
468 $this->records[serialize($pk)]=$baseRecord;
469 }
Hum just a guess are you respecting the case in the model name group in your with criteria?
Linux is case sensitive so if you put group instead of Group in your relation name or in the model name of the relation an error could occur.
sory another yii question, try this bust seems doesnt works.
I have this error, still learning yii
Trying to get property of non-object
Did i miss something? thanks before.
14 'value'=>Yii::app()->dateFormatter->format('dd/MM/yyyy',$model->tgl_perjanjian),
15 ),
16 array(
17 'name'=>'tgl_awal',
18 'value'=>Yii::app()->dateFormatter->format('dd/MM/yyyy',$model->tgl_awal),
19 ),
20 array(
21 'name'=>'tgl_akhir',
22 'value'=>Yii::app()->dateFormatter->format('dd/MM/yyyy',$model->tgl_akhir),
23 ),
24 array(
25 'name'=>'Mitra KY',
26 'value'=>$model->mitra_mous->mitra->nama,
27 ),
28 'lingkup_kerjasama',
29 'penandatangan',
30 'jabatan_penandatangan',
31 array(
32 'name'=>'file',
33 'type'=>'raw',
34 'value'=>CHtml::link($model->file,Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/files/mou/' .$model->file),
35 ),
36 ),
37 )); ?>
this is my models Mitra.php
public function relations()
// NOTE: you may need to adjust the relation name and the related
// class name for the relations automatically generated below.
return array(
'jenis0' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'JenisMitra', 'jenis'),
'kab0' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Wilayah', 'kab'),
'prov0' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Wilayah', 'prov'),
'mitra_mous' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'MitraMou', 'mitra_id'),
and this is models Mou.php
public function relations()
// NOTE: you may need to adjust the relation name and the related
// class name for the relations automatically generated below.
return array(
'mitra_mous' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'MitraMou', 'mou_id'),
'mitras' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Mitra', 'mitra_id','through'=>'mitra_mous'),
Change your line 26 to the code below.
use this code below
It seems that your mitra_mous relation is the problem. Due to the fact that the relation is a one-to-many relation, $model->mitra_mous will return an array. You cannot try to get a property from an array, so $model->mitra_mous->mitra is invalid. Maybe you can reference only one of the items of the array, say $model->mitra_mous[0]->mitra->nama.
I am not sure if this solves your issue, but at least that line should work.
Be careful with this solution anyway, because if $model->mitra_mous has no elements, the code will fail. Yo may have to add a condition for that case.
Hope I have helped.
Good luck!
I'm working in Yii framework. In my index action I created the dataprovider in the following way
$user_id = Yii::app()->user->id;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM post
LEFT JOIN comment ON post.id = comment.post_id
AND comment.user_id =:user_id
LIMIT 0 , 30 ';
$command->bindParam(':user_id', $user_id,PDO::PARAM_STR);
$rawData = $command->execute();
$dataProvider=new CArrayDataProvider($rawData, array(
'defaultOrder' => 'post.created',
then I render the index view
Index view is doing
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(
)); ?>
which cause the error
Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
* #param array $directions the sorting directions (field name => whether it is descending sort)
136 foreach($directions as $name=>$descending)
137 {
138 $column=array();
139 $fields_array=preg_split('/\.+/',$name,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
140 foreach($this->rawData as $index=>$data)
141 $column[$index]=$this->getSortingFieldValue($data, $fields_array);
142 $args[]=&$column;
143 $dummy[]=&$column;
144 unset($column);
145 $direction=$descending ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC;
146 $args[]=&$direction;
147 $dummy[]=&$direction;
148 unset($direction);
149 }
Can you help me?
Thank you in advance
If you var_dump($rawData), you'll see that it's an integer (or 0) and is only returning the number of results.
This is because you're using $command->execute() when you should be using:
That will return you an array of results which you can pass into the CActiveDataProvider
Hi I'm trying to get data in excel with eexcelview . I have added the code in controller
$query = " some query from 4 tables ";
$dataProvider=new CSqlDataProvider($query, array(
'col5' ),),));
$this->widget('application.extensions.EExcelView', array(
'dataProvider'=> $dataprovider,
My understanding is when this action is called, it will directly ask me to save excel report. But instead I'm getting error The "dataProvider" property cannot be empty.,
100 * Initializes the view.
101 * This method will initialize required property values and instantiate {#link columns} objects.
102 */
103 public function init()
104 {
105 if($this->dataProvider===null)
106 throw new CException(Yii::t('zii','The "dataProvider" property cannot be empty.'));
Also, same $dataprovider in CGridView works fine.
What is wrong in my code ?
PHP variables are case sensitive. So you must change your code to
$this->widget('application.extensions.EExcelView', array(
'dataProvider'=> $dataProvider,
I have an images table and a servers table. images has a server_id field which is a foreign key to the id field in the servers table. The servers table also has a field called name, which is what I want to retrieve.
Here's my controller action code:
$images = $this->Image->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array('Image.user_id' => $this->Auth->user('id')),
'order' => array('Image.uploaded DESC')
$this->set('images', $images);
It gets data like this:
[0] => Array
[Image] => Array
[id] => 103
[orig_name] => Untitled-5.jpg
[hash] => MnfWKk
[filename] => MnfWKk.jpg
[uploaded] => 2012-07-12 00:09:08
[views] => 0
[album_id] =>
[user_id] => 15
[server_id] => 1
Instead of server_id, I want to get the name field from the servers table. How can I adapt my find() method to get this? I know it's an SQL join, but I have no idea how to tell Cake to do one in order to get the servers name.
Set up the correct CakePHP associations, and use CakePHP's Containable. (with recursive -1).
Longer Description:
It's best practice to keep your find code in the model itself, so that's what I'll show, but feel free (if you must) to move it back into the controller.
Doing it this way allows you to call the same getImages() function from any controller, and just pass different parameters based on what you want returned. The benefit to coding like this is, you always know if you're looking for code related to queries/database, that you should be looking in the model. It's VERY beneficial when the next person who looks at your code doesn't have to go searching.
Because of the association set up between Image and Server, you can then "contain" the Server info when you query images. But - you can't use "contain" until you specify that you want your model to $actAs = array('Containable');. [ CakePHP Book: Containable ]
Lastly, in your AppModel, it's good practice to set $recursive = -1;. That makes it default to -1 for all models. If for some reason you're against doing that, just make sure to set recursive to -1 any time you use containable. And - once you learn to use containable, you'll never look back - it's awesome. There are a lot more things you can
//AppModel *******
$recursive = -1;
//Images controller *******
public function whatever() {
$opts = array();
$opts['user'] = $this->Auth->user('id');
$images = $this->Image->getImages($opts);
//Image model *******
public $actsAs = array('Containable');
public belongsTo = array('Server');
public function getImages($opts = array()) {
$params = array('condtions'=>array());
//specific user
if(!empty($opts['user'])) {
array_push($params['conditions'], array('Image.user_id'=>$opts['user']);
$params['order'] = 'Image.uploaded DESC';
if(!empty($opts['order'])) {
$params['opts'] = $opts['order'];
$params['contain'] = array('Server');
//returns the data to the controller
return $this->find('all', $params);
A few other notes
You should also set the association in your Server model.
The code example I gave is written fairly verbosely (is that a word?). Feel free to condense as you see fit
You can also extend the model's getImages() method to accept a lot more parameters like find, limit...etc. Customize this all you want - it's not THE way to do it - just similar to what I usually use.
Per your question, if you only need one field, you can specify in the "contain" what fields you want - see the book for details.
It might seem confusing now, but it's SOO worth learning how to do this stuff right - it will make your life easier.
Cake have a lot of model relationships to achieve this. Check out this page, I think you'll be using the belongsTo relationship
Easy and alternate way for begginers
$images = $this->Image->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array('Image.user_id' => $this->Auth->user('id')),
'joins' => array(
'table' => 'servers',
'alias' => 'Server',
'type' => 'inner', //join of your choice left, right, or inner
'foreignKey' => true,
'conditions' => array('Image.server_id=Server.id')
'order' => array('Image.uploaded DESC')
This is very good in performance
I'm following along with Agile Web Application Development with Yii 1.1 and PHP5, working on the "TrackStar" project. For the life of me I can't understand where my problem is.
I'm getting the Exception:
CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined. The SQL statement executed was: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl_issue t WHERE project_id=:projectId
It appears (to this noob's interpretation) that the params in my CActiveDataProvider is some how not resolving in the criteria as in the view:
(in /protected/controllers/ProjectController.php)
55 public function actionView()
56 {
57 $issueDataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('Issue', array(
58 'criteria' => array(
59 'condition' => 'project_id=:projectId',
60 'params' => array(':projectId=' => $this->loadModel()->id),
61 ),
62 'pagination' => array(
63 'pageSize' => 1,
64 ),
65 ));
66 $this->render('view',array(
67 'model'=>$this->loadModel(),
68 'issueDataProvider' => $issueDataProvider,
69 ));
70 }
I checked my code against a github repo and I couldn't find any differences anywhere.
Is there something straightforward I'm missing here without having to post all of my code (and have somebody actually look through it)?
It looks you have an error in params of your criteria. (= after :projectId).
Right statement is
'params' => array(':projectId' => $this->loadModel()->id),
Params array is list of query parameter values indexed by parameter placeholders. For example, array(':name'=>'Dan', ':age'=>'31').