I am creating a panel where the user would select a contact group and then schedule mail.
In order to keep a track of mails send, I am storing it into the database.
But this storing of data in tables takes a long time as loop generates near about 1000+ insert queries which makes the page unresponsive to get the data to be populated into the table.
This is just for single user, what if at a time there are 10 users performing the same action, that would cause low performance on application.
I need to know whether is there any mechanism using 'mysql' and 'php' to que my queries so that it could be executed later and user should not wait for the query execution to be completed?
my code is as below,
//insert into EMAIL_RECIPIENTS
foreach($this->recipients as $val){
$query="INSERT INTO bas_email_recipients SET
email_dump_id='".$emailDumpId."', ";
$query.="contact_details_id='".$val['contactDetailsId']."', ";
$query.="recipient_name='".$val['contactName']."', ";
For example, you can put that queries into cache and retrieve/execute/remove them on cron
Instead of
if($db->query($query)>0){ // putting to database
Put query to array
$queryList[] = $query;
and then put this array to cache with some unique key:
$cache->put('key', $queryList);
Install cron job for say every minute to execute:
$queryList = $cache->get('key');
if ($queryList) {
foreach ($queryList as $query) {
Heavy database operations will be executed in cron in background, so you will get much better performance with your web
I have a function which saves users phonebook on the server.Now the problem is there are more that 1000 records in one API and it takes too much time to process this function. Is there a better way to insert the data which is fast to do the same process
function save_phonebook($data){
$tower=new Tower;
foreach($phonebook as $val)
$result['message']='Phonebook saved';
echo $res;
The tower class file code
public function save_user_phonebook_record($data)
$mobile=str_replace(' ','',$mobile);
$mobile=substr($mobile, -10);
$params = array(':mobile' => $mobile, ':user_id' => $data['user_id']);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM friends where mobile=:mobile AND user_id=:user_id";
$stmt = parent::query($sql, $params);
while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) :
$sql = 'INSERT INTO friends (user_id, name, mobile)
VALUES(:user_id, :name, :mobile)';
$params =(array(
':user_id' => $data['user_id'],
':name' => $data['name'],
':mobile' => $mobile
parent::query($sql, $params) or die(parent::$dbh->errorInfo());
The format in which data is recieved which cannot be changed
method=save_phonebook,id=1,key=a8d8f8c8c1e129a3b0266455a346fa9d,user_id=25295,phonebook=[{"name":"+91 88264 73159","mobile":"+918826473159"},{"name":"+91 99971 17220","mobile":"+919997117220"},{"name":"+919650088727","mobile":"+919650088727"},{"name":"+919811135060","mobile":"+919811135060"}],
Basically from what i see, you have a large amount of data to insert into the database. The io operations will always take time and there is no running from it. This leaves you with two options.
Push uploads in background using ajax call
Push insert task in background and render page thereby fetching results later
The later is the better solution and you can use celery for the same. Basically celery adds async tasks to the celery server. This way it doesn't matter if the inserts are finished, you can just render the page as it is and worry about the inserts later. Let us assume that you have a 2Mb json file that you need to insert into a database. Now database IO are slow. Simply save the file onto disk which is faster and display a page that shows upload in progress and save a flag for same in database.
Create a celery task that reads from file and uploads to database and when it is done with all the insertions, sets the progress save flag to done. Now on frontend side of implementation, If you want to display the results of insertion to user, you can simply check the status flag. If it is set to success by celery, then you can display that the results are uploaded just fine.
Now the complication with this is that cpanel based hosting don't usually grant access to root user. There is a workaround for that, by using cron jobs. Make a cron script that will again read data from file and insert into database and set the flag.
The difference between celery and cron is that in case of celery, you can start with insertions as they are uploaded but in case of cron, there will be bulk uploads into the database. here is a library for celery to get you started in php.
Some people might say to use exec and push the command to background but that again wont be valid because cpanel disables that and if you have a server of your own, you are better off with celery than just a hack to get the work done
This is more of a logic question than language question, though the approach might vary depending on the language. In this instance I'm using Actionscript and PHP.
I have a flash graphic that is getting data stored in a mysql database served from a PHP script. This part is working fine. It cycles through database entries every time it is fired.
The graphic is not on a website, but is being used at 5 locations, set to load and run at regular intervals (all 5 locations fire at the same time, or at least within <500ms of each-other). This is real-time info, so time is of the essence, currently the script loads and parses at all 5 locations between 30ms-300ms (depending on the distance from the server)
I was originally having a pagination problem, where each of the 5 locations would pull a different database entry since i was moving to the next entry every time the script runs. I solved this by setting the script to only move to the next entry after a certain amount of time passed, solving the problem.
However, I also need the script to send an email every time it displays a new entry, I only want it to send one email. I've attempted to solve this by adding a "has been emailed" boolean to the database. But, since all the scripts run at the same time, this rarely works (it does sometimes). Most of the time I get 5 emails sent. The timeliness of sending this email doesn't have to be as fast as the graphic gets info from the script, 5-10 second delay is fine.
I've been trying to come up with a solution for this. Currently I'm thinking of spawning a python script through PHP, that has a random delay (between 2 and 5 seconds) hopefully alleviating the problem. However, I'm not quite sure how to run exec() command from php without the script waiting for the command to finish. Or, is there a better way to accomplish this?
UPDATE: here is my current logic (relevant code only):
//get the top "unread" information from the database
$query="SELECT * FROM database WHERE Read = '0' ORDER BY Entry ASC LIMIT 1";
$emailed = $row["emailed"];
$Entry = $row["databaseEntryID"];
if($emailed == 0)
$EmailSent="UPDATE database SET emailed = '1' WHERE databaseEntryID = '$Entry'";
You need to use some kind of locking. E.g. database locking
function send_email_sync($message)
sql_query("UPDATE email_table SET email_sent=1 WHERE email_sent=0");
$result = FALSE;
if(number_of_affacted_rows() == 1) {
$result = TRUE;
return $result;
The functions sql_query and number_of_affected_rows need to be adapted to your particular database.
Old answer:
Use file-based locking: (only works if the script only runs on a single server)
function send_email_sync($message)
$fd = fopen(__FILE__, "r");
if(!$fd) {
die("something bad happened in ".__FILE__.":".__LINE__);
$result = FALSE;
if(flock($fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
if(!email_has_already_been_sent()) {
$result = TRUE; //email has been sent
flock($fd, LOCK_UN);
return $result;
You will need to lock the row in your database by using a transaction.
psuedo code:
Start transaction
select row .. for update
update row
if (mysqli_affected_rows ( $connection )) >1
The High Level Idea:
I have a micro controller that can connect to my site via a http request...I want to feed the device a response as soon as a change is noted on the database...
Due to the the end device being a client ie micro controller...Im unaware of a method to pass the data to the client without having to set up port forwarding...which is heavily undesired ...The problem arise when trying send data from an external network to an internal one...Either A. port forwarding or B have the client device initiate the request which leads me to the idea of having the device send an http request to file that polls for changes
Much Thanks to Ollie Jones. I have implimented some of his
suggestions here.
Jason McCreary suggested having a modified column which is a big
improvement as it should increase speed and reliability ...Great
suggestion! :)
if the database being overworked is in question in this example
maybe the following would work where...when the data is inserted into
the database the changes are wrote to a file...then have the loop
that continuously checks that file for an update....thoughts?
I have table1 and i want to see if a specific row(based on a UID/key) has been updated since the last time i checked as well as continuously check for 60 seconds if the record bets updated...
I'm thinking i can do this using the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database.
This database contains information about tables, views, columns, etc.
attempt at a solution:
$timer = time() + (10);//add 60 seconds
//loign stuff
$mysqli = mysqli_connect($hostname_check, $username_check, $password_check,$database_check);
if (mysqli_connect_errno($mysqli))
{ echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); }
//end login
$query = "SELECT data1, data2
FROM station
WHERE client = $KEY
AND noted = 0;";
$update=" UPDATE station
SET noted=1
WHERE client = $KEY
AND noted = 0;";
while($done==0) {
$result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $query);
$update = mysqli_query($mysqli, $update);
$row_cnt = mysqli_num_rows($result);
if ($row_cnt > 0) {
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
echo 'data1:'.$row['data1'].'/';
echo 'data2:'.$row['data2'].'/';
print $row[0];
else {
$current = time();
if($timer > $current){ $done=0; sleep(1); } //so if I haven't had a result update i want to loop back an check again for 60seconds
else { $done=1; echo 'done:nochange';}//60seconds pass end loop
echo 'time:'.time();
else {echo 'error:nokey';}
Is this an adequate method and suggestions to improve the speed as well as improve the reliability
If I understand your application correctly, your client is a microcontroller. It issues an HTTP request to your php / mysql web app once in a while. The frequency of that request is up to the microcontroller, but but seems to be once a minute or so.
The request basically asks, "dude, got anything new for me?"
Your web app needs to send the answer, "not now" or "here's what I have."
Another part of your app is providing the information in question. And it's doing so asynchronously with your microcontroller (that is, whenever it wants to).
To make the microcontroller query efficient is your present objective.
(Note, if I have any of these assumptions wrong, please correct me.)
Your table will need a last_update column, a which_microcontroller column or the equivalent, and a notified column. Just for grins, let's also put in value1 and value2 columns. You haven't told us what kind of data you're keeping in the table.
Your software which updates the table needs to do this:
UPDATE theTable
SET notified=0, last_update = now(),
WHERE which_microcontroller = ?microid
It can do this as often as it needs to. The new data values replace and overwrite the old ones.
Your software which handles the microcontroller request needs to do this sequence of queries:
SELECT value1, value2
FROM theTable
WHERE notified = 0
AND microcontroller_id = ?microid
UPDATE theTable
SET notified=1
WHERE microcontroller_id = ?microid;
This will retrieve the latest value1 and value2 items (your application's data, whatever it is) from the database, if it has been updated since last queried. Your php program which handles that request from the microcontroller can respond with that data.
If the SELECT statement returns no rows, your php code responds to the microcontroller with "no changes."
This all assumes microcontroller_id is a unique key. If it isn't, you can still do this, but it's a little more complicated.
Notice we didn't use last_update in this example. We just used the notified flag.
If you want to wait until sixty seconds after the last update, it's possible to do that. That is, if you want to wait until value1 and value2 stop changing, you could do this instead.
SELECT value1, value2
FROM theTable
WHERE notified = 0
AND last_update <= NOW() - INTERVAL 60 SECOND
AND microcontroller_id = ?microid
UPDATE theTable
SET notified=1
WHERE microcontroller_id = ?microid;
For these queries to be efficient, you'll need this index:
(microcontroller_id, notified, last_update)
In this design, you don't need to have your PHP code poll the database in a loop. Rather, you query the database when your microcontroller checks in for an update/
If all table1 changes are handled by PHP, then there's no reason to poll the database. Add the logic you need at the PHP level when you're updating table1.
For example (assuming OOP):
public function update() {
if ($row->modified > (time() - 60)) {
// perform code for modified in last 60 seconds
// run mysql queries
I am running 10 PHP scripts at the same time and it processing at the background on Linux.
For Example:
while ($i <=10) {
exec("/usr/bin/php-cli run-process.php > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!");
In the run-process.php, I am having problem with database loop. One of the process might already updated the status field to 1, it seem other php script processes is not seeing it. For Example:
$SQL = "SELECT * FROM data WHERE status = 0";
$query = $db->prepare($SQL);
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$SQL2 = "SELECT status from data WHERE number = " . $row['number'];
$qCheckAgain = $db->prepare($SQL2);
$tempRow = $qCheckAgain->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
//already updated from other processs?
if ($tempRow['status'] == 1) {
How do I ensure processes is not re-doing same data again?
When you have multiple processes, you need to have each process take "ownership" of a certain set of records. Usually you do this by doing an update with a limit clause, then selecting the records that were just "owned" by the script.
For example, have a field that specifies if the record is available for processing (i.e. a value of 0 means it is available). Then your update would set the value of the field to the scripts process ID, or some other unique number to the process. Then you select on the process ID. When your done processing, you can set it to a "finished" number, like 1. Update, Select, Update, repeat.
The reason why your script executeds the same query multiple times is because of the parallelisation you are creating. Process 1 reads from the database, Process 2 reads from the database and both start to process their data.
Databases provide transactions in order to get rid of such race conditions. Have a look at what PDO provides for handling database transactions.
i am not entirely sure of how/what you are processing.
You can introduce limit clause and pass that as a parameter. So first process does first 10, the second does the next 10 and so on.
you need lock such as "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE".
innodb support row level lock.
see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/innodb-locking-reads.html for details.
When there are multiple PHP scripts running in parallel, each making an UPDATE query to the same record in the same table repeatedly, is it possible for there to be a 'lag time' before the table is updated with each query?
I have basically 5-6 instances of a PHP script running in parallel, having been launched via cron. Each script gets all the records in the items table, and then loops through them and processes them.
However, to avoid processing the same item more than once, I store the id of the last item being processed in a separate table. So this is how my code works:
function getCurrentItem()
$sql = "SELECT currentItemId from settings";
$result = $this->db->query($sql);
return $result->get('currentItemId');
function setCurrentItem($id)
$sql = "UPDATE settings SET currentItemId='$id'";
$currentItem = $this->getCurrentItem();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM items WHERE status='pending' AND id > $currentItem'";
$result = $this->db->query($sql);
$items = $result->getAll();
foreach ($items as $i)
//Check if $i has been processed by a different instance of the script, and if so,
//leave it untouched.
if ($this->getCurrentItem() > $i->id)
// Process the item here
But despite of all the precautions, most items are being processed more than once. Which makes me think that there is some lag time between the update queries being run by the PHP script, and when the database actually updates the record.
Is it true? And if so, what other mechanism should I use to ensure that the PHP scripts always get only the latest currentItemId even when there are multiple scripts running in parallel? Would using a text file instead of the db help?
If this is run in parallell there's little measure to avoid race conditions.
getCurrentItem() yields Id 1234
...context switch to script2, before script 1 gets to run its update statement.
getCurrentItem() yields Id 1234
And both scripts process Id 1234
You'd want to update and check status of the item an all-or-nothing operation, you don't need the settings table, but you'd do something like this (pseudo code):
SELECT * FROM items WHERE status='pending' AND id > $currentItem
foreach($items as $i) {
rows = update items set status='processing' where id = $i->id and status='pending';
if(rows == 0) //someone beat us to it and is already processing the item
process item..
update items set status='done' where id = $i->id;
What you need is for any thread to be able to:
find a pending item
record that that item is now being worked on (in the settings table)
And it needs to do both of those in one go, without any other thread interfering half-way through.
I recommend putting the whole SQL in a stored procedure; that will be able to run the entire thing as a single transaction, which makes it safe from competing threads.