I'm trying to extend the Form class in L4.1 but I seem to be missing something. My file is named FormBuilder.php based on the API and is saved in app/libraries/extended/FormBuilder.php.
<?php namespace Extended;
class FormBuilder extends \Illuminate\Html\FormBuilder {
* Create a text input field.
* #param string $name
* #param string $value
* #param array $options
* #return string
public function text($name, $value = null, $options = array())
$options = $options + array('id'=>"field-{$name}");
return $this->input('text', $name, $value, $options);
This is actually the first time I've tried extending a core class in Laravel. I can't seem to put my finger on how to properly extend core classes like this Form class.
I added "app/libraries/extended" to my composer.json file and ran both composer.phar update and composer.phar dump-autoload but it still seemed to be using the core class instead of my extended one. What am I forgetting to do?
To extend/swap a Laravel core class, you can create a Service Provider:
File: app/App/Libraries/Extensions/FormBuilder/FormBuilderServiceProvider.php
<?php namespace App\Libraries\Extensions\FormBuilder;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider as IlluminateServiceProvider;
use App\Libraries\Extensions\FormBuilder\FormBuilder;
class FormBuilderServiceProvider extends IlluminateServiceProvider {
* Indicates if loading of the provider is deferred.
* #var bool
protected $defer = true;
* Register the service provider.
* #return void
public function register()
$this->app->bindShared('formbuilder', function($app)
$form = new FormBuilder($app['html'], $app['url'], $app['session.store']->getToken());
return $form->setSessionStore($app['session.store']);
* Get the services provided by the provider.
* #return array
public function provides()
return array('formbuilder');
Create a Facade for it:
File: app/App/Libraries/Extensions/FormBuilder/FormBuilderFacade.php
<?php namespace App\Libraries\Extensions\FormBuilder;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade as IlluminateFacade;
class FormBuilderFacade extends IlluminateFacade {
* Get the registered name of the component.
* #return string
protected static function getFacadeAccessor() { return 'formbuilder'; }
This would be your namespaced service class:
File: app/App/Libraries/Extensions/FormBuilder/FormBuilder.php
<?php namespace App\Libraries\Extensions\FormBuilder;
use \Illuminate\Html\FormBuilder as IlluminateFormBuilder;
class FormBuilder extends IlluminateFormBuilder {
public function text($name, $value = null, $options = array())
$options = $options + array('id'=>"field-{$name}");
return $this->input('text', $name, $value, $options);
Open app/config/app.php and your Service Provider to the list
And replace Laravel's Form alias with yours
'Form' => 'App\Libraries\Extensions\FormBuilder\FormBuilderFacade',
To test I created a router like this:
Route::any('test', function() {
return e(Form::text('first_name'));
And it gave me this result:
<input id="field-first_name" name="first_name" type="text">
I am trying to inject an service object into my Repository. I have created different Service Classes under the directory Classes/Services. There is also one class that I created called ContainerService, which creates and instantiate one ServiceObject for each Service Class.
ContainerService Class:
namespace VendorName\MyExt\Service;
use VendorName\MyExt\Service\RestClientService;
class ContainerService {
private $restClient;
private $otherService;
* #return RestClientService
public function getRestClient() {
$objectManager = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManager::class);
if ($this->restClient === null) {
$this->restClient = $objectManager->get(RestClientService::class);
return $this->restClient;
As I said, I create my ServiceObjects in the ContainerService Class.
Now I want to inject the ContainerService into my Repository and use it.
MyRepository Class:
namespace VendorName\MyExt\Domain\Repository;
use VendorName\MyExt\Service\ContainerService;
class MyRepository extends Repository
* #var ContainerService
public $containerService;
* inject the ContainerService
* #param ContainerService $containerService
* #return void
public function injectContainerService(ContainerService $containerService) {
$this->containerService = $containerService;
// Use Objects from The ContainerService
public function findAddress($addressId) {
$url = 'Person/getAddressbyId/'
$someData = $this->containerService->getRestClient()->sendRequest($url)
return $someData;
In MyController I recieve the $someData from my findAddress function and do some work with it.
But when I call my Page, I get following ErrorMessage:
(1/2) #1278450972 TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Reflection\Exception\UnknownClassException
Class ContainerService does not exist. Reflection failed.
Already tried to reload all Caches and dumping the Autoload didn't help either.
Didn't install TYPO3 with composer.
I appreciate any advice or help! Thanks!
Actually found the Issue.
In MyRepository Class there was a Problem with the Annotations and the TypeHint:
namespace VendorName\MyExt\Domain\Repository;
use VendorName\MyExt\Service\ContainerService;
class MyRepository extends Repository
*** #var \VendorName\MyExt\Service\ContainerService**
public $containerService;
* inject the ContainerService
* #param \VendorName\MyExt\Service\ContainerService $containerService
* #return void
public function injectContainerService(\VendorName\MyExt\Service\ContainerService $containerService) {
$this->containerService = $containerService;
// Use Objects from The ContainerService
public function findAddress($addressId) {
$url = 'Person/getAddressbyId/'
$someData = $this->containerService->getRestClient()->sendRequest($url)
return $someData;
Now it works.
I am using Laravel 5.2 and wrote my own Service Provider. I want to inject a Request object into the register method.
The base problem is that I want to call different service container depending on a special request param - all the service container implementing the same interface/contract of course.
The error message I am getting is:
ReflectionException in Container.php line 559:
Function registerService() does not exist
My service provider looks like that:
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use App\Contracts\Extractor;
class ExtractorServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Indicates if loading of the provider is deferred.
* #var bool
protected $defer = true;
* Available services for channels
* #var array
protected $availableServices = ['AExtractor', 'ZExtractor'];
* Bootstrap any application services.
* #return void
public function boot()
* Register any application services.
* #return void
public function register()
* #param Request $request
* #return void
protected function registerService(Request $request)
$tag = DB::table('channels')->where('id', $request->channel)->value('tag')->first()->tag;
$selectedExtractor = $tag . 'Extractor';
$extractor = 'AExtractor';
if(in_array($selectedExtractor, $this->availableServices)) {
$extractor = $selectedExtractor;
$this->app->bind('App\Contracts\Extractor', "App\\Helpers\\{$extractor}");
* Get the services provided by the provider.
* #return array
public function provides()
return [Extractor::class];
How can I use $this->app->call('registerService'); to call my registerService function and inject the Request object?
The problem is you're calling App:call in a wrong way: you have to specify the object on which you want to call the method and the method, like this :
$this->app->call( [ $this, 'registerService' ] );
I'm trying my hand at building a custom Service Provider package, however I'm running into the following error. Does anyone have experience with this?
Unresolvable dependency resolving [Parameter #0 [ <required> $app ]] in class Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider
Package Folder Structure:
Service Provider:
namespace Mbarwick83\Previewr;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class PreviewrServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Indicates if loading of the provider is deferred.
* #var bool
protected $defer = false;
* Perform post-registration booting of services.
* #return void
public function boot()
* Register any package services.
* #return void
public function register()
return new Previewr($app);
Previewr.php (class):
namespace Mbarwick83\Previewr;
class Previewr
* Create a new Previewr Instance
public function __construct()
* Friendly welcome
* #param string $phrase Phrase to return
* #return string Returns the phrase passed in
public function something($phrase)
return $phrase;
use Mbarwick83\Previewr\PreviewrServiceProvider as Previewr;
public function index(Previewr $previewr)
echo $previewr->something('Hello, League!');
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Mbarwick83\\Previewr\\": "packages/Mbarwick83/Previewr/src"
In your controller, are you sure you want to inject your service provider?
use Mbarwick83\Previewr\PreviewrServiceProvider as Previewr;
Chances are you want to use this instead:
use Mbarwick83\Previewr\Previewr;
I want to override a method (isValidatable) in the Illuminate\Validation\Validator class. I have done this by creating a class (outside Illuminate) that extends the Validator and only overrides the isValidatable method.
I think this will work, except I'm not sure how to create the service provider for the Validator class (or actually CustomLaravelValidator class). I have created service providers before, but there seems to be going on a lot inside the Validator serviceprovider (Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider). Therefore I don't have a clue on how my custom service provider for this class should look like.
This is my CustomLaravelValidator class:
<?php namespace API\Extensions\Core;
use Illuminate\Validation\Validator;
class CustomLaravelValidator extends Validator {
* Determine if the attribute is validatable.
* #param string $rule
* #param string $attribute
* #param mixed $value
* #return bool
protected function isValidatable($rule, $attribute, $value)
// Validate integers on empty strings as well
if($rule == 'IntStrict')
return true;
return $this->presentOrRuleIsImplicit($rule, $attribute, $value) &&
This is the default ValidationServiceProvider from Laravel:
<?php namespace Illuminate\Validation;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class ValidationServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
* Indicates if loading of the provider is deferred.
* #var bool
protected $defer = true;
* Register the service provider.
* #return void
public function register()
$this->app->bindShared('validator', function($app)
$validator = new Factory($app['translator'], $app);
// The validation presence verifier is responsible for determining the existence
// of values in a given data collection, typically a relational database or
// other persistent data stores. And it is used to check for uniqueness.
if (isset($app['validation.presence']))
return $validator;
* Register the database presence verifier.
* #return void
protected function registerPresenceVerifier()
$this->app->bindShared('validation.presence', function($app)
return new DatabasePresenceVerifier($app['db']);
* Get the services provided by the provider.
* #return array
public function provides()
return array('validator', 'validation.presence');
Can anyone tell me how my custom serviceprovider have to look like?
Your service provider doesn't need to mimic the native Validator service provider. You just need to register your custom validator using the resolver method on the validator factory.
use API\Extensions\Core\CustomLaravelValidator;
class CustomValidationServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function boot()
->resolver(function($translator, $data, $rules, $messages)
return new CustomLaravelValidator(
That's it...
I've created a base class for my migrations. At the moment I run the artisan migrate command and it creates a new migration that extends the Migrations file, however I want to include my BaseMigration and extend it from there. I've been making this changes manualy but I feel like I'm repeating myself unnecessarily.
Any advice on how to have new migrations automatically extend and load my base migration?
It's doable in a fairly logical way, at least in Laravel 5
Subclass MigrationCreator and override getStubPath(), just copying the function over from the original class (it will use your subclass's __DIR__)
namespace App\Database;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\MigrationCreator;
class AppMigrationCreator extends MigrationCreator
public function getStubPath()
return __DIR__.'/stubs';
Write a service provider to override migration.creator with your own subclass (it must be a deferred service provider, because you cannot override a deferred binding with an eager one):
namespace App\Database;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppMigrationServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
protected $defer = true;
public function register()
$this->app->singleton('migration.creator', function ($app) {
return new AppMigrationCreator($app['files']);
public function provides()
return ['migration.creator'];
Add your service provider to config/app.php after the default ones.
Finally, copy vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Migrations/stubs alongside your MigrationCreator subclass (in this example it would become app/Database/stubs) and edit the templates to your needs.
Keep the DummyClass and DummyTable names, as they are replaced with str_replace() to create the actual migrations files.
Since Laravel 7 you can publish stubs using php artisan stub:publish.
The published stubs will be located within a stubs directory in the root of your application. Any changes you make to these stubs will be reflected when you generate their corresponding classes using Artisan make commands.
I don't think you can, because Laravel takes migrations from the vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Migrations/stubs folder and you cannot change that, but you have some options:
1) Create your own artisan command migrate:makemyown.
2) Use Jeffrey Way's Laravel Generators. They let you create your migrations by doing:
php artisan generate:migration create_posts_table --fields="title:string, description:text"
If you just have some fields you need to start with and not something more specific than that, it works really fine.
3) Edit Laravel stubs, but the problem is that as soon as you composer update they might get overwritten by Composer.
I believe that there is no way to override this (for now) but I think that you can create your custom command which will use Laravel logic. This was created for Laravel 5.
First you have to create Generator command app/Console/Commands/Generator.php:
<?php namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
class Generator extends Command
* Command name
* #var string
protected $name = 'generate';
* Command description
* #var string
protected $description = 'Custom object generator';
* An array with all available generator classes
* #var array
protected $types = ['request', 'model', 'middleware'];
* Execute command
* #return mixed
public function handle()
$type = $this->argument('type');
if (!in_array($type, $this->types)) {
return $this->error('Type must be one of: '.implode(', ', $this->types));
// Create new instance
$generatorClass = 'App\Console\Commands\Generators\\'.ucfirst($type);
$generator = new $generatorClass(new Filesystem());
// Each generator has "fire" method
* #return array
public function getArguments()
return [
['type', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'Type of class to generate: '.implode(', ', $this->types)],
['name', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'Name of class to generate'],
Then you have to create an abstract class for all of your Generators classes app/Console/Commands/Generators/Generator.php:
<?php namespace App\Console\Commands\Generators;
use Illuminate\Console\GeneratorCommand;
abstract class Generator extends GeneratorCommand
// Directory name with whole application (by default app)
const APP_PATH = 'app';
* Name and description of command wont be used
* Generators Commands are not loaded via Kernel
* Name and description property has been put just to avoid Exception thrown by Symfony Command class
protected $name = 'fake';
protected $description = 'fake';
* Class name to generate
* #var string
protected $className;
* Returns class name to generate
* #return string
protected function getNameInput()
return $this->className;
* Returns path under which class should be generated
* #param string $name
* #return string
protected function getPath($name)
$name = str_replace($this->getAppNamespace(), '', $name);
return self::APP_PATH.'/'.str_replace('\\', '/', $name).'.php';
* Sets class name to generate
* #param string $name
* #return $this
public function setClassName($name)
$this->className = $name;
return $this;
* Execute command
* #return string
public function fire()
$name = $this->parseName($this->getNameInput());
if ($this->files->exists($path = $this->getPath($name)))
return $this->type.' already exists!';
$this->files->put($path, $this->buildClass($name));
return $this->type.' '.$this->className.' created successfully.';
At the end you can create your first Generator class! app/Console/Commands/Generators/Request.php
<?php namespace App\Console\Commands\Generators;
class Request extends Generator
* Class type to generate
* #var string
protected $type = 'Request';
* Returns default namespace for objects being generated
* #param string $rootNamespace
* #return string
protected function getDefaultNamespace($rootNamespace)
return $rootNamespace.'\Http\Requests';
* Returns path to custom stub
* #return string
public function getStub()
return base_path('resources').'/stubs/request.stub';
Dont forget to add your generate command to Kernel app/Console/Kernel.php:
<?php namespace App\Console;
use Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel as ConsoleKernel;
class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel {
* The Artisan commands provided by your application.
* #var array
protected $commands = [
Put your stubs under resources/stubs directory. Let's create first one for Request Generator resources/stubs/request.stub:
<?php namespace {{namespace}};
class {{class}} extends Request
* #return bool
public function authorize()
return false;
* #return array
public function rules()
$rules = [];
return $rules;
Then call with php artisan generate request MyRequest.
You can create your custom Model, Middleware, Controller etc. generators, it's very simple - you have to create new generator class under app/Commands/Console/Generators - take a look at Request.php generator to see how it works!
For Laravel 5 you'd edit one of the .stub files in:
There's no reason why you can't edit those files.
Search in vendor/laravel/framework/src/ for .stub files to find all of the other stubs (templates) artisan uses.