HTML and CSS to PDF with PHP - php

I've been looking around for a good HTML to PDF converter via PHP. But all the information I've gathered is from 2010 or earlier which gives distorted image in my opinion because ever since those libraries were made or used or whatever, HTML5 and CSS3 wasn't in the picture yet. So now I'm wondering which library is nowadays still working flawless and is worth trying out.
I've found a couple of libraries and I was wondering if these are good enough these days but if you have another example, library or script. Please do tell
fPDF (don't think this one is an option but I've seen a lot of scripts using fPDF as foundation)
Thanks in advance!

You might want to try using phantomjs headless browser with some PHP library of your choice.


Suitable library to write PDF using Code igniter

Which library is best to write PDF from HTML using Code Igniter?
Right now I'm using TCPDF, and it's taking much time to load a library.
Following are some useful PDF libraries & Tutorials for Codeignitor
PDF generation using dompdf
TCPDF-CodeIgniter Integration
Generating PDF files using CodeIgniter
mPDF with CodeIgniter
generating PDF files
Check out this article. The PDF library used there is quite fast and easy to use.
Since you're looking to convert HTML to a PDF, I highly recommend the wkhtmltopdf. It uses Qt and WebKit to generate PDF files of rendered markup, and even handles moderately complex JavaScript and AJAX. This makes it really useful for generating PDFs of pages that you have already created views and templates for, with the added benefit of being able to tweak and debug these pages with your browser. It works great for generating platform agnostic print views in your web app by normalizing the many nuances of various combinations of operating systems, web browsers, and printer drivers.
It's a stand-alone binary, so you may have trouble implementing it on shared hosting, but I used it recently on a project and could not have been more happy with it.
My personal favorite PHP Library and API for it:
Check out R&OS library R&OS pdf
i find it easy to implement

How to view/convert uploaded file in/to pdf?

i am building a simple system using PHP that allow people to Add, Delete, and View data.
Can anyone tell me how to view the uploaded data in PDF format?
There are a bunch of options. The ones I like are:
wkhtml2pdf - A command-line tool that uses the WebKit HTML rendering engine to generate PDFs from HTML docs. Very easy to use, assuming you're able to get it installed on your server, and your requirements aren't too stringent. You just generate HTML/CSS, and use PHP's shell-exec functions to run it, and voila.
Zend_Pdf - Part of the Zend Framework, but like almost all ZF components, you can use it stand-alone. Programmatically build PDFs.
tcpdf, fpdf (with fpdi if you want to import existing PDFs and write over the top of them) - older, uglier, but effective.
There's also the commercial PDFLib, which used to be the best thing around, but I don't remember much about it. Included for approximate completeness.
Take a look at PDFLib, or its deprecated predecessor.

PDF generation in PHP 4.3.2 :(

I'm faced with having to generate some fairly basic PDFs on a server which is running php 4.3.2 unfortunately.
So that pretty much renders most things impossible such as google's domPDF etc.. PDFlib is not compiled in so I can't use any of that either.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
use this R&OS PDF Class to achieve this task.. This is fairly simple and light weight class and requires no module etc to be installed on the server.
You could try out, which is a webservice that will let you convert html to pdf.
I ended up using an older version of fpdf and HTML2PDF (from the link below.) It's certainly not ideal, but then neither is a 7 year old version of php.
You didn't mention if you were generating these from scratch or from existing PDF data. pdftk is a handy PDF manipulation library. You can shell out to it from PHP.

Open Source Web PDF Viewer?

Is their any Open Source Web PDF Viewer?
Which has good api through which I can modify the looks of the viewer?
I had tried the Scribd, Google Docs, FlexPaper , and this also.
But it is not giving me, as I want.
Then i had downloaded the shadowbox but it has not given me information about how to use it?
So anyone know good web pdf viewer and it would be great if it offers the customization
And that should be great if it is in php.Thanks in advance...
I don't think you're going to find a PDF viewer that's in PHP. The decoding of the PDF format happens on the client, which means your only options are either relying on the client to do the decoding work for you (Adobe Reader, Google Chrome's built-in reader, OS X's Preview app, etc.), rendering it with Javascript, or figuring out some way to convert the PDF into HTML.
PDFs are so ubiquitous these days, that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me to want to try to render it for a client; rather, simply tell them that the file they're downloading is a PDF and offer links to either Chrome or Adobe Reader, and let the user view the PDF in whatever app they please.
There is a wonderful pdf viewer which is opensource too. The ui implementation is basic. You will have to work on it. But its awesome.
There is also a project from Mozilla called PDF.js. They're hoping to get it to a point where it's available as part of Firefox.
Get it at:
I've tried it out myself and it works very well. The only issue is the source JS files are about 1.4mb which is rather large and I couldn't minify them due to some weird coding standards.

Programatically changing PDF quality in PHP

Can I programatically change the quality of a PDF?
I have a client that is a newspaper, and when they submit the PDF form of the paper to their site they are submitting the same copy they send to the printer which can range from 30-50Mb. I can manually lower the quality (still plenty high for the web) and it will be 3-5Mb so this will help my hosting substantially.
That seems like something that would require nothing short of the Adobe PDF SDK / libraries. I have worked with them quite bit, but I have never attempted to change the resolution of an existing PDF. The libraries are pricey so it's likely that is not an option for you.
I want to say that Perl's PDF::API2 has an optimize script bundled with it, but I have never used that functionality. It may be worth a look. The module itself is pretty thorough. Although, a PDF that large not be that fastest to process with it.
You should check TCPDF library or php documentation.
I never worked with pdfs in php, but I think you can do that you need with TCPDF easily. If your pdf is composed by images, check this example, maybe help you.
Zend_Pdf is the best Free library for reading and manipulating existing PDFs, but it does not go nearly deep enough to do what you need. I do not believe there is a PHP library for manipulating PDF files at that level (that is, being able to extract embedded images and replace them with lower quality versions).
