Snapchat API auth results in a ban - php

I am attempting to send snapchat's from the PHP API here.
As you can see it authenticates to the server a lot
// Log in:
$snapchat = new Snapchat('username', 'password');
// Upload a snap and send it to me for 8 seconds:
$id = $snapchat->upload(
$snapchat->send($id, array('jorgenphi'), 8);
How is it possible to only authenticate once and then send the snapchat to an ARRAY of usernames?

It appears you can send to multiple people by adding more elements to the array in 2nd parameter of the send function (check here).
Try something like:
$snapchat->send($id, array('jorgenphi', 'anotheruser', 'thirduser'), 8);


Twilio ValidationCode is not showing up my PHP page?

I'm trying to follow the instructions shown on this page: to verify a number and add that number to my twilio account as a caller ID.
However, when I open my PHP page in the browser, I don't see any ValidationCode in my page to be able to enter it via the phone!
My account is a full account and has credits in it so the issue is not that.
also, when I open my PHP Page, the phone number provided rings but as I stated above, I don't see any verification Code in my php page to be able to use it to verify the number!
This is the code I am using from the pag above:
// Get the PHP helper library from
require_once('path/to/Services/Twilio.php'); // Loads the library
// Your Account Sid and Auth Token from
$sid = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$client = new Services_Twilio($sid, $token);
$caller_id = $client->account->outgoing_caller_ids->create("+44myphonenumber", array(
"FriendlyName" => "Michelle"
echo $caller_id->sid;
Could someone please advise on this issue?
Here is what twilio support told me to use right at the bottom of my php code and it worked fine:
echo $caller_id->validation_code;

Gmail API Request Excel VBA PHP

I'm using Excel VBA to get a user's oAuth2 token for the scope for a native application. It works fine so I have the the user's Access Token (it refreshes if it expires) and I have the user's email address. I was using Zend SMTP to send the emails but found out there are limits to bulk sending emails this way (currently my account is locked out due to going over quota while trying to figure this out over the weekend). My client may send 2,000 emails at once and locking themselves out of their Gmail account for 24 hours is unacceptable. I think using the Gmail REST API will work, as it has higher quotas, but not finding any detailed PHP examples of how to create and send an HTML email via an HTTP request.
I know I have to create the MIME email and think I can figure that out (using this thread or from the Zend emails I was successfully creating. My question is what PHP code do I use to create and send the email?
The Google Dev examples all reference /userId/ (from but not sure where to get that if I just have the users token and their email address.
I assume it's something like this:
require 'GoogleAPI/src/Google/autoload.php';
extract($_POST); // use to get my client token, client's email address, the email to, cc, bcc, subject, body, etc.
//<Build the email $mime message here>
$m = new Google_Service_Gmail_Message();
$data = base64_encode($mime);
$data = str_replace(array('+','/','='),array('-','_',''),$data); // url safe
$service->users_messages->send('me', $m);
I don't know where to put the user's token. I know 'me' is the person that is authenticated.
I'm open to using an HTTP request as well, something like[UsersToken]& for your help instead of the post method.
Just not sure how to implement that either.
I'm self taught PHP and VBA and new to the google api world so please forgive me if this is easy. I'm also looking into boxspring but trying to use the native APIs and PHP first.
So I've tried this using the examples but getting an error that my token is not in proper JSON format. I just want to send the token as a string. If I can't is there a way to make the string into JSON so oauth2 will accept it?:
require 'GoogleAPI/src/Google/autoload.php';
* Returns an authorized API client.
* #return Google_Client the authorized client object
$client = new Google_Client();
// Get the API client and construct the service object.
//$client = getClient();
$service = new Google_Service_Gmail($client);
// Print the labels in the user's account.
$user = 'me';
$results = $service->users_labels->listUsersLabels($user);
if (count($results->getLabels()) == 0) {
print "No labels found.\n";
} else {
print "Labels:\n";
foreach ($results->getLabels() as $label) {
printf("- %s\n", $label->getName());
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Google_Auth_Exception' with message
'Could not json decode the token' in
/home/[my domain]/public/GoogleAPI/src/Google/Auth/OAuth2.php:179
Stack trace: #0
/home/[my domain]/public/GoogleAPI/src/Google/Client.php(215):
Google_Auth_OAuth2->setAccessToken('ya29.hwFcwk2M73...') #1
/home/[my domain]/public/labels.php(17):
Google_Client->setAccessToken('ya29.hwFcwk2M73...') #2 {main} thrown
/home/[my domain]/public/GoogleAPI/src/Google/Auth/OAuth2.php
on line 179
I'm sure I'm making this more difficult than it should be. I'm using the PHP example of showing a users labels, even though my final goal is to send emails.

Get my own full profile with LinkedIn API

For testing purposes, I'd like to get my own full profile datas from LinkedIn API.
So far my code looks like this :
// Fill the keys and secrets you retrieved after registering your app
$oauth = new OAuth("APIKEY", "SECRETKEY");
$oauth->setToken("Token OAuth", "Secret User OAuth");
$params = array();
$headers = array();
// Specify LinkedIn API endpoint to retrieve your own profile
$url = ",last-name,headline,location:(name),skills:(name),educations:(id,school-name,field-of-study))?format=json";
// By default, the LinkedIn API responses are in XML format. If you prefer JSON, simply specify the format in your call
// $url = "";
// Make call to LinkedIn to retrieve your own profile
$oauth->fetch($url, $params, $method, $headers);
$oProfile = json_decode($oauth->getLastResponse());
Although I am getting basic profile informations (firstName,headline etc...) but when it comes to full profile informations I get an object with '...' as value everytime, although the informations exist.
I have r_fullprofile ticked in my LinkedIn app interface, so I don't know what I have to do to get these values.
I tried your query with my own account. It looks you issue is with the skills field.
You can see in the LinkedIn API documentation that skills are made up of a skill, and each skill has a name. If you only want the name returned the proper way to ask for it is
skills:(skill:(name)), whereas your request asks for skills:(name).
Here is an updated request for you:

graph api notifications returns empty data

im building a facebook app and i want to notify the user
im using facebook php sdk
what i do:
user auths the app and accepts permission
i get the accesstoken like:
and then i generate a long-time token like:
public function generateLongTimeToken($token){
$long_time_token_req_body = array(
$query = http_build_query($long_time_token_req_body);
$lttreq = file_get_contents("".$query);
$lttresp = parse_str($lttreq, $output);
if ( array_key_exists("access_token", $output)){
$this->logger->info("Facebook-app: Successfuly generated long_time_token");
return $output["access_token"];
}else {
$this->logger->err("Facebook-app: generating oauth long_time_token failed \n".$lttreq);
return false;
some later i use this token for background processes to post on the users wall and them all work fine
now i also want to notificate the user like that :
public function notifyUser($message,$facebookClientId,$token){
$appsecret_proof= hash_hmac('sha256', $token, $this->facebookOptions["secret"]);
$req_body = array(
$query = http_build_query($req_body);
$url = "".$facebookClientId."/notifications?".$query;
$lttreq = file_get_contents($url);
return $lttreq;
but when i try to notify the user i always get empty data back
when i open the url in browser with all parameters facebook returns the same
data: [ ]
so i have no idea whats going on,when i look on SO i only find about people posting to sites but i want to notify the user itself
thanks for any help
First, from the Facebook docs:
Currently, only apps on can use App Notifications.
Notifications are only surfaced on the desktop version of
Also, an App Token is needed, not a User Token.
Btw, file_get_contents is very bad, use CURL for Facebook. May be another reason why it does not work. A basic example of using CURL with the Facebook API:
Additional Info: I recently wrote a blogpost about App Notifications, it is in german but the small code part may be interesting for you:

Get user details from openid

I'm using lightopenid as the login system for a site and after successful login, I need the user's details like his first name, last name, email and date of birth..
How can I get this information from his openid? Suppose for google, I'm using the authentication url as:
Then after the validate() method returns 1, I'm redirecting the user to another page in my site. But how can I fetch the details of the user after login ?
FYI, I'm using openid for google, yahoo and aol.
And for facebook, I'm using graph api and for twitter, I'm using twitter oauth. Is there any way of fetching user data with these too? Please suggest.
Just read the manual:
$openid->required = array('namePerson/friendly', 'contact/email');
$openid->optional = array('namePerson/first');
before calling $openid->authUrl()!
$userinfo = $openid->getAttributes();
$email = $userinfo['contact/email'];
$firstName = $userinfo['namePerson/first'];
You need to add a parameter to specify that you also want to receive data back from the OpenID request.
I append the following to my OpenID requests to get the email details.
The first part specifies the namespace being used for the extended data.
The second part specifies that we are making a fetch request for the data.
The third part specifies the schema we are using for the email.
And the final part is specifying that we require the email to be returned.
I have tested this with Google and it works fine. I do not have the other accounts, so have not tested it for those.
OAuth and Facebook Graph API will have there own formats, so I am not sure on those ones.
$openid->identity = '';
// use the following line to obtain the required details. These are the only details that google mail provides.
$openid->required = array('namePerson/friendly', 'contact/email' , 'contact/country/home', 'namePerson/first', 'pref/language', 'namePerson/last');
header('Location: ' . $openid->authUrl());
Seemingly lightopenid provides a method for that:
$userinfo = $openid->getAttributes(); // associative array
It returns either SimpleReg or "Attribute Exchange" data. But only if the user agreed to that, I would hope.
