General efficiency questions regarding MySQL tables setup - php

I have couple questions regarding the best way to set up tables in MySQL DB.
Say I have multiple categories on a website; and I have multiple tables for those categories in the DB. However, for all the posts that use those categories, is it better to create only one table that holds all post records or separate them by the relevant category?
Same as above but for the user comments. Stick with one table or use multiple tables?

1) I would keep all the posts in one table- if they are separate you'd have to do joins anytime you wanted to query posts across multiple categories.
2) Same idea, you want all your comments to be in one location, regardless of category.

Have a table for posts. another table for categories and a table that contains the relationship between them consisting post_id and category_id. This type of relationship is called many-many read more here


For a post with categories, what is faster: Several database calls or additional PHP code?

I'm designing a blog database. I want posts to belong to any number of categories, including none (i.e. number of categories = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...).
I understand that the common way to design such a database (e.g. in Wordpress), is to have one table for posts, one table for categories, and one table for relationships, thus:
table relationships
column relationship id
column post id
column category id
But this means that to display a post, my script will have to make at least three database queries. This seems slow to me.
Which is why, in another blog, I had only one table for posts which included a varchar column for categories, in which I inserted a string with all the category names, which I parsed in PHP, thus
table posts
column post id
... (many other columns)
column categories
where column categories contained a string that might look like this:
which I simply explode()ed in PHP.
Please explain why I should avoid the second method (one table, explode). There must be something wrong with it that I miss, because it is not commonly used in blog software.
There might still be a table listing categories, into which new categories are written when a post is created, and from which lists of categories are drawn to display them in, of example, the sidebar.
I expect there to be many more queries for posts than for posts-in-categories, which is why I don't worry much about querying the second database for posts from a certain category, which might be faster in the first database.
In second case you will get huge problems with finding post by some category.
For example, you write posts about programming languages and want to show all post about python, php, ruby, etc on separate pages ... but you can't write simple and quick request to database because you violates 1 normal form in your second database scheme.
JimL has already mentioned JOIN which allows to make 1 request and get all needed information from standard many-to-many relationship scheme with link table post2category

Foreign key vs. SET data type MySQL

I have a MySQL database set up with a list of all my movies, which I imported from a MS Access database. One field contains the possible values for the genre of the movie, movies can have more than one genre, so I need a data type which supports this feature. In access I could link one table 'genre' to the field 'genre' in my table 'movies', so I could choose none, one ore multiple genres per movie. When I switched to MySQL I used the SET data type to define all the possible values. So far everything is running perfectly.
I am now trying to set up a table in html/php to show the mysql table. I want the table to be able to sort on: title, genre, quality, rating, etc. But for the sorting on genre, I would need the possible values from the set data type. I don't know if it is possible to get the values with some php command/code, but after I lurked around on the web for a while, I didn't see many applications where they use the SET data type for obvious negative reasons.
So I started looking into the Foreign Key possibility. The problem I have here is that -for as far as I know- the key can only contain one possible value, which puts me right back at the start of my problem. I do like the idea of a foreign key, because it would make it way easier for me to add a new genre to the list.
Is there a possibility I am overlooking? Is it possible to either get the values from the SET type to php or to use a foreign key with multiple possibilities for one record?
I know I can also put every genre in my php script manually, but I'd like to have it all on one place. So that if I add a movie with a genre I haven't defined yet, I can just update it at one place and everything else adapts to it.
Dagon is absolutely right here - you have an issue with the structure of the tables in your back end. You are wanting to model a many to many relationship when at the moment with your current back end the best you can do is a one to many relationship.
To review:
You have individual films that can have many genres
And you have individual genres that are related to many films
Relational databases actually don't model many to many relationships with one relationship they use recursion of the one to many relationship and create two joins.
To model a many to many relationship you need three tables
A film table (which I think you already have)
A genre table (which I think you already have)
A junction table which as Dagon suggests will consist of two fields film id and genre id.
You then set up two separate one to many relationships. One from the film table to the junction table and one from the genre table to the junction table.
Now if you want to know all the genres a film is in you simply filter the junction table on the relevant film id and if you want to know all the films with a certain genre you filter the junction table on the genre id.
Set up lookups to relate your genre ids to textual descriptions and bang you are free to change the textual description as much as you want and the great thing if you've done it right it will upgrade every single value in your forms.
This is an absolute fundamental concept of the algebra of sets behind the design of SQL and relational database design.

Dynamic table based on another table insert record mysql

I want to create a posting system to a profile. I created a database for storing all users posts each user have a table.
Ihad created another database for storing the comments of each posts. My logic is to create each table in the comments database and store each comment in that.
Is there a logic to link the post and the comments. I thought to use mysql last insert id but it will return last id which will create error because one of the post will not have a table.
Is there any other way?
Another way would be to have a single table for posts, and identify a user post in the table using a userid column. To find all posts by a particular user, simply query by the user's ID. By doing so, you have a single table to manage, and you can do a lookup easily. If you create separate tables for each user, you have to create additional logic to first figure out which table to use. If a user is removed, you delete a table, rather than simply removing some rows from a common table.
The same logic applies to the comments table - add columns for postid',commentid,userid`. Again, a single table contains all the comments. To find comments on a particular post, you would do a simple query such as
select comment_text
from comments_table
where postid = ?
The whole purpose of using MySQL is to leverage relationships between entities, i.e. a user owns posts, a post is linked to comments.
If you do not want to use a relational schema like this, take a look at NoSQL DBs.
You have a couple options here:
Add a user_id column to your posts table, and a post_id, and user_id column to your comments table. You can then setup foreign keys with one-to-many relationships.
Only use a single table that has (in addition to your existing) a user_id, and type column. Type will define comment/post/etc. This can be defined with intermediary tables as a number mapped to a CONST, string, or any other way that you see fit (intermediary best option imho).
Vary the above example and use 2 intermediary tables to match users to posts and comments to posts (possibly also users to comments).

Is it better to have separate tables for articles & comments, or one table for both?

I am working on a little project where a user submits an article to MySQL, and then PHP send the post to the screen. So far so good.
Now i want to extend it to a "two level" post system, where people can comment on the articles.
The case is, i dont know how to do that.
The table i use for storing articles:
TABLE: posts
id user date avatar signature post
Should i make a new row named comments in the posts table, or should i place the comments in a seperate table? one for articles, one for comments?
All help is much appreciated.
Depends on how you use it on your website. You have to ask: "are my articles and comments essentially the same concept?" If yes, then use one table, if no, use two. On most websites articles work differently, can be categorized, editted etc., and usually need a different fields which would clutter the comments table... so in that case two tables are more reasonable. But if you conclude that on your website articles and comments are generally the same (but try to think future proof: wouldn't you need to add some article functionality in 2 months?) then you can think of articles also as of comments and have one table for them.
If you decide to merge things to one table, and you realize that you need another column to distinguish type of the post, and that some columns remain unused for some types, it is a clear warning signal you should have two tables!
This is a little subjective, but I would just set up a parent/child relationship on your posts table, make a parent_id column that is a foreign key for the id column in the same table. for extra credit, you can make it a nested set relationship which will allow you to pull the parent and all the children in one query

Should I split the mySQL tables?

Lets take the example from Yelp:
You can see that it's a website with several different categories, each category containing a listing of places. Should I include all the different places/listing in a single table, or let each category have its own tables?
EDIT: this means having tables 'places_restaurants' and 'places_nightlife', instead of just having the single table 'places' and every entry of every different category will be stored in one huge table... Will this affect performance?
One table per category will require that you CREATE a table every time there's a new category. I'd prefer CATEGORY and PLACE tables, with a one-to-many or many-to-many relationship between them.
You should keep all of the categories in the same table and then have a CategoryID which actually maps each category to the specific / desired category. Your application should be built in a way that is inherently extensible which creating tables each time is definitely not.
It depends. You could normalize the database so that all categories are in their own table, and only referred to from other tables by a foreign key. But there are some arguments that performance outweighs normalization, and so it may be beneficial to keep category names both in their own table of record, and also to include a category name column in other, frequently-joined tables.
If you took the second approach, you would need to ensure data integrity by implementing UPDATE and DELETE triggers such that whenever a category changes in the table of record (presumably, not often), that other tables containing copies of category names also get updated.
It still depends on the application ,also, all the categories is a many to many fields with a main table and of course beliving u have some unique columns in each table
