Store PHP Output To File? - php

I'm working on a cron php script which will run once a day. Because it runs this way, the output from the file can't be seen.
I could literally write all the messages I want into a variable, appending constantly information I want to be written to file, but this would be very tedious and I have a hunch not necessary.
Is there a PHP command to tell the write buffer to write to a log file somewhere? Is there a way to get access to what has been sent to the buffer already so that I can see the messages my script makes.
For example lets say the script says
echo 'hello there';
echo 'hello world';
It should output to a file saying: 'hello therehello world';
Any ideas? Is this possible?
I'm already aware of
file_put_contents('log.txt', 'some data', FILE_APPEND);
This is dependent upon 'some data', when I don't know what 'some data' is unless I put it in a variable. I'm trying to catch the results of whatever PHP has outputted.

You may want to redirect your output in crontab:
php /path/to/php/file.php >> log.txt
Or use PHP with, for example, file_put_contents():
file_put_contents('log.txt', 'some data', FILE_APPEND);
If you want to capture all PHP output, then use ob_ function, like:
We're doing stuff..
and again
$content = ob_get_contents();
ob_end_clean(); //here, output is cleaned. You may want to flush it with ob_end_flush()
file_put_contents('log.txt', $content, FILE_APPEND);

you can use ob_start() to store script output into buffer. See php documentation ob_get_clean
echo "Hello World";
$out = ob_get_clean();
$out = strtolower($out);

If You're using cron I suppose that You run this on a Unix machine so:
One of approach is to write everything You want to stdout stream so in Unix You may grab this output to a file:
in php script:
$handle = fopen("php://stdout","w");
fwrite($handle,"Hello world"); // Hello world will be written to console
in cron job grab this output to a file:
#hourly php /var/www/phpscript.php >> /path/to/your/outputfile.txt
Notice: >> operator will append to a file and > operator will overwrite file by new data. File will be created automatically by first write
So everything you put to fwrite call as second argument will be placed in /path/to/your/outputfile.txt
You may call fwrite as many time as you want. Don't forget to close handler by fclose($handle);


Save the console text into a txt file? (PHP)

actual I finished writing my program. Because it is only a plugin and it runs on a external server I still want to see if I get some errors or something else in the console.
I wrote every console input with echo ...;. My question now is if it is possible to get the text of the console?
Because then I could easily safe it in a .txt file and could get access to it from the web :) - Or is there another way to get the console text?
I could probably just say fwrite(...) instand of echo ...;. But this will cost a lot of time...
Greetings and Thank You!
An alternative that could be usefull on windows would be to save all the output buffer to a txt, first check your php configuration for the console app implicit_flush must be off then
ob_start(); //before any echo
$output = ob_get_contents(); //this variable has all the echoes
ob_flush(); //shows the echoes on console
If your goal is to create a text file to access, then you should create a text file directly.
(do this instead of echoing to console)
$output = $consoleData . "\n";
$output .= $moreConsoleData . "\n";
(Once you've completed that, just create the file:)
$file = fopen('output.txt', 'a');
fwrite($file, $output);
Of course, this is sparse - you should also check that the file exists, create it if necessary, etc.
For console (commando line interface) you can redirect the output of your script:
php yourscript.php > path-of-your-file.txt
If you haven't access to a command line interface or to edit the cronjob line, you can duplicate the starndar output at the begining of the script:
$fdout = fopen('path-to-your-script.txt', 'wb');
eio_dup2($fdout, STDOUT);
(eio is an pecl extension)
If you are running the script using the console (i.e. php yourscript.php), you can easily save the output my modifying your command to:
php yourscript.php > path/to/log.txt
The above command will capture all output by the script and save it to log.txt. Change the paths for your script / log as required.

How to echo text before shell_exec in PHP

Kindly please help me with this PHP problem. PHP file will call python file according to the user request. This python is carrying a task. I want to echo text before execute the python file. Because I want PHP to give alert on what it is going to do.
for your information, i tried a dummy file of python. the code for python is just to sleep(10);
for PHP code, I have tried to use ob_flush;, ob_start(); and all. the code is as following. as for reminder. the is only contain 10second sleep.:
echo "welcome";
even with this code, it only echo text after finishes shell_exec. I have tried to use exec. still the text display is delayed.
Output Buffering can be used.
echo('Task is being done');
echo "welcome"."<pre>".$output."</pre>";

Funneling echoes into an output file

I'm asynchronously posting to a PHP file that echoes out a few key things. I want to write all of its output to a logfile. What would be the simplest way to do this?
I would use a simple wrapper, like All you need to do is include the file, instantiate the Logger class, and set a path. You would need to perform the logging operation after/before each echo.
// Before you have any output!
// All of your other code, echos, etc.
// Sends the Output Buffer, also captures it in the $output variables
$output = ob_get_flush();
// Some extra info for the Logfile, so you know when and who saw it
$logPrefix = "\n\n".
"Time: ".date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' )."\n".
"IP: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\n\n";
// Write the data to the Logfile, and append it to the end (if file already exists)
file_put_contents( 'yourLogfile.txt' , $logPrefix.$output , FILE_APPEND );

PHP output to command line

I start my script from command line and it outputs things as they happen but a week ago it stopped outputing and now outputs everything when script finishes. I have ob_start() but as I know this does not effect command line output.
An easy way to do it is to create a function in php like this:
function console_log($message) {
$STDERR = fopen("php://stderr", "w");
fwrite($STDERR, "\n".$message."\n\n");
where $message is the desired output to command line. Then simply call the function wherever you would like to output and pass in whatever you want it to print.
You need to remove ob_start()... try this code on the command line, and it will print the text all at once:
echo "test\n";
echo "buffer\n";
It'd be very helpful if you could post your script here, at least the relevant parts, but things I'd test are:
Did you turn on buffering?
Are you running the process in something like a nohup or something else that may be buffering it?
Did you change any other buffering settings?
Outputting only at the end of the script seems a buffering problem.

Streaming output to a file and the browser

So, I'm looking for something more efficient than this:
include 'test.php';
$content = ob_get_contents();
file_put_contents('test.html', $content);
echo $content;
The problems with the above:
Client doesn't receive anything until the entire page is rendered
File might be enormous, so I'd rather not have the whole thing in memory
Any suggestions?
Interesting problem; don't think I've tried to solve this before.
I'm thinking you'll need to have a second request going from your front-facing PHP script to your server. This could be a simple call to http://localhost/test.php. If you use fopen-wrappers, you could use fread() to pull the output of test.php as it is rendered, and after each chunk is received, output it to the screen and append it to your test.html file.
Here's how that might look (untested!):
$remote_fp = fopen("http://localhost/test.php", "r");
$local_fp = fopen("test.html", "w");
while ($buf = fread($remote_fp, 1024)) {
echo $buf;
fwrite($local_fp, $buf);
A better way to do this is to use the first two parameters accepted by ob_start: output_callback and chunk_size. The former specifies a callback to handle output as it's buffered, and the latter specifies the size of the chunks of output to handle.
Here's an example:
$output_file = fopen('test.html', 'w');
if ($output_file === false) {
// Handle error
$write_ob_to_file = function($buffer) use ($output_file) {
fwrite($output_file, $buffer);
// Output string as-is
return false;
ob_start($write_ob_to_file, 4096);
include 'test.php';
In this example, the output buffer will be flushed (sent) for every 4096 bytes of output (and once more at the end by the ob_end_flush call). Each time the buffer is flushed, the callback $write_ob_to_file will be called and passed the latest chunk. This gets written to test.html. The callback then returns false, meaning "output this chunk as is". If you wanted to only write the output to file and not to PHP's output stream, you could return an empty string instead.
Pix0r's answer is what you want unless you actually need it "included" rather than just executed. For example, if you have login information before the test.php, it will not get passed into the file if you call it with fopen.
If you need it genuinely included, then what you have is the simplest method, but if you want constant output, you'll need to actually write test.php in a manner that outputs as well as stores the information as it goes. As far as I know there's no way to both collect buffer and output it as you go.
Here you go x-send-file, use mod_xsendfile to send file efficiently, really easy.
