joomla 2.5 system uploader variable - php

Using the joomla 2.5 uploader var
and this code does not work somewhere in here is a error and my debugger does not catch it
was wondering if someone else has a joomla debugg form that will address this and fix the problem..
function fileUpload($max, $module_dir, $file_type, $msg){
//Retrieve file details from uploaded file, sent from upload form
$file = JRequest::getVar('image', null, 'files', 'array');
//Clean up filename to get rid of strange characters like spaces etc
$filename = JFile::makeSafe($file['name']);
if($file['size'] > $max) $msg = JText::_('ONLY_FILES_UNDER').' '.$max;
//Set up the source and destination of the file
$src = $file['tmp_name'];
$dest = $module_dir . DS .$filename;
//First check if the file has the right extension, we need jpg only
if ($file['type'] == $file_type | | $file_type == '*') {
if ( JFile::upload($src, $dest) ) {
//Redirect to a page of your choice
$msg = JText::_('FILE_SAVE_AS').' '.$dest;
} else {
//Redirect and throw an error message
$msg = JText::_('ERROR_IN_UPLOAD');
} else {
//Redirect and notify user file is not right extension
$msg = JText::_('FILE_TYPE_INVALID');
$msg = "<script>alert('". $msg ."');</script>";
return $msg;


[PHP][SLIM] move_uploaded_file never ends with larger files in Hosting24

I have a question.
I'm trying to upload files to a server, this server is hosted by 'Hosting24', i don't know if that matters, anyway, if I try to move files larger than 70mb It never ends to load and never send a response, my server config is okay, it has these values: {"post_max_size":"512M","memory_limit":"1024M"}
I has tryed with $_FILES and ftp transfer and it doesnt works, it never ends of load.
I'm using Slim framework and this is the function:
public function testCode($request, $response, $args)
$data = $request->getParsedBody();
$uploadedFiles = $request->getUploadedFiles();
//here take files
$uploadedFile = $uploadedFiles['file_user'];
$nameC = $data['nombre_curso'];
//here set path
$path = "../../scorm/temp/" . $nameC . '/';
//Creating folders
if (!#mkdir($path, 0777, true)) {
$error = error_get_last();
echo $error['message'];
$file_name = $uploadedFile->getClientFilename();
$array = explode(".", $file_name);
$ext = $array[1];
//if is a zip file
if ($ext == 'zip') {
$location = $path . "/" . $file_name;
//here move the uploaded file to my selected directory
if (move_uploaded_file($uploadedFile->file, $location)) {
$obj = (object) array("response" => 'works', 'post_max_size' => ini_get('post_max_size'), 'memory_limit' => ini_get('memory_limit'));
return $response;
} else {
$error = error_get_last();
echo $error['message'] . " it couldn't be moved";
} else {
echo "no zip";

is_uploaded_file function worked in linux But not in Windows

if(is_array($_FILES) && isset($_FILES['photography_attachment'])) {
if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES['photography_attachment']['tmp_name'])) {
$fileName = $_FILES["photography_attachment"]["name"]; // The file name
$fileTmpLoc = $_FILES["photography_attachment"]["tmp_name"]; // File in the PHP tmp folder
$fileType = $_FILES["photography_attachment"]["type"]; // The type of file it is
$fileSize = $_FILES["photography_attachment"]["size"]; // File size in bytes
$fileErrorMsg = $_FILES["photography_attachment"]["error"]; // 0 = false | 1 = true
$kaboom = explode(".", $fileName); // Split file name into an array using the dot
$fileExt = end($kaboom); // Now target the last array element to get the file extension
if (!$fileTmpLoc) { // if file not chosen
$error = $error."<p>Please browse for a file before clicking the upload button.</p>";
} else if($fileSize > 10485760) { // if file size is larger than 2 Megabytes
$error = $error."<p><span>Your file was larger than</span> 10 <span>Megabytes in size</span>.</p>";
unlink($fileTmpLoc); // Remove the uploaded file from the PHP temp folder
} else if (!preg_match("/.(gif|jpg|png|jpeg)$/i", $fileName) ) {
// This condition is only if you wish to allow uploading of specific file types
$error = $error."<p>Your file was not .gif, .jpg, .png</p>";
unlink($fileTmpLoc); // Remove the uploaded file from the PHP temp folder
} else if ($fileErrorMsg == 1) { // if file upload error key is equal to 1
$error = $error."<p>An error occured while processing the file. Try again.</p>";
}else{ $error = "Please try again !!!"; }
}else{ $error = "Attachment field cannot be blank!"; }
Always goto "Please try again !!!" else while uploading image in windows, but it worked well in linux system.
Can you please any one help me for this issue?
On windows platforms you musst replace inside the file path the "\" with an "/"
Like this:
$file = str_replace ("\\", "/", $_FILES['photography_attachment']['tmp_name']);
if(is_uploaded_file($file)) {
Or use the php build in method, for all systems:
$file = realpath($_FILES['photography_attachment']['tmp_name']);
if(is_uploaded_file($file)) {

Upload video from iPad - PHP

Stuck on some weird errors. Created an ipad web app to upload video from ipad gallery to my web server. Showing invalid file format, same video directly from desktop browser, working fine. Is there any issue with iPad or any mime type issue. See my code.
ini_set('max_execution_time', 2400);
$path = "uploads/";
$name = $_FILES['photoimg']['name'];
$size = $_FILES['photoimg']['size'];
$valid_formats = array("mp4", "MP4","jpg","avi","AVI");
list($txt, $ext) = explode(".", $name);
$errors = array();
$form_data = array();
if ($size<(1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024))
$actual_image_name = time().substr(str_replace(" ", "_", $txt), 5).".".$ext;
$tmp = $_FILES['photoimg']['tmp_name'];
} else {
$errors['imgsize'] = 'Image file size max issue.<br/>';
} else{
$errors['imgformat'] = 'Invalid file format..<br/>';
if (!empty($errors)) {
$form_data['success'] = false;
$form_data['errors'] = $errors;
} else {
$form_data['success'] = true;
$form_data['posted'] = '1';
move_uploaded_file($tmp, $path.$actual_image_name);
//Return the data back to form.php
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($form_data);
I faced the similar issue, what ipad/iphone does it compresses & change the format to MOV whatever the format is. If you are uploading mp4, it will convert to MOV. Since your code does not check MOV format so its throwing an error. Add mov format and it will work. You are welcome :)

upload and displaying files on webpage

The code below is uploading and displaying files on the upload.php page and it's working fine. The problem I have is that it's not displaying the files if I copy and paste the url of the upload.php page into a new webpage.
upload.php code
if (isset($_FILES['file_upload'])) {
$file = $_FILES['file_upload'];
$name = $file['name'];
$type = $file['type'];
$tmp_location = $file['tmp_name'];
$upload = 'uploads';
$final_destination = $upload.'/'.$name;
$error = $file['error'];
$max_upload_size = 2097152;
$size = $file['size'];
$allowedImageTypes = array( 'image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', );
function imageTypeAllowed($imageType){
global $allowedImageTypes;
if(in_array($imageType, $allowedImageTypes)){
return true;
return false;
//Check for errors
if($error > 0 || is_array($error)){
die("Sorry an error occured");
//Check if file is image
//Only required if image is only whjat we need
die("Sorry, you can only upload image types");
die("Sorry, file type is not allowed");
$final_destination = $upload.'/'.time().$name;
if(!move_uploaded_file($tmp_location, $final_destination)){
die("Cannot finish upload, something went wrong");
$handle = opendir('uploads');
while(($entry = readdir($handle)) !== false){
if($entry != '.' && $entry != '..'){
echo "$entry<br>";
<h2>File Successfully uploaded!</h2>
If you indent your code to be human-readable, you'll find that the entire server-side code block is wrapped in this conditional:
if (isset($_FILES['file_upload'])) {
// all of your code
This means that all of that server-side code will execute only if a file_upload value is POSTed to the form. When you copy/paste the URL into a new browser window and invoke that request, you're invoking a GET request with no form values. Since you're not uploading a file in this request, the isset() condition evaluates to false and your code isn't executed.
You should separate your functionality into two groups:
Handling the upload.
Displaying the current state of the data.
The code for handling the upload should execute only when an upload is present. The code for displaying the data should execute always.
If I'm reading your code correctly, all you should need to do is split out the last few parts:
if (isset($_FILES['file_upload'])) {
// the rest of your code
$handle = opendir('uploads');
while(($entry = readdir($handle)) !== false){
if($entry != '.' && $entry != '..'){
echo "$entry<br>";

move_uploaded_file is making a file called 'array'?

the following piece of code recognizes the image through getimagesize() but then when i try to move the file to an uploaded folder it moves the file there but says it's an array? im confused because im not setting any variables as an array?
//simple image check using getimagesize() instead of extensions
$empty_check = getimagesize($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']);
echo 'this is not an image';
echo 'you have uploaded ' . explode('.',$_FILES['file']['name'])[0].'
and it is a ' . explode('.',$_FILES['file']['name'])[1].'.';
//an example of how i would extract the extension
$target = "C:\\xampp\\htdocs";
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $target.'\\'.$_FILES['file']);
is an array, you're trying to use it as the target filename;
comment of deceze.
Echo the file you want to move/save, then you should see what he mentioned..
When using move_uploaded_file you get to pick the filename, so you can pick anything you want.
When you upload the file, its put into a temporary directory with a temporary name, move_uploaded_file() allows you to move that file and in that you need to set the name of the file as well.
Use this coding for multiple file uploading....
//For Multiple file uploading
if (isset($_FILES['photo']) != "") {
$errors = array();
foreach($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'] as $key = > $tmp_name) {
$file_name = $_FILES['photo']['name'][$key];
$file_size = $_FILES['photo']['size'][$key];
$file_tmp = $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'][$key];
$file_type = $_FILES['photo']['type'][$key];
//change the image extension as png
$fileExt = "png";
$photorename[$key] = strtolower($property_code.
if ($file_size > 2097152) {
$errors[] = 'File size must be less than 2 MB';
//Path of Uploading file
$target = "images_property";
if (empty($errors) == true) {
if (is_dir($target) == false) {
mkdir("$target", 0700); // Create directory if it does not exist
if (file_exists("$target/".$photorename[$key])) {
move_uploaded_file($file_tmp, "$target/".$photorename[$key]);
} else {
if (empty($errors)) {
echo "Success";
