Arduino variables updating MySQL using PHP fails - php

I'm using a Serial to WiFi module which are able to send HTTP. I have made a sketch to update a Table in MySQL with a PHP script.
My problem is, I'm not able to update the Table when using variables. It works fine with static values.
I want to know if there is a problem in the Arduino sketch or the way to use the HTTP command.
Look at lines below from loop() and PHP script also:
float tm = 21.8;
Serial.write("AT+HTTPPH=/update1x.php?tmp=tm\n"); // Parse values to PHP script
If I insert the value 21.8 instead of variable tm, it works.
$aa = (isset($_GET['tmp']) ? $_GET['tmp'] : null);
mysql_connect('','my_dk','my_pw') or die("Can't connect that way!");
#mysql_select_db('my_dk') or die("Unable to select a database called 'My'");
$dat = date("Y-m-d");
$tim = date("H:i:s");
$qry = "INSERT INTO temp1(temp, date, time) VALUES('$aa','$dat','$tim')";

because C does not "scan" the string and sobstitute "tm" with the value (think about what should happen all the time you used a variable called "i" or like...)
C is a lot "lower" level, you have to concatenate by hand. actually a easy one may be:
using String class is possible, but you will use RAM dinamically, witch is not advised on a microcontroller:
String s = "AT+HTTPPH=/update1x.php?tmp=";
s += tm;
s += "\n";
note that i concatenate one string for line; that is because on the right we don't have object String, but C string: array of char. That is not valid for tm
also real C concatenation (what is appening inside String class can be found here:
How do I concatenate const/literal strings in C?


Running a MySQL query using a string in php

Answer found (syntax): The column name of my string had to be encased in backticks " ` " as they contained spaces. Note that this means that the majority of this post has no relevance to the issue. The code has been corrected in case someone wants to do something similar.
So, I am doing a foreach loop to assign a value (1/0) to non-static columns in my database (it needs to support addition/deletion/editing of columns). I am using $connectionvar->query($queryvar); to do my queries which worked fine up until now when I'm trying to use a custom built string as $queryvar in order to change the column name to a variable within the loop. I've been outputting this string through echo and it looks exactly like my functional queries but somehow doesn't run. I've attempted to use eval() to solve this but to no avail (I feel safe using eval() as the user input is radio buttons).
Here's the loop as well as my thought processes behind the code. If something seems incoherent or just plain stupid, refer to my username.
foreach($rdb as $x) { //$rdb is a variable retrieved from $_POST earlier in the code.
$pieces = explode("qqqppp", $x); //Splits the string in two (column name and value) (this is a workaround to radio buttons only sending 1 value)
$qualname = $pieces[0]; //Column name from exploded string
$qualbool = $pieces[1]; //desired row value from exploded string
$sql = 'UPDATE users SET '; //building the query string
$sql .= '`$qualname`';
$sql .= '=\'$qualbool\' WHERE username=\'$profilename\''; //$profilename is retrieved earlier to keep track of the profile I am editing.
eval("\$sql = \"$sql\";"); //This fills out the variables in the above string.
$conn->query($sql); //Runs the query (works)
echo ' '.$sql.' <br>'; //echoes the query strings on my page, they have the exact same output format as my regular queries have.
Here's an example of what the echo of the string looks like:
UPDATE users SET Example Qualification 3='1' WHERE username='Admin2'
For comparison, echoing a similar (working) query variable outside of this loop (for static columns) looks like this:
UPDATE users SET profiletext='qqq' WHERE username='Admin2'
As you can see the string format is definitely as planned, yet somehow doesn't execute. What am I doing wrong?
PS. Yes I did research this to death before posting it, as I have hundreds of other issues since I started web developing a month ago. Somehow this one has left me stumped though, perhaps due to it being a god awful hack that nobody would even consider in the first place.
You need to use backticks when referring to column names which have spaces in them. So your first query from the loop is outputting as this:
UPDATE users SET Example Qualification 3='1' WHERE username='Admin2'
But it should be this:
UPDATE users SET `Example Qualification 3`='1' WHERE username='Admin2'
Change your PHP code to this:
$sql = 'UPDATE users SET `'; // I added an opening backtick around the column name
$sql .= '$qualname`'; // I added a closing backtick around the column name
$sql .= '=\'$qualbool\' WHERE username=\'$profilename\'';
Example Qualification 3 : Is that the name of your Mysql Column name ?
You shouldnt use spaces nor upper / lower case in your columnname.
Prefere : example_qualification_3
To get column name and Comment

Selecting a string with an Ampersand in it with php on a postgres database

I'm working on a group project from school which requires selecting from a Postgres database with php.
I tested my queries on the psql dbms before trying them in the php interface. This is my test query:
SELECT m.movieid, m.tomatourl FROM movies m WHERE title = 'Beowulf & Grendel';
The query does return the information from the database I need, however when using this in php it returns nothing.
pg_last_error() says nothing.
In what way can I ensure that I can select titles with ampersands(&) in them?
I've tried seperating the string and putting them back together with sql code:
SELECT m.movieid, m.tomatourl FROM movies m WHERE title = 'Beowulf '||chr(38)||' Grendel'
I've tried escaping the string
This is an example of some of my php code:
$query = 'SELECT m.movieid, m.tomatourl FROM movies m WHERE title = $1';
pg_prepare($conn, "getmovie", $query) or die(pg_last_error());
$result = pg_execute($conn, "getmovie", $i) or die("Query failed: ". pg_last_error());
$movie = pg_fetch_array($result, NULL, PGSQL_BOTH);
This will work as long as the string in the $i array does not have an ampersand in it.
I would just change the database to not have an ampersand, but I don't really have control over it.
Is there some way to do a select statement like this using the php postgres functions?
The problem seems to have been caused by the the quotes that are around the string that passed in to the sql, by passing the string directly through the prepared statement it is like this "Beowulf & Grendel"
when it has to be passed to the database like this 'Beowulf & Grendel'
It also seems that even though it wasn't showing in var_dump() directly in the string printout it
was actually sending it as this SELECT m.movieid, m.tomatourl FROM movies m WHERE title = 'Beowulf & Grendel'; The the only thing that gives it away it the character count in the var_dump and not the printout of the string. The fix for this was to do html_entity_decode() on the title passed in.
Special thanks to DarkBee and Daniel Verite for helping solve this issue.

Store BLOB-like data in PostgreSQL

I recently switched from MySQL to PostgreSQL. I have one problem left however.
Previously, I would store small images in the BLOB format in MySQL.
PostgreSQL doesn't know such thing as a BLOB.
I tried using BYTEA field type instead. This actually inserts an large (hexadecimal?) string I guess, but now I'm stuck trying to get this string back to displaying an actual image in PHP..
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Here is a piece of code I use to save the image in the database:
$data = bin2hex(file_get_contents('php://input'));
if (!empty($data)) {
$sql = "UPDATE asset SET data = X'%s' WHERE uuid = '%s'";
$args = array($data, $asset_uuid);
psql (9.1.3) and php 5.3.6 are used
Bytea is a byte array. It's not a bit pattern. See section of PostgreSQL Lexical Structure.
The correct way to enter bytea is '\x...' with hex values. So what you want is SET data = '\x%s'.
You might also want to look into prepared statements with pg_prepare.
Edit: I was able to insert a (text) file into a bytea with this:
$source = file_get_contents( 'hello.php' );
$insert = pg_prepare( $conn, '', 'insert into t (name, data) values($1,$2)' );
pg_execute( $conn, '', array( 'hello.php', $source ) );
3rd Edit: This works fine to insert the file into the database. However, the pgsql driver in PHP is quite impolite. The only way to retrieve the actual data back is using the old bytea escape mechanism, as detailed here: pg_unescape_bytea.
pg_query('SET bytea_output = "escape";');
$result = pg_query( 'select data from t' );
while ( $row = pg_fetch_row( $result ) ) {
echo pg_unescape_bytea( $row[0] );
I'm sorry about how annoying this is. The PostgreSQL interface in PHP can do with some major overhaul for binary values.
To insert bytea contents with the pg_* API, the binary value should always be run through the pg_escape_bytea() function, even if it's passed to the pg_execute or pg_query_params functions.
This is because the pg_* layer doesn't "know" that a particular parameter has binary contents, and it does not implement any real support for parameter types anyway. So the text representation must be used. It can either be in the escape form or the hex form, it doesn't matter to the PG server, and it's independant of the value of bytea_output, which is meaningful only for values read from the server.
pg_query_params('INSERT INTO some_table(some_col) VALUES($1)', array($esc));
To read bytea contents with the pg_* API, the value must be run through pg_unescape_bytea() after the fetch. Assuming the client library is not older than 9.0 ( or higher), it can decode the contents whether it's in hex form or escape form and it will autodetect it. Only with an older library would it be necessary to force bytea_output to escape for it to decode properly, either dynamically with SET or statically for the whole database (ALTER DATABASE SET bytea_output=escape) or in postgresql.conf for the whole instance.
$p=pg_query("SELECT some_col FROM some_table WHERE...");
$contents = pg_unescape_bytea($r[0]);
Both answers posted here gave me some thoughts, but none were 100% of the answer.
So, I will explain in this answer what I did to get it to work.
When displaying the image, I used this:
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
$data = pack("H*", pg_unescape_bytea($data));
echo $data;
I'm running PHP 5.3.8, in PHP 5.4.0 it turns out you can use hex2bin instead of pack.
When adding the image to the database, I used this:
$data = pg_escape_bytea($data); // Escape input for PostgreSQL
$sql = "UPDATE asset SET data = '%s'WHERE uuid = '%s'";
I'm glad it is working now. Thank you both Daniel and Johann!

Proper PHP/MySQL syntax help needed

I've been chasing a bug all day in my code. Here's the long and short of it:
I have a variable that is passed through a query string and I want to use that variable in my MySQLi query. A-like so:
$info = dbConnect('query');
$eInfo = "SELECT *
FROM tablename
WHERE fieldname = '$variable%'";
$eiData = $info->query($eInfo) or die(mysqli_error());
$eInfo = $eiData->fetch_assoc();
The emphasis is the % after the variable name. I'm no PHP expert but I remember picking this trick up a while back and it has worked for me on all my DB-driven websites EXCEPT the new one I'm developing.
The above query returns no data from the table.
if I omit the % as follows:
$info = dbConnect('query');
$eInfo = "SELECT *
FROM tablename
WHERE fieldname = '$variable'";
$eiData = $info->query($eInfo) or die(mysqli_error());
$eInfo = $eiData->fetch_assoc();
The query executes and I get my data.
WHY after writing queries where I want to use a variable using the syntax '$variable%' would this no longer work? Just dropping the % ('$variable') makes it work A-OK, which has me utterly baffled.
For what it's worth, I run a dedicated server and suPHP was recently installed, if that has any remote chance of helping make sense here (PHP 5.2.17 is my current version).
Again, I'm no PHP whiz, but after checking code form older sites I have done with MySQLi queries, the % was always there when appending a variable into a query.
I'm completely dead in the water here. Any help you can provide would be so insanely appreciated that it defies explanation.
if you want to put variables in a string where interpreting where the variable name ends is difficult, use {$var} like so:
$eInfo = "SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE fieldname LIKE '{$variable}%'";
The % is a wildcard for LIKE queries. So if you use % in a query with WHERE var = 'cow%', it's going to search the database for the literal string cow%.
cow% (match)
the cow
In a Like query: WHERE var LIKE 'cow%' the following will match:
cow (match)
cows (match)
cow% (match)
the cow
See MySQL Pattern Matching.

Could you please assist me with PHP 5.3 and MySQL 5.5 stored procedures and mysqli library + persistent connection

I have a stored procedure that has 7 IN parameters and 3 OUT parameters.
I need to pass 7 parameters IN from PHP, execute the query with procedure, and retrieve the 3 OUT parameters.
I am using mysqli with persistent connection mode enabled. (For load considerations)
What is the most efficient way to execute the query and get results?
I need something that doesn't affect other concurrently running PHP scripts, and that cleans the result itself, and that is straightforward.
This is what my application is (simplified) (not a working example, just how i wish it was)
$inParam1 = 'wer';
$inParam2 = 'fewf';
$inParam3 = 'dsf';
$inParam4 = 'vccv';
$inParam5 = '34t3';
$inParam6 = 'ter';
$inParam7 = 'ert';
$query = "CALL my_procedure('$inParam1', '$inParam2', '$inParam3', '$inParam4', '$inParam5', '$inParam6', '$inParam7', #outParam8, #outParam9, #outParam10); SELECT #outParam8, #outParam9, #outParam10;";
$result = $mysql_query($query);
list($outParam1, $outParam2, $outParam3) = mysql_fetch_array($result);
echo $outParam1; // String param #1 that my procedure returned as an OUT variable
echo $outParam2; // String param #2 that my procedure returned as an OUT variable
echo $outParam3; // String param #3 that my procedure returned as an OUT variable
If somebody could show how this code could look in reality, please please would be great!
I am obviously using mysqli with proper connection, and such, but the examples I have found in internet are really confusing and seem to be inefficient, I am also worried if it will conflict with other clients, because it works like "nextResult" and other some strange functions.
Many thanks!
PHP 5.3, MySQL 5.5
Try looking here. As im not overly familiar with this. :)
You need to create a query first. This query will then be stored in the database as a callable procedure. Then later using whatever language you can call the procedure.
CREATE PROCEDURE GetUserByCountry(IN countryName VARCHAR(255))
SELECT name, email
FROM users
WHERE country = countryName;
END //
Then calling it.
CALL GetUserByCountry('mexico')
Returns all users names and emails who live in mexico.
I believe if you want to create a dynamic query string such as yours, you need to put {} around your variables in the string.
$query = "CALL my_procedure('{$inParam1}', '{$inParam2'}, '{$inParam3}', '{$inParam4}', '{$inParam5}', '{$inParam6}', '{$inParam7}', #outParam8, #outParam9, #outParam10); SELECT #outParam8, #outParam9, #outParam10;";
