I am using the FormServiceProvider from Silex and reading through the documentation it explains how it has one parameter called form.secret which I assumed meant constructing the provider with this:
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\FormServiceProvider(), [
'form.secret' => 'SECRET HERE'
The problem is however when I look through the source code for this file I cannot see a constructor where this parameter would get used. Only seeing it set internally within the container to md5(__DIR__).
Or would it be simply a case of not providing form.secret when constructing and simply setting $app['form.secret'] = 'SECRET HERE' after the provider has been registered?
Am I right in this assumption or I am I missing something?
You can see it being used in line 100, when $app["form.csrf_provider"] is first accessed:
$app['form.csrf_provider'] = function ($app) {
if (isset($app['session'])) {
return new SessionCsrfProvider($app['session'], $app['form.secret']);
return new DefaultCsrfProvider($app['form.secret']);
Since whatever you pass is ignored and overwritten with the md5 call you mention, correct usage would be:
$app->register(new FormServiceProvider());
$app["form.secret"] = "foo";
I'm using configureMonologUsing() to add in two custom loggers. Doing the standard SOLID principal, I have two providers: ConsoleLoggerProvider and MailLogProvider.
Both of these have a register similar to:
public function register()
app()->configureMonologUsing(function(\Monolog\Logger $monolog) {
$monolog->pushHandler(new HandlerClass());
However, I have noticed over logger will overwrite another logger... How do I stack these?
I've tried to use boot() as well, and that didn't work. I couldn't find any other way to add to the Monolog stack.
Preferable, I want to stack onto Laravel's built-in logger as well.
I (finally) found the answer my question:
Within my providers, instead of using configureMonologUsing(), I used Log::getMonolog()->pushHandler([..])
That works! All loggers, including built-in Laravel file logger, are firing. Finally!
(I've honestly been looking for days for a way to add onto the Monolog stack; I apparently wasn't searching by the right terms)
According to the Laravel documentation:
You should place a call to the configureMonologUsing method in your bootstrap/app.php file right before the $app variable is returned by the file.
In that case, thus should work for you: create two handler classes and add them to monolog this way (in your bootstrap/app.php):
$app->configureMonologUsing(function ($monolog) {
$monolog->pushHandler(new EmailLogHandler);
$monolog->pushHandler(new ConsoleLogHandler);
return $app;
Following Laravel 5.2 docs, in bootstrap/app.php, I added the following code right before return $app;:
$app->configureMonologUsing(function($monolog) {//IMPORTANT: I think the order of pushHandler matters, and the ones defined last here will be the first to be called, which affects anything where bubble=false
if (config('services.slack.send_errors_to_slack')) {
$bubble = false; //I think that if I set the 'bubble' argument to false and handle the most severe logging levels first (which counterintuitively means lower in this function), less severe logging levels don't bother reporting the same message.
$useShortAttachment = false;
$includeContextAndExtra = true; //This is important because otherwise 404 errors wouldn't report the URL, give how 'report' function is coded within App\Exceptions\Handler.php.
$handlerForWarningsToNotifyPhone = new \Monolog\Handler\SlackHandler(config('services.slack.token'), config('services.slack.channel_warnings'), 'Monolog', true, null, \Monolog\Logger::WARNING, $bubble, $useShortAttachment, $includeContextAndExtra);
$handlerForErrorsToNotifyPhone = new \Monolog\Handler\SlackHandler(config('services.slack.token'), config('services.slack.channel_errors'), 'Monolog', true, null, \Monolog\Logger::ERROR, $bubble, $useShortAttachment, $includeContextAndExtra);
if (config('app.send_logs_to_loggy')) {
$logglyHandler = new \Monolog\Handler\LogglyHandler(config('services.loggly.token'), config('app.send_logs_to_loggy')); //See \Monolog\Logger::INFO. Log level 200 is "info".
if (config('app.log_to_local_disk')) {
$localHandler = new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler(storage_path("/logs/laravel.log"));
It's just an example that may help you.
Be sure to edit your config files accordingly (e.g. so that app.log_to_local_disk, services.slack.send_errors_to_slack, etc are available).
http://stackoverflow.com/a/36259944/470749 was helpful.
Here is how I able to configure on Laravel Lumen v5.4
in app.php:
$publisher = new \Gelf\Publisher(new \Gelf\Transport\HttpTransport(env('GRAYLOG_HOST'), env('GRAYLOG_PORT'), env('GRAYLOG_PATH')));
//WhatFailureGroupHandler does not break app execution
//if some exceptions happen happens while logging
$failureHandler = new \Monolog\Handler\WhatFailureGroupHandler([
new \Monolog\Handler\GelfHandler($publisher)
\Log::getMonolog() as on accepted answer threw error.
Also tried to configure using $app->configureMonologUsing() which threw A facade root has not been set. error. But at the end, I found out that was because we need to return logger:
$app->configureMonologUsing(function ($monolog) {
$publisher = new \Gelf\Publisher(new \Gelf\Transport\HttpTransport(env('GRAYLOG_HOST'), env('GRAYLOG_PORT'), env('GRAYLOG_PATH')));
$failureHandler = new \Monolog\Handler\WhatFailureGroupHandler([new \Monolog\Handler\GelfHandler($publisher)]);
//fixes error: A facade root has not been set
return $monolog;
All the examples of $app->configureMonologUsing() usage I have seen do not have a return statement, even in the other answers, which did not work for me.
Hello I am making a PHP application using Silex and I want to use Dependency Injection. For Dependency Injection I need to load the dependencies into the container. I have one file that contains all definitions of what to load into the container called di.php it looks like this.
* DI.php
$app['db.connection'] = function() use($app) {
return new Connection([
'dbname' => $app['dbname'],
'dbuser' => $app['dbuser'],
'dbpass' => $app['dbpass'],
'dbhost' => $app['dbhost'],
$app['user.repository'] = function() use($app) {
return new UserRepository($app['db.connection']);
$app['post.repository'] = function() use($app) {
return new PostRepository($app['db.connection']);
$app['index.controller'] = function() use($app) {
return new IndexController($app['user.repository']);
$app['post.controller'] = function() use($app) {
return new PostController($app['post.repository']);
But this file is requested on every request and all dependencies are loaded into the container, my question is how can I load the dependencies that I only need for one request and not all.
As #deceze says in their comment (shoulda made it an answer!), all you are "loading" on each request is a bunch of function expression statements. You can basically look at your providers as "classes" wherein the function declarations are done as function expressions rather than function statements. As per a normal class, the functions don't run simply cos you define them, right? No. You need to actually call them before they do anything.
The code within the function expression assigned to the $app['db.connection'] service is only executed if you use $app['db.connection']. Otherwise all you've done is defined a variable holding a function.
Obviously in the case of $app['db.connection'] you are more than likely gonna be using it every request one way or another. But for argument's sake $app['post.repository'] will only have its callback executed if you actively use $app['post.repository'] in that request.
Make sense? I can elaborate further if not.
I want to make a route to directly access to a document.
For example, I want to access to domain/file/document.pdf but by domain/doc.
I tried this:
$app->get('/docs/v1', function ($request, $response){
$this->view->render( $response, '/docs/document.pdf');
But it doesn't work. I also saw this on the official doc:
$app = new \Slim\App();
$app->get('/hello', function ($req, $res) {
$this['view']->display('profile.html', [
'name' => 'Josh',
'url' => 'https://joshlockhart.com'
But the display function does not exist.
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Slim\Views\PhpRenderer::display()
Maybe I missed something, I don't know, I didn't find anything else in the doc.
A few points here:
1) In Slim v3, "$this['view']" typically points to your Twig renderer. So you're trying to call a Twig renderer, which is probably not what you want to do in this case.
2) The correct syntax to invoke a Twig renderer and return it's output is
return $this->view->render ($response, 'yourTemplate.twig', [ ... array of parameters goes here ...]);
3) As for directly accessing a document (I've never done this before, so my answer might be wrong), you probably want to redirect to the document itself like this:
return $response->withRedirect ((string)($request->getUri()->withPath('path/to/document')));
and just let the browser deal with how to handle that document type.
Hope this helps.
I am having that error , whenever I ran my simple cron script in shell ,
any idea how to fix that thing ?, from the error itself, it says the .user is undefiend,
when I placed the
'user' => array(
// enable cookie-based authentication
'allowAutoLogin' => true,
'loginUrl' => array('myaccount/blah/login'),
in the console config, it is looking for a "Class" ,, what class am i supposed to include in that array? , this user login url is using an LDAP stuff in loggin in and authentication, what should I do ?
A CConsoleApplication is for handling offline tasks. For example, the application starts a cronjob within a linux system. The application checks each day if a registered user of your website should change his password, because it must be changed every 3 month. If the password expired send an email.
To preselecting the users you have set a scope condition to check the status of a user, as well as a scope to restricted signed in users on her own data:
public function scopes(){
return array(...,
'user' => array(
'active' => array(
), ...
Now, in your CCA-Code you use the active scope to get all users:
$usersArray = User::model()->active()->findAll(); ...foreach.... The Problem here is in the use of the extended class, the CActiveRecord-class. Mostly used as a class extension in models, which are stored in a database. In this CActiveRecord-class the CActiveRecord->__call function is used to get all stored scopes of a model. After that the class merged the actually requested scopes with the rest of the database criteria. The fact that all scopes are loaded first occures the error in loading the user-scope, include Yii::app()->user->id. The WebUser is called and throws the exception 'CException' with message 'attribute "CConsoleApplication.user is not defined'. You wouldn't call the WebUser, but the automatism arrange this for you :-)
So, do it like schmunk says. Generate in your scope code an exception part where ensures that Yii::app()->user is not called:
public function scopes(){
if (Yii::app() instanceof CConsoleApplication) {
$user = array(''); //no condition
$user = array(
return array(
'user' => $user,
'active' => array(
), ...
I hope the explanation helps and perhaps also for other problems.
Short answer: You can't use CWebUser in console application. Don't include it in your config/console.php
Long(er) answer: If you rely on a component, which needs CWebUser, you'll have to detect this in the component and create some kind of workaround for this case. Have a look at this code piece for an example how to detect, if you're running a console app.
Try this
public static $console_user_id;
public function init() {
if (Yii::app() instanceof CConsoleApplication) {
if (self::$console_user_id) $this->id = self::$console_user_id;
return false;
solved my problem by using update, instead of save in the script...no need to use user array and CWebUser class
I had the same problem. Screened all answers given here and found some good point, but solved my problem my way, although it may not be the best.
First off all I had to figure out that my Cron Jon threw the aforementioned Exception because inside the Cron job I was running a script which had this part of code in it
if(Yii::app()->user->isAdmin()) {...} else {...}
So the console threw the error since the user was not defined. I changed my code in such a way that I tested if the console was running it. The changed code is as follows:
$console = false;
try {
$test = Yii::app()->user->isAdmin();
catch (CException $e) {
$console = true;
if($console || (!$console && Yii::app()->user->isAdmin()) {...} else {...}
As said, not perfect, but maybe a solution for someone.
Hi all,
I've been struggling with this issue for more than a week and finally decided to ask for help hoping that someone knows the answer.
I am developing an application, which is using Google's Protocol Buffers as the data exchange format. I am using DrSlump's PHP implementation, which let's you populate class instances with data and then serialize them into a binary string (or decode binary strings into PHP objects).
I have managed to implement my custom ProtobufStrategy whose selectRenderer(ViewEvent $e) returns an instance of ProtobufRenderer in case the event contains an instance of ProtobufModel. The renderer then extracts my custom parameters from the model by calling $model->getOptions() to determine which message needs to be sent back to the client, serializes the data and outputs the binary string to php://output.
For it to make more sense, let's look at the following sample message:
message SearchRequest {
required string query = 1;
optional int32 page_number = 2;
optional int32 result_per_page = 3;
If I wanted to respond to the client with this message, I would return something like this from my action:
public function getSearchRequestAction()
$data = array(
'query' => 'my query',
'page_number' => 3,
'result_per_page' => 20,
return new ProtobufModel($data, array(
'message' => 'MyNamespace\Protobuf\SearchRequest',
As you can see I am utilizing ViewModel's second parameter, $options, to tell which message needs to be serialized. That can then, as mentioned earlier, be extracted inside the renderer by calling $model->getOptions().
So far, so good. My controller actions output binary data as expected.
However, I am having issues with handling exceptions. My plan was to catch all exceptions and respond to the client with an instance of my Exception message, which looks like this:
message Exception {
optional string message = 1;
optional int32 code = 2;
optional string file = 3;
optional uint32 line = 4;
optional string trace = 5;
optional Exception previous = 6;
In theory it should work out of the box, but it does not. The issue is that Zend\Mvc\View\Http\ExceptionStrategy::prepareExceptionViewModel(MvcEvent $e) returns an instance of ViewModel, which obviously does not contain the additional $options information I need.
Also it returns ViewModel and not ProtobufModel, which means that the Zend invokes the default ViewPhpRenderer and outputs the exception as an HTML page.
What I want to do is replace the default ExceptionStrategy (and eventually also the RouteNotFoundStrategy) with my own classes, which would be returning something like this:
$data = array(
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
'code' => $e->getCode(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine(),
'trace' => $e->getTraceAsString(),
'previous' => $e->getPrevious(),
return new ProtobufModel($data, array(
'message' => 'MyNamespace\Protobuf\Exception',
...and I can't find the way to do it...
I tried creating my own ExceptionStrategy class and alias it to the existing ExceptionStrategy service but Zend complained that a service with such name already exists.
I have a suspicion that I am on the right path with the custom strategy extension I can't find a way to override the default one.
I noticed that the default ExceptionStrategy and the console one get registered in Zend/Mvc/View/Http/ViewManager. I hope I won't have to add custom view managers to achieve such a simple thing but please, correct me if I'm wrong.
Any help will be appreciated!
The easiest way is to do a little fudging.
First, register your listener to run at a higher priority than the ExceptionStrategy; since it registers at default priority, this means any priority higher than 1.
Then, in your listener, before you return, make sure you set the "error" in the the MvcEvent to a falsy value:
Once you've done that, the default ExceptionStrategy will say, "nothing to do here, move along" and return early, before doing anything with the ViewModel.
While you're at it, you should also make sure you change the result instance in the event:
as this will ensure that this is what is inspected by other listeners.