Zip/Unzip with php - php

I am doing a backup module, I need to zip all the webapp folder, I use this method:
function agregar_zip($dir, $zip){
if (is_dir($dir)) {
if ($da = opendir($dir)) {
while (($archivo = readdir($da))!== false) {
if (is_dir($dir . $archivo) && $archivo!="." && $archivo!=".."){
agregar_zip($dir.$archivo . "/", $zip);
}elseif(is_file($dir.$archivo) && $archivo!="." && $archivo!=".."){
$zip->addFile($dir.$archivo, $dir.$archivo);
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$dir = Yii::app()->basePath.'/../';
$archivoZip = "";
if($zip->open($archivoZip,ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)===true) {
agregar_zip($dir, $zip);
#rename($archivoZip, "c:/xampp/htdocs/");
if (file_exists($rutaFinal.$archivoZip)){
Yii::app()->params['errores'] = Yii::app()->params['errores']."</br>No se ha creado el ZIP con éxito.";
When I open the, I have this structure:
C:/->xampp->htdocs->mywebapp(Here is all I need)
But If I do "extract here" Its unzip the right content, but If I do with php it create a folder in destination called xampp, inside it htdocs, inside it mywebapp(With the right content).
I need to zip only the app folder not all the route. This way when I unzip with php only unzip app folder.

I think you need to remove the "/../" from this line
$dir = Yii::app()->basePath.'/../';
should be
$dir = Yii::app()->basePath;

There is better way to make zip with yii.
Yii has a zip extension.
Usage example from the docs above:
Introduce EZip to Yii. Add definition to CWebApplication config file (main.php)
Now you can access EZip methods as follows:
$zip = Yii::app()->zip;
$zip->makeZip('./','./'); // make an ZIP archive
var_export($zip->infosZip('./'), false); // get infos of this ZIP archive (without files content)
var_export($zip->infosZip('./')); // get infos of this ZIP archive (with files content)
$zip->extractZip('./', './1/'); //


Archive a .wdgt folder in ZipArchive()

I'm creating a online widget creation tool in PHP, and I am able to export everything I need via .zip , just the problem is that users have to extract the zip and then add the .wdgt extension on the folder for it to work in iBooks. Is there any way I could make this part of the process easier, e.g - just unzip and the .wdgt folder is there, or even better, download as .wdgt.
Here is the code I have to create a ZIP file:
//zip name
$archiveName = '';
$fileNames = array();
//scan through directories, and add to array
foreach(scandir($workingDir) as $content){
$fileNames[] = $workingDir.$content;
foreach(scandir($resources) as $content){
$fileNames[] = $resources.$content;
archiveFiles($fileNames, $archiveName);
function archiveFiles($fileNames, $archiveName){
//init new ZipArchive()
$zip = new ZipArchive();
//open archive
if($zip->open($archiveName, ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE ) !==TRUE){
exit("Cannot open <$archiveName>\n");
//archive create, now add files
foreach($fileNames as $files){
if('.' === $files || '..' === $files) continue;
//get just the filename and extension
$fileName = explode("/", $files);
$num = (count($fileName) - 1);
$theFilename = $fileName[$num];
//add file into the archive - full path of file, new filename
header( 'Location: http://MYURL/'.$archiveName ) ; //Redirects to the zip archive
This works fine. I just need to be able to either just download a .wdgt folder with the content I need in it, or be able to ZIP up a .wdgt folder that has the content that I need.
I have tried changing $archiveName to $archiveName = ""; and $archiveName = "widget.wdgt";
The $archiveName = ""; was able to unzip fine on Windows. Although on the MAC is just gave an error. And It has to work on the MAC as it is in iBook's Author these widgets will work on
Managed to get a .wdgt folder downloaded within a zip file, all that I needed to do was when adding the file in the loop was this:
$zip->addFile($files, 'MYWIDGET.wdgt/'.$theFilename);
by adding the 'MYWIDGET.wdgt/'.$theFilename path into the addFile() it forced ZipArchive to create a MYWIDGET.wdgt folder and adding the files into it.

How to achieve the following file structure when archiving a directory in PHP using ZipArchive();

I'm writing a PHP script that archives a selected directory and all its sub-folders. The code works fine, however, I'm running into a small problem with the structure of my archived file.
Imagine the script is located in var/app/current/example/two/ and that it wants to backup everything plus its sub directories starting at var/app/current
When I run the script it creates an archive with the following structure:
Now I was wondering how:
a) How can I remove the /var/app/current/ folders so that the root directory of the archive starts beyond the folder current, creating the following structure:
b) Why & how can I get rid of the "/" before the folder var?
//Create ZIP file
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$tmpzip = realpath(dirname(__FILE__))."/".substr(md5(TIME_NOW), 0, 10).random_str(54).".zip";
//If ZIP failed
if($zip->open($tmpzip,ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)!== TRUE)
$status = "0";
//Fetch all files from directory
$basepath = getcwd(); // var/app/current/example/two
$basepath = str_replace("/example/two", "", $basepath); // var/app/current
$dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($basepath);
//Loop through each file
foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir) as $files => $file)
if(($file->getBasename() !== ".") && ($file->getBasename() !== ".."))
$zip->addFile(realpath($file), $file);
You should try with:
$zip->addFile(realpath($file), str_replace("/var/app/current/","",$file));
I've never used the ZipArchive class before but with most archiver application it works if you change the directory and use relative path.
So you can try to use chdir to the folder you want to zip up.

Unzip file skipping folder

I am creating a php file that will update my site after pulling it off of BitBucket (Git repo). It downloads a zip file of the entire master or a commit, then unzips it in the website's folder.
The problem I am having is there is a randomly named folder that contains all the files in the zip file.
My zip file's contents is similar:
- (bitbucketusername)-(reponame)-(commitnumber)
- folder1
- index.php
- test.php
- index.php
- config.php
- etc...
but how can I "bypass" the "randomly" named folder and extract the contents of the folder to the website's root?
echo "Unzipping update...<br>" . PHP_EOL;
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$res = $zip->open($filename);
if ($res === TRUE) {
} else {
echo 'Error: The zip file could not be opened...<br>' . PHP_EOL;
Found a related question here:
Operating with zip file in PHP
But how can I make it get the "randomly" named folder's name?
Unzip the files to a tmp directory and then mv the files out from the "randomly" named parent folder to the folder that you want to.
echo "Unzipping update...<br>" . PHP_EOL;
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$res = $zip->open($filename);
if ($res === TRUE) {
$directories = scandir('/tmp/unzip');
foreach($directories as $directory){
if($directory!='.' and $directory!='..' ){
// rcopy from
// rm /tmp/unzip here
} else {
echo 'Error: The zip file could not be opened...<br>' . PHP_EOL;

Improve my Unzip & Move function - PHP

I'm a PHP novice and so looking for some advice on a PHP function i have created to use within a Wordpress installation.
As you can see from the code below, it runs when one of the admin's press 'Publish' on a pending post.
It takes a Zip file that has been uploaded by a user via Gravity Forms, then unzips ONLY .mp3 extensions. Re-zips and moves all the files to a new folder in our Amazon S3 directory.
The code is pieced together from my limited knowledge and some help along the way with questions on here.
So, here's what i ended up with:
add_action('pending_to_publish', 'unzip_to_s3');
function unzip_to_s3() {
global $post;
global $wpdb;
// Only run function if post is portfolio post type
if ('portfolio' == $post->post_type) {
// Set temp path
$temp_path = '../wp-content/uploads/gravity_forms/1-9e5dc27086c8b2fd2e48678e1f54f98c/2013/02/tmp/';
// Get filename from Zip file
$file = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'file_url', true);
$zip_file = basename($file);
// Create full Zip file path
$zip_file_path = $temp_path.$zip_file;
// Generate unique name for temp sub_folder for unzipped files
$temp_unzip_folder = uniqid('temp_TMS_', true);
// Create full temp sub_folder path
$temp_unzip_path = $temp_path.$temp_unzip_folder;
// Make the new temp sub_folder for unzipped files
if (!mkdir($temp_unzip_path, 0755, true)) {
die('Error: Could not create path: '.$temp_unzip_path);
// Unzip files to temp unzip folder, ignoring anything that is not a .mp3 extension
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$filename = $zip_file_path;
if ($zip->open($filename)!==TRUE) {
exit("cannot open <$filename>\n");
for ($i=0; $i<$zip->numFiles;$i++) {
$info = $zip->statIndex($i);
$file = pathinfo($info['name']);
if(strtolower($file['extension']) == "mp3") {
file_put_contents($temp_unzip_path.'/'.basename($info['name']), $zip->getFromIndex($i));
} else {
// Re-zip the unzipped mp3's and store new zip file in temp folder created earlier
$temp_unzip_path = $temp_unzip_path.'/';
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$dirArray = array();
$new_zip_file = $temp_unzip_path.$zip_file;
$new = $zip->open($new_zip_file, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);
if ($new === true) {
$handle = opendir($temp_unzip_path);
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
$dirArray[] = $entry;
} else {
echo 'Failed to create Zip';
// Set Media bucket dir
$bucket_path = '../wp-content/uploads/gravity_forms/1-9e5dc27086c8b2fd2e48678e1f54f98c/2013/02/mixtape2/';
// Generate unique name for sub_bucket
$sub_bucket = uniqid('TMS_', true);
// Create full sub_bucket path
$sub_bucket_path = $bucket_path.$sub_bucket;
// Make the new sub_bucket
if (!mkdir($sub_bucket_path, 0755, true)) {
die('Error: Could not create path: '.$sub_bucket_path);
// Move mp3's to new sub_bucket
// Get array of all source files
$files = scandir($temp_unzip_path);
// Identify directories
$source = $temp_unzip_path;
$destination = $sub_bucket_path.'/';
// Cycle through all source files
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (in_array($file, array(".",".."))) continue;
// if move files is successful delete the original temp folder
if (rename($source.$file, $destination.$file)) {
// Delete original Zip file
// Update Custom field for new Zip file location
update_post_meta($post->ID, 'file_url', ''.$sub_bucket.'/'.$zip_file);
Whilst this function does work, we're dealing with large files and so it does take a while to process...
What is happening is when the admin presses publish it triggers this function but the page just sits there until it's finished this function and then will continue. This function can take upto around 5 minutes to run.
I'm looking to optimise this function (in terms of code) but also see if there's a way i can run this in the background so that the admin can carry on with other things and not have to sit there waiting around.
Any help appreciated.
You may want to try to WP cron and schedule the task at that point so that it runs in the background. Here is some resources for that. the basic concept would go something like this.
if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'pending_to_publish' ) ) {
add_action('pending_to_publish', 'unzip_to_s3');

Application Folder backup using Codeigniter

I am trying to create a web app using codeigniter which will be used over a home or office network. Now Im looking for a backup option which can be done from the web protal. For example, in my htdocs folder i have: App1, App2 etc.
i want to backup and download the App1 folder directly from the webapp which can be done from any client machine which is connected to the server. is it possible. if yes then can you please let me know how?
sorry for the late reply. I found a quite easy and simple backup option builtin with codeigniter. Hope this helps someone
i used the code directly from the view and then just called it using the controller.
Basically what you want to do is zip the application folder and download it, fairly simple to do. Please check out:
Download multiple files as a zip folder using php
On how to zip a folder for download.
I you do not have that extension a simple command can be used instead, I assume you are running on Linux if not replace command with zip/rar Windows equivalent:
$application_path = 'your full path to app folder without trailing slash';
exec('tar -pczf backup.tar.gz ' . $application_path . '/*');
header('Content-Type: application/tar');
Note: Make every effort to protect this file from being accessed by unauthorized users otherwise a malicious user will have a copy of your site code including config details.
// to intialize the path split the real path by dot .
public function init_path($string){
$array_path = explode('.', $string);
$realpath = '';
foreach ($array_path as $p)
$realpath .= $p;
$realpath .= '/';
return $realpath;
// backup files function
public function archive_folder($source = '' , $zip_name ='' , $save_dir = '' , $download = false){
// Get real path for our folder
$name = 'jpl';
if($zip_name == '')
$zip_name = $name."___(".date('H-i-s')."_".date('d-m-Y').")__".rand(1,11111111).".zip";
$realpath = $this->init_path($source);
if($save_dir != '')
$save_dir = $this->init_path($save_dir);
if (!is_dir('archives/'))
mkdir('archives/', 0777);
$save_dir = $this->init_path('archives');
$rootPath = realpath( $realpath);
// echo $rootPath;
// return;
// Initialize archive object
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$zip->open($save_dir . '\\' . $zip_name, ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE);
// Create recursive directory iterator
/** #var SplFileInfo[] $files */
$files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($rootPath),
foreach ($files as $name => $file)
// Skip directories (they would be added automatically)
if (!$file->isDir())
// Get real and relative path for current file
$filePath = $file->getRealPath();
$relativePath = substr($filePath, strlen($rootPath) + 1);
// Add current file to archive
$zip->addFile($filePath, $relativePath);
// Zip archive will be created only after closing object
