PHP array to cookie breaks on space - php

I have an array I would like to set as a cookie. The array has spaces in its elements. It breaks when I try to return it.
(unserialized) Array example is:
[0] => U06 Bucks
[1] => U07 Stags
[2] => U09 Highlanders
To bake my cookie I have:
$page = $_REQUEST['page'];
if (isset ($_REQUEST['teams'])){
setcookie("team", serialize($_REQUEST['teams']),time()+31536000);
else {
// set the expiration date to past
setcookie("team", "", time()-31536000);
To unbake it, I have:
Array ( [0] => U06 [1] => U07 [2] => U09 )
var_dump($_COOKIE) gives me:
["team"]=> string(64) "YTozOntpOjA7czozOiJVMDYiO2k6MTtzOjM6IlUwNyI7aToyO3M6MzoiVTA5Ijt9" } array(3) { [0]=> string(3) "U06" [1]=> string(3) "U07" [2]=> string(3) "U09" }
According to my browser, the cookie looks like this:
- Name: Team
- Value: YTozOntpOjA7czozOiJVMDYiO2k6MTtzOjM6IlUwNyI7aToyO3M6MzoiVTA5Ijt9
Works fine without spaces in the array and I have tried json_encode via Storing and retrieving an array in a PHP cookie.
Any tips?

The cookies must be urlencoded - use urlencode().
Well, setcookie() urlencodes the data internally, so the problem is somewhere else!

Cookie data must be urlencode()d or rawurlencode()d. PHP does this by itself (setrawcookie() would not). So the source of the issue is still unknown. Try to base64_encode() the cookie and test again:
The cookie data is sent as a header, which value is a sequence of characters excluding semi-colon, comma and white space. (Refere to for the exact definition and specs).
setcookie("team", base64_encode(serialize($_REQUEST['teams'])) ,time()+31536000);
$team = isset($_COOKIE['team'])
? unserialize(base64_decode($_COOKIE['team']))
: array();


Simple way to read variables on different lines from STDIN?

I want to read two integers on two lines like:
This code works:
But I wonder if there's a shorter way to write this? (For more variables, I don't want to write a statement for each variable) Like:
//The following two lines leaves the second variable to be NULL
Update: I solved this using the method provided in the answer to read an array and list to assign variables from an array.
Consider this example:
$formatCatalog = '%d,%s,%s,%d';
$inputValues = [];
foreach (explode(',', $formatCatalog) as $formatEntry) {
fscanf(STDIN, trim($formatEntry), $inputValues[]);
When executing and feeding it with
you will get this output:
array(4) {
[0] =>
[1] =>
string(3) "foo"
[2] =>
string(3) "bar"
[3] =>
Bottom line: you certainly can use loops or similar for the purpose and this can shorten your code a bit. Most of all it simplifies its maintenance. However if you want to specify a format to read with each iteration, then you do need to specify that format somewhere. That is why shortening the code is limited...
Things are different if you do not want to handle different types of input formats. In that case you can use a generic loop:
$inputValues = [];
while (!feof(STDIN)) {
fscanf(STDIN, '%d', $inputValues[]);
Now if you feed this with
on standard input and then detach the input (by pressing CTRL-D for example), then the output you get is:
array(3) {
[0] =>
[1] =>
[2] =>
The same code is obviously usable with input redirection, so you can feed a file into the script which makes detaching the standard input obsolete...
If you can in your code, try to implement a array :
fscanf(STDIN, "%d\n", $n);
fscanf(STDIN, "%d\n", $num[]);

php, json to specific string

By POST I get this JSON (can have more than 3 values in it)
Well, I need to get
array('Theater', 'Opera', 'Degustation')
json_decode doesn't work.
Do you have any ideas please?
Thank you by advance
Try adding the true parameter:
$jsonData = '{"preferences":["Theater","Opera","Danse"]}';
$arrayData = json_decode($jsonData, true );
The last line outputs the following:
array(3) {
string(7) "Theater"
string(5) "Opera"
string(5) "Danse"
Which is what you want. Good luck!
That JSON string is wrapped in an object (denoted by curly braces {}). json_decode will give you the wrapper object whose "preferences" property is the array you're looking for.
$wrapper = json_decode($json_string);
$array = $wrapper->preferences;
json_decode might also be unavailable if you're using and older version of php. In that case you should try a php json library.
You might have used the output of the json_decode() function as an associated array while you hadn't have told the function to provide an associated array for you, or vice versa!! However, the following will get you the array at the preferences index:
$decoded = json_decode('{"preferences":["Theater","Opera","Danse"]}', true); // <-- note the second parameter is true.
echo '<pre>';
print_r($decoded['preferences']); // output: Array ( [0] => Theater [1] => Opera [2] => Danse )
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// Note the usage of the output of the function as an associated array :)
echo '</pre>';

Cleaner way to echo multi dimension array

echo "{$line['text_1']}";
the above echo works fine ,however when it comes to 2d array, in my sublime, only {$line['text_2']} this part work fine. output error both sublime and browser
echo "$array_2d[{$line['text_1']}][{$line['text_2']}]";
any idea?
echo "$array_2d[$line['text_1']][$line['text_2']]";
using xampp, error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting ']' in C:\xampp\htdocs
and I'm just outputting a value from the mysql_fetch_assoc. I can do it in another way by echo '' however I'm trying to make my code easier for future editting and code copy paste
and yes I'm doing things like
echo "The price is $array_2d[$line['text_1']][$line['text_2']]"
with lots of html code in the double quote.
Why are you trying to output the array?
if it is for debugging purposes, you can just use the native php functions print_r() or var_dump()
You should be able to say
echo "item is {$array_2d[$line['text1']][$line['text2']]}";
to get to a subelement.
Of course, this is only really useful when it's not the only thing in the string. If you're only echoing the one value, you don't need the quotes, and things get simpler.
echo $array_2d[$line['text1']][$line['text2']];
this should work :
echo $array_2d[$line['text_1']][$line['text_2']];
When echoing variables, you don't have to use the quotes:
echo $array_2d[$line['text_1']][$line['text_2']];
If you do need to output something with that string, the concatentation operator can help you:
echo "Array: " . echo $array_2d[$line['text_1']][$line['text_2']];
You can use print_r() to echo the array.
Output will be:
Array ( [test] => 1 [test2] => 2 [multi] => Array ( [multi] => 1 [multi2] => 2 ) )
Also you can use this to make it more readable in a HTML context:
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
Output will be:
[test] => 1
[test2] => 2
[multi] => Array
[multi] => 1
[multi2] => 2
You can use print_r() or var_dump() to echo an array.
The print_r() displays information about a variable in a way that's readable by humans whereas the var_dump() function displays structured information about variables/expressions including its type and value.
$array = 'YOUR ARRAY';
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
$array = 'YOUR ARRAY';
Example variations
I'm wondering why you would try using the $line array as a key to access data in $array_2d.
Anyway, try this:
and finally this (based on your "the $line array provides the keys for the $array_2d" array example)
$key_a = $line['text_1'];
$key_b = $line['text_2'];
Which can also be written shorter like this:
Verifying/Dumping the array contents
To verify if your arrays hold the data you expect, do not use print_r. Do use var_dump instead as it will return more information you can use to check on any issues you think you might be having.
Differences between var_dump and print_r
The var_dump function displays structured information of a variable (or expression), including its type and value. Arrays are explored recursively with values indented to show structure. var_dump also shows which array values and object properties are references.
print_r on the other hand displays information about a variable in a readable way and array values will be presented in a format that shows keys and elements. But you'll miss out on the details var_dump provides.
$array = array('test', 1, array('two', 'more'));
output of print_r:
[0] => test
[1] => 1
[2] => Array
[0] => two
[1] => more
output of var_dump:
array(3) {
[0]=> string(4) "test"
[1]=> int(1)
[2]=> array(2)
[0]=> string(3) "two"
[1]=> string(4) "more"

Why a loop over MySQL query change an array which has nothing to do with the query?

I have the following piece of code:
$id2query = array();
while ($res_array = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$id = $res_array['id'];
$query = $res_array['query'];
$id2query[$id] = $query;
The interesting thing is that printr_r before and after the loop return different things.
Does anybody know how it can be possible?
$queries is an array. It shown code is a part of a function and $queries is one of the arguments of the function. Before the loop it returns:
Array ( [0] => )
and after the loop it returns:
Array ( [0] => web 2.0 )
web 2.0 comes from $res_array. Here is the content of the $res_array:
Array ( [0] => 17 [id] => 17 [1] => web 2.0 [query] => web 2.0 [2]
But I do not understand how a value from $res_array migrates to $queries.
I tried
print "AAAA".var_dump($queries)."BBB";
it returns AAABBB.
I have managed to use var_dump in the correct way and this is what it returns before the loop:
array(1) { [0]=> &string(0) "" }
This is what I have after the loop:
array(1) { [0]=> &string(7) "web 2.0" }
But I do not understand what it means.
The var_dump below ADDED 4 shows it, the array contains a reference to a string. So it is not a copy of that string, it is something like a pointer (I know, they are not real pointers, see PHPDocs below) to the original string. So if that one gets changed, the references shows the changed value too.
I'd suggest you have a look at:
PHPDoc References
PHPDoc What references do
Example code:
$s = "lulu";
$a = array(&$s);
$s = "lala";
First var_dump will return:
array(1) {
&string(4) "lulu"
And the second:
array(1) {
&string(4) "lala"

PHP: Strange Array Problem - Where is my value?

I have an array ($form) which retreives some information from $_POST:
$form = $_POST['game'];
Now I want to work with the values in this array, but I somehow fail.
For debugging I used these commands (in the exact same order, with no extra lines inbetween):
echo '#' . $form['System_ID'] . "#";
and as returned output I get:
['Title'] => Empire: Total War - Special Forces
['Genre_ID'] => 1
['Type'] => Spiel
['System_ID'] => 1
Any ideas where my System_ID went? It's there in print_r, but not in the next line for echo?!?
Alright, I found the solution myself (a.k.a. d'oh!)
I added another
for further analysis and this is what I got:
array(4) {
string(34) "Empire: Total War - Special Forces"
string(1) "1"
string(5) "Spiel"
string(1) "1"
Notice the single quote inside the double quote?
Looks as if you're not allowed to use the single quote in html forms or they will be included in the array key:
Wrong: <input type="text" name="game['Title']" />
Correct: <input type="text" name="game[Title]" />
print_r() doesn't put quotes around keys - for debugging i'd recommend ditching print_r altogether. var_export or var_dump are better.
even better: use firephp. it sends the debug info via headers, so it doesn't mess up your output and thus is even usable with ajax. output is displayed nicely with firebug including syntax coloring for data structures.
and it's even easier to use: just fb($myvar);
It works for me:
$form['System_ID'] = 1;
echo '#' . $form['System_ID'] . '#';
% php foo.php
[System_ID] => 1
PHP 5.2.6, on Fedora Core 10
EDIT - note that there's a hint to the real cause here. In my code the print_r output (correctly) shows the array keys without single quotes around them. The original poster's keys did have quotes around them in the print_r output, showing that somehow the actual key contained the quote marks.
