Display message if odbc_num_rows == empty - php

I have an advanced search query which queries a database. The search works fine and prints the desired results when a user searches something that is IN the database.
I've set up a condition when if a user searches something and that something couldn't be found in the database, it displays a message that the record could not be found.
But it's not displaying the message I need it to. Instead, if it can't find the record, it prints an empty table with headings. This table is only supposed to be printed if something is found.
No if I swop the condition from >= -1 to just == -1 it displays the message I need it to when something couldn't be found even if that something is in the database.
I hope this makes sense.
Please see my code below.
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped" style="width: 100%;">
$dbName = "F:/Domains/autodeal/autodeal.co.za/wwwroot/newsite/db/savvyautoweb.mdb";
// Throws an error if the database cannot be found
if (!file_exists($dbName)) {
die("Could not find database file.");
// Connects to the database
// Assumes there is no username or password
$conn = odbc_connect("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=$dbName", '', '');
$searchMake = addslashes($_POST['makeSelection']);
$searchModel = addslashes($_POST['modelSelection']);
$searchBranch = addslashes($_POST['branchSelection']);
$searchYear = addslashes($_POST['yearSelection']);
$minPrice = addslashes($_POST['minPriceSelection']);
$maxPrice = addslashes($_POST['maxPriceSelection']);
$sql = "SELECT Id, Make, Model, Year, Price, SpecialPrice, Branch, StockNO FROM Vehicle ";
if ($searchMake || $searchModel || $searchBranch || $searchYear || $minPrice || $maxPrice) {
$sql .= "WHERE ";
$combine = '';
if ($minPrice) {
$sql .="{$combine}Price BETWEEN $minPrice "; $combine = 'BETWEEN ';
if ($maxPrice) {
$sql .="AND $maxPrice "; $combine = 'AND ';
if ($searchMake) {
$sql .="{$combine}Make LIKE '%$searchMake%' "; $combine = 'AND ';
if ($searchModel) {
$sql .="{$combine}Model LIKE '%$searchModel%' "; $combine = 'AND ';
if ($searchBranch) {
$sql .="{$combine}Branch LIKE '%$searchBranch%' "; $combine = 'AND ';
if ($searchYear) {
$sql .="{$combine}Year LIKE '%$searchYear%' "; $combine = 'AND ';
$rs = odbc_exec($conn, $sql);
if (odbc_num_rows($rs) >= -1) {
echo "\t" . "<tr>\n";
echo "\t" . "<th>Make</th><th>Model</th><th>Year</th><th>Price</th><th>Special Price</th><th>Location</th><th>Stock Number</th>" . "\n";
while (odbc_fetch_row($rs)) {
$id = odbc_result($rs, Id);
$make = odbc_result($rs, Make);
$model = odbc_result($rs, Model);
$year = odbc_result($rs, Year);
$price = odbc_result($rs, Price);
$specialPrice = odbc_result($rs, SpecialPrice);
$branch = odbc_result($rs, Branch);
$stockNo = odbc_result($rs, StockNO);
echo "\t" . "<tr>\n";
echo "\t\t" . "<td><a href=/newsite/selected-vehicles?Id=$id>" . $make . "</td><td><a href=/newsite/selected-vehicles?Id=$id>" . $model . "</a></td><td>" . $year . "</td><td>" . $price . "</td><td>" . $specialPrice . "</td><td>" . $branch . "</td><td>" . $stockNo . "</td>\n";
echo "\t" . "</tr>\n";
} else {
echo "We don’t have the vehicle you are looking for right now, but send us your vehicle requirements and we will be sure to find you one!";
// This message is displayed if the query has an error in it
if (!$rs) {
exit("There is an error in the SQL!");

As a general rule, odbc_num_rows() is not a reliable way to determine the number of rows returned by a SELECT query. As mentioned in the "Notes" section of the PHP documentation:
Using odbc_num_rows() to determine the number of rows available after a SELECT will return -1 with many drivers.
That is indeed the case with the Access ODBC driver.
Instead of using odbc_num_rows() you could check the result of the first odbc_fetch_row() to see if it is TRUE and, if so, proceed with dumping the data to the HTML table. If the first call to odbc_fetch_row() returns FALSE then no rows were retrieved and you can display your message.


PHP: Loop looping through result set

I am having a huge issue looping through results, These two queries work hand in hand to check if a restaurant is open today. My problem is i have restaurants, id 1-5(more in the future). But the loop seems to only get restaurant id 5. I have read many posts on here and it seems like i am doing the right thing. But i cannot seem to loop to get the other restaurant id's.
I am blocked now, newbie who is very open to any suggestions or advise.
$sel = "SELECT Rest_Details.Resturant_ID,Delivery_Pcode.Pcode,Delivery_Pcode.Restaurant_ID
FROM Rest_Details INNER JOIN Delivery_Pcode
ON Delivery_Pcode.Restaurant_ID=Rest_Details.Resturant_ID
WHERE Delivery_Pcode.Pcode LIKE'$searchP'";
$res = $dbc->query($sel);
if (!$res) {
echo "invalid query '" . mysqli_error($dbc) . "\n";
while ($row_res = $res->fetch_array()) {
$rest_ = $row_res['Resturant_ID'];
$daynum = jddayofweek(unixtojd());
$query = "SELECT *
FROM Opening_hrs WHERE
Restaurant_ID = $rest_
AND Day_of_week = $daynum";
$run_qu = $dbc->query($query);
if ($run_qu->num_rows > 0) {
while ($row_qu = $run_qu->fetch_assoc()) {
$message = "open" . $row_qu["Open_time"] . "</br>";
} else {
$message = $message . "close" . $row_qu["Closing_time"] . "</br>";
You could either output whatever you want to within your loop or build-up an output string because the value of $rest_ will always be the last value in the loop and i don't think that's what you want... Again you are doing the same with $message. And I am willing to bet that this is what you want to do:
$sel = "SELECT Rest_Details.Resturant_ID,Delivery_Pcode.Pcode,Delivery_Pcode.Restaurant_ID
FROM Rest_Details INNER JOIN Delivery_Pcode
ON Delivery_Pcode.Restaurant_ID=Rest_Details.Resturant_ID
WHERE Delivery_Pcode.Pcode LIKE'$searchP'";
$res = $dbc->query($sel);
if (!$res) {
echo "invalid query '" . mysqli_error($dbc) . "\n";
while ($row_res = $res->fetch_array()) {
$rest_ = $row_res['Resturant_ID'];
$daynum = jddayofweek(unixtojd());
$query = "SELECT *
FROM Opening_hrs WHERE
Restaurant_ID = $rest_
AND Day_of_week = $daynum";
$run_qu = $dbc->query($query);
if ($run_qu->num_rows > 0) {
while ($row_qu = $run_qu->fetch_assoc()) {
$message = "open" . $row_qu["Open_time"] . "</br>";
} else {
$message = $message . "close" . $row_qu["Closing_time"] . "</br>";
I think this is what you are trying to do.
// $searchP should be checked to prevent SQL injection.
$sel = "SELECT Rest_Details.Resturant_ID, Delivery_Pcode.Pcode,
FROM Rest_Details INNER JOIN Delivery_Pcode
ON Delivery_Pcode.Restaurant_ID = Rest_Details.Resturant_IDW
WHERE Delivery_Pcode.Pcode LIKE '$searchP'";
$res = $dbc->query($sel);
if (!$res) {
echo "invalid query '" . mysqli_error($dbc) . "\n";
// set these once as they don't change
$daynum = jddayofweek(unixtojd());
// $i=1; - not required, never used
// loop over the original results
while ($row_res = $res->fetch_array()) {
$rest_ = $row_res['Resturant_ID'];
//$i++; not used
// check for a match
$query = "SELECT * FROM Opening_hrs
WHERE Restaurant_ID = $rest_
AND Day_of_week = $daynum";
$run_qu = $dbc->query($query);
if ($run_qu->num_rows > 0) {
// at least one match
while ($row_qu = $run_qu->fetch_assoc()) {
$message = "open" . $row_qu["Open_time"] . "<br />";
$message .= "close" . $row_qu["Closing_time"] . "<br />";
} else {
// no matches
$message = "No results for <i>$daynum</i>.";
It should be possible to get the details in a single query, but I would need to see your SQL tables for that (and you did not ask for that too :]).
Also, it is <br> or <br />, not </br>.

PHP array implode keys and values to function

I'm not too familiar with PHP arrays, I have the following code that generates query to output the results needed.
$allstore = $_POST['store'];
function createSelect($allstore)
if (empty($allstore))
return "";
$querySelect = "";
$queryJoin = "";
$baseTable = "";
foreach ($allstore as $store => $value) {
if (!$querySelect) {
$baseTable = $store;
$querySelect = "SELECT " . $store . ".item_no, " . $store . ".actual_price, " . $store . ".selling_price, " . $store . ".qty as " . $store;
} else {
$querySelect .= ", " . $store . ".qty as " . $store;
$queryJoin .= "
INNER JOIN " . $store . " ON " . $baseTable . ".item_no = " . $store . ".item_no";
$querySelect .= " FROM " . $baseTable;
$query = $querySelect . $queryJoin;
return $query;
//Stores to be shown
$allstore = ['s_M9' =>0 , 's_M10' =>1];
$query = (createSelect($allstore));
$result = mysql_query($query);
//rest of code...
As you can see above, at the very top there is $allstore = $_POST['store']; Which collects values based from previous form POST method that has checkbox with the name=store[] .
Now According to the function shown, if I create my own keys and values like this
$allstore = ['s_M9' =>0 , 's_M10' =>1];
the output shows exactly what i'm looking for. But the problem goes on how to let $allstore implode those stores s_M9, s_M10 based on what the user has selected on the previous page ( checkbox )? I mean, the user can select either one of the stores or Both stores . How can I implode the checked results between those brackets without inserting them manually?
Thank You
Edit :
echo "<form action='somewhere.php' method='POST'>";
$query = "SELECT * from stores_list ORDER BY short Asc";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_num_rows($result);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
echo "<input type=checkbox name=store[] value={$row['short']} style='width:20px; height:20px;'>{$row['short']}";
//No Stores Available
echo "No Stores Found !";
echo "</td><input type='submit' value='Search'/></form>";
$allstore = [];
if (!empty($_POST['store'])) {
foreach ($_POST['store'] as $value) {
$allstore[$value] = 1; // or 0, it doesn't matter because your function adds all the keys
$query = (createSelect($allstore));
$result = mysql_query($query);
And of course you have to take care of your createSelect function to avoid SQL Injections, please read here

Getting table doesnt exist with php and mysql

This code down here should search database. but I am getting error that my table doesnt exists. And also I want to ask why if I push second time submit button it just jumps to else so it echo choose at least.... and also all data from database. Thanks!
Here is php
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$query = 'SELECT * FROM station_tab';
if (!empty($_POST['station_name']) && !empty($_POST['city']) && !empty($_POST['zone']))
$query .= 'WHERE station_name' .mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['station_name']) . 'AND city' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['city']) . 'AND zone' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['zone']);
} elseif (!empty($_POST['station_name'])) {
$query .= 'WHERE station_name' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['station_name']);
} elseif (!empty($_POST['city'])) {
$query .= 'WHERE city' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['city']);
} elseif (!empty($_POST['zone'])) {
$query .= 'WHERE zone' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['zone']);
} else {
echo "Choose at least one option for search";
$result = mysql_query($query, $db) or die(mysql_error($db));
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo '<br/><em>' .$row['station_name'] . '</em>';
echo '<br/>city: '. $row['city'];
echo '<br/> zone: ' .$row['zone'];
echo '<br/> Long: ' .$row['lon'];
echo '<br/> Lat: ' . $row['lat'];
here is error message when I add name of the city to city.
Table 'stanice_tab.station_tabwhere' doesn't exist
Here is your corrected code:
$query = 'SELECT * FROM station_tab '; // note the space at the end
if (!empty($_POST['station_name']) && !empty($_POST['city']) && !empty($_POST['zone'])) {
$query .= ' WHERE station_name = "' .mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['station_name']) . '" AND city = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['city']) . '" AND zone = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['zone']).'"'; // note the = signs and the space before each AND
} elseif (!empty($_POST['station_name'])) {
$query .= ' WHERE station_name = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['station_name']).'"'; // note the = sign and the space at the beginning
} elseif (!empty($_POST['city'])) {
$query .= ' WHERE city = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['city']).'"'; // note the = sign and the space at the beginning
} elseif (!empty($_POST['zone'])) {
$query .= ' WHERE zone = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['zone']).'"'; // note the = sign and the space at the beginning
} else {
echo "Choose at least one option for search";
Take the habit of echoing your $query variable so concatenation does not add any typo mistakes.
in phpmyadmin select the database and then select your table
and in menu above there is a sql menu. you can use this functionality to construct sql queries or debug when there are errors like this

Search database with 6 user inputs

I have a database with vehicle information in it (make, model, year, branch, etc)
I need to create a search form to search this database. The search form consists of 4 selection boxes and two text boxes.
Please find the code below trying to query the database:
$dbName = "F:/Domains/autodeal/autodeal.co.za/wwwroot/newsite/db/savvyautoweb.mdb";
// Throws an error if the database cannot be found
if (!file_exists($dbName)) {
die("Could not find database file.");
// Connects to the database
// Assumes there is no username or password
$conn = odbc_connect("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=$dbName", '', '');
if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
$searchMake = addslashes($_POST['makeSelection']);
$searchModel = addslashes($_POST['modelSelection']);
$searchBranch = addslashes($_POST['branchSelection']);
$searchYear = addslashes($_POST['yearSelection']);
$minPrice = addslashes($_POST['minPriceSelection']);
$maxPrice = addslashes($_POST['maxPriceSelection']);
$sql = "SELECT Id, Make, Model, Year, Price, SpecialPrice, Branch, StockNO FROM Vehicle WHERE Price >= '$minPrice' AND Price <= '$maxPrice' AND Make LIKE '$searchMake' AND Model LIKE '$searchModel' AND Branch LIKE '$searchBranch' AND Year LIKE '$searchYear'";
$rs = odbc_exec($conn, $sql);
} else {
$sql = "SELECT Id, Make, Model, Year, Price, SpecialPrice, Branch, StockNO FROM Vehicle ORDER BY Make";
$rs = odbc_exec($conn, $sql);
echo "\t" . "<tr>\n";
echo "\t" . "<th>Make</th><th>Model</th><th>Year</th><th>Price</th><th>Special Price</th><th>Location</th><th>Stock Number</th>" . "\n";
while (odbc_fetch_row($rs)) {
$id = odbc_result($rs, Id);
$make = odbc_result($rs, Make);
$model = odbc_result($rs, Model);
$year = odbc_result($rs, Year);
$price = odbc_result($rs, Price);
$specialPrice = odbc_result($rs, SpecialPrice);
$branch = odbc_result($rs, Branch);
$stockNo = odbc_result($rs, StockNO);
echo "\t" . "<tr>\n";
echo "\t\t" . "<td>" . $make . "</td><td><a href=/newsite/selected-vehicles?Id=$id>" . $model . "</a></td><td>" . $year . "</td><td>" . $price . "</td><td>" . $specialPrice . "</td><td>" . $branch . "</td><td>" . $stockNo . "</td>\n";
echo "\t" . "</tr>\n";
// This message is displayed if the query has an error in it
if (!$rs) {
exit("There is an error in the SQL!");
When I run this script, "there is an error in the SQL" message appears.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thannk you
The sql query which you are making depending upon the user inputs should be modified as there is huge chances it will fail as user may or may not enter all the text boxes. Basically, you you create dynamic query with if else conditions
$sql = "SELECT Id, Make, Model, Year, Price, SpecialPrice, Branch, StockNO FROM Vehicle WHERE 1 = 1;
if ($minPrice > -1 )
$sql .= $sql " and Price >= $minPrice ";
Similarly for others and in comparison operators > < you shouldn't add single quotes with price.
Try to print your query and check how is it formed-

Variable losing its value

I looked through the stack questions and answers, but didn't see anything I could directly apply here. Maybe I'm just missing something.
The code below works fine, except when I include my where statement which refers to the value of the $wp_user_id variable.
I've checked that the variable IS actually being populated with a $user_id when the script is loaded. It appears that the value of this variable is lost right after the call to the conManager function, but I don't understand why. There doesn't appear to be anything within the ConnectionManager.php file (which defines the conManager function) which would touch this variable, so I'm at a loss.
I'm a PHP hack, so go easy on me, but what is causing me to lose the value of my variable, and how do I address it? Here's the code:
$wp_user_id = $_GET["user"];
$pageNo = $json1->{'pageInfo'}->{'pageNum'};
$pageSize = $json1->{'pageInfo'}->{'pageSize'};
$sortField = $json1->{'sortInfo'}[0]->{'columnId'};
$sortField = "miles_on_oil";
$sortOrder = $json1->{'sortInfo'}[0]->{'sortOrder'};
$sortOrder = "ASC";
if($json1->{'sortInfo'}[0]->{'sortOrder'} == "defaultsort"){
$sortField = "miles_on_oil";
$sortOrder = "ASC";
if($json1->{'filterInfo'}[0]->{'value'} != "") {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($json1->{'filterInfo'}); $i++) {
if($json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'logic'} == "equal"){
$filter .= $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'columnId'} . "='" . $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'value'} . "' ";
}elseif($json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'logic'} == "notEqual"){
$filter .= $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'columnId'} . "!='" . $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'value'} . "' ";
}elseif($json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'logic'} == "less"){
$filter .= $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'columnId'} . "<" . $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'value'} . " ";
}elseif($json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'logic'} == "lessEqual"){
$filter .= $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'columnId'} . "<=" . $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'value'} . " ";
}elseif($json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'logic'} == "great"){
$filter .= $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'columnId'} . ">" . $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'value'} . " ";
}elseif($json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'logic'} == "greatEqual"){
$filter .= $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'columnId'} . ">=" . $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'value'} . " ";
}elseif($json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'logic'} == "like"){
$filter .= $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'columnId'} . " LIKE '%" . $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'value'} . "%' ";
}elseif($json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'logic'} == "startWith"){
$filter .= $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'columnId'} . " LIKE '" . $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'value'} . "%' ";
}elseif($json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'logic'} == "endWith"){
$filter .= $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'columnId'} . " LIKE '%" . $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'value'} . "' ";
}elseif($json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'logic'} == ""){
$filter .= $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'columnId'} . " LIKE '%" . $json1->{'filterInfo'}[$i]->{'value'} . "' ";
$filter .= " AND ";
else {
$filter = '';
//print_r ($json1);
// Temp TEsting Values
// End Temp Testing Values
$conManager = new ConManager();
if($json1->{'action'} == 'load'){
//to get how many records totally.
$sql = "select count(*) as cnt from oil_analysis_data where $filter user_id = '".$wp_user_id."'";
$handle = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_object($handle);
$totalRec = $row->cnt;
$sql2 = "select * from oil_analysis_data where $filter user_id = '".$wp_user_id."' ORDER BY " . $sortField . " " . $sortOrder . " limit " . ($pageNo - 1)*$pageSize . ", " . $pageSize;
$handle2 = mysql_query($sql2);
$retArray2 = array();
while($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($handle2)) {
// Grab Vehicle Make, Model & Year "Names" from their respective tables & insert into the array
$year = "select Name from vehicle_data_years where ID = {$row2['list1']}";
$year1 = mysql_query($year);
$year2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($year1);
$year3 = $year2['Name'];
$make = "select Name from vehicle_data_makes where ID = {$row2['list2']}";
$make1 = mysql_query($make);
$make2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($make1);
$make3 = $make2['Name'];
$model = "select Name from vehicle_data_all where ID = {$row2['list3']}";
$model1 = mysql_query($model);
$model2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($model1);
$model3 = $model2['Name'];
$row2['list1'] = $year3;
$row2['list2'] = $make3;
$row2['list3'] = $model3;
// Grab Motor oil Viscosity, Brand & Product "Names" from their respective tables & insert into the array
$visc = "select name from viscosity where id = {$row2['viscosity']}";
$visc1 = mysql_query($visc);
$visc2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($visc1);
$visc3 = $visc2['name'];
$brand = "select brandname from oil_brand where brandid = {$row2['brand']}";
$brand1 = mysql_query($brand);
$brand2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($brand1);
$brand3 = $brand2['brandname'];
$product = "select product_name from oil_data where id = {$row2['product']}";
$product1 = mysql_query($product);
$product2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($product1);
$product3 = $product2['product_name'];
$row2['viscosity'] = $visc3;
$row2['brand'] = $brand3;
$row2['product'] = $product3;
if($row2['bypass_filtration'] == 1) {
$row2['bypass_filtration'] = "<img src='http://themotoroilevaluator.com/admin/php/crud/images/checkmark.png' style='border: 0px;'>";
else {$row2['bypass_filtration'] = "";
if($row2['oil_change'] == 1) {
$row2['oil_change'] = "<img src='http://themotoroilevaluator.com/admin/php/crud/images/checkmark.png' style='border: 0px;'>";
else {$row2['oil_change'] = "";
$retArray[] = $row2;
$analysis_data = json_encode($retArray);
$ret = "{data:" . $analysis_data .",\n";
$ret .= "pageInfo:{totalRowNum:" . $totalRec . "},\n";
$ret .= "recordType : 'object'}";
echo $ret;
I'm curious, why do you add a semi colon after the $wp_user_id; ? I've noticed you doing this in more than one place. This may be the culprit.
$filter user_id = '".$wp_user_id;."'";
Nevermind. It would appear that my problem actually resulted from a change in my code that I had forgotten about. I changed $_REQUEST['user'] to $_GET['user'], thinking that, in this case, since the value was being passed as a URL query string, that wouldn't be a problem.
To be honest, I'm still not entirely sure why that made a difference - although I can research that on my own. But, at any rate, changing that back corrected my problem entirely.
Thanks to those who responded, though. Even if not solutions to my actual problem, the information from both turned out to be very useful.
Any hacker can severely screw up or delete your database because of the way you use direct user provided data to build up your SQL query. Please instead read up on SQL Injection, and the use of PHP prepared statements.
