I'm developing a code that's supposed to go through all records in a database and run 'save()' on each of them.
The thing is, it's giving me a 'Fatal error: Allowed memory size exhausted' error (see below)
current memory usage: 19592272
current memory usage: 20944968
current memory usage: 22361824
current memory usage: 23649968
current memory usage: 274071160
current memory usage: 275354880
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 276824064 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 71 bytes) in/home/lestest/public_html/garratt/phproad/modules/phpr/classes/phpr_extensible.php on line 94
I read this was an issue with any PHP version that's below 5.3 (I'm using PHP 5.3.2). I follow advices from articles like http://paul-m-jones.com/archives/262#comment-940 and https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=48781I, and made sure to destruct() and unset() the object after each loop to free the memory, but I don't know why it's still keeping memory. Can anyone point out what should be changed with the code?
Below is my code:
class ProductSave_Products extends Backend_Controller {
public $implement = 'Db_FormBehavior, Db_ListBehavior';
public $form_model_class = 'ProductSave_Model';
public function index()
$this->app_module_name = 'Products';
$this->app_page_title = 'Save';
$obj = new ProductSave_Model();
$ids = Db_DbHelper::queryArray('select id from shop_product');
foreach($ids as $row)
$product = Shop_Product::create()->find($row['id']);
print "current memory usage: ". memory_get_usage() . '<br/><br/>';
Here is my Db_Helper class code:
class Db_DbHelper
protected static $driver = false;
public static function listTables()
return Db_Sql::create()->fetchCol('show tables');
public static function tableExists($tableName)
$tables = self::listTables();
return in_array($tableName, $tables);
public static function executeSqlScript($filePath, $separator = ';')
$fileContents = file_get_contents($filePath);
$fileContents = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $fileContents );
$statements = explode( $separator."\n", $fileContents );
$sql = Db_Sql::create();
foreach ( $statements as $statement )
if ( strlen(trim($statement)) )
public static function scalar($sql, $bind = array())
return Db_Sql::create()->fetchOne($sql, $bind);
public static function scalarArray($sql, $bind = array())
$values = self::queryArray($sql, $bind);
$result = array();
foreach ($values as $value)
$keys = array_keys($value);
if ($keys)
$result[] = $value[$keys[0]];
return $result;
public static function query($sql, $bind = array())
$obj = Db_Sql::create();
return $obj->query($obj->prepare($sql, $bind));
public static function fetch_next($resource)
return self::driver()->fetch($resource);
public static function free_result($resource)
public static function queryArray($sql, $bind = array())
return Db_Sql::create()->fetchAll($sql, $bind);
public static function objectArray($sql, $bind = array())
$recordSet = self::queryArray($sql, $bind);
$result = array();
foreach ($recordSet as $record)
$result[] = (object)$record;
return $result;
public static function object($sql, $bind = array())
$result = self::objectArray($sql, $bind);
if (!count($result))
return null;
return $result[0];
public static function getTableStruct( $tableName )
$sql = Db_Sql::create();
$result = $sql->query($sql->prepare("SHOW CREATE TABLE `$tableName`"));
return $sql->driver()->fetch($result, 1);
public static function getTableDump( $tableName, $fp = null, $separator = ';' )
$sql = Db_Sql::create();
$qr = $sql->query("SELECT * FROM `$tableName`");
$result = null;
$columnNames = null;
while ($row = $sql->driver()->fetch($qr))
if ( $columnNames === null )
$columnNames = '`'.implode( '`,`', array_keys($row) ).'`';
if (!$fp)
$result .= "INSERT INTO `$tableName`(".$columnNames.") VALUES (";
$result .= $sql->quote( array_values($row) );
$result .= ")".$separator."\n";
} else
fwrite($fp, "INSERT INTO `$tableName`(".$columnNames.") VALUES (");
fwrite($fp, $sql->quote( array_values($row) ));
fwrite($fp, ")".$separator."\n");
return $result;
public static function createDbDump($path, $options = array())
$tables_to_ignore = array_key_exists('ignore', $options) ? $options['ignore'] : array();
$separator = array_key_exists('separator', $options) ? $options['separator'] : ';';
$fp = #fopen($path, "w");
if (!$fp)
throw new Phpr_SystemException('Error opening file for writing: '.$path);
$sql = Db_Sql::create();
fwrite($fp, "SET NAMES utf8".$separator."\n\n");
$tables = self::listTables();
foreach ($tables as $index=>$table)
if (in_array($table, $tables_to_ignore))
fwrite($fp, '# TABLE '.$table."\n#\n");
fwrite($fp, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `'.$table."`".$separator."\n");
fwrite($fp, self::getTableStruct($table).$separator."\n\n" );
self::getTableDump($table, $fp, $separator);
#chmod($path, Phpr_Files::getFilePermissions());
catch (Exception $ex)
throw $ex;
* Generates an unique column value
* #param Db_ActiveRecord $model A model to generate value for
* #param string $column_name A name of a column
* #param string $base_value A base value of the column. The unique value will be generated
* by appending the 'copy_1', 'copy_N' string to the base value.
* #param bool $case_sensitive Specifies whether function should perform a case-sensitive search
* #return string
public static function getUniqueColumnValue($model, $column_name, $base_value, $case_sensitive = false)
$base_value = trim($base_value);
$base_value = preg_replace('/_copy_[0-9]+$/', '', $base_value);
$column_value = $base_value;
$counter = 1;
$table_name = $model->table_name;
$query = $case_sensitive ?
"select count(*) from $table_name where $column_name=:test_value" :
"select count(*) from $table_name where lower($column_name)=lower(:test_value)";
while (self::scalar("select count(*) from $table_name where $column_name=:test_value", array(
$column_value = $base_value.'_copy_'.$counter;
return $column_value;
* Creates a SQL query string for searching specified fields for specified words or phrases
* #param string $query Search query
* #param array|array $fields A list of fields to search in. A single field can be specified as a string
* #param int $min_word_length Allows to ignore words with length less than the specified
* #return string Returns a string
public static function formatSearchQuery($query, $fields, $min_word_length = null)
if (!is_array($fields))
$fields = array($fields);
$words = Core_String::split_to_words($query);
$word_queries = array();
foreach ($words as $word)
if (!strlen($word))
if ($min_word_length && mb_strlen($word) < $min_word_length)
$word = trim(mb_strtolower($word));
$word_queries[] = '%1$s like \'%2$s'.self::driver()->escape($word).'%2$s\'';
$field_queries = array();
foreach ($fields as $field)
if ($word_queries)
$field_queries[] = '('.sprintf(implode(' and ', $word_queries), $field, '%').')';
if (!$field_queries)
return '1=1';
return '('.implode(' or ', $field_queries).')';
public static function reset_driver()
self::$driver = false;
public static function driver()
if (!self::$driver)
$sql = Db_Sql::create();
return self::$driver = $sql->driver();
return self::$driver;
public static function escape($str)
return self::driver()->escape($str);
Thank you
Trying to generate a custom mysqli class / wrapper with $this->_mysqli as a mysqli instance:
// Query string generator
private function gen_query($type, $data, $table){
switch ($type) {
case 'ins':
$query = "INSERT INTO " .$table .' ';
$query .= implode_key($opr= ', ', $data);
$query .= " VALUES " . value($data);
case 'select':
// yet to generate
$query ='';
return $query;
// Generates bind parameters
private function gen_param($data){
$_param = "'";
foreach ($data as $v) {
$_param .= $this->detect_type($v);
$_param .= "', ";
foreach ($data as $k=>$v) {
if($v == end($data)) {
$_param .="$$k";
$_param .= "$$k, ";
return $_param;
public function insert( $table, $data ){
$table = $this->_prefix . $table;
$table = $this->escape($table);
$query = $this->gen_query('ins', $data, $table);
$stmt = $this->_mysqli->prepare($query);
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$$key = $value;
$test = $this->gen_param($data);
if(!$stmt->bind_param($test)) {
echo $this->_mysqli->error;
print 'Success!'.'<br />';
} else {
die('Error : ('. $this->_mysqli->errno .') '. $this->_mysqli->error);
So when user inputs
$data = [ 'first_name' => 'foo', 'last_name' => 'bar', 'another_field' => 'blah'];
$db->insert('t1', $data);
I get this error:
Warning: Wrong parameter count for mysqli_stmt::bind_param() in path\to\class-db.php on line 138
This is line 138: if(!$stmt->bind_param($test))
Not sure why the question was downvoted. Anyways, I got this fixed by referring: this repo.
We'll need to get rid of gen_param, use an array instead and call using a callback function to get the parameter values right and refer the values.
The code is now:
public function insert( $table, $data ){
$table = $this->_prefix . $table;
$table = $this->escape($table);
$query = $this->gen_query('ins', $data, $table);
$stmt = $this->_mysqli->prepare($query);
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'),$this->return_ref($this->bind_arr));
echo "Success!";
die('Error : ('. $this->_mysqli->errno .') '. $this->_mysqli->error);
private function _bind_param($data){
foreach($data as $key=>$value) {
private function _bind_values($value) {
$this->bind_arr[0] .= $this->detect_type($value);
array_push($this->bind_arr, $value);
protected function return_ref(array &$arr)
//Reference in the function arguments are required for HHVM to work
//Referenced data array is required by mysqli since PHP 5.3+
if (strnatcmp(phpversion(), '5.3') >= 0) {
$refs = array();
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
$refs[$key] = & $arr[$key];
return $refs;
return $arr;
The code is nowhere near complete, but this got me started.
In my customer repository, I've defined a function findMapAllByIds(), like so:
* #apiParam $materialIdList [049c5355-6311-c251-16b7-9c923f8de2a4,0589775e-dcd3-c015-bd81-bba26df33c77,0bf7f653-c01a-d6e2-8cdc-1691c437e4eb]
public function findMapAllByIds($materialIdList, $orderBy = 'createTime', $order = 'desc')
$ids = array();
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('Material')
->sort($orderBy, $order)
$resultList = $query->execute();
$resultMap = array();
if (!empty($resultList)) {
foreach ($resultList as $material) {
$resultMap[(string) $material->getId()] = $material;
return $resultMap;
Then, I get this error:
Notice: Array to string conversion
I'm in a situation where I want to build a code which gets $bindParam variable in this format:
$bindParams = [$type1 => $param1, $type2 => $param2, ... ]
I wanna build some code that dynamically adds that parameters to the prepared statement.
This is the code which I built so far :
$mysql = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "db1");
$stmt = $mysql->prepare($sql);
foreach($bindParams as $type => $data) {
$stmt->bind_param($type, $data);
$result = $stmt->get_result();
// and after perhaps twiddling with the result set, but this is not the case .....
For your instance
$sql = "INSERT INTO table1 (name, age) VALUES (?,?);"
$bindParams = ["s" => "hello", "i" => 15]
This does not always have this structure and it can change to for example $bindParams = ["s" => "hello", "i" => 15, "d" => 22.5] and so the $sql changes respectively.
After the first time the compiler heads to $stmt->bind_param($type, $data); firefox flushes this error:
Warning: mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of variables doesn't match number of parameters in prepared statement in D:\PHP\tr.php on line 23
I know PDO support that as stated here at the end of the page. but perhaps as you might expect Im not a fan of PDO so ;)
My other option is to use the eval() workarounds available in php but thats out of what I might think of.
Is there another way to do this?
I had the same problem, and found an answer much simplier:
$array_of_values = array( "Brasil", "Argentina" );
$types = "ss";
$mysqli_stmt->bind_param( $types, ...$array_of_values );
This is called "argument unpacking", and is available since PHP 5.6
Sadly mysqli doesn't support this. Calling the function over and over again overwrites the values, so you're only binding one param when you clearly have more.
There's a couple of ways to get around this
Switch to PDO. You can make one bind per function call with that
Bind the params as one aggregate using call_user_func_array
$sqltype = '';
$sqldata = [];
foreach($bindParams as $type => $data) {
$sqltype .= $type;
$sqldata[] = &$data; // MUST be a reference
array_unshift($sqldata, $sqltype); // prepend the types
call_user_func_array([$stmt, 'bind_param'], $sqldata);
I use something like this to do dynamic procedure calls.
Example Call:
$mapi = new MySQLIAPI($con);
$mapi->AddParameter("user", $usern, "s");
$mapi->AddParameter("email", $email, "s");
$mapi->AddParameter("passwd", $pwd, "s");
$id = $mapi->CallProc("ij_create_user");
$id = $id[0];
if(isset($id['mysql_error']) || isset($id["error"])){
return "error";
return $id["id"];
Example Class:
private $con = null;
private $Variables = null;
private $values = null;
private $types = null;
private $vQu = null;
private $stmt = null;
function __construct($dbc)
$this->con = $dbc;
$this->Variables = [];
$this->values = [];
$this->types = [];
$this->vQu = [];
function BeginProc()
$this->stmt = $this->con->stmt_init(); // initialize statement
function AddParameter($key, $val, $type)
$this->Variables[] = "#" . $key;
$this->values[] = $val;
$this->types[] = $type;
$this->vQu[] = "?";
//KeyPair is v = the value, t = the type s or d
function CallProc($Proc) {
$out_var = null;
$call = "";
if(sizeof($this->values) > 0)
$call = "CALL ".$Proc."(".implode(",", (array)$this->vQu).")";
$call = "CALL ".$Proc."()";
if($this->stmt->prepare($call));//call stored procedure with database server session variable
if(sizeof($this->values) > 0) {
$params = array_merge(array(implode("", $this->types)), $this->values);
call_user_func_array(array($this->stmt, 'bind_param'), $this->refValues($params));
$result = $this->stmt->get_result();
/* Error Checking */
$mySQLiError = mysqli_stmt_error($this->stmt);
if ($mySQLiError != "") {
$this->stmt = null;
return array('mysql_error' => $mySQLiError);
while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC))
$out_var[] = $row;
$this->stmt = null;
return $out_var;
private function refValues($arr)
if (strnatcmp(phpversion(), '5.3') >= 0) //Reference is required for PHP 5.3+
$refs = array();
foreach ($arr as $key => $value)
$refs[$key] =& $arr[$key];
return $refs;
return $arr;
private function resetStmt()
//Reset Params
$this->Variables = array();
$this->values = array();
$this->types = array();
$this->vQu = array();
I need to be able to echo a value from a private property in one of my classes if a method is called within the class. It's a little tricky to explain so let me demostrate and hopefully someone can fill in the blank for me :)
class test {
private $array['teachers']['classes'][23] = "John";
public function __construct($required_array) {
$this->array['teachers']['classes'][23] = "John";
$this->array['students'][444] = "Mary";
public function echo_array($array) {
// Echo the value from the private $this->array;
// remembering that the array I pass can have either
// 1 - 1000 possible array values which needs to be
// appended to the search.
// Getting the teacher:
$test = new test(array('teachers','classes',23));
// Getting the student:
$test = new test(array('students',444));
Is this possible?
$tmp = $this->array;
foreach ($array as $key) {
$tmp = $tmp[$key];
// $tmp === 'John'
return $tmp; // never echo values but only return them
An other approach to get value;
class Foo {
private $error = false,
$stack = array(
'teachers' => array(
'classes' => array(
23 => 'John',
24 => 'Jack',
public function getValue() {
$query = func_get_args();
$stack = $this->stack;
$result = null;
foreach ($query as $i) {
if (!isset($stack[$i])) {
$result = null;
$stack = $stack[$i];
$result = $stack;
if (null !== $result) {
return $result;
// Optional
// trigger_error("$teacher -> $class -> $number not found `test` class", E_USER_NOTICE);
// or
$this->error = true;
public function isError() {
return $this->error;
$foo = new Foo();
$val = $foo->getValue('teachers', 'classes', 24); // Jack
// $val = $foo->getValue('teachers', 'classes'); // array: John, Jack
// $val = $foo->getValue('teachers', 'classes', 25); // error
if (!$foo->isError()) {
} else {
print 'Value not found!';
Having some trouble with the following code. I've created a class to manage the DB connection, using what you see below as queryPreparedQuery and works fine when getting data for a single user, or any data that returns a single result using something like this...
include 'stuff/class_stuff.php';
function SweetStuff() {
$foo = new db_connection();
$foo->queryPreparedQuery("SELECT Bacon, Eggs, Coffee FROM Necessary_Items WHERE Available = ?",$bool);
$bar = $foo->Load();
$stuff = 'Brand of Pork is '.$bar['Bacon'].' combined with '.$bar['Eggs'].' eggs and '.$bar['Coffee'].' nectar for energy and heart failure.';
return $stuff;
echo SweetStuff();
Problem is, I want to build the functionality in here to allow for a MySQL query which returns multiple results. What am I missing? I know it's staring me right in the face...
class db_connection
private $conn;
private $stmt;
private $result;
#Build a mysql connection
public function __construct($host="HOST", $user="USER", $pass="PASS", $db="DB_NAME")
$this->conn = new mysqli($host, $user, $pass, $db);
echo("Database connect Error : "
. mysqli_connect_error());
#return the connected connection
public function getConnect()
return $this->conn;
#execute a prepared query without selecting
public function execPreparedQuery($query, $params_r)
$stmt = $this->conn->stmt_init();
if (!$stmt->prepare($query))
echo("Error in $statement when preparing: "
. mysqli_error($this->conn));
return 0;
$types = '';
$values = '';
$index = 0;
$params_r = array($params_r);
$bindParam = '$stmt->bind_param("';
foreach($params_r as $param)
if (is_numeric($param)) {
elseif (is_float($param)) {
$values .= '$params_r[' . $index . '],';
$values = rtrim($values, ',');
$bindParam .= $types . '", ' . $values . ');';
if (strlen($types) > 0)
//for debug
//if(strpos($query, "INSERT") > 0)
return $stmt;
#execute a prepared query
public function queryPreparedQuery($query, $params_r)
$this->stmt = $this->execPreparedQuery($query, $params_r);
$meta = $this->stmt->result_metadata();
$bindResult = '$this->stmt->bind_result(';
while ($columnName = $meta->fetch_field()) {
$bindResult .= '$this->result["'.$columnName->name.'"],';
$bindResult = rtrim($bindResult, ',') . ');';
#Load result
public function Load(&$result = null)
if (func_num_args() == 0)
return $this->result;
$res = $this->stmt->fetch();
$result = $this->result;
return $res;
#Load result
public function Execute(&$result = null)
if (func_num_args() == 0)
return $this->result;
$res = $this->stmt->fetch_array();
$result = $this->result;
return $res;
private function bindParameters(&$obj, &$bind_params_r)
call_user_func_array(array($obj, "bind_param"), $bind_params_r);
Got this to work with Patrick's help. Was able to find the following code with the help of this question, and with a few tweaks, it works beautifully. Added the following after the execute() statement in ExecPreparedQuery, returning an array at the very end instead of the single result:
# these lines of code below return multi-dimentional/ nested array, similar to mysqli::fetch_all()
$variables = array();
$data = array();
$meta = $stmt->result_metadata();
while($field = $meta->fetch_field())
$variables[] = &$data[$field->name]; // pass by reference
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_result'), $variables);
$array[$i] = array();
foreach($data as $k=>$v)
$array[$i][$k] = $v;
# close statement
return $array;
As a result of the altered code, I changed the call to interpret multidimensional array data rather than a single result, of course. Thanks again!
In your Execute function you are calling $this->stmt>fetch_array().
That function only returns an array of a single row of the result set.
You probably want:
To retrieve the entire result set from a prepared statement: