Connection from one EC2 instance to another EC2 instance using phpseclib - php

Hi I am using HANA on one EC2 and using by PHP which is already there in SUSE Linux to fetch the data from other Instance. The same code is working fine when i am trying t fetch data from my local system. But it is not working there neither it is showing any error. Please help. Here is my code:
$date = date("d/m/Y-h:i:s") . "\n"; //to get today's date and time
$logfile = "file-transfer";
$fpath ="log/";
$filepath = $fpath .$logfile . '-log-' . date('Y-m-d') . '.csv'; //path of error log file
$fh1 = fopen($filepath, 'a'); //opening the error log file
fwrite($fh1, "Process Started#" .$date. "\n");
$key = new Crypt_RSA();
$local_directory = 'sap/';
$remote_directory = '/var/www/';
$file = 'index.html';
$sftp = new Net_SFTP('');
if (!$sftp->login('ubuntu', $key)) {
fwrite($fh1, "Login Failed" .$date. "\n");
fwrite($fh1, "Login Successful#" .$date. "\n");
//$success = $sftp->put($remote_directory . $file,$local_directory . $file,NET_SFTP_LOCAL_FILE);
$success = $sftp->get($remote_directory . $file,$local_directory . $file);
fwrite($fh1, "File Transferred Successfully#" .$date. "\n");
fwrite($fh1, "Error:" .$date.error_get_last(). "\n");
Erroneously when i put wrong host name it throw Login failed message. But When i put the correct host name it is not working.

If you are using VPC for your networks inside AWS you need to open the ports in the Security Group so the EC2 instances in the same security group see and can access each other.


SFTP disconnect() method not working with Laravel

I'm running the following script inside a Laravel job (OperatorSubmissionJob) to upload multiple files to the SFTP server. Everything working well. But I have to disconnect the SFTP connection to end the session after the uploading finished.
$sftp = Storage::disk('sftp');
foreach ($request['image'] as $key => $image) {
$image_array_1 = explode(";", $image);
$image_array_2 = explode(",", $image_array_1[1]);
$data = base64_decode($image_array_2[1]);
$imageName = Carbon::now()->format('Ymd_his') . $key . '.jpeg';
// FTP server upload
$ftp_image_name = $ftp_path . "_" . $count . '.jpeg';
try {
$isUploaded = $sftp->put("$ftp_path/" . $ftp_image_name, $data, 'public');
if ($isUploaded) {
Log::info("FTP image uploaded (UserID-" . $id . ", CustomerID-" . $mail_history->CustomerID . "): " . $count);
} else {
Log::info("FTP image upload failed (UserID-" . $id . ", CustomerID-" . $mail_history->CustomerID . "): " . $count);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// have to disconnect $sftp here. I have tried the following:
// $sftp->disconnect(); // error: undefined method disconnect
// $sftp->getDriver()->getAdapter()->disconnect(); // error: undefined method disconnect
// $sftp->getFilesystem()->getAdapter()->getClient()->disconnect();
Used techs:
Laravel 9 league/flysystem-sftp-v3
None of the disconnect scripts working in my case. Please help..
I have tried with the following scripts:

PHP: Why file can only be written the first time and subsequent writes fail?

My code:
function log_message($user = "", $message = "") {
$log_file = LOG_PATH;
// if we can open the file
if($handle = fopen($log_file, "a")) {
$timestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d:%H %H:%M:%S", time());
$content = $timestamp . " | [{$user}] | " . $message . "\n";
fwrite($handle, $content);
} else {
die("error opening log file: {$log_file}");
The first time I can write to the file no problem but any subsequent writes don't get make it through and falls into the else statement?
Other info:
The site is hosted on godaddy and i have set the privacy permissions on the folder to be writable.
What I tried:
I used the function
file_put_contents($log_file, $content . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
but same result.
I also tried the solution mentioned in this question: How to make sure a file handle has been closed before next operation?

fopen is not working on elastic beanstalk php

I am using the following code in elastic beanstalk php to generate log file but I am getting this error.But the same code is working on another server. How can I make it work ?
Error opening file in write mode!
Code :
$fileName =$path.'/logs/data'.date('Y-m-d_H-i-s'). '_' . uniqid() . '.txt';
$file = fopen($fileName,'w') or die('Could not create report file: ' . $fileName);
foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
$reportLine = $key." = ".$value."\n";
fwrite($file, $reportLine) or die ('Could not write to report file ' . $reportLine);
fputs($file,"log aws");
Make sure your php user www-data have permission to write in $path.'/logs/ folder or just chmod that logs folder to 0777 permisson

Selenium2 firefox: use the default profile

Selenium2, by default, starts firefox with a fresh profile. I like that for a default, but for some good reasons (access to my bookmarks, saved passwords, use my add-ons, etc.) I want to start with my default profile.
There is supposed to be a property controlling this but I think the docs are out of sync with the source, because as far as I can tell webdriver.firefox.bin is the only one that works. E.g. starting selenium with:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.5.0.jar -Dwebdriver.firefox.bin=not-there
works (i.e. it complains). But this has no effect:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.5.0.jar -Dwebdriver.firefox.profile=default
("default" is the name in profiles.ini, but I've also tried with "Profile0" which is the name of the section in profiles.ini).
I'm using PHPWebdriver (which uses JsonWireProtocol) to access:
$webdriver = new WebDriver("localhost", "4444");
I tried doing it from the PHP side:
$webdriver->connect("firefox","",array('profile'=>'default') );
$webdriver->connect("firefox","",array('profile'=>'Profile0') );
with no success (firefox starts, but not using my profile).
I also tried the hacker's approach of creating a batch file:
/usr/bin/firefox -P default
And then starting Selenium with:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.5.0.jar -Dwebdriver.firefox.bin="/usr/local/src/selenium/myfirefox"
Firefox starts, but not using by default profile and, worse, everything hangs: selenium does not seem able to communicate with firefox when started this way.
P.S. I saw Selenium - Custom Firefox profile I tried this:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.5.0.jar -firefoxProfileTemplate "not-there"
And it refuses to run! Excited, thinking I might be on to something, I tried:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.5.0.jar -firefoxProfileTemplate /path/to/0abczyxw.default/
This does nothing. I.e. it still starts with a new profile :-(
Simon Stewart answered this on the mailing list for me.
To summarize his reply: you take your firefox profile, zip it up (zip, not tgz), base64-encode it, then send the whole thing as a /session json request (put the base64 string in the firefox_profile key of the Capabilities object).
An example way to do this on Linux:
cd /your/profile
zip -r profile *
base64 >
And then if you're using PHPWebDriver when connecting do:
$webdriver->connect("firefox", "", array("firefox_profile" => file_get_contents("/your/profile/")))
NOTE: It still won't be my real profile, rather a copy of it. So bookmarks won't be remembered, the cache won't be filled, etc.
Here is the Java equivalent. I am sure there is something similar available in php.
ProfilesIni profile = new ProfilesIni();
FirefoxProfile ffprofile = profile.getProfile("default");
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(ffprofile);
If you want to additonal extensions you can do something like this as well.
ProfilesIni profile = new ProfilesIni();
FirefoxProfile ffprofile = profile.getProfile("default");
ffprofile.addExtension(new File("path/to/my/firebug.xpi"));
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(ffprofile);
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.21.0.jar -Dwebdriver.firefox.profile=default
should work. the bug is fixed.
Just update your selenium-server.
I was curious about this as well and what I got to work was very simple.
I use the command /Applications/ -P to bring up Profile Manager. After I found which profile I needed to use I used the following code to activate the profile browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, :profile => "batman".
This pulled all of my bookmarks and plug-ins that were associated with that profile.
Hope this helps.
From my understanding, it is not possible to use the -Dwebdriver.firefox.profile=<name> command line parameter since it will not be taken into account in your use case because of the current code design. Since I faced the same issue and did not want to upload a profile directory every time a new session is created, I've implemented this patch that introduces a new firefox_profile_name parameter that can be used in the JSON capabilities to target a specific Firefox profile on the remote server. Hope this helps.
I did It in Zend like this:
public function indexAction(){
$appdata = 'C:\Users\randomname\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox' . "\\";
$temp = 'C:\Temp\\';
$hash = md5(rand(0, 999999999999999999));
shell_exec("\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe\" -CreateProfile " . $hash);
$hash = $this->params['p'];
$ini = new Zend_Config_Ini('C:\Users\randomname\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini');
$path = false;
foreach ($ini as $key => $value){
if(isset($value->Name) && $value->Name == $hash){
$path = $value->Path;
if($path === false){
die('<pre>No profile found with name: ' . $hash);
echo "<pre>Profile : $hash \nProfile Path : " . $appdata . "$path \n";
echo "Files: \n";
$filesAndDirs = $this->getAllFiles($appdata . $path);
$files = $filesAndDirs[0];
foreach ($files as $file){
echo " $file\n";
echo "Dirs : \n";
$dirs = array_reverse($filesAndDirs[1]);
foreach ($dirs as $dir){
echo " $dir\n";
echo 'Zipping : ';
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$zipPath = md5($path) . "";
$zipRet = $zip->open($temp .$zipPath, ZipArchive::CREATE);
echo ($zipRet === true)?"Succes\n":"Error $zipRet\n";
echo "Zip name : $zipPath\n";
foreach ($dirs as $dir){
$zipRet = $zip->addEmptyDir($dir);
if(!($zipRet === true) ){
echo "Error creating folder: $dir\n";
foreach ($files as $file){
$zipRet = $zip->addFile($appdata . $path ."\\". $file,$file);
if(!($zipRet === true && file_exists($appdata . $path . "\\". $file) && is_readable($appdata . $path . "\\". $file))){
echo "Error zipping file: $appdata$path/$file\n";
$zipRet = $zip->addFile($appdata . $path ."\\prefs.js",'user.js');
if(!($zipRet === true && file_exists($appdata . $path . "\\". $file) && is_readable($appdata . $path . "\\". $file))){
echo "Error zipping file: $appdata$path/$file\n";
$zipRet = $zip->close();
echo "Closing zip : " . (($zipRet === true)?("Succes\n"):("Error:\n"));
if($zipRet !== true){
echo "Reading zip in string\n";
$zipString = file_get_contents($temp .$zipPath);
echo "Encoding zip\n";
$zipString = base64_encode($zipString);
echo $zipString . "\n";
require 'webdriver.php';
echo "Connecting Selenium\n";
$webDriver = new WebDriver("localhost",'4444');
die('Selenium is not running');
private function getAllFiles($path,$WithPath = false){
$return = array();
$dirs = array();
if (is_dir($path)) {
if ($dh = opendir($path)) {
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if(!in_array($file, array('.','..'))){
if(is_dir($path . "\\" . $file)){
$returned = $this->getAllFiles($path . "\\" . $file,(($WithPath==false)?'':$WithPath) . $file . "\\");
$return = array_merge($return,$returned[0]);
$dirs = array_merge($dirs,$returned[1]);
$dirs[] = (($WithPath==false)?'':$WithPath) . $file;
$return[] = (($WithPath==false)?'':$WithPath) . $file;
return array($return,$dirs);
The Idea is that you give in the get/post/zend parameters P with the name of the profile if not a random wil be created, and he will zip all the files put it in the temp folder and put it in.

Connect to NAS with FTP and PHP

I am trying to develop a web bassed FTP client for my NAS. When I try to get a list of all the files on my NAS the script will just load forever. If I try to connect to my webhost through PHP instead, everything is fine and I can get a list of all the files.
If I run the script through the Terminal in Mac OS there is no problem getting a list of the files on my NAS.
Can anyone tell me why I cannot retrieve a list of the files on my NAS? Does it matter that I connect to my IP address (of course not the local IP :-)) and my port is not the default 21 but 2121?
Below is my script.
// Set IP and port
define("FTP_CONNECT_IP", "");
define("FTP_CONNECT_PORT", "");
// Set username and password
define("FTP_LOGIN_USER", "");
define("FTP_LOGIN_PASS", "");
// Set directory to open
$dir = ($_GET['dir']) ? $_GET['dir'] : ".";
// Connect to FTP server
$conn = ftp_connect(FTP_CONNECT_IP, FTP_CONNECT_PORT); // Timeout is not set, default is 90 seconds
// Log into FTP srever
$login_result = ftp_login($conn, FTP_LOGIN_USER, FTP_LOGIN_PASS);
// Print details about directory
// Set what directory name to show
$dir_name = ($dir == ".") ? "/" : "/" . $dir;
echo "Current dir: " . $dir_name . "<br /><br />";
foreach (ftp_nlist($conn, $dir) as $element) {
$element_name = str_replace($dir . "/", "", $element);
// Check if element is a file or a directory
// If size is -1 then the element is a directory
if(ftp_size($conn, $element) == -1) {
echo "" . $element_name . "<br />";
else {
echo "" . $element_name . "<br />";
// Close connection
Perhaps your nas has a firewall. Try enabling passive mode by using:
ftp_pasv($conn, true);
after the
