Cannot figure out php date() timestamps for two timestamps - php

With PHP, I am trying to convert a bunch of numbers into a a readable format, the thing is, I have no idea how/what format these are in or can be parsed in using the date() or time() functions in php. there are two of these as well.
(they're built from a total time spent online and time since last log-on)
onlinetime : 1544946 = 2w 3d 21h 9m
lastonline : 1397087222 = 1h 32m
does anyone know the way to get the two different times from the two different timestamps?

If you have a Unix timestamp, take a look at Convert timestamp to readable date/time PHP. The PHP documentation is here:
For the online time, you could do modulo arithmetic to figure out the values for each, and then just make a string out of the result. Someone may have a nicer suggestion for this though.

I think John is right, the first is the number of seconds in the timespan listed. And the second certainly looks like a unix timestamp to me. So here's how you can get what you want from these sets of numbers:
1) For the first number, simply divide the number by the seconds in a given time span and use floor():
$timeElapsed = 154496; // in this case
$weeksElapsed = floor($timeElapsed / 604800);
$remainder = $timeElapsed % 604800;
$daysElapsed = floor($remainder / 86400);
2) For the second number, you can do the same thing by first getting the current timestamp and then subtracting the given timestamp from it:
$lastOnline = 1397087222; // again, in this case
$currentTimestamp = time();
$elapsedSinceLastLogin = $currentTimestamp - $lastonline;
$weeksSinceLastLogin = floor($elapsedSinceLastLogin / 604800);


How do I go about making a Unix Timestamp in Milliseconds in PHP Code?

I've tried various things, I want to find out how to specifically do it for now, 7 days ago and 1 month ago.
I tried
$timestamp = round(microtime(true)*1000);
I got a random number and then E+12 on the end what's that? When I tried to put '$timestamp' into a json string to POST to a url to get an array with results within the time periods (which have to be declared in unix timestamps in milliseconds), I get no result back. If I use a unix timestamp converter only and put it into the json string, it works. How I can do this so it's dynamic based on the time in PHP? Thanks
E12 means "multiplied by 10 to the 12th power" otherwise known as scientific notation. if you want to just output the digits, you can do something like this
$timestamp = round(microtime(true)*1000);
echo number_format($timestamp,0,".","");
That will output just the number without scientific notation.
To get timestamps for various days you can use strtotime().
$microSeconds = microtime(true) - (float)time();
$sevenDaysAgo = (float)strtotime('-7 days') + $microSeconds;
$oneMonthAgo = (float)strtotime('-1 Month') + $microSeconds;
$sevenDaysAgo *= 1000;
$oneMonthAgo *= 1000;
echo number_format($sevenDaysAgo,0,".","");
echo number_format($oneMonthAgo,0,".","");

PHP Date to String to compare dates

I only have basic PHP knowledge and I'm using PHP+Mysql and trying to check the difference in days between 2 dates; the 1st date is formatted by myself in the script as a string:
The second date ($f_dock) which is the one causing the issue is taken from the mysql database which column is in DATE format. To compare the dates I do the following:
$resultado = $mysqli->query("SELECT id,f_dock FROM pt");
$row = $resultado->fetch_assoc();
for ($i=0;$i<count($ids);$i++){
if ($ids[$i]==$row["id"]){
} while ($row = $resultado->fetch_assoc());
Sometimes it works correctly, but other times I get Warning: strtotime() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in [first line] and $tat is not correctly calculated and has strange values.
I've tried different solutions like $f_dock=(string)$f_dock before but finally the convertion always fails in some cases. Thanks in advance for any tip.
The error that you are getting is because the string you are entering is not a valid string for the strtotime() function to convert.
For instance 2015-08-31 will convert just fine, as will today, tomorrow or +7 days.
For more specific help you will need to tell us what the value of $f_dock is (as Marcos says in his comment, var_dump($f_dock) will get you this).
However, on to the solution:
$date1 = strtotime($f_dock); //timestamp in seconds
$date2 = strtotime($f_entrega); //same for the second date
$difference = $date1 - $date2; //difference in seconds between the dates
$days = floor($difference/86400);
86400 is the number of seconds in a day, so find out how many seconds difference there is, then see how many days worth of seconds are in there and use floor() to round the number down. Job done.

Negating one time from another

Hey guys i'm trying to figure out how to subtract one time from another using php to get the amount of time left between the two times. So for example
time left = time1-time2
timeleft = 15:35-15:30
which would be equal to 5mins left.
Currently I am loading the two times like so.
time1 is coming from my database (which is the time we are waiting for, and in my case the time we are waiting for is the time for next update) and time2 is the current system time.
I tried using this code
$timeleft = $dbtime - $curtime;
$dbtime = time loaded from database.
$curtime = current system time.
But that just returns a 0.
Any help is appreciated thanks.
Use strtotime to turn the date string to unix timestamp.
$timeleft = strtotime($dbtime) - strtotime($curtime);
You have to convert both times into timestamp. One good function for that is the strtotime() that try to convert a string into timestamp.
Then do your maths as you know and then just use the date() function to fomrat your time into anything you like
Use strtotime to convert strings to unix timestamps:
$timedifference = strtotime($dbtime) - strtotime($curtime); // or also
$timedifference = strtotime($dbtime) - time();
You negating one string from another - the result in 0 because (int)(string) = 0
Your must use like this
$dbtime = time();
// query
$timeleft = time() - $dbtime;
See also strtotime() function, if you date is parsed by it

Subtracting two different times in PHP

This seems like a fairly simple question, but I'm having trouble with it!
In my database, I have two fields that have times in them. Let's say one field, named clockin, reads "2:29:39 pm," and another field, named clockout, reads "2:29:39 pm."
Then I have two other fields, one titled "breakin" which reads 2:28:37 pm and breakout which reads "2:28:55 pm".
I want to subtract breakout from break in to get the difference, and then take that number and subtract it from the difference between clockin and clockout.
How can I do this? Here's what I've tried:
$clockout = new DateTime($row['clockout']);
$clockin = new DateTime($row['clockin']);
$diff = $clockout->diff($clockin);
$on_the_clock = sprintf('%d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds', $diff->h, $diff->i, $diff->s);
$breakin = new DateTime($row['breakin']);
$breakout = new DateTime($row['breakout']);
$diff2 = $breakout->diff($breakin);
$break = sprintf('%d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds', $diff2->h, $diff2->i, $diff2->s);
That gives me two differences, but then I don't know how to subtract one from the other.
Thanks for any help!
Judging by your existing code I'm assuming your running PHP > 5.3 with the DateTime class.
In which case check out DateTime->sub(). You can use it to subtract the DateInterval returned from the break from clock out. Then do the difference between clock in and clock out. That would give you the total time worked.
I've used strtotime() for such problems. It produces pure number values in the form of the Unix timestamp. I'm not experienced with DateTime() but I prefer Unix timestamps since it represents number of seconds and can be converted back into a string or user-friendly format using date() if necessary.
I find storing Unix timestamps in the database is easier to manipulate as well. A user-friendly format isn't necessary until it needs to be displayed to the user.

Comparing two date / times to find out if 5 mins has lapsed between the two times php

I need to compare two dates to show an edit link if it is within 5 mins after the post was made, in PHP. If more than 5 minutes have passed, don't show anything.
$answer_post_date = get_the_time("Y-m-d");
$current_date = date("Y-m-d");
$formated_current_date = strtotime($answer_post_date);
$formated_answer_post_date = strtotime($current_date);
At this point I have two values:
1274414400 ($formated_current_date)
1276056000 ($formated_answer_post_date)
I am not sure what to do next to check if the current date/time is > 5 mins from the answer post date.
Any suggestions would be great.
All I really need the answer to be is a Boolean (yes/no) and if yes, display the minuets left to show the link to edit.
You're only handling dates, how are you supposed to know if the difference is 5 minutes?
Anyway, I'd say the majority of the PHP code that uses the default PHP functions is at least somewhat broken. The problem is you, despite a unix timestamp storing the correct point in time something happens, it does not store timezone information. See here.
So, forget using only date and strtotime. Use the datetime extension.
Store in the database the Unix timestamp and the timezone (by timezone I mean e.g. Europe/Lisbon). Then:
$tz = new DateTimeZone($timezone);
$answer_post_date = new DateTime("$timestamp");
$current_date = new DateTime("now", $tz);
$diff = $current_date->diff($answer_post_date);
if ($diff->format("a") > 0 ||
$diff->format("h") > 0 ||
$diff->format("m") >= 5) {
//more than 5 minutes have passed
Of course, for comparing dates, you can always compare the timestamps.
My understanding of what you need to do:
$delta = ($formated_current_date - $formated_answer_post_date) / 60; // in minutes
if ($delta < 5) {
// show $delta
EDIT: Like others pointed out, this alone will not fix all of the issues at hand. As I see it, the smallest change to your current code would be to use a date format with higher granularity - such as "Y-m-d H:i:s". This being enough, like others pointed out, is contingent on the post's date being in the same timezone as your system.
I don't see the need to do a round-trip to a string format and back, regardless of how efficient or reliable it is.
date() will default to calling time() which you can call directly and get the current time in seconds as a Unix epoch timestamp (which is what you're trying to end up with in $formated_answer_post_date). You need to look in the WordPress docs to find the equivalent based on the post's value.
Then you can do a simple comparison of seconds. 5 minutes is 300 seconds.
You will still need to check that the code can assume the timezones of both values will be the same.
