I need to download all images (only) from a url.I've been searching but never got the right answer for this. I have a page that will accept website url to a input box then after submitting it will download all the images from that website.I got this code from the web, but I dont know how to use or where to put the web url. For example i want to download all images from http://www.microsoft.com/en-ph/default.aspx
$url = $_REQUEST['webUrl'];
$string = FetchPage($url);
$image_regex_src_url = '/<img[^>]*'.
$image_regex_src_url = '/<img[^>]*'.
preg_match_all($image_regex_src_url, $string, $out, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$images_url_array = $out[1];
foreach ($images_url_array as $pica)
echo '<img src="'.$pica.'" >';
$fileNames[] = $pica;
$_SESSION['filesArr'] = $fileNames;
function FetchPage($path)
$file = fopen($path, "r");
if (!$file)
exit("URL Unknown");
$data = '';
while (!feof($file))
$data .= fgets($file, 1024);
return $data;
This is my download script.
$files = array ('http://c.s-microsoft.com/en-ph/CMSImages/mslogo.png?version=856673f8-e6be-0476-6669-d5bf2300391d');
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$tmp_file = tempnam('.','');
$zip->open($tmp_file, ZipArchive::CREATE);
foreach($files as $file){
$download_file = file_get_contents($file);
# close zip
# send the file to the browser as a download
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=download.zip');
header('Content-type: application/zip');
You could also use wget... For example:
wget -r -A=.jpg,.png http://www.microsoft.com/en-ph/default.aspx
The code I currently have, attached below, successfully writes files into an archive and initiates downloading of the file but the filename is a random alphanumeric string. A few examples of these file titles are:
How can I set the name of the Zip folder to something more user-friendly?
function start_brochures_download( $brochures ) {
$confirmation = "Your download should begin shortly. \r\n";
$error = "Files not set \r\n";
$files = $brochures;
if( $files ) {
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$current_time = time();
$file_name = "Brochures-".$current_time;
$file_folder = wp_upload_dir();
$dir = $file_folder['path'];
$zip_file = $dir.'/'.$file_name.'.zip';
$zip->open( $zip_file, ZipArchive::CREATE );
foreach ($files as $file) {
if( !empty($file) ){
# download file
$download_file = file_get_contents($file);
#add it to the zip
$zip->addFromString(basename($file), $download_file);
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="'.$zip_name.'"');
header('Content-type: application/zip');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($zip_file));
// header("Location: $zip_file");
} else {
echo $error;
I am trying to download the zip file with many images.This code is working when i call the path in browser but not downloading when i call from Jquery ajax.Need to change or add anything in header?please help.
public function actionZipdownload(){
$files = Yii::$app->request->post('imgsrc');
//it displays the URLs.
$zip = new \ZipArchive();
$tmp_file = tempnam('.', '');
$zip->open($tmp_file, ZipArchive::CREATE);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$download_file = file_get_contents($file);
$zip->addFromString(basename($file), $download_file);
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="my file.zip"');
header('Content-type: application/zip');
In console response:
I just ignore the Jquery Ajax and done it by Html::a with two actions..When i am calling the url in a tag then the file got downloaded.And also done some changes in controller.
<?=Html::a('Create Zip',['site/zipdownload'],['class'=>'btn btn-danger pull-left'])?>
<?=Html::a('Download',['site/download'],['class'=>'btn btn-danger pull-left'])?>
public function actionZipdownload(){
$files = Yii::$app->request->post('img_src');
$zip = new \ZipArchive();
$tmp_file = 'uploads/images.zip';
$zip->open($tmp_file, ZipArchive::OVERWRITE);
$zip->open($tmp_file, ZipArchive::CREATE);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$download_file = file_get_contents($file);
$fileParts = pathinfo($file);
$filename = $i.explode("?",$fileParts['filename'])[0];
$zip->addFromString($filename, $download_file);
public function actionDownload(){
$path = 'uploads/images.zip';
return $this->redirect(['site/dashboard']);
I try to read all *.txt files from a folder and write all content from each file into another txt file. But somehow it only writes one line into the txt file.
I tried with fwrite() and file_put_contents(), neither worked.
Here is my code:
$dh = opendir('/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/test/');
while($file = readdir($dh)) {
$contents = file_get_contents('/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/test/' . $file);
$dc = array($contents);
file_put_contents('content.txt', $dc);
This should work for you:
(Here I get all *.txt files in a directory with glob(). After this I loop through every file with a foreach loop and get the content of each single file with file_get_contents() and I put the content into the target file with file_put_contents())
$files = glob("path/*.txt");
$output = "result.txt";
foreach($files as $file) {
$content = file_get_contents($file);
file_put_contents($output, $content, FILE_APPEND);
try this
$contents = array();
$line = file(/*next file in dir*/);
foreach($lines as line){
array_push($line, $contents);
//File path of final result
$filepath = "mergedfiles.txt";
$out = fopen($filepath, "w");
//Then cycle through the files reading and writing.
foreach($filepathsArray as $file){
$in = fopen($file, "r");
while ($line = fgets($in)){
print $file;
fwrite($out, $line);
//Then clean up
return $filepath;
This script successfully generated the pdfs to a folder tmp/....
However the ZIP output to the browser is empty and I don't know what I have done wrong.
$file = tempnam("tmp", "zip");
$zip = new ZipArchive();
// Zip will open and overwrite the file, rather than try to read it.
$zip->open($file, ZipArchive::OVERWRITE);
foreach( explode( ',', $_POST["ids"]) as $Client_ID)
$sql_qry="select *
from ca_client_statement
where client_id='".$Client_ID."' and trading_period_month like '".$TP_Month."'";
//echo $sql_qry;
//echo '<br/>';
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_res);
$file_content = $row['pdf_statement'];
$file_name = 'tmp/'.$Client_ID.'statement.pdf';
$pdf=file_put_contents($file_name, $file_content);
// Stream the file to the client
header("Content-Type: application/zip");
header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file));
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"a_zip_file.zip\"");
file_put_contents() returns the number of bytes written, not the file name. Try changing the line right after it to this:
Part of our web app has a little Ajax method that will load a page in an iFrame or allow you to download it.
We store a bunch of search results from search engines and we have script opens the file containing our info and the search html. We strip out the stuff we don't need from the top (our info) and then we serve that up either by echo'ing the $html variable or putting it in a temporary file and dishing it off to download.
The problem: I load the page in the iFrame and it's loaded in UTF-8 because everything else is. If I download the file manually it is fine and FF tells me the endoding is x-gbk.
I've tried using mb_convert_encoding to no avail. We are using PHP4 on this server.
EDIT: Code that drives this
f(!isset($_GET['file']) || $_GET['file'] == '')
$download = false;
if(!isset($_GET['view']) || $_GET['view'] != 'true')
$download = true;
$file = LOG_PATH . $_GET['file'];
$fileName = end(explode("/", $file));
$fh = fopen($file, "rb");
echo "There was an error in processing this file. Please retry.";
// Open HTML file, rip out garbage at top, inject "http://google.com" before all "images/"
$html = fread($fh, filesize($file));
// Need to trim off our headers
$htmlArr = explode("<!", $html, 2);
$htmlArr[1] = "<!" . $htmlArr[1];
if(strstr($file, "google"))
$html = str_replace('src="/images/', 'src="http://google.com/images/', $htmlArr[1]);
$html = str_replace('href="/', 'href="http://google.com/', $html);
else if(strstr($file, "/msn/"))
$html = str_replace('src="/images/', 'src="http://bing.com/images/', $htmlArr[1]);
$html = str_replace('href="/', 'href="http://www.bing.com/', $html);
$html = $htmlArr[1];
if(strstr($file, "baidu"))
$html = mb_convert_encoding($html, 'utf-8'); // Does not work
// Write to temporary file
$fh = fopen("/tmp/" . $fileName, 'w+');
fwrite($fh, $html);
$fh = fopen("/tmp/" . $fileName, "rb");
header('Content-type: application/force-download;');
header("Content-Type: text/html;");
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $fileName . '"');
unlink("/tmp/" . $fileName);
else // AJAX Call
echo $html;
You may want to try iconv() instead of mb_convert_encoding()--it has support for a much broader set of encodings.