Hello is it possible to map fields inside Symfony2 form object, for example my template has field named: "title", but symfony form type want this field as "progress[title]" is it possible to map "title" as "progress[title]" inside form builder?
public function getName()
return 'progress';
controller handle request needs now "progress[title]", i want send just "title"
$progress = new Progress();
$form = $this->createForm(new ProgressType(), $progress);
$form->handleRequest($request);//here comes "title"
This does not work:
Maybe you can just remove the name?
public function getName()
return 'progress';
This does:
Else if you want to keep your name and can register the type as service, you can maybe do it like this: Use createNamed with "null" as first parameter.
$form = $formFactory->createNamed(null, 'progress', $progress);
For PUT try this:
$form = $formFactory->createNamed(null, 'progress', $progress, array('method'=>'PUT'));
I am currently trying to add a Clone action to my EmployeeCrudController.
The action should redirect to the Action::NEW view and have some prefilled values.
However I can't figure out how to prefill this form.
Here is where how I define my action within the EmployeeCrudController:
public function configureActions(Actions $actions): Actions
$cloneAction = Action::new('Clone', '')
->setIcon('fas fa-clone')
return $actions->add(Crud::PAGE_INDEX, $cloneAction);
And this is how my cloneAction looks like, which currently redirects to the Action::NEW as expected but without prefilled values:
public function cloneAction(AdminContext $context): RedirectResponse
$id = $context->getRequest()->query->get('entityId');
$entity = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(Employee::class)->find($id);
$clone = new Employee();
$routeBuilder = $this->get(CrudUrlGenerator::class);
$url = $routeBuilder->build([
'Employee_lastname' => 'test',
'Employee[teamMembershipts][]' => $clone->getTeamMemberships(),
return $this->redirect($url);
You can set the value of a field in easyAdmin using the option data.
$builder->add('Employee_lastname', null, ['data' => $clone->getTeamMemberships()]);
If your field has multiple options, you can use the choices and choices_value.
I have a form that needs to generate slug, I use laravel-admin by z-song.
link: https://github.com/z-song/laravel-admin/
In documentation, a form can simply like this:
protected function form()
$form = new Form(new Post);
return $form;
buts it's both manual input. that's not what I need since slug needs to be auto-generated.
I am trying do like this:
protected function form()
$form = new Form(new Post);
$form->text('title', 'Title');
return $form;
buts its result NULL for the slug one.
so how to make it happen?
Laravel admin has some callbacks on $form, that can be useful for generating slug case :
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
$form->saving(function (Form $form) {
$form->slug = Str::slug($form->title);
Note : You can read more about Laravel Helpers, ex. Str::slug.
I'm trying to create simple form with Zend, I need to use this form in most part, so I create the default form then in controller i modify it for the occurrence with private function. But I have two problems:
the form getValues() doesn't take the value of text element.
I put render at the end of the form action, but it doesn't render to the right page.
The form consists of a text field and the sumbit button
Here is the code of my controller:
That is for customize the form
private function getSearchForm($action = '', $name, $type, $placeholder)
$urlHelper = $this->_helper->getHelper('url');
$this->_searchForm = new Application_Form_Admin_Search_Search();
$text = $this->_searchForm->getElement('ricerca');
$text->setLabel('Ricerca '.$type);
$text->setAttrib('placeholder', $placeholder);
'controller' => 'admin',
'action' => $action),
return $this->_searchForm;
there are the actions:
public function pneumaticoAction()
$this->_searchForm = $this->getSearchForm('pneumaticosearch', 'search', 'pneumatico', 'Ricerca per: modello, marchio o codice');
$this->view->searchForm = $this->_searchForm;
public function pneumaticosearchAction()
if (!$this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$this->_helper->redirector('index', 'public');
if (!$form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getPost())) {
$values = $form->getValues();
"pneumatici" => $this->_modelAdmin->searchPneumatici($values['pneumatico'])
First question, whenever you get routed to pneumaticosearch action, you do not set $this->_searchForm but you have it as:
Should be something like this:
$form = $this->getSearchForm('pneumaticosearch', 'search', 'pneumatico', 'Ricerca per: modello, marchio o codice');
And the second question. When you run render, it is similar to pass $this->view parameters to .phtml. I don't see your view files, but I guess you need to set view first:
$this->view->searchForm = $form
I am sure I am going about this the wrong way, but I need to unset an array key from one of my choices in a sfWidgetFormChoice. The only way to get that variable to the Form is from the action. Here's what I have:
$id = $request->getParameter('id');
$deleteForm = new UserDeleteForm();
$choices = array();
$choices = $deleteForm->getWidgetSchema('user')->getAttribute('choices');
unset($choices[$id]); //I obviously don't want the user to be able to transfer to the user being deleted
$this->deleteForm = $deleteForm;
$users = Doctrine_Core::getTable('sfGuardUser')->getAllCorpUsers()->execute();
$names = array();
foreach($users as $userValue){
$names[$userValue->getId()] = $userValue->getProfile()->getFullName();
// unset($names[$id]); //this works, but I can't figure out how to get $id here.
$this->widgetSchema['user'] = new sfWidgetFormChoice(array(
'choices' => $names
$this->validatorSchema['user'] = new sfValidatorChoice(array(
'required' => true,
'choices' => $names
Understanding forms and actions:
Usually we will setup a form with fields, print it in a html page and fill the form with data. Pressing the submit form button will send all the data to a method defined in your form action html attribute.
The method will receive and get a $request , with a lot of parameters and also the form with the data. Those values will be processed in the action.
Lets look how it exactly works in symfony:
Define and Setup a symfony form, like the one you have shown above.
Print the form and in the action parameter point to the submit method
which will receive the request:
<form action="currentModuleName/update"
Symfony will automatically send the request to the action.class.php
of your module, and will look for and send the data to the function
public function executeUpdate(sfWebRequest $request){ //...
$this->form = new TestForm($doctrine_record_found);
$this->processForm($request, $this->form); }
After some checks, symfony will process the form and set a result
processForm(sfWebRequest $request, sfForm $form)
{ ... } $this->setTemplate('edit');
In the processForm of your module action.class.php, you should process all the received values (request) also with the form:
protected function processForm(sfWebRequest $request, sfForm $form)
$form->bind($request->getParameter($form->getName()), $request->getFiles($form->getName()));
if ($form->isValid())
$formValues = $this->form->getValues();
$Id = $formValues['yourWidgetName'];
You may check the following link for an example like yours, about how to process a sfWidgetFormChoice.
And now answering to the real question, in order to select the deleted users, add the following code in your action:
//process the form, bind and validate it, then get the values.
$formValues = form->getValues();
$choicesId = $formValues['choices'];
Pass variable from action to the form:
Excuse me if I have not understand your question at all but in case you need to pass some parameters from your action to the form, send the initialization variables in an array to the form constructor:
Pass a variable to a Symfony Form
In your case, get the list of users, delete the user you dont want and send the non deleted users to the form constructor.
You will need to redeclare/overwrite your form again in the configure() function so that you could change the initialization of the form. Copy and paste the same code into the configure() function and comment the line: //parent::setup();
class TbTestForm extends BaseTbTestForm
public function configure()
//.. copy here the code from BaseTbTestForm
$vusers = $this->getOption('array_nondeleted_users');
//now set the widget values with the updated user array.
I have a form for my entity called Book and I have a type to display a form in my view. In this type I have some fields that are mapped to properties in my entity.
Now I want to add another field which is not mapped in my entity and supply some initial data for that field during form creation.
My Type looks like this
// BookBundle\Type\Book
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options = null)
$builder->add('another_field', null, array(
'mapped' => false
The form is created like this
$book = $repository->find(1);
$form = $this->createForm(new BookType(), $book);
How can I supply some initial data now during form creation? Or how do I have to change that creation of the form to add initial data to the another_field field?
I also have a form that has fields that mostly match a previously defined entity, but one of the form fields has mapped set to false.
To get around this in the controller, you can give it some initial data pretty easily like this:
$product = new Product(); // or load with Doctrine/Propel
$initialData = "John Doe, this field is not actually mapped to Product";
$form = $this->createForm(new ProductType(), $product);
simple as that. Then when you're processing the form data to get ready to save it, you can access the non-mapped data with:
One suggestion might be to add a constructor argument (or setter) on your BookType that includes the "another_field" data, and in the add arguments, set the 'data' parameter:
class BookType
private $anotherFieldValue;
public function __construct($anotherFieldValue)
$this->anotherFieldValue = $anotherFieldValue;
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options = null)
$builder->add('another_field', 'hidden', array(
'property_path' => false,
'data' => $this->anotherFieldValue
Then construct:
$this->createForm(new BookType('blahblah'), $book);
You can change the request parameters like this to support the form with additional data:
$type = new BookType();
$data = $this->getRequest()->request->get($type->getName());
$data = array_merge($data, array(
'additional_field' => 'value'
$this->getRequest()->request->set($type->getName(), $data);
This way your form will fill in the correct values for your field at rendering. If you want to supply many fields this may be an option.