php/mysql find&replace Using REPLACE - php

im trying to find and replace some string in all my rows in a database
first i get all tables and loop through them and get all columns
then i execute this query
if ($column_name !== 'id')
$replcace_q = $database->query("UPDATE $table_name SET $column_name = REPLACE('$column_name','$old','$new')") or die($database->error);
the loop is ok and i go to each table successfully
the result of executing the command is when it updates a column it replaces the content with the column name
for example if column_name is username
the content will change to username.
what am i doing wrong ?

Your query is good,
but there is a single silly mistake in it.
if ($column_name !== 'id')
$replcace_q = $database->query("UPDATE $table_name SET $column_name = REPLACE($column_name,'$old','$new')") or die($database->error);
try this one and check it will work.


Get 'Update' error using SQLite3 and PHP

I created a function that tries to UPDATE a value using a condition. If something goes wrong, it tries to do a INSERT.
The code is as follow:
if(!$result=$this->query("UPDATE collect_data_settings SET setting_value ='".$setting_value."' WHERE collect_point = '".$collect_point."' AND setting_name='".$setting_name."';"))
$result=$this->query("INSERT INTO collect_data_settings ('collect_point','setting_name','setting_value') VALUES ('".$collect_point."','".$setting_name."','".$setting_value."');");
Unfortunately, for some reason the UPDATE query never returns false even if the condition is not satisfied. Can someone help me?
Why don't you try doing a search for the collect_point (assuming this is a unique key) variable first and if it is not yet in the database you use the INSERT statement and if not you use the UPDATE statement. For example:
$db = new SQLite3('database.db')
$check = $db->query("SELECT * FROM collect_data_settings WHERE collect_point = '$collect_point'")
$check_query = $check->numRows();
if($check_query > 0) {
*Your UPDATE query*
}else {
*Your INSERT query*
The UPDATE statement modifies all rows that happen to match the WHERE condition. The final number does not matter; even if no row matches, all rows were checked successfully.
To find out how many rows were changed, use the changes() function:
$this->exec("UPDATE ... WHERE ...");
if ($this->changes() == 0)
$this->exec("INSERT ...");

How does this sql IF statement work?

Im trying to create a php page where logged in users can update their profile.
Ive found an example Im trying to stick to:
I receive the POST from the update form:
The sql query to update the profile
$query=mysqli->query("UPDATE profiles SET
info1=IF('$info1' = '', info1, '$info1'),
info2=IF('$info2' = '', info2, '$info2'),
info3=IF('$info3' = '', info3, '$info3')
WHERE id='$id'");
How does this short IF statement work?
I dont want to update the column if there is no input - is that what it does?
How would i add some criteria to the inputs? like length of the string etc.
So, to clarify from Benio's answer which explains the IF() condition, in effect it is saying that for each column you are trying to update,
if the incoming $variable value is blank, replace the column with what it already had (ie: to not destroy it just because a blank value came in). If there IS something other than blank (the other half of the IF() function), update the column with what the $variable is...
and obviously you have 3 different $ variables for each column of info1, 2, 3.
IF(CONDITION, STATEMENT if CONDITION is true) for 2 arguments
IF(CONDITION, STATEMENT if CONDITION is true, STATEMENT if CONDITION is false) for 3 arguments
$sql = sprintf('UPDATE %s SET', $table);
$rowdata = null;
foreach ($rows as $field => $value) {
$rowdata[] = sprintf('%s = %s', $field, $value); // Escape the $value here!
$sql .= sprintf(' %s', implode(', ', $rowdata));
So enter your table name in $table and the data that you want to add as key-pair values in an associative array called $rows and you will end up with your query in $sql

How do I take a php variable that has an sql query inside it and add it to an existing sql query using $db->updatePhoneNumbers()?

I am trying to make a database of Users. One user can have an indefinite number of phone numbers. So in the form I’ve created a js function that will give me new input fields and they put the information into a nestled array.
I am doing a double foreach loop to go through my array, and add SQL queries to it based on if the id already exists and just needs to be updated or if it's entirely new and needs to be inserted. I add these SQL queries to a variable $phoneSql . When I echo that variable, it does contain a valid SQL query which works if I try it directly in phpMyAdmin.
This is the foreach loop code:
$phoneSql = 'SELECT id FROM user WHERE id = '.$id.' INTO #id;';
foreach($_POST['phone'] as $key => $value) {
foreach($_POST['user'][$key] as $id => $number) {
if($id == 0 && !$number == ''){
$phoneSql .= 'INSERT INTO phone_number (id, user_id, number) VALUES (NULL, #id, "'.$number.'");';
} else if (!$number == '') {
$phoneSql .= 'UPDATE phone_numbers SET user_id = #id, number = "'.$number.'" WHERE id = '.$id.';';
I have one edit.php page with the form, which posts to update.php where I have the foreach loop from above and following code:
It also gets the $id from the user I’m editing at the moment. Then it gets sent to db.php and into this function:
public function updatePhoneNumbers($phoneSql) {
$ phoneSql = $ phoneSql;
$sth = $this->dbh->prepare($phoneSql);
if ($sth->execute()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
But this is not working. Can I add a variable with sql queries into a function like that or do I have to do it some other way? I’m quite new to this so I’m not sure how to proceed. I’ve tried searching for a solution but haven’t found any. I’m thankful for any advice.
What you should be doing is using an INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ... construct, saving you a lot of that logic.
INSERT INTO phone_number (id, user_id, number) VALUES (...)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE user_id=VALUES(user_id), number=VALUES(number)
With this, no need to select, test, then insert/update. You just insert, and MySQL will transparently convert it into an update if a duplicate key error occurs.

Transform MySQL table and rows

I have one problem here, and I don't even have clue what to Google and how to solve this.
I am making PHP application to export and import data from one MySQL table into another. And I have problem with these tables.
In source table it looks like this:
And my destination table has ID, and pr0, pr1, pr2 as rows. So it looks like this:
Now the problem is the following: If I just copy ( insert every value of 1st table as new row in second) It will have like 20.000 rows, instead of 1000 for example.
Even if I copy every record as new row in second database, is there any way I can fuse rows ? Basically I need to check if value exists in last row with that ID_, if it exist in that row and column (pr2 for example) then insert new row with it, but if last row with same ID_ does not have value in pr2 column, just update that row with value in pr2 column.
I need idea how to do it in PHP or MySQL.
So you got a few Problems:
1) copy the table from SQL to PHP, pay attention to memory usage, run your script with the PHP command Memory_usage(). it will show you that importing SQL Data can be expensive. Look this up. another thing is that PHP DOESNT realese memory on setting new values to array. it will be usefull later on.
2)i didnt understand if the values are unique at the source or should be unique at the destination table.. So i will assume that all the source need to be on the destination as is.
I will also assume that pr = pr0 and quant=pr1.
3) you have missmatch names.. that can also be an issue. would take care of that..also.
4) will use My_sql, as the SQL connector..and $db is connected..
$select_sql = "SELECT * FROM Table_source";
$data_source = array();
while($array_data= mysql_fetch_array($select_sql)) {
$data_source[] = $array_data;
$bulk =2000;
foreach($data_source as $data){
if(isset($start_query) == false)
$start_query = 'REPLACE INTO DEST_TABLE ('ID_','pr0','pr1','pr2')';
$insert_data[]=implode(',',$data).',0)';// will set 0 to the
if(count($insert_data) >=$bulk){
$values = implode('),(',$insert_data);
$values = substr(1,2,$values);
$values = ' VALUES '.$values;
$insert_query = $start_query.' '.$values;
$insert_data = array();
if(count($insert_data) >=$bulk) // IF THERE ARE ANY EXTRA PIECES..
$values = implode('),(',$insert_data);
$values = substr(1,2,$values);
$values = ' VALUES '.$values;
$insert_query = $start_query.' '.$values;
$insert_data = null;
ITs off the top off my head but check this idea and tell me if this work, the bugs night be in small things i forgot with the QUERY structure, print this and PASTE to PHPmyADMIN or you DB query and see its all good, but this concept will sqve a lot of problems..

Using PHP with a MySQL db, how can I select everything from a row if i dont know what the columns are?

I have a table but I dont know what the columns are except for 1 column. There is only 1 permanent data value for each row, the rest of the columns are added and removed elsewhere. This isnt a problem for the query, i just do:
but for the php function bind_result() i need to give it variables for each column, which i do not know.
I think that once I have the columns in an array, I can do anther query and use call_user_func_array to bind the result to the array.
This seems like it would come up a lot so im wondering is there a standard way of doing this?
Couldn't you just do:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
foreach ($row as $field => $value)
You could do
show columns from table;
And then parse that string to grab your column names.
You can also try the describe command, which is used to list all of the fields in a table and the data format of each field. Usage:
describe TableName;
you can use
$metadata = $prep_statement->result_metadata()
after you executed the statement and then loop through all result fields using something like
while( $field = $metadata->fetch_field() ) { }
the properties of $field are documented here:
