How to retain current current pagination page number when webpage is refreshed? - php

I have simple pagination included in my homepage in order to display the latest news/images from my server. The pagination is working fine but when i try to move to other page number example page 2, the page loads but after refreshing it goes back again to page 1. I am new to PHP , Ajax and Jquery so I can't figure out where to solve this problem. Here are my codes:
function paginate($reload, $page, $tpages, $adjacents) {
$prevlabel = "‹ Prev";
$nextlabel = "Next ›";
$out = '<div class="pagin page_style">';
// previous label
if($page==1) {
$out.= "<span>$prevlabel</span>";
} else if($page==2) {
$out.= "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='load(1)'>$prevlabel</a>";
}else {
$out.= "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='load(".($page-1).")'>$prevlabel</a>";
// first label
if($page>($adjacents+1)) {
$out.= "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='load(1)'>1</a>";
// interval
if($page>($adjacents+2)) {
$out.= "...\n";
// pages
$pmin = ($page>$adjacents) ? ($page-$adjacents) : 1;
$pmax = ($page<($tpages-$adjacents)) ? ($page+$adjacents) : $tpages;
for($i=$pmin; $i<=$pmax; $i++) {
if($i==$page) {
$out.= "<span class='current'>$i</span>";
}else if($i==1) {
$out.= "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='load(1)'>$i</a>";
}else {
$out.= "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='load(".$i.")'>$i</a>";
// interval
if($page<($tpages-$adjacents-1)) {
$out.= "...\n";
// last
if($page<($tpages-$adjacents)) {
$out.= "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='load($tpages)'>$tpages</a>";
// next
if($page<$tpages) {
$out.= "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='load(".($page+1).")'>$nextlabel</a>";
}else {
$out.= "<span>$nextlabel</span>";
$out.= "</div>";
return $out;
<?php session_start(); ?>
$action = (isset($_REQUEST['action'])&& $_REQUEST['action'] !=NULL)?$_REQUEST['action']:'';
if($action == 'ajax'){
/* Connect To Database*/
$dbname = '';
$link = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("Couldn't make connection.");
$db = mysql_select_db($dbname, $link) or die("Couldn't select database");
include 'pagination.php'; //include pagination file
//pagination variables
$page = (isset($_REQUEST['page']) && !empty($_REQUEST['page']))?$_REQUEST['page']:1;
$per_page = 1; //how many records you want to show
$adjacents = 5; //gap between pages after number of adjacents
$offset = ($page - 1) * $per_page;
//Count the total number of row in your table*/
$count_query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(title) AS numrows FROM news");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($count_query);
$numrows = $row['numrows'];
$total_pages = ceil($numrows/$per_page);
$reload = 'Home.php';
//main query to fetch the data
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY date_posted LIMIT $offset,$per_page");
//loop through fetched data
while($test = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$id = $test['title'];
echo "<div class='content' stye=margin-bottom: 20px;>";
echo'<div class="img_content" ><img src='.$test['img_path'].' style=height:520px;width:100%;></div>';
echo"<p class=para_news2 style=margin-left:10px;><font color='#336699'>" .$test['title']."</p></font><br /><br />";
echo"<p class=para_news4 style=margin-left:10px;width:100%;><img src='images/user.gif'>&nbspStory By: <font color='lavander'>" .$test['author']."</font></p>";
echo"<p class=para_news4 style=margin-left:10px;width:100%;><img src='images/calendar.gif'>&nbspDate Posted: <font color='red'>". $test['date_posted']. "</font></p>";
echo"<p class=para_news3 style=margin-left:10px;width:100%;><img src='images/comments.gif'>&nbsp<font color='black'>". $test['intro']. "</font></p><br>";
echo"<a href ='news.php?title=$id'><font style='float:right;margin-right:10px;background:url(images/bg_header.jpg);padding:2px;'>Read more ...</a><br>";
echo "</div>";
echo paginate($reload, $page, $total_pages, $adjacents);
} else{
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><!-- Head declaration -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function load(page){
<!-- Body Content -->
<div class="main_body" style="height:auto;">
<!-- Top Stories Query-->
<div class="outer_div">
<?php }?>
Please help me with this problem so that i can move on....

You could use a cookie to store the current pagination position in the clients web browser and read it back when creating the page, to start pagination from last position.
Something like this
setcookie('pagination_pos',$pagination_pos,time() + 86400); // 86400 = expire after 1 day
and then read it back
echo 'Current position '($_COOKIE['pagination_pos']!='' ? $_COOKIE['pagination_pos'] : 0);
this will read the current position from the cookie, if no cookie is there it falls back to 0.
Okay as you requested on how to use it in your code, I made a simple example function you can use in your code:
function getPaginationPos(){
if (isset($_REQUEST['page']) && !empty($_REQUEST['page'])){
setcookie('pagination_pos',$_REQUEST['page'],time() + 86400);
return $_REQUEST['page'];
} else {
return ($_COOKIE['pagination_pos']!='' ? $_COOKIE['pagination_pos'] : 1);
this will check if there is a "page" variable in the request and if so it will store the position as a cookie. If no "page" variable is in the request it will check if there is a cookie or return 1.
If I understand your code right you have to replace this line
$page = (isset($_REQUEST['page']) && !empty($_REQUEST['page']))?$_REQUEST['page']:1;
$page = getPaginationPos();
I see another problem in the javascript "load" function where you force page 1 on reload
you can try this:
add also a check for the page variable to the javascript function, to handle the case if page is not set.
<script type="text/javascript">
$( document ).ready(function() {
function load(page){
if (typeof page === 'undefined') {
page = ''
} else{
page = '&page='+page

based on Sir Manuel's code, if you don't want to store your variable to be stored in cookies you can try to put it in session variable.
change this line:
function getPaginationPos(){
if (isset($_REQUEST['page']) && !empty($_REQUEST['page'])){
setcookie('pagination_pos',$_REQUEST['page'],time() + 86400);
return $_REQUEST['page'];
} else {
return ($_COOKIE['pagination_pos']!='' ? $_COOKIE['pagination_pos'] : 1);
into this:
function getPaginationPos(){
if (isset($_REQUEST['page']) && !empty($_REQUEST['page'])){
$_SESSION['pages'] = $_REQUEST['page'];
return $_REQUEST['page'];
} else {
return $_SESSION['pages'];
and this:
into this:
load(<?php print $_SESSION['pages']; ?>);


How to use next/previous button without redirecting to the php files?

I need help with my code as of now i have this
this is my table, it wont display any row until someone will press the search button,. if they did it will display this
a list of row from database with pages, my problem is when i click the page it will display like this it wont stay in the current page but redirect to the php files and i dont have any idea on what to do, the button is working btw, and it show the next right table in each page
here is my code for the page button
echo "<a href='/api2/allrecords.php?page=".($page-1)."' class='btn btn-danger'>Previous</a>";
echo "<a href='/api2/allrecords.php?page=".$i."' class='btn btn-primary'>$i</a>";
echo "<a href='/api2/allrecords.php?page=".($page+1)."' class='btn btn-danger'>Next</a>";
and here is for the sql
$page = $_GET['page'];
$page = 1;
$num_per_page = 20;
$start_from = ($page-1)*02;
$connect = mysqli_connect("", "crudDBck69t", "NTCHilrXdf", "crudDBck69t");
$output = '';
$query = "
SELECT * FROM rvtable limit $start_from,$num_per_page
$pr_query = "select * from rvtable";
$pr_result = mysqli_query($connect,$pr_query);
$total_record = mysqli_num_rows($pr_result );
$total_page = ceil($total_record/$num_per_page);
$result = mysqli_query($connect, $query);
there are all in the same php files call
allrecord.php, but im displaying it on wordpress page.,
this is how i call it in my costume page template in wordpress
if(from_date == '' && to_date == '' && search == '') {
data:{from_date:from_date, to_date:to_date, search:search},
and its working well except the page button, should i change the link on it? but the $_GET is on allrecord.php file
any idea?
The problem you are having is that the POST data is not sent together with your GET request when the user clicks the link that is the next page button.
One solution could be to instead of using links where the href reloads the page use links that have a click event listener that would run your POST request again but only this time with the page selected.
Another thing, you shouldn't really be taking use input and putting it directly into your SQL queries as that exposes you solution to SQL injection
example of how to output buttons that should reload the table with the search data:
<script type="text/javascript">
function gotoPage(page) {
url:"/api2/allrecords.php?page=" + page,
data: {
from_date: atob("<?php echo base64_encode($_POST['from_date'] ?? ''); ?>"),
to_date: atob("<?php echo base64_encode($_POST['to_date'] ?? ''); ?>"),
search: atob("<?php echo base64_encode($_POST['search'] ?? ''); ?>"),
success: function(data) {
if ($page > 1) {
echo 'Previous';
for($i=1; $i < $total_page; $i++) {
echo '' . $i . '';
if($page < $total_page) {
echo 'Next';

PHP echo text then sleep 10 seconds then echo another text

I've tried solutions from below links. But none of them give luck.
Actually below is my script.
include 'ini/INI.class.php';
$inidata = (parse_ini_file("guard.ini",true));
$atm = time()-$inidata["guard"][$CompIP];
if ($atm>60) { $atm = 1; }
echo "<p>You will be redirected to report page in <span id='counter'>" . $atm . "</span> second(s).</p>";
//user report from mysql
$ini = new INI('guard.ini');
$ini->data['guard'][$CompIP] = time();
Still I get the whole content include 'You will be redirected to .......' after $atm (pause seconds) seconds.
My Workaround
include 'ini/INI.class.php';
$inidata = (parse_ini_file("guard.ini",true));
$atm = (time()-(isset($inidata["guard"][$CompIP]) ? $inidata["guard"][$CompIP] : 0));
if ($atm<60)
echo "<p>You will be redirected to report page in <span id='counter'>" . (60-$atm) . "</span> second(s).</p> <script type='text/javascript'> function countdown() { var j = document.getElementById('counter'); j.innerHTML = parseInt(j.innerHTML)-1; if (parseInt(j.innerHTML)<=0) { j.innerHTML = 0; location.href = 'tr.php'; } } for (i=1;i<=" . (60-$atm) . ";i++) { setTimeout(function(){ countdown(); },i*1000); } </script>";
} else { mysqlreport; $ini = new INI('guard.ini');
$ini->data['guard'][$CompIP] = time();
You can use JavaScript for this purpose and pass variables from PHP to JavaScript simply by writing the JavaScript code inside "echo". I think something like this will do the trick.
For redirection, the below example will give you an idea:
$url = "";
$step = "1000";
$start = 12;
echo 'Redirection After <h1 id="counter">'.$start.'</h1> ';
echo '
var x = '.$start.';
window.location = "'.$url.'";
document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML = x;
}, "'.$step.'");
As for your content that you want to output, just place a tag and with JavaScript. Also, you can update it every 10 seconds; the technique is this, how you do it is up to you.

PHP Search: Using Jquery to alter a php a value

I have a comics website. A feature it has is to allow users to search comics... the search will instantly parse the input and return thumbnail results based on matching title and keywords.
Originally, the search would return all of the results, and the bounding search box would expand infinitely downward, holding every single comic result. I thought it may be a nice touch to limit the results to 4, and display a message like "load 5 remaining images" if the user chooses to do so.
If they click on that message, I wanted limiting php variable to be removed or changed.
So far, it loads with the limit, and shows a link...
EDIT: Latest Code:
search_field.php (the search file that get's included on a page... this file calls search.php via JQuery):
<?php $site = (isset($_GET['site']) ? ($_GET['site']) : null); ?>
<div id="sidebar" class="searchborder">
<!--Allow users to search for comic-->
<!--<span class="search">Search for <?php// echo (($site == "artwork") ? 'artwork' : 'a comic'); ?> </span>-->
<script type="text/javascript">
function GetSearch(mySearchString){
$.get("./scripts/search.php", {_input : mySearchString, _site : '<?php echo $site ?>'},
function(returned_data) {
<span class="search">
<img src="./images/SiteDesign/Search.png" />
<input type="text" onkeyup="GetSearch(this.value)" name="input" value="" />
<!--<input id="site" type="hidden" value="<?php// echo $site; ?>">-->
<span id="output"> </span>
search.php, the file that's called to parse the string and return the results:
//Query all images:
include 'dbconnect.php';
$site = $_GET['_site'];
$input = (isset($_GET['_input']) ? ($_GET['_input']) : 0);
$siteChoice = (isset($_GET['_choice']) ? ($_GET['_choice']) : $site);
$start = (isset($_GET['_start']) ? ($_GET['_start']) : null);
echo "start: " . $start;
//if user goes to no "site" value will be set... so I need to set one
if ($site == null) {
$site = "comics";
if ($siteChoice == "artwork") {
$sql = "SELECT id, title, keywords, thumb FROM artwork";
$thumbpath = "./images/Artwork/ArtThumbnails/";
else if ($siteChoice == "comics") {
$sql = "SELECT id, title, keywords, thumb FROM comics";
$thumbpath = "./images/Comics/ComicThumbnails/";
else {
$sql = "SELECT id, title, keywords, thumb FROM $site";
if ($site == "artwork") {
$thumbpath = "./images/Artwork/ArtThumbnails/";
else {
$thumbpath = "./images/Comics/ComicThumbnails/";
/* For this to work, need all comics replicated in an "All Comics" file along with "All Thumbnails"
else {
$sql = "SELECT id, title, thumb FROM comics
SELECT id, title, thumb FROM artwork";
$thumbpath = "./images/AllThumbnails/";
$imgpaths = $mysqli->query($sql);
$idresult = array();
$imgresult = array();
$thumbresult = array();
if (strlen($input) > 0)
while ($row = $imgpaths->fetch_assoc())
//query against key words, not the image title (no one will remember the title)
if (stripos($row['keywords'], $input) !== false || strtolower($input)==strtolower(substr($row['title'],0,strlen($input))))
//if (strtolower($input)==strtolower(substr($row['title'],0,strlen($input))))
array_push($idresult, $row['id']);
array_push($imgresult, $row['title']);
array_push($thumbresult, $row['thumb']);
if(count($imgresult) == 0)
echo "<p>no suggestions</p>";
echo "<ul>";
$k = 0;
$max = 4;
if (count($imgresult) > $max) {
while ($k < count($imgresult) && $k < $max)
echo '<li>
<span class="sidebarimages"><a href=".?action=viewimage&site=' . $siteChoice . '&id=' . $idresult[$k] . '">
<img src="./scripts/thumber.php?img=.'.$thumbpath.$thumbresult[$k].'&mw=90&mh=90"/></a></span>
$difference = count($imgresult)-$k;
echo "<br/><i><a href='.?action=homepage&site=" . $siteChoice . "&start=4' class='loadSearch'>load " . $difference . " more result" . (($difference != 1) ? 's' : '') . "... </a></i>";
else {
while ($k < count($imgresult))
echo '<li>
<span class="sidebarimages"><a href=".?action=viewimage&site=' . $siteChoice . '&id=' . $idresult[$k] . '">
<img src="./scripts/thumber.php?img=.'.$thumbpath.$thumbresult[$k].'&mw=90&mh=90"/></a></span>
echo "</ul>";
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".loadSearch").click(function() {
$.get("./search.php", {_start : 4},
function (returned_data) {
Try this:
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#loadSearch").click(function() {
$.get('URL WITH QUERY', function(data) {
From what i get all you need is when "load more" is clicked only new results should be shown.
Load more has to be a url same as your search url.
Search/Autocomplete URL -
Load More URL -
Just add two parameters to your url. start and max. Pass them to your queries and you get exact result.
Only verify Start < Max and are integers intval() and not 0 empty(). Also if Max <= 4 then dont show load more.
I would give all of your results back, then try to determine your results. If more then 4, loop out the first 4 results. If the user clicks on the load more button your start looping from your 4th element. That way you only need to hit the server once (per search).
Try to give back your results in json, so you can format it the way you like in your html file.
In pseudo code:
searchTerm = 'hello';
resultsFromServer = getResults($searchterm);
resultcounter = count(resultsFromServer);
if(resultcounter > 4)
loop 4 results
loop all results
$(".loadSearch").click(function(e) {
$.get("./search.php", {_start : 4},
function (returned_data) {
I ended up going with jquery show and hide functions.
PHP Snippet:
if(count($imgresult) == 0)
echo "<p>no suggestions</p>";
echo "<ul>";
$k = 0;
$max = 4;
while ($k < count($imgresult) && $k < $max)
echo '<li>
<span class="sidebarimages"><a href=".?action=viewimage&site=' . $siteChoice . '&id=' . $idresult[$k] . '">
<img src="./scripts/thumber.php?img=.'.$thumbpath.$thumbresult[$k].'&mw=90&mh=90"/></a></span>
$difference = count($imgresult)-$k;
echo '<div id="moreResults">';
while ($k < count($imgresult))
echo '<li>
<span class="sidebarimages"><a href=".?action=viewimage&site=' . $siteChoice . '&id=' . $idresult[$k] . '">
<img src="./scripts/thumber.php?img=.'.$thumbpath.$thumbresult[$k].'&mw=90&mh=90"/></a></span>
echo '</div>';
if (count($imgresult) > $max) {
<br />Load <?php echo $difference; ?> more result<?php echo (($difference != 1) ? 's' : ''); ?>...
echo "</ul>";
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#showMore").click(function() {

Is it possible to return more than one value from jQuery call?

I have this code: messages.php
if (count($row) > 0)
foreach ($row as $r)
//some code setting variables
if ($opened_once >= 1)
echo "<tr>";
echo '<td><a class="red_link" href="'.ADDRESS.'view_message.php?id='.$r['id'].'" id= "subject_id" ><span id = "subject">'.$r['subject'].'</span></a></td>';
echo '<td id = "unique_code1">'.$uniqueCode1.'<span class="pink_text" id = "unique_code2">'.$uniqueCode2.'</span><span id = "unique_code3">'.$uniqueCode3.'</span></td>';
echo "</tr>";
I need to update $r['id'], $r['subject'], $uniqueCode1, $uniqueCode2, $uniqueCode
My jQuery code:
function refresh()
$.post('getMessageDetails.php', function (json) {
Then I have newMessageCnt.php
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
$limit = 15;
$page = 1;
$page = $_GET['page'];
$from = (($page * $limit) - $limit);
$row = $obj_clean->getMessages($_SESSION['user_id'], $from, $limit);
if (count($row) > 0)
foreach ($row as $r)
$codeLength = strlen($r['unique_code']);
$codeLength = strlen($r['unique_code']);
$firstPartLength = $codeLength - 5;
$uniqueCode3 = substr($r['unique_code'], -2);
$uniqueCode2 = substr($r['unique_code'], -5, 3);
$uniqueCode1 = substr($r['unique_code'], 0, $firstPartLength);
$message_id = $r['id'];
$subject = $obj_clean->getMessageDetails($message_id);
$opened_once = $obj_clean->getOpenedOnce($message_id);
if ($opened_once >= 1)
$array['subject'] = $r['subject'];
$array['subject_id'] = $r['id'];
$array['unique_code1'] = $uniqueCode1;
$array['unique_code2'] = $uniqueCode2;
$array['unique_code3'] = $uniqueCode3;
echo json_encode($array);
I call this .php somewhere else as well where I just want the value of echo $obj_clean->getUnopenedMessagesCount($_SESSION['user_id']);
But from my messages.php I want
echo '<td><a class="blue_link" href="'.ADDRESS.'view_message.php?id='.$r['id'].'">'.$r['subject'].'</a></td>';
echo '<td>'.$uniqueCode1.'<span class="pink_text">'.$uniqueCode2.'</span>'.$uniqueCode3.'</td>';
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, some advice please?
$.post('ajax_call.php', function (json) {
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
echo json_encode($array);
Better would be to have your PHP return an object containing the values you want as properties. This can be sent back to the browser using JSON. Your client-side code see this as an object and can extract the properties and populate the HTML. This separates your presentation (VIEW) from your data (MODEL).
EDIT: Exactly as #TROODON has answered.

javascript for onClick not executing?

ok maybe i must put all my code:
$limit = 10;
$page = 1;
$page = $_GET['page'];
$from = (($page * $limit) - $limit);
$msg = "";
if (isset($_GET['unblock']))
$code = $obj_clean->unblockUser($_GET['unblock'],$_GET['code']);
if ($code == "error")
$msg = "Could not delete message!";
$msg = "You have unblocked ".$code;
//Get dynamic data required for this page from the database
$users = $obj_clean->getContacts($_SESSION['user_id'], $from, $limit);
$rows = $obj_clean->getContactsCount($_SESSION['user_id']);
include ("header.php");
<div class="innerContainer">
<script type="text/JavaScript">
function yesnolist(val)
var e = confirm('Do you want to send a free chat request?');
if (e == true)
window.location.href = "http://www-rainbowcode-mobi/confirmfreechat.php";
return true;
return false;
<span class="headings2">CONTACTS</span>
<?php if (isset($msg) && !empty($msg)) echo "<br/><font color='red'>".$msg."</font>"; ?>
if (count($users) > 0)
echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>";
foreach ($users as $user)
//Breaks the unique code into 3 parts so that the numeric part can be a different colour
$codeLength = strlen($user['unique_code']);
$firstPartLength = $codeLength - 5;
$uniqueCode3 = substr($user['unique_code'], -2);
$uniqueCode2 = substr($user['unique_code'], -5, 3);
$uniqueCode1 = substr($user['unique_code'], 0, $firstPartLength);
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>';
echo '<a class="charcoal_link" style="line-height: 20px;" href="'.ADDRESS.'view_profile.php?id='.$user['profile_id_contact'].'">'.$uniqueCode1.'<span class="pink_text">'.$uniqueCode2.'</span>'.$uniqueCode3.'</a>';
$requestor_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
$profile_id = $user['profile_id_contact'];
$rel1 = $obj_clean->hasRelation($requestor_id,$profile_id);
$rel2 = $obj_clean->hasRelation($profile_id,$requestor_id);
if($rel1 && $rel2)
echo " ";
//echo 'Free Chat';
echo 'Free Chat';
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "You have no contacts yet";
<?php include("footer.php"); ?>
hope this will help better
Free Chat
should be:
Free Chat
try this:
function yesnolist()
if (confirm('Do you want to send a free chat request?'))
window.location = "http://www-rainbowcode-mobi/confirmfreechat.php";
<a href="#" onClick="yesnolist()">
I'd assume changing the URLs to valid domains might help things, so try:
window.location.href = "";
function yesnolist()
var e = confirm('Do you want to send a free chat request?');
if (e == true)
window.location = "http://www-rainbowcode-mobi/confirmfreechat.php";
return true;
return false;
<label onClick="return yesnolist();">Free Chat</a>
You can not pass onclick event on (a href="") tag because href part redirects the page and after that the javascript redirect part is called.
(a href="#" onclick="return yesnolist();")Free Chat(/a)
