can't understand how this function (getCache) works in PHP - php

hope that someone helps me understand this:
function getCache($key, $timeout = 30) {
$contents = false;
if (MEMCACHE <> 0) {
global $memcache;
$contents = $memcache->get($key);
if (empty($contents)) {
return false;
return $contents;
if($onlineFrnds = getCache($userid, 30)){
//do stuff
I didn't write this code, it's in code I am trying to modify (and so to understand).
What I can't explain is the call of setCache with 30 and why it is set again with $timeout = 30. Morevoer the $timeout is not used in the function.
What happens is that the if condition evaluates to true if 30 seconds are passed.

$timeout = 30 is a default parameter. This means if you don't provide it the parameter will use the value 30.
Here's a little demo to show you how it works:
function demo($timeout = 30) {
return $timeout;
echo demo(); // 30
echo demo(15); //15
It looks like the $timeout was meant to be used to expire the cache but was never used.

What you are seeing there is the definition of an optional parameter.
Let's see, example... ah, here we go (
string trim ( string $str [, string $character_mask = " \t\n\r\0\x0B" ] )
Do you see there, how the $character_mask parameter is "defined" in the function signature? What that means is that, if you do not pass it a parameter there, then it will default to that.
Now, in your code, it's being set to 30 and 30 is the default. That's fine, it means that it's not dependent on the default (because it could, in theory, change, so it will always be 30 for this call).
Now, as for it not being used, that seems more like a design flaw in the code itself, or possible a Copy/Paste/Derp™, in which the function signature was copied from another function and then not edited. It makes no significant difference.


A confusion about time() function in PHP

I cannot understand why the result of subtracting the current time from the variable of $_session['now'] that has included the previous time is zero.
I expected outputting the difference between the current time and the time when i have created the variable $student->now. Explain me please.
class Student
public function __set($key, $value)
$_SESSION[$key] = $value ;
public function __get($key)
return $_SESSION[$key];
$student = new Student() ;
//__set function will be called ;
$student->now = time();
//__get function will be called ;
echo time() - $_SESSION["now"]; // output is zero ?!
The $_session['now'] variable is set in the line before the echo.
In the echo line the current time is compared to the time set in the line before.
Because both lines are executed directly after each other, both are executed within the same second. There will be a difference of milliseconds but time() function is measured in seconds, refer to:
That's why both timestamps are the same and there is no difference between these when comparing them.
time() has a precision of ONE second, you are basically doing:
$now = time(); // e.g. 1627385278
echo time() - $now; // 1627385278 - 1627385278
This happens very fast, so the output is (almost always) zero.
The fact that your example code involves a "session" hints that you want to measure time between different HTTP requests. If that is the case, some logic is needed to ONLY set the stored value for the first time, but not thereafter.

I'm getting wrong result in php code where I have to return the total sum of all the numbers from a file

I have to write a function that return the sum of all the numbers in a file.
The text file is numbers.txt:
The code I write is:
function sumFromFileInput($fileName) {
$total = 0;
$file = fopen("numbers.txt", "r");
while ($number = fgets($file)) {
$total += $number;
return $total;
The output should be 54 whereas my output is 124712203354.
Please help me to figure out what I did wrong.
You can use file() for this purpose and simplifiy your code:
$trimmed = file('<provide file path here>', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
$sum = array_sum($trimmed);
echo $sum;
In case you added values as string into file then you need to convert them to Integer first.
Add below line before array_sum() line:
$trimmed = array_map('intval', $trimmed);
function sumFromFileInput($fileName) {
$total = 0;
$file = fopen("numbers.txt", "r");
while (!feof($file)) { #this will give you a true value until it reaches end of the numbers.txt last line
$total += (int) fgets($file); # this will read file lines one by one
return $total;
What happens if you modify your code to be like this:
function sumFromFileInput($fileName) {
$total = 0;
$file = fopen("numbers.txt", "r");
while ($number = fgets($file)) {
// Making sure to add integer values here
$total += (int)$number;
return $total;
I have the feeling that your number values from your input file are being read in as strings instead of ints. Using something like (int) should be able to help with this type of issue. You could also potentially use (integer) or intval() instead of (int) for the conversion part. More info about this can be found here.
After seeing CBroe's comment, I removed my earlier part about the string concatenation conjecture.
When checking the sumFromFileInput() function locally and using var_dump($number) to show the $number variable's type, I can verify that it is a string. This is why I still recommend using something like (int), like in my added lines of code earlier in this answer. Without doing that, I get PHP notices in PHP 7.3.19 for these values that read like: PHP Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in [...].
Interestingly enough, though, I still get a total of 54 (as an int) with your original posted code. This gets me to thinking: it would be interesting to see the code you used to call your sumFromFileInput() function, because perhaps that might help explain why your output was what now appears to me to be a running sum total of the $total.
Also, this might not be as important, but it looks like your $fileName parameter isn't currently being used in your sumFromFileInput() function. Maybe this could be connected in the future?

Random String Generator that does not repeat in laravel controller

I created this function in my laravel controller.
function incrementalHash($len = 5){
$charset = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
$base = strlen($charset);
$result = '';
$now = explode(' ', microtime())[1];
while ($now >= $base){
$i = $now % $base;
$result = $charset[$i] . $result;
$now /= $base;
return substr($result, -5);
then I have a function to insert something in the database. this function uses the above function. but every time I use it I get the same result from above function. I tried composer dump-autoload and the result changes. I wonder what is happening? why this method always returns the same result. how can I use this method and not receive the same result without dumping autoload? here is my controller:
public function add_user_create()
$user = new User;
$user->user_id = Request()->input('user_id');
$user->user_name = Request()->input('user_name');
$user->fcm = Request()->input('fcm');
$user->email = Request()->input('email');
$user->token = Request()->input('token');
$user->profile_pic = Request()->input('profile_pic');
$user->api_token = str_random(60);
$user->ref_ID = $this->incrementalHash(4);
I suggest you to use what Laravel provides to generate a random string. like: strtolower(str_random(4)) as mentioned by #kenken9999
However, Here is why I think it gave same result for you:
I executed your function multiple times and these are the outputs:
I think when you checked them they just happend to be same and when you did composer dump-autoload you happened to see a different output.
Let me know If I am wrong.
Did you call this function many times during a very short time? Then I believe the issue is microtime(). This function returns a string separated by a space. The first part is the fractional part of seconds, the second part is the integral part.
Thus, if the function is called during the same second, $now should be the same, based on which $result will not change.
Further, if the function is called during a short time (let's say several seconds), $now would be similar (1283846202 and 1283846203 for example). In this case, only the right part of $result would vary.

What is the fastest way to check amount of specific chars in a string in PHP?

So i need to check if amount of chars from specific set in a string is higher than some number, what a fastest way to do that?
For example i have a long string "some text & some text & some text + a lot more + a lot more ... etc." and i need to check if there r more than 3 of next symbols: [&,.,+]. So when i encounter 4th occurrence of one of these chars i just need to return false, and stop the loop. So i think to create a simple function like that. But i wonder is there any native method in php to do such a thing? But i need some function which will not waste time parsing the string till the end, cuz the string may be pretty long. So i think regexp and functions like count_chars r not suited for that kind of job...
Any suggestions?
I don't know about a native method, I think count_chars is probably as close as you're going to get. However, rolling a custom solution would be relatively simple:
$str = 'your text here';
$chars = ['&', '.', '+'];
$count = [];
$length = strlen($str);
$limit = 3;
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
if (in_array($str[$i], $chars)) {
$count[$str[$i]] += 1;
if ($count[$str[$i]] > $limit) {
Where the data is actually coming from might also make a difference. For example, if it's from a file then you could take advantage of fread's 2nd parameter to only read x number of bytes at a time within a while loop.
Finding the fastest way might be too broad of a question as PHP has a lot of string related functions; other solutions might use strstr, strpos, etc...
Not benchmarked the other solutions but passing an array of options will be fast. There is an optional parameter which returns the count of replacements. Check that number
str_replace ( ['&','.','+'], '' , $subject , $count )
if ($count > $number ) {
Well, all my thoughts were wrong and my expectations were crushed by real tests. RegExp seems to work from 2 to 7 times faster (with different strings) than self-made function with simple symbol-checking loop.
The code:
// self-made function:
function chk_occurs($str,$chrs,$limit){
$count = 0;
$length = strlen($str);
for($i=0; $i<$length; $i++){
if(in_array($str[$i], $chrs)){
return $r;
// RegExp i've used for tests:
Of course it works faster because it's a single call to native function, but even same code wrapped into function works from 2 to ~4.8 times faster.
//RegExp wrapped into the function:
function chk_occurs_preg($str,$chrs,$limit){
return preg_match('/(['.$chrs.']|['.$chrs.'][^'.$chrs.']+?){'.$limit.',}?/',$str);
P.S. i wasn't bothered to check cpu-time, just was testing walltime measured via microtime(true); of the 200k iteration loop, but it's enough for me.

Is there a set time out equivalent in php?

Is there a PHP equivalent to setting timeouts in JavaScript?
In JavaScript you can execute code after certain time has elapsed using the set time out function.
Would it be possible to do this in PHP?
PHP is single-threaded, and in general PHP is focused on the HTTP request cycle, so this would be tricky to allow a timeout to run code, potentially after the request is done.
I can suggest you look into Gearman as a solution to delegate work to other PHP processes.
You can use the sleep() function:
int sleep ( int $seconds )
// Delays the program execution for the given number of seconds.
public function sleep(){
return 'slept for 1 second';
This is ugly, but basically works:
function setInterval($callback, $ms, $max = 0)
$last = microtime(true);
$seconds = $ms / 1000;
register_tick_function(function() use (&$last, $callback, $seconds, $max)
static $busy = false;
static $n = 0;
if ($busy) return;
$busy = true;
$now = microtime(true);
while ($now - $last > $seconds)
if ($max && $n == $max) break;
$last += $seconds;
$busy = false;
function setTimeout($callback, $ms)
setInterval($callback, $ms, 1);
// user code:
setInterval(function() {
echo microtime(true), "\n";
}, 100); // every 10th of a second
while (true) usleep(1);
The interval callback function will only be called after a tickable PHP statement. So if you try to call a function 10 times per second, but you call sleep(10), you'll get 100 executions of your tick function in a batch after the sleep has finished.
Note that there is an additional parameter to setInterval that limits the number of times it is called. setTimeout just calls setInterval with a limit of one.
It would be better if unregister_tick_function was called after it expired, but I'm not sure if that would even be possible unless there was a master tick function that monitored and unregistered them.
I didn't attempt to implement anything like that because this is not how PHP is designed to be used. It's likely that there's a much better way to do whatever it is you want to do.
Without knowing a use-case for your question it's hard to answer it:
If you want to send additional data to the client a bit later you can do a JS timeout on the client side with a handler that will make a new HTTP request to PHP.
If you want to schedule some task for a later time you can store that in a database and poll the DB in regular intervalls. It's not the best peforming solution but relatively easy to implement.
if ($currenturl != $urlto)
exit( wp_redirect( $urlto ) );
You can replace above two line with below code inside your function
if ($currenturl != $urlto)
header( "refresh:10;url=$urlto" );
