PHP equivalent of Excel vlookup on array - php

After looking for a built in function in php I couldn't find a similar function to Excel's vlookup function.
I need a function that takes in an array and a lookup value and return the required info. So for example:
$baseCalculationPrice = [
0 => 50, //for values <=500 but >0
500 => 18, //for values <=3000 but >500
3000 => 15, //for values <=5000 but >3000
5000 => 14, //for values >5000
$numPages = 499;
echo vlookup($numPages,$baseCalculationPrice); //should output 50
$numPages = 500;
echo vlookup($numPages,$baseCalculationPrice); //should output 50
$numPages = 501;
echo vlookup($numPages,$baseCalculationPrice); //should output 18
$numPages = 3000;
echo vlookup($numPages,$baseCalculationPrice); //should output 18
$numPages = 3001;
echo vlookup($numPages,$baseCalculationPrice); //should output 15
$numPages = 5000;
echo vlookup($numPages,$baseCalculationPrice); //should output 15
$numPages = 5001;
echo vlookup($numPages,$baseCalculationPrice); //should output 14
function vlookup($value,$array){
//magic code
return ....;
I'm stuck even with the logic behind such a function, so any help would be great - thanks.

function vlookup($lookupValue,$array){
//test each set against the $lookupValue variable,
//and set/reset the $result value
foreach($array as $key => $value)
if($lookupValue > $key)
$result = $value;
return $result;

function testDeductionRate(){echo $this->deductionRate('ks',300);//zone and time are parameter for deductionRate() }
//deduction will be acted as vlookup (rangeLookup true)
function deductionRate($zone,$time){
$actualRate = 0;
$allRate = array(
$rate = $allRate[$zone];
foreach($rate as $key=>$val){
if($time>=$key) $actualRate = $val;
return -1; //-1 means error
return $actualRate;

Try this if you would like to query on multi dimension associative array:
function vlookup($lookup_vakue, $lookup_array, $lookup_column, $result_column)
foreach ($lookup_array as $item) {
if ($item[$lookup_column] == $lookup_vakue) {
return $item[$result_column];
return false;
Sample Data
$data =
Query Option
$result = vlookup('2',$data, 'id','price');

$getbase= function($amount) use ($baseCalculationPrice)
return (end(array_filter(
$baseCalculationPrice,function ($key) use ($amount)
return $key < $amount;
amount 150 result 50
amount 1500 result 18
amount 25000 result 14


how to break function array in rows?

I have this php function in codeigniter where it fetches the data from my database:
function fetch_data()
$data = $this->projectionchart_model->make_query();
$array = array();
foreach($data as $row)
$array[] = $row;
$output = array(
'current' => intval($_POST["current"]),
'rowCount' => 10,
'total' => intval($this->projectionchart_model->count_all_data()),
'rows' => $array
echo json_encode($output);
I want to use the number_format function to some of columns and right now it's building everything in an array. How could I remove the array and list the data individually as variables so I can apply a function to some of them and then output them?
Thank you
Edit: explaining in more detail
This function fetch_data() calls the make_query() function stored in the projectionchart_model file which contains the following:
function make_query()
$this->records_per_page = $_POST["rowCount"];
$this->records_per_page = 10;
$this->current_page_number = $_POST["current"];
$this->start_from = ($this->current_page_number - 1) * $this->records_per_page;
$this->db->like('ae', $_POST["searchPhrase"]);
$this->db->or_like('client', $_POST["searchPhrase"]);
$this->db->or_like('product', $_POST["searchPhrase"]);
$this->db->or_like('week_of', $_POST["searchPhrase"]);
$this->db->or_like('month', $_POST["searchPhrase"]);
$this->db->or_like('type', $_POST["searchPhrase"]);
if(isset($_POST["sort"]) && is_array($_POST["sort"]))
foreach($_POST["sort"] as $key => $value)
$this->db->order_by($key, $value);
$this->db->order_by('id', 'DESC');
if($this->records_per_page != -1)
$this->db->limit($this->records_per_page, $this->start_from);
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result_array();
So the output currently is this:
I want to format the Planned Spend, Cleared and Total Commission with the number_format php function but right now it's all in an array.
How could I accomplish this?

PHP Getting average grade

I need to get the average number of a grade in a function. Doesn't seem to work completly.. Thanks for your help.
This is what I have so far:
function povprecje($d,$t){
foreach($t as $x=>$y){
foreach($y as $d=>$grade){
$v = $v+$grade;
$v = $v/count($grade);
return $v;
$t = array(
"Student" => array(
"math" => 3,
"algebra" => 4,
"science" => 4
echo povprecje("math",$t);
Maybe You wanted to achieve this?
function povprecje($sSubject, $aGrades) {
$iGradesSum = 0;
$iAmount = 0;
foreach($aGrades as $aStudentGrades) {
if(isset($aStudentGrades[$sSubject])) {
$iGradesSum+= $aStudentGrades[$sSubject];
return $iGradesSum / $iAmount;
Function call:
echo povprecje("math", $t);

Setting a variable to an operator then executing it

I'm new to PHP in general. I was messing with this code until I wanted to execute the function in one set instead of having to set and add, sub, div, mult function. How do I go about setting the variable operator with the two num sets?
Example pseudo code:
$Num1 = 10;
$Num2 = 5;
$operation = /;
$Sum = $Num1 $operation $Num2;
return $Sum;
Or something like:
// creating Class "Math"
class math {
//Executing the function
function exec($info = array()) {
return $info['num1'] $info['operation'] $info['num2'];
// Set info
$info = array(
'num1' => 10,
'num2' => 5,
'operation' => '/'
//execute the OOP
$math = new math;
echo $math->exec($info);
What you are asking for is referred to as the Strategy Pattern.
One way to do this is to define your functions
$multiply = function($operand0, $operand1) {
return $operand0*$operand1;
$add = function($operand0, $operand1) {
return $operand0+$operand1;
Then using your sample code:
class math {
//Executing the function
function exec($info = array()) {
return $info['operation']($info['num1'], $info['num2']);
// Set info
$info = array(
'num1' => 10,
'num2' => 5,
'operation' => $add
//execute the OOP
$math = new math;
echo $math->exec($info); //will print 15

Find out if the price was zero when looking through php array of price history/changes

I have all the price changes in a array like this (date, pricechange). It is always in date order:
$pricehistory = array (
'2013-11-04' => 10,
'2013-11-10' => 0,
'2013-12-01' => 10
What I need is to find out if the price for a specific date was zero.
function was_free($date) {
// return boolean
was_free('2013-11-11'); //should return true;
was_free('2013-12-01'); //should return false;
Can someone please help me figuring out how to do this? I think I need to loop through the $pricehistory array backwards, but I'm not sure how to do it.
//$default - returned if price is not exits
function was_free($price_history, $current_date, $default = FALSE) {
return empty($price_history[$current_date]);
$current_timestamp = strtotime($current_date);
$history_timestamp = array();
foreach ($price_history as $date => $price)
$history_timestamp[strtotime($date)] = $price;
$history_timestamp[$current_timestamp] = NULL;
$previous_price = ($default) ? FALSE : TRUE;
foreach ($history_timestamp as $timestamp => $price)
if($timestamp == $current_timestamp)
$previous_price = $price;
return empty($previous_price);
$price_history = array (
'2013-11-04' => 10,
'2013-11-10' => 0,
'2013-12-01' => 10
// run !!
var_dump(was_free($price_history, '2013-11-03'));
var_dump(was_free($price_history, '2013-11-04'));
var_dump(was_free($price_history, '2013-11-09'));
var_dump(was_free($price_history, '2013-11-10'));
var_dump(was_free($price_history, '2013-11-11'));
var_dump(was_free($price_history, '2013-12-01'));
var_dump(was_free($price_history, '2013-12-02'));
function was_free($date) {
return array_key_exists($date,$pricehistory) && $pricehistory[$date] === 0;
Since the $pricehistory isn't in the scope of the function, you may pass it as a parameter or access it using global.

how to remove the array to string conversion error in php

i am working on php i have dynamic array i need to get the array result store in some variable i encounter the error :array to string conversion
class H
var $Voltage;
var $Number;
var $Duration;
function H($Voltage=0,$Number=0,$Duration=0)
$this->Voltage = $Voltage;
$this->Number = $Number;
$this->Duration = $Duration;
//This will be the crossover function. Is just the average of all properties.
function avg($a,$b) {
return round(($a*2+$b*2)/2);
//This will be the mutation function. Just increments the property.
function inc($x)
return $x+1*2;
//This will be the fitness function. Is just the sum of all properties.
function debug($x)
echo "<pre style='border: 1px solid black'>";
echo '</pre>';
//This will be the fitness function. Is just the sum of all properties.
function total($obj)
return $obj->Voltage*(-2) + $obj->Number*2 + $obj->Duration*1;
$adam = new H($fa1[$i],$fb1[$i],$fcc1[$i]);
$eve = new H($fe1[$i],$ff1[$i],$fg1[$i]);
$eve1 = new H($fi1[$i],$fj1[$i],$fk1[$i]);
$ga = new GA();
echo "Input";
$ga->population = array($adam,$eve,$eve1);
$ga->fitness_function = 'total'; //Uses the 'total' function as fitness function
$ga->num_couples = 5; //4 couples per generation (when possible)
$ga->death_rate = 0; //No kills per generation
$ga->generations = 10; //Executes 100 generations
$ga->crossover_functions = 'avg'; //Uses the 'avg' function as crossover function
$ga->mutation_function = 'inc'; //Uses the 'inc' function as mutation function
$ga->mutation_rate = 20; //10% mutation rate
$ga->evolve(); //Run
debug(GA::select($ga->population,'total',3)); //The best
$array=array((GA::select($ga->population,'total',3))); //The best }
$comma_separated = implode(",", $array);
echo $comma_separated; // lastname,email,phone
i apply implode function but its not working
it display the error of : Array to string conversion in C:\wamp\www\EMS3\ge.php on line 146 at line $r=implode($rt,",");
if ( ($textboxB.val)==31.41)
<?php echo "as,dll;g;h;'islamabad"; ?>
<script>} </script>
You are running your java script code in PHP, I havent implemented your code just checked and found this bug.You can get the value by submitting the form also
---------------------------- Answer For your Second updated question------------------------
$array = array(
"name" => "John",
"surname" => "Doe",
"email" => ""
$comma_separated = implode(",", $array); // You can implode them with any character like i did with ,
echo $comma_separated; // lastname,email,phone
