I had created this CMS system which uses a mySQL database and creates a file on the server.
The database side works as intended, but the creation of the file not so well.
Everything works perfectly on my localhost but the creation of the file is not working right on the external WWW server.
I had created a basic script to test the functionality of fopen() on the server. That had worked correctly, but for the real script it doesn't work.
This is the code in the real script:
if(fopen(strtolower("../News/" . $titleURL . ".php"), "w+")){
$createdPage = fopen(strtolower("../News/" . $titleURL . ".php"), "w+");
echo "page created";
echo "creation failed";
When this page is run, I get creation failed.
This code runs fine on the localhost, but why not on the external site?
My hosting service does not block fopen()
IT is very likely that the configuration for your host server (and/or the target server) does not allow any file manipulation on/by a foreign server.
Problem is resolved. I had just cleaned up the code a bit, cleaning up a lot of concatenating URLs. It appears the server did not appreciate me concatenating file locations. Everything is working fine.
Recently I have been trying to work with my ESP. I have set up a server using XAMPP on my laptop. I can access that server using I know that the content viewed on this page is present in the htdocs folder in XAMPP.
So I have created a folder named TEST in htdocs. The ESP is connected to PSoC and is sending some data at regular intervals to the TEST folder on the server. My question is: what is the IP address that will be needed to connect to the server when I use the AT+CIPSTART command on the ESP side?
Is it or some other IP from the router? I have tried sending data to ThingSpeak before and there they provide a ready-made GET request link to send data to the server. What will be the GET request link in my case if the server is created using XAMPP? Please help as I am new to networking. Thank you.
Ok. I wrote a php file which takes value in a variable SAP and writes into a text file which is stored in the ht docs folder. The php code is as follows
$content = "SAP ID :".$var1." is present for the lecture \r\n";
echo $content;
echo "<br >";
$status = file_put_contents('attendance_record.txt',$content,FILE_APPEND);
if ($status != false)
echo "Data is written to the file :p ";
echo "Data was not written into the file :( ";
After then I enable the Xampp server and access this file by using '' Until this point everything is working fine and the text file is being updated. Now the same thing is needed to be done via AT commands using the ESP. The following lines of code is running on the ESP side.
GET /receiver.php?SAP=69 HTTP/1.1
Now i'm not getting any updates on the text file. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you. is the same at calling 'localhost' so you would need your laptop's IP for the ESP to connect to. Depending on your OS you can find that opening your terminal and write ipconfig(windows) or ifconfig(linux) On a MAC go to System Preferences > Network and your IP is displayed under'Status:'
I have a webpage (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) hosted in a Nginx & Ubuntu & Digital OCean server. The webpage has a part where users could submit a file and call an application by PHP. I am wondering if it is possible to host this application alone in a Windows Server 2012 R2 & Microsoft Azure, which I have already.
Here is an example. This is the webpage (though the real webpage has much more contents) hosted in Ubuntu Server. The Upload the file button is linked to uploadFile.php:
copy($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "uploads/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]);
$n1 = "uploads/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"];
echo "Uploaded: " . $n1 . "<br>";
exec("mono c1.exe $n1");
The application c1.exe is developed in C# under Windows. Because its new feature uses ode32.dll, it cannot be run with mono anymore. So I have to host c1.exe in a Windows server.
And I don't want to move the whole website to Windows server. Moreover, if possible, I want the web address in the browser address bar to be always consistent when calling php (i.e., starting with www.matrixandcompany.com/...).
Does anyone know if it is possible to realise this mechanism?
Probably you can use curl (http://php.net/manual/en/book.curl.php). You can create a php file in the server where the c1.exe is, and call it from the old server.
I would transport the file to the windows server. There are many different ways to do this.
Then call a script on the remote server which will execute the binary.
I cannot think of a different AND SECURE way.
I have a simple php script that runs on an IIS 6 2003 server. All the script does is try to open a file on a shared network network location and display its content to the screen. Try as I might I cannot get that to work. I keep getting a "failed to open stream error message". After a lot of reading (I'm on my second week of working at this) I narrow the problem down to being a server configuration problem. I can run the script through the command prompt and it works fine. If I run var_dump(shell_exec('whoami')) It returns "NULL". If I run that same command on the command prompt it returns the current user that is logged in (i.e. me). The task manager reports that the user for w3wp.exe is "NETWORK SERVICE". I'm including the code below although I'm 100% sure the code is not the problem but, some people like to look at code so there it is. How do you configure or make changes on the server so that it allows reading from a network location? Also, the network location I'm trying to access have been setup with all permissions for everybody so that we can solve this one issue.
$theFile="\\\\\\geo\\junk.txt"; #network file does not works
#$theFile="junk.txt"; #local file works fine
$handle = fopen($theFile, "r");
while (!feof($handle)){
$buffer = fgets($handle);
echo $buffer."<br />";
I have Wamp (server called emerald) running and Mamp running on my Mac. People register on Mamp. Emerald is basically file hosting.
Emerald connects to Mamp's mysql database, to login users. However, I want to create a directories for new registrations on Emerald using PHP.
How can I do this? I have tried using this code:
$thisdir = "";
$name = "Ryan-Hart";
if(mkdir($thisdir ."/documents/$name" , 0777))
echo "Directory has been created successfully...";
But had no luck. It basically needs to connect the other server and create a directory, in the name of the user.
I hope this is clear.
You can't create directories through http. You need a filesystem connection to the remote location (a local hard disk, or a network share for example).
The easiest way that doesn't require setting up FTP, SSH or a network share would be to put a PHP script on Emerald:
// Skipping sanitation because it's only going to be called
// from a friendly script. If "dir" is user input, you need to sanitize
$dirname = $_GET["dir"];
$secret_token = "10210343943202393403";
if ($_GET["token"] != $secret_token) die ("Access denied");
// Alternatively, you could restrict access to one IP
error_reporting(0); // Turn on to see mkdir's error messages
$success = mkdir("/home/www/htdocs/docs/".$dirname);
if ($success) echo "OK"; else echo "FAIL";
and call it from the other server:
$success = file_get_contents("");
echo $success; // "OK" or "FAIL"
Create a script on another server that creates the dir and call it remotely.
Make sure you have security check (+a simple password at least)
There is no generic method to access remote server filesystems. You have to use a file transfer protocol and server software to do so. One option would be SSH, which however requires some setup.
$thisdir = "ssh2.sftp://user:pass#";
On Windows you might get FTP working more easily, so using an ftp:// url as directory might work.
As last alternative you could enable WebDAV (the PUT method alone works for file transfers, not creating directories) on your WAMP webserver. (But then you probably can't use the raw PHP file functions, probably needs a wrapper class or curl to utilize it.)
I know this is old but i think this might me useful, in my experience:
if(mkdir($thisdir ."/documents/name" , 0777))
doesn't work, i need to do it:
mkdir($thisdir, 0777);
mkdir($thisdir ."/documents" , 0777);
mkdir($thisdir ."/documents/name" , 0777));
hope it helps :)
how to test if a file exist on the current computer using the application ?
I try to put the full url at my file like this, but it doesn't work :
echo "file exist";
echo "<br>";
$nom=md5($nom_photo.time().rand(0, 99999)).".".$extension;
echo $nom;
echo "<br>";
How to fix it ?
PHP operates server side and has NO ACCESS to the files on the machine running the web browser, unless they are indeed the same machine.
If you are meaning to find a way to test if a file exists on the web server, the file_exists() function you mentioned should find it. There are many reasons this might fail, including safe_mode, file permissions, and using the wrong path.
The server doesn't have any access to the clients filesystem, this would be a major security flaw.
Also javascript is sandboxed so you couldn't do it on the client side either.
The only way I can think of doing this is to get the user to download a separate application that looks for the file and reports back to the server.