I have two array one for present list and other for total lectures. i want a third array that will hold the percent of two
My first array (present days list)
$allpresentAttInfo = array(
0 => array(
'year' => '2013',
'term' => 'T1',
'presentDays' => '123'
1 => array(
'year' => '2013',
'term' => 'T2',
'presentDays' => '112'
My Second array (Total days list)
$allAttInfo = array(
0 => array(
'year' => '2013',
'term' => 'T1',
'totalDays' => '200'
1 => array(
'year' => '2013',
'term' => 'T2',
'totalDays' => '216'
My Resultant array should be like this
$attInfo = array(
0 => array(
'year' => '2013',
'term' => 'T1',
'presentPercent' => '63.7 %'
1 => array(
'year' => '2013',
'term' => 'T2',
'presentPercent' => '42.7 %'
So by merging both the arrays i will have to find the present present in given year and term. How to achieve this on PHP side. Thanks in advance
Well thanks guys .. I was in a hurry so searching for some short-cut copy paste way ... Well i coded it. but still give me some performance optimization if available.
My Solution is.
$attInfo = array();
foreach ($allAttInfo as $allatt) {
foreach ($allpresentAttInfo as $allpre) {
if($allpre['year'] == $allatt['year'] && $allpre['term'] == $allatt['term']){
$presentPercent = round(($allpre['presentDays'] / $allatt['totalDay'])*100,2) . "%";
array_push($attInfo, $newArray);
Hi there i need some help to loop an array of items.
The part that I have repeated needs to be looped in order to get multiple items from the database. At this stage I am only to invoice one item where as users generally purchase a few so i need to run a foreach statement I think. Please excuse my ignorance and lack of understanding, I have tried a series of things but they do not seem to work
$json1 = array(
'Date' => $currentDate->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s'),
'Customer' => array(
'DisplayID' => $phone
'CustomerPurchaseOrderNumber' => $ordID,
'Freight' => '0',
'BalanceDueAmount' => '0.0',
'Status' => 'Closed',
'Lines' => /*$orderDetails,*/ array(
'ShipQuantity' => $ShowDetails['quantity'],
'UnitPrice' => $ShowDetails['unit_price'],
'Total' => $ShowDetails['total_price'],
'Item' => array(
'UID' => $productUID,//itemuid(609400gmkit)
'Description' => $productTitle. ' ' .$sizeTitle. ' '
'TaxCode' => array(
'UID' => '7d1f2e99-ffe0-4463-9c29-
'Freight' => $shippingprice,//if dg then $10 otherwise $0 unless below
'ShippingMethod' => $ShippingMethod,// if dg the 'MyFreight' otherwise
The portion that i need to loop is as follows :
'ShipQuantity' => $ShowDetails['quantity'],
'UnitPrice' => $ShowDetails['unit_price'],
'Total' => $ShowDetails['total_price'],
'Item' => array(
'UID' => '27d56af8-d3d6-4f0a-b71b-
'Description' => $productTitle. ' ' .$sizeTitle. ' '
'TaxCode' => array(
'UID' => '7d1f2e99-ffe0-4463-9c29-
I'm trying to insert a couple of new Key/Value pairs into an associative array at a specific place. From other reading I've done on SO, I'm pretty sure I have to loop through the array and insert the new values when a condition is set.
Here is the current array
(int) 0 => array(
'Product' => array(
'id' => '59',
'title' => ' Blue Dress',
'Review' => array(
'id' => '7',
'product_id' => '59',
'Review' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'average' => '3.0000'
(int) 1 => array(
'Product' => array(
'id' => '60',
'title' => 'Red Dress',
'Review' => array()
The key Review does not always have data, but when it does I want to insert a new key-value similar to the following excerpt
(int) 0 => array(
'Product' => array(
'id' => '59',
'title' => ' Blue Dress',
'Review' => array(
'id' => '7',
'product_id' => '59',
'Review' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'average' => '3.0000'
'some_value' => '5'
I've tried a few things without success.
Any help is much appreciated thanks.
You can do something like this:
$your_array[index]['Product']['Review']['Review'][index]['some_value'] = 'new_value';
In your example it could be:
$your_array[0]['Product']['Review']['Review'][0]['some_value'] = 'new_value';
Again, you didn't mention your code. So, it's hard to figure out what you want exactly!
You should iterate through Your array and pass current value be reference:
// Notice & sign before variable
foreach ($data as &$product)
if ($product['Product']['Review'])
// or iterate through Review array
$product['Product']['Review']['Review'][0]['some_value'] = 5;
I am using an aggregate in MongoDB with PHP. The code looks like:
$results = $c->aggregate(array(
'$project' => array(
'day' => array('$dayOfYear' => '$executed')
'$group' => array(
'_id' => array('day' => '$day'),
'count' => array('$sum' => 1)
'$sort' => array(
'_id' => 1
'$limit' => 30
The problem with this, is that $dayOfYear does not sort correctly, because it sorts 2 then 3 then 345, 346... I need it to be date ascending. So, basically instead of simply doing $dayOfYear I need something like $year-$month-$dayOfMonth.
Unfortunately this does not work. Any ideas?
You can project those parts out and then group on them to enable you to group on the whole date:
$results = $c->aggregate(array(
'$project' => array(
'year' => array('$year' => '$executed' ),
'month' => array('$month' => '$executed' ),
'day' => array('$dayOfMonth' => '$executed')
'$group' => array(
'_id' => array('year' => '$year', 'month' => '$month', 'day' => '$day'),
'count' => array('$sum' => 1)
'$sort' => array(
'_id.year' => 1,
'_id.month' => 1,
'_id.day' => 1
'$limit' => 30
Something like that should do the trick allowing you to sort on, as you stated: $year-$month-$dayOfMonth.
You shouldn't sort on the entire _id because you've set that up to contain an object (which can sort oddly), so change your $sort to this instead to specifically sort by day of year:
'$sort' => array(
'_id.day' => 1
I have started work with lithium framework + mongoDB recently. I want to do a really simple query which contains multiple or statements.
I have articles in the DB with publish_up and publish_down fields. I want to fetch only those records/documents which pulbis_down field is highert than now OR null AND publish_up field lower than now OR null.
$items = $article::find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'$or' => array(
'$gt' => array('publish_down', $mongoDateNow),
'publish_down' => $mongDateNull
'$or' => array(
'$lt' => array('publish_up', $mongoDateNow),
'publish_up' => $mongDateNull
Of course this snippet is wrong hence the second or statement overwrites the first one (because the same array key).
I tried to wrap them into an individual array but gives error.
Any idea?
This query will fetch articles with (publish_down > now OR publish_down = null) AND (publish_up < now OR publish_up = null)
$items = Articles::find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'$or' => array(
array('publish_down' => array('$gt' => $mongoDateNow)),
array('publish_down' => null)
'$or' => array(
array('publish_up' => array('$lt' => $mongoDateNow)),
array('publish_up' => null)
I don't know about lithium but in PHP you can use multiple $OR as below
$items = $article::find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'$or' => array(
'$gt' => array('publish_down', $mongoDateNow),
'publish_down' => $mongDateNull
'$lt' => array('publish_up', $mongoDateNow),
'publish_up' => $mongDateNull
I think the correct answer is:
'$and' => array(
array('publish_up' => null),
array('publish_up' => array('$lt' => $mongoDateNow))
array('publish_down' => null),
array('publish_down' => array('$gt' => $mongoDateNow))
I have an array:
$initialarray = array(
0 = array(
'unit' => 1,
'class' => 1,
'value' => 'string1'
1 = array(
'unit' => 1,
'class' => 2,
'value' => 'string2'
2 = array(
'unit' => 1,
'class' => 2,
'value' => 'string3'
3 = array(
'unit' => 2,
'class' => 1,
'value' => 'string4'
4 = array(
'unit' => 2,
'class' => 2,
'value' => 'string5'
What would be the best way to structure it (to group the resulting sub-arrays) depending first on the 'unit' field's values, and then depending on the 'class' field's values, like so:
$resultarray = array(
// array of all the sub-arrays of 'unit' = 1
$unit[1] = array(
// array of all the sub-arrays of 'unit' = 1 and 'class' = 1
$class[1] = array(
0 = array(
'unit' => 1,
'class' => 1,
'value' => 'string1'
// array of all the sub-arrays of 'unit' = 1 and 'class' = 2
$class[2] = array(
0 = array(
'unit' => 1,
'class' => 2,
'value' => 'string2'
1 = array(
'unit' => 1,
'class' => 2,
'value' => 'string3'
// array of all the sub-arrays of 'unit' = 2
$unit[2] = array(
// array of all the sub-arrays of 'unit' = 2 and 'class' = 1
$class[1] = array(
0 = array(
'unit' => 2,
'class' => 1,
'value' => 'string4'
// array of all the sub-arrays of 'unit' = 2 and 'class' = 2
$class[2] = array(
0 = array(
'unit' => 2,
'class' => 2,
'value' => 'string5'
I have asked a similar question here and got a working answer for only one iteration, i.e. for only structuring the array by one of the fields. But I could not make the same solution work for multiple iterations, i.e. for more than one field.
Also, is there a solution to structure a multidimensional array depending on more than two fields?
I think it's not a way of asking the question. It is very simple , you can do this by playing with arrays,keys and etc.... So first you should try hard for the problem. After If you have any problem in the middle of your tries then you can ask that here. I have solved your problem here is the complete code , but next time please do some work and then only post the problem. Never ask for the code.
foreach ($initialarray as $key1=>$val1)
foreach ($val1 as $key2=>$val2)
I must offer a better way for you and future researchers...
You only need one loop, and you merely need to nominate the result array's key values before using [] to "push" new data into the deepest subarray.
*there is absolutely no need for any condition statements or a second loop.
Code: (Demo)
$initialarray = [
['unit' => 1, 'class' => 1, 'value' => 'string1'],
['unit' => 1, 'class' => 2, 'value' => 'string2'],
['unit' => 1, 'class' => 2, 'value' => 'string3'],
['unit' => 2, 'class' => 1, 'value' => 'string4'],
['unit' => 2, 'class' => 2, 'value' => 'string5']
foreach ($initialarray as $row) {
$result[$row['unit']][$row['class']][] = $row;
array (
1 =>
array (
1 =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'unit' => 1,
'class' => 1,
'value' => 'string1',
2 =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'unit' => 1,
'class' => 2,
'value' => 'string2',
1 =>
array (
'unit' => 1,
'class' => 2,
'value' => 'string3',
2 =>
array (
1 =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'unit' => 2,
'class' => 1,
'value' => 'string4',
2 =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'unit' => 2,
'class' => 2,
'value' => 'string5',
If I may express myself in the following manner: I only see the front-end of your problem and know nothing about its back-end, e.g. "Where does the data come from?", "How is it collected and stored", etc. so my answer might not be a real help but still I'll give my "tuppence".
If you can store all that data in a relational database (in form of table(s)) it would be much more easier and faster(!) to select the needed data from the database instead of rearranging arrays, which will take some more time in comparison.
Just as an example you might then select (and store it into an array) all items which have unit = '1' and / or all items which have class = '2'. That would make life much more easier IMHO, than having all the data in a multidimensional array and then try to sort it / rearrange it. Especially if you do that based on more than one property.