Parsing RSS feed using PHP to insert into my SQL - php

I am able to get my script to parse the items and insert into mySQL OK when using the Channel->items. I now need to insert the url of the thumbnail which is located in items but in a sub-item "folder" for lack of knowing what to call it, but cannot get to it since its a in another level of the item "media:thumbnail" the rss feed is:
$RSS_DOC = simpleXML_load_file($feed_url);
if (!$RSS_DOC) {
echo "Failed loading XML\n";
foreach(libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
echo "\t", $error->message;
/* Get title, link, managing editor, and copyright from the document */
$rss_title = $RSS_DOC->channel->title;
$rss_link = $RSS_DOC->channel->link;
$rss_description = $RSS_DOC->channel->description;
$rss_copyright = $RSS_DOC->channel->guid;
$rss_date = $RSS_DOC->channel->pubDate;
//Loop through each item in the RSS document
foreach($RSS_DOC->channel->item as $RSSitem)
$item_id = md5($RSSitem->title);
$fetch_date = date("Y-m-j G:i:s"); //NOTE: we don't use a DB SQL function so its database independent
$item_title = $RSSitem->title;
$item_description = $RSSitem->description;
$item_date = date("Y-m-j G:i:s", strtotime($RSSitem->pubDate));
$item_url = $RSSitem->link;
$image_url =($RSSitem->media:thumbnails)->url;
echo "Processing item '" , $item_id , "' on " , $fetch_date , "<br/>";
echo $item_title, " - ";
echo $item_date, "<br/>";
echo $item_description, "<br/>";
echo $item_url, "<br/>";
echo $image_url, "<br/>";
// Does record already exist? Only insert if new item...
$item_exists_sql = "SELECT item_id FROM $db_database.`rssingest` where item_id = '" . $item_id . "'";
$item_exists = mysqli_query($db,$item_exists_sql);
echo "<font color=green>Inserting new item..</font><br/>";
$item_insert_sql = "INSERT INTO $db_database.`rssingest`(item_id, feed_url, item_title, item_date, item_url, fetch_date,image_url) VALUES ('" . $item_id . "', '" . $feed_url . "', '" . $item_title . "', '" . $item_date . "', '" . $item_url . "', '" . $fetch_date . "', '" . $image_url . "')";
$insert_item = mysqli_query($db,$item_insert_sql);
echo "<font color=blue>Not inserting existing item..</font><br/>";
echo "<br/>";


How can I use this code to add data from multiple feeds in my Database?

So, currently, the code I'm using, only enters the data from last feed in the array namely feed4 in the databse and doesn't add the data from the other 3 feeds, how can I fix this, here is the code:
$all_urls = array('feed1', 'feed2', 'feed3', 'feed4');
$db = mysql_connect($db_hostname,$db_username,$db_password);
if (!$db)
die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("dbname", $db);
foreach ($all_urls as $url) {
$RSS_DOC = simpleXML_load_file($url);
if (!$RSS_DOC) {
echo "Failed loading XML\n";
foreach(libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
echo "\t", $error->message;
$rss_title = $RSS_DOC->channel->title;
$rss_link = $RSS_DOC->channel->link;
$rss_editor = $RSS_DOC->channel->managingEditor;
$rss_copyright = $RSS_DOC->channel->copyright;
$rss_date = $RSS_DOC->channel->pubDate;
$rss_author = $RSS_DOC->channel->author;
foreach($RSS_DOC->channel->item as $RSSitem)
$item_id = md5($RSSitem->title);
$fetch_date = date("Y-m-j G:i:s");
$item_title = $RSSitem->title;
$item_date = date("Y-m-j G:i:s", strtotime($RSSitem->pubDate));
$item_time = date("H:i:s", strtotime($RSSitem->pubDate));
$item_url = $RSSitem->link;
$item_author = $RSSitem->author;
$item_exists_sql = "SELECT item_id FROM tablename where item_id = '" . $item_id . "'";
$item_exists = mysql_query($item_exists_sql, $db);
$item_insert_sql = "INSERT INTO tablename(item_id, feed_url, item_title, item_date, item_time, item_url, item_author, fetch_date) VALUES ('" . $item_id . "', '" . $url . "', '" . $item_title . "', '" . $item_date . "', '" . $item_time . "', '" . $item_url . "', '" . $item_author . "', '" . $fetch_date . "')";
$insert_item = mysql_query($item_insert_sql, $db);
echo "Inserted into Databse Successfully";
} catch (Exception $e)
echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
PS: I know mysql_* is deprecated, my production code will use mysqli.
I suppose you want to run the hole loop of your script for each url from $all_url. Currently, you finish looping over $all_url after $RSS_DOC=.... That is why $RSS_DOC contains 'feed4', the last url, and only that.
Move the closing brace afterwards to the end, just before your catch block.
(Do not get confused that libxml_get_errors() contains messages for all urls, since that got well filled within the foreach loop.)

mysqli::query(): Couldn't fetch mysqli after first line of foreach loop

I have created a foreach loop to add data to a MySQL database and I am receiving the error "mysqli::query(): Couldn't fetch mysqli" after the first line has been added to the database.
$db = new mysqli($db_hostname, $db_username, $db_password, $db_database);
if ($db->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $db->connect_error);
I then have another chunk of script which collects the data I require. The data is then added to the foreach insert loop
foreach($RSS_DOC->channel->item as $RSSitem)
$item_id = md5($RSSitem->title);
$fetch_date = date("Y-m-j G:i:s");
$item_title = $RSSitem->title;
$item_date = date("Y-m-j G:i:s", strtotime($RSSitem->pubDate));
$item_url = $RSSitem->link;
echo "Processing item '" , $item_id , "' on " , $fetch_date , "<br/>";
echo $item_title, " - ";
echo $item_date, "<br/>";
echo $item_url, "<br/>";
$sql = "INSERT INTO rssingest (item_id, feed_url, item_title, item_date, item_url, fetch_date)
VALUES ('" . $item_id . "', '" . $feed_url . "', '" . $item_title . "', '" . $item_date . "', '" . $item_url . "', '" . $fetch_date . "')";
if ($db->query($sql) === TRUE) { // <- THIS IS LINE 170
echo "New record created successfully";
} else {
echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $db->error;
The first line is added to the database without a problem. The second line and every line after that one returns "mysqli::query(): Couldn't fetch mysqli on line 170".
Any ideas where I may be going wrong?
The problem may be the $db->close() inside the loop. Try closing the database after the loop.
foreach($RSS_DOC->channel->item as $RSSitem)
$item_id = md5($RSSitem->title);
$fetch_date = date("Y-m-j G:i:s");
$item_title = $RSSitem->title;
$item_date = date("Y-m-j G:i:s", strtotime($RSSitem->pubDate));
$item_url = $RSSitem->link;
echo "Processing item '" , $item_id , "' on " , $fetch_date , "<br/>";
echo $item_title, " - ";
echo $item_date, "<br/>";
echo $item_url, "<br/>";
$sql = "INSERT INTO rssingest (item_id, feed_url, item_title, item_date, item_url, fetch_date)
VALUES ('" . $item_id . "', '" . $feed_url . "', '" . $item_title . "', '" . $item_date . "', '" . $item_url . "', '" . $fetch_date . "')";
if ($db->query($sql) === TRUE) {
echo "New record created successfully";
} else {
echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $db->error;

how to apply array_diff with php and sql

Hi im unable to apply array_diff() for when user edits the stockroom detail to replace with the new result.
Here is the edit function where i call out all the variables via sql.
function einv_editStockrm($srid,$code,$name,$desc,$remark,$cat)
//connect to database
$User = base_getUserDetail($_SESSION['uID']);
$Stockroom = einv_getStockrmDetail($srid);
base_executeSQL("UPDATE einv_stockroom
SET einv_stockrm_code='" . $code . "',
einv_stockrm_name='" . $name . "',
einv_stockrm_desc='" . $desc . "',
einv_stockrm_remark='" . $remark . "',
einv_stockrm_cat = '" . $cat . "'
WHERE einv_stockrm_id=" . $srid . "");
base_addTransactionLog('Manage Stock Room', 'Edit',
Stock Room Code = " . $code . " ||
Stock Room Name = " . $name . " ||
Stock Room Description = " . $desc . " ||
Stock Room Remark = " . $remark . " ||
Stock Room Category = " . $cat . "
Here is the array_diff() function. There may be unnecessary calling and/or lack of coding..not too sure. This set of codings result in no output. The server basically crashes. Any help on this?
//oldsr is existing stockroom data
//newsr is new stockroom data through edit function
//resultsr is the end result
$StockroomGetAllDetails = array();
$arr2 = einv_getStockrmDetailFromCode($stockroomCode);
$codearr = explode(",", $arr2['einv_stockrm_code']);
$oldsr = array($codearr);
$newsr = array($codearr);
$resultsr = array_diff($newsr, $oldsr);
if(!count(array_diff($oldsr, $newsr)) && !count(array_diff($newsr, $oldsr))) {
// Arrays are equal
} else {
// Array values are different
echo $resultsr;
This code is for redirect.
//go to stock room page
echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
echo 'window.location="../einventory/view_stockrm.php?id='. $srid .'";';
echo '</script>';
//close the database
This set of codes able to display the new datas added and removed accordingly :)
$oldCat = $Stockroom["einv_stockrm_cat"];
$oldCatArr = explode(",",$oldCat);
$newCatArr = explode(",",$cat);
$resultCatAdd = array_diff($newCatArr, $oldCatArr);
$resultCatRemove = array_diff($oldCatArr, $newCatArr);

parse ebay xml response

I am trying to parse the xml structure of the ebay website after implementing their API. I get null values for "categoryId" element and "currentPrice" elements. Please what am I doing wrong. Find my php code below:
// http get url ***
$url =("");
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
foreach ($xml->searchResult->item as $entry){
echo $entry->itemId;
echo $entry->title;
echo $entry->categoryId;
echo $entry->categoryName;
echo $entry->viewItemURL;
echo $entry->location;
echo $entry->currentPrice;
// Process XML file
// Opens a connection to a PostgresSQL server
$connection = pg_connect("dbname=postgres user=postgres password=xxxx");
$query = "INSERT INTO ebay(id, title, catid, category, image, location, price) VALUES ('" . $entry->itemId . "', '" . $entry->title . "', '" . $entry->categoryId . "', '" . $entry->categoryName . "', '" . $entry->viewItemURL . "', '" . $entry->location . "', '" . $entry->currentPrice . "')";
$result = pg_query($query);
could you try:
echo $entry->primaryCategory->categoryId
echo $entri->sellingStatus->currentPrice

SQL INSERT query isn't updating column from a PHP web application

I recently modified some code to allow for my quiz.php script to accommodate multiple quizzes as opposed to just one. To do this I sent along the quiz_id and quiz_title variables when the user clicks the link for the quiz and I receive them using $_GET. However, once the quiz form is submitted the quiz_id column no longer updates in the high_score table.
Here is the code for quiz.php
// Start the session
// Insert the Page Header
$page_title = "Quiz Time!";
// Make sure user is logged in
if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
echo '<p>Please log in to access this page.</p>';
// Show navigation menu
// Connect to database
$dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
// Declare $quiz_id
$quiz_title = $_GET['title'];
$quiz_id = $_GET['id'];
// print_r($quiz_title);
// print_r($quiz_id);
// Grab list of question_id's for this quiz
$query = "SELECT question_id FROM question WHERE quiz_id = '" . $quiz_id . "'";
$data = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
$questionIDs = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data)) {
array_push($questionIDs, $row['question_id']);
// Create empty responses in 'quiz_response' table
foreach ($questionIDs as $questionID) {
$query = "INSERT INTO quiz_response (user_id, question_id) VALUES ('" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "', '" . $questionID . "')";
mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
// If form is submitted, update choice_id column of quiz_response table
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
// Inserting choices into the response table
foreach ($_POST as $choice_id => $choice) {
$query = "UPDATE quiz_response SET choice_id = '$choice', answer_time=NOW() " .
"WHERE response_id = '$choice_id'";
mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
// Update the 'is_correct' column
// Pull all is_correct data from question_choice table relating to specific response_id
$total_Qs = 0;
$correct_As = 0;
foreach ($_POST as $choice_id => $choice) {
$query = "SELECT qr.response_id, qr.choice_id, qc.is_correct " .
"FROM quiz_response AS qr " .
"INNER JOIN question_choice AS qc USING (choice_id) " .
"WHERE response_id = '$choice_id'";
$data=mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
// Update is_correct column in quiz_response table
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$total_Qs ++;
if ($row['is_correct'] == 1) {
$query2 = "UPDATE quiz_response SET is_correct = '1' " .
"WHERE response_id = '$row[response_id]'";
mysqli_query($dbc, $query2);
$correct_As ++;
// Update high_score table with $correct_As
$quiz_id = $_POST['quiz_id'];
$query = "INSERT INTO high_score " .
"VALUES ('0', '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "', '" . $quiz_id . "', '" . $correct_As . "', NOW())";
mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
// Display score after storing choices in database
echo 'You got ' . $correct_As . ' out of ' . $total_Qs . ' correct';
// Grab the question data from the database to generate the form
$Q_and_Cs = array();
foreach ($questionIDs as $questionID) {
$query = "SELECT qr.response_id AS r_id, qr.question_id, q.question " .
"FROM quiz_response AS qr " .
"INNER JOIN question AS q USING (question_id) " .
"WHERE qr.user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' " .
"AND qr.question_id = '" . $questionID . "'";
$data = mysqli_query($dbc, $query)
or die("MySQL error: " . mysqli_error($dbc) . "<hr>\nQuery: $query");
// Store in $questions array, then push into $Q_and_Cs array
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$questions = array();
$questions['r_id'] = $row['r_id'];
$questions['question_id'] = $row['question_id'];
$questions['question'] = $row['question'];
// Pull up the choices for each question
$query2 = "SELECT choice_id, choice FROM question_choice " .
"WHERE question_id = '" . $row['question_id'] . "'";
$data2 = mysqli_query($dbc, $query2);
while ($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($data2, MYSQL_NUM)) {
$questions[] = $row2[0];
$questions[] = $row2[1];
array_push($Q_and_Cs, $questions);
// Generate the quiz form by looping through the questions array
echo '<form method="post" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '">';
echo '<h2>' . $quiz_title . '</h2>';
$question_title = $Q_and_Cs[0]['question'];
echo '<label for="' . $Q_and_Cs[0]['r_id'] . '">' . $Q_and_Cs[0]['question'] . '</label><br />';
foreach ($Q_and_Cs as $Q_and_C) {
// Only start a new question if the question changes
if ($question_title != $Q_and_C['question']) {
$question_title = $Q_and_C['question'];
echo '<br /><label for="' . $Q_and_C['r_id'] . '">' . $Q_and_C['question'] . '</label><br />';
// Display the choices
// Choice #1
echo '<input type="radio" id="' . $Q_and_C['r_id'] . '" name="' . $Q_and_C['r_id'] . '" value="' . $Q_and_C[0] . '" />' . $Q_and_C[1] . '<br />';
// Choice#2
echo '<input type="radio" id="' . $Q_and_C['r_id'] . '" name="' . $Q_and_C['r_id'] . '" value="' . $Q_and_C[2] . '" />' . $Q_and_C[3] . '<br />';
// Choice #3
echo '<input type="radio" id="' . $Q_and_C['r_id'] . '" name="' . $Q_and_C['r_id'] . '" value="' . $Q_and_C[4] . '" />' . $Q_and_C[5] . '<br />';
// Choice #4
echo '<input type="radio" id="' . $Q_and_C['r_id'] . '" name="' . $Q_and_C['r_id'] . '" value="' . $Q_and_C[6] . '" />' . $Q_and_C[7] . '<br />';
echo '<br /><br />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="quiz_id" value"'.$quiz_id.'" />';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Grade Me!" name="submit" />';
echo '</form>';
// echo 'Quiz_id: '.$quiz_id.'<br />';
// Insert the page footer
Here is the code for quizlist.php
// Determine number of quizes based on title in quiz table
$query = "SELECT * FROM quiz";
$data = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
// Loop through quiz titles and display links for each
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
echo '' . $row['title'] . '<br />';
My problem has to do with the piece of code
$query = "INSERT INTO high_score " .
"VALUES ('0', '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "', '" . $quiz_id . "', '" . $correct_As . "', NOW())";
It works when I substitute a number (i.e. 2) in the place of $quiz_id, but in order for the script to work for different quizzes I need to be able to use a different quiz_id for different quizzes.
I'm having trouble taking the variable from quizlist.php using $_GET and then passing it along as a hidden value when the form is submitted. Am I doing something incorrect? Or am I missing something completely obvious? I'd appreciate any help! Thanks...
On the first clue, it seems to me that you're getting your $quiz_id form GET request (and that's correct), but you have a condition
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
which is fulfilled only when form is submitted (POST request), not link clicked. So all the code under this condition is not executed when you click the link
