MySQL Community Server - What is it exactly? [closed] - php

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hello fellow StackOverFlow-ians. I am currently learning about PHP and I have found out that it is deeply related to "MySQL". I looked it up, and what I think is that "SQL" is a language used to help "Database Management Systems" run "Relational Databases".
I have installed "MySQL Community Server" on the Website. I have a command prompt and a few files now installed on my computer. Is this one database, or is this a tool for managing databases, and I have to install a database?
What I would like to know is, what this community server is exactly, and what I need to get started (links and tutorials would be appreciated). If what I said at the start was wrong, then please tell me - I cannot find valid information anywhere.
Thanks in advance - 0wendaman

MySQL offical docs are good resource to learn
You can learn at Tutorialspoint as well
W3schools is also useful for beginners
Reading this book may help you alot

you can try (Wamp) its good for using db.


Is it safe to uninstall everything associated with MySql? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I've started learning php recently and will be using MySql. But I have a lot of MySql 'things' installed on my computer (in the screenshot). I want to completely uninstall everything and have XAMPP handle whatever is needed. I want to know would it be a good practice to do so and is it actually safe to remove everything, making sure that nothing would break and is there a way to check if some software depends on any of those?
Your Version is very old, so update it urgently.
You only need the Server and the shell.
Workbench is helpful as it provides a gui, even when phpmyadmin doesn't work.
If you decide to use Java c++ or other languages you can always come back and install them again. Them same goes for samples and Documentation

downloading Xampp and setting up a good working enviroment? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Currently I know a bit about HTML CSS and JavaScript. I now want to learn php and mySQL. So I've read around got some information but I can't really make clear the process I should be following to set up a good development environment.
First off my text editor is Brackets and I've downloaded Xampp onto my computer. I'm currently getting no errors when I open the control panel everything seems to be running fine. So here is my questions
What should I be doing next? is that it?
Is there a tutorial that I can follow that stops me asking for help on here?
My reason for posting is I did the same thing last time and then the next day I started getting errors so I've had to reinstall.
I am sure you must have read all about php. Let me lay out some basics for you. If everything is fine with control panel and you are able to start servers then type localhost in the browser and that'll confirm the installation process.
Follow that link in case you face problem.
To start with php go to any tutorial website, tutorialspoint etc. and learn some basics then make a folder in htcdocs and then access your files using localhost/yourfoldername/yourfile
localhost/phpmyadmin - to work on database.

Server program to communicate with iOS, android and windows [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Im planning to write a server program to communicate with iOs, android and windows phone, which would be the best language to choose. I was planning on using PHP and JSON but still confused that if it is the most efficient. Anyone with experience on this can help me pls...
Please do not mistake me if its a stupid question I'm still a beginner...
Thanks in advance.
It completely depends on what you are trying to achieve. If you are really good with php you can use it or, you can use languages such as node.js to do this. Right now we are using node.js and mongo db to save some data on our servers and sending push notification to users.
I would recommend checking API's for your backend services. They have a free tier where most of the applications will fit. If you are really sure you will have more than 1 million requests every month, then you can start thinking of your own back end. If you are writing your own backend and if you are good with javascript, node.js is your friend along with mongo db.

My first vps! Where to start? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I just got my first vps which i will use for an online game. However, I have only worked with normal webhost so far (with control panel, mysql, php, phpmyadmin already installed), and I have no idea what to do now. The only thing I have is the ip adress, username and password to the vps.
I would like to have some kind of control panel to login to see some stats, phpmyadmin to control the mysql database, and the ability to upload and store the .php files thats talks with the mysql db. I read a little about LAMP (apache), is that good?
Where do I start?
Many thanks
VPS os is debian 6.
Im using a mac
Linode library and Slicehost articles are good places to start.
perhaps check out webmin ( for a control panel, and howtoforge ( - there are tons of tutorials out there to get you started (google is your friend), and no one simple answer. NARKOZ suggestions are very good too.

Any experience with PHP obfuscator on [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking for any php obfuscator solution, I found one
but I need to send our code to their service.
Have you anyone any experience with this service? I'm little bit worried :-)
PS. Our goal is to protect a code from easy observation and we don't want to install any php extension on every server where we sold our product. So I thing products like Zend Guard are out of the game.
Thanks a lot,
I have not used their desktop version, but I have tried the online free version.
It's clever, and the author is right to say it has maximum compatibility. But a few hours later and I have a program that reverses the obfuscation.
Nice software but need jar
java -jar Coolphpobfuscator.jar phpfilename.php
I'm using the desktop version. For me the advantage is compatibility. I have a problematic file which didn't worked with any encoder or obfuscator except (useless) base64 encoding and pipsomania. Since I saw it I started to use.
