I generating xml.When i try to add cdata it gives me error
$dom = new DomDocument("1.0", "ISO-8859-1");
$root = $dom->appendChild($dom->createElement( "Questions"));
$sxe = simplexml_import_dom( $dom );
$question = $sxe->addchild("Question");
$question->addAttribute('id', $Question_Id);
$question->addAttribute('type', $type);
$question->appendChild($sxe->createCDATASection( $Questiontext));//error
$question->addChild('Option_One', $Option_One);
$dom->formatOutput = true;
$xmlString = $dom->saveXML();
You have made a spelling mistake, instead of appendChild you write appendChid
$question->appendChild(new DOMElement('direction'))->appendChild(new DOMCdataSection('<p>Hello!</p>'));
for DOM
I want to get the HTML content in this page using file_get_contents as string :
Then I want to unminify the html code.
So far what I done to unminify it :
$html = file_get_contents("https://www.emitennews.com/search/");
$dom = new \DOMDocument();
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->formatOutput = true;
print $dom->saveXML($dom->documentElement);
But in the code above I got is error :
DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Tag header invalid in Entity, line: 1
What is the proper way to do it ?
You must add the xml tag at the first line:
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $html);
This is the correct code :
$html = file_get_contents("https://www.emitennews.com/search/");
$dom = new \DOMDocument();
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $html,LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED);
$dom->formatOutput = true;
print $dom->saveXML($dom->documentElement);
The problem is the site using HTML5. So we need to put :
I have a question: I am trying to create a XML file using DomDocument and I would like to have this output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<winstrom version="1.0">
The problem is with the second row - if I write it as below then the output is "Invalid Character Error". I guess it is not allowed to have space characters there... However I need it like this, so what are the options?
$dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$root = $dom->createElement('winstrom version=1.0');
$item = $dom->createElement('hlavni_tag');
$text = $dom->createTextNode('example');
$dom->formatOutput = true;
echo $dom->saveXML();
There seems to be a misunderstanding of what an XML element is and how it differs from attributes.
Try this code:
$dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$root = $dom->createElement('winstrom');
$root2 = $dom->createElement("main_tag"); //You forgot this part
$item = $dom->createElement('hlavni_tag'); //Should it be "child_tag"?
$text = $dom->createTextNode('example');
$dom->formatOutput = true;
echo $dom->saveXML();
I'm trying to indent my XML file, but I can't because of this error.
Why is this problem appear?
This is my code:
$xmlstr = 'xmlfile.xml';
$sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr, null, true);
$lastID = (int)$sxe->xpath("//tip[last()]/tipID")[0] + 1;
$tip = $sxe->addChild('tip');
$tip->addChild('tipID', $lastID);
$tip->addChild('tiptitle', 'Title:');
$xmlDom = dom_import_simplexml($sxe);
$xmlDom->formatOutput = true;
I've done a lot of research and I couldn't find an answer.
DOMElement has not method to save xml, but DOMDocument does. Make DOMDocument before:
$xmlDom = dom_import_simplexml($sxe);
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom_sxe = $dom->importNode($xmlDom, true);
$dom_sxe = $dom->appendChild($xmlDom);
$Dom->formatOutput = true;
echo $dom->saveXML();
The dom_import_simplexml function returns an instance of DOMElement, which has no save method. What you need instead is a DOMDocument, which does have a save method.
Luckily, it's really easy to get from one to the other, because a DOMElement is a type of DOMNode, and so has an ownerDocument property. Note that the formatOutput attribute is also part of the DOMDocument, so what you need is this:
$xmlDom = dom_import_simplexml($sxe)->ownerDocument;
$xmlDom->formatOutput = true;
I made a PHP script that updates an existing XML file by adding new nodes. The problem is that the new nodes are not formatted. They are written in a single line. Here is my code :
$file = fopen('data.csv','r');
$xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$xml->formatOutput = true;
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$root = $xpath->query('/my/node');
$root = $root->item(0);
$root = $xml->importNode($root,true);
// all the tags created in this loop are not formatted, and written in a single line
$tag = $xml->createElement('cart');
How can I solve this?
Try adding preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE; to DOMDocument object where is file stored.
$xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$xml->formatOutput = true;
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$doc->formatOutput = true;
PHP.net - DOMDocument::preserveWhiteSpace
I have the following code in my PHP script:
$str = '<item></item>';
$xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$xml->formatOutput = true;
$items = $addon->getElementsByTagName('items')->item(0);
$items->nodeValue = $str;
In the saved file.xml I see the following:
How can I save it in the XML file without encoding HTML entities?
Use a DOMDocumentFragment:
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->load('file.xml'); // '<doc><items/></doc>'
$item = $doc->createDocumentFragment();
$item->appendXML('<item id="1">item</item>');
If you're appending to the root element, use $doc->documentElement->appendChild($item); instead of getElementsByTagName.