I want to show some HTML code for specific posts, so I put this on HEADER templete:
<?php if(is_single(24) || is_single(34)) { ?>
<?php } ?>
I tried those too:
<?php if(is_single(24) && is_single(34)) { ?>
<?php if((is_single(24)) && (is_single(34))) { ?>
<?php if((is_single(24)) || (is_single(34))) { ?>
And its not working. If I put this code for single post, like this:
<?php if(is_single(24) { ?>
Its working well.. but I need to do that for many posts.
You could do if (is_single() && in_array($post->ID, array(24, 34)) {}
Depending on context, you may need to make $post global.
I'd probably add some metadata to the posts though and check for that instead... Less messy.
Try using in_array
<?php if(in_array(POST_ID, array(POST_IDS))) { ?>
<?php } ?>
Say this piece of code:
<?php while($user=mysqli_fetch_array($resultuser)){ ?>
function my_function($variable) {
//do something here...
<?php };?>
This will obviously return this error
Cannot redeclare my_function() previously declared
So what if someone needs to use the same function multiple times across the same page? Is there a way to generate random function() names? Any idea how to get around this? Thanks.
<?php while($deposit26=mysqli_fetch_array($resultdeposit26)){ ?>
<td data-th="Hours">
$week1hours = $deposit26['hours_worked'];
$week2hours = $deposit26['hours_worked_wk2'];
function time_to_decimal($time) {
$timeArr = explode(':', $time);
$decTime = ($timeArr[0] + ($timeArr[1]/60) + ($timeArr[2]/3600));
return $decTime;
$groupd26hours = time_to_decimal($week1hours) + time_to_decimal($week2hours);
echo round($groupd26hours, 2);
<?php };?>
// Earlier in the file or included with include or require
function time_to_decimal($time) {
$timeArr = explode(':', $time);
$decTime = ($timeArr[0] + ($timeArr[1]/60) + ($timeArr[2]/3600));
return $decTime;
} ?>
<?php while($deposit26=mysqli_fetch_array($resultdeposit26)) : ?>
<td data-th="Hours">
$week1hours = $deposit26['hours_worked'];
$week2hours = $deposit26['hours_worked_wk2'];
$groupd26hours = time_to_decimal($week1hours) + time_to_decimal($week2hours);
echo round($groupd26hours, 2); ?>
<?php endwhile ?>
you want to declare the function outside the loop and call it inside
function my_function($variable) {
//do something here...
Let me try and explain what I think could help. I think a good starting point would be to look into including a script or including a script once in your files that require your function logic. That way multiple files can take advantage of the same logic without it having to be repeated. For example:
// File functions.php
function my_function($variable) {
// File one
include_once "functions.php"
// Use my_function() from file one
// File two
include_once "functions.php"
// Use my_function() from file two
I want to exclude the sidebar from one more specific page
I have this:
<?php if (is_page('Forum')) { } else { ?>
<?php get_sidebars(); ?>
<?php } ?>
But I want to add another page
I tried this:
<?php if (is_page('Forum'), ('Shop') { } else { ?>
<?php if (is_page('Forum','Shop') { } else { ?>
But none of those seem to work.
What is the syntax for this?
<?php if (is_page('Forum') || is_page('Shop')) { } else {
You need to use the OR operator to combine two boolean expressions. That is if the page is Forum OR if the page is Shop then...
Sorry a noob question. I wish to make this:
<?php do_action('woocommerce_product_thumbnails'); ?>
Conditional to a custom field called 360 with the value yes.
<?php // do_action('woocommerce_product_thumbnails'); // ?>
For the simple reason that my plugin uses 36 images to create a rotating display.
When I dont use the plugin, I want to use the thumbnails. Many thanks Asa.
I have tried
if (get_post_meta($post->ID, '360', false)) {
} else {
But I still get to see the thumbnails when 360 is returned as false?
I have tried
if (get_post_meta($post->ID, '360', true)) {
// do_action('woocommerce_product_thumbnails');
} else {
Works! Many thanks.
I think this is what you mean - if there is a value for the custom meta value of 360 (ie you'd created a custom metabox with a checkbox with id 360 in it) for that page/post then the product thumbnails are used. If not then you put in your rotating display.
if (get_post_meta($post->ID, '360', true)) {
} else {
// your rotating display code.
I'd like to render the contents of a "basic page" in drupal. Something like this question: displaying a Drupal view without a page template around it but for Drupal 7.
My attempt almost works:
function mytheme_preprocess_page(&$variables, $hook) {
if ( isset($_GET['ajax']) && $_GET['ajax'] == 1 ) {
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__ajax';
And have a file named page--ajax.tpl.php in the same directory where template.php lives:
<?php print $page['content']; ?>
The problem is that it still renders the menu and my two custom blocks from the sidebar. I only want the page content. What should I change?
You are almost there. The only thing you need is to add a custom HTML wrapper template.
Add a function to template.php:
function THEMENAME_preprocess_html(&$variables, $hook) {
if ( isset($_GET['ajax']) && $_GET['ajax'] == 1 ) {
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'html__ajax';
Create a file named html--ajax.tpl.php
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<?php print $styles; ?>
<?php print $scripts; ?>
<body class="<?php print $classes; ?>">
<?php print $page_top; ?>
<?php print $page; ?>
<?php print $page_bottom; ?>
Flush all caches. That's all.
Based on the answer of Ufonion Labs I was able to completely remove
all the HTML output around the page content in Drupal 7 by
implementing both hook_preprocess_page and hook_preprocess_html in
my themes template.php, like this:
function MY_THEME_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
if (isset($_GET['response_type']) && $_GET['response_type'] == 'embed') {
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__embed';
function MY_THEME_preprocess_html(&$variables) {
if (isset($_GET['response_type']) && $_GET['response_type'] == 'embed') {
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'html__embed';
Then I added two templates to my theme: html--embed.tpl.php:
<?php print $page; ?>
and page--embed.tpl.php:
<?php print render($page['content']); ?>
Now when I open a node page, such as http://example.com/node/3, I see
the complete page as usual, but when I add the response_type
parameter, such as http://example.com/node/3?response_type=embed, I
only get the <div> with the page contents so it can be embedded in another page.
Shamelessly taken form here :
displaying a Drupal view without a page template around it (second best answer for drupal 7).
Alexei solution still use the page template wich is in charge of displaying blocks
This is really basic PHP. Can someone tell me why this does not work and what I need to do to make it work.
echo "tp12",$local_pid ;
Well, you haven't actually created a function there. This would work:
function proc_scrn($local_pid='')
echo "tp12: ".$local_pid;
function proc_scrn($local_pid)
// something
PHP- User-defined functions
Pretty simple
function proc_scrn($var1){
echo "tp12: ".$var1;