loading a template in php - php

I'm building a small CMS in php but I have a problem with the front end. I have a folder name template inside the folder I got different themes
when I load the index.php I can load the theme, but in the browser URL I get localhost/cms/template/theme1/page.php
but I like to have localhost/cms/page.php instead.
will you please tell me when I'm doing wrong!

I'm a little confused...you say this is a front end issue, but you point to the URL as the issue.
My guess is this: You need to identify different themes using separate stylesheets in CSS. Having different pages called page.php that looks differently definitely requires more work and complicates the issue. CSS was designed for you to customize the look of different pages and/or templates. Why not create 3 different stylesheets and then create a simple form that allows the administrator to choose which stylesheet to use (by radio button, or something else).
You can determine which stylesheet is "in use" in a number of ways - either on the back end or the front end. Given that this is a CMS, you'll probably want your administrators to choose the stylesheet and allow their selection to update a database entry or change a file on the back-end. No matter what you choose, you're URL's probably should not be affected.
Finally, you can rewrite URLs with .htaccess, but that can lead to more issues as you develop the site. Generally speaking - htaccess is overkill for issues like this.


How to make links work, regardless of location in directory structure?

So in the included image, you can see a copy of the website I'm currently working on. The site is going to have separate pages for each of the company's machines. Obviously the navigation bar and menu bar are going to be the same throughout the whole website so I thought I'd make use of a single line of PHP script to just load the menu in each time.
(Attached image as I do not have +10 rep yet)
Though, from what I understand, the pages within folders (Not within root) wont be able to link to the rest of the site without the use of ../ within the href.
So if I load the menu part of the site containing the navbar, etc, it won't work on all the pages because they'll all be within different folders, meaning every folder will need it's own version of the navbar PHP import.
Am I going about this the wrong way? I'm just trying to minimize the amount of code I'm using on each page. Not only that, but once I finish the site if I have to make a change to the menu-bar, I don't want to have to update 30-40+ pages. I figured the PHP import would save me that sort of trouble? Is there a better way of doing this that isn't terribly complicated?
It should also be noted that I'm doing this in HTML5 with Twitter-Bootstrap as my main CSS.
I would also be making a similar PHP call that would import a footer as well.
If I missed anything that could be of help, please do ask.
TL;DR - How do I make links work throughout the entirety of the site, regardless of where they are in the folder hierarchy. Thought about using a tiny PHP script that would contain the menubar, etc and would be loaded on every single page. Though I'm not sure if that will work due to folders?
Try to start your links from /. This means that url is started from site root.
For example:
Patch Kettles
Just define a constant with the root path and echo it within all the links inside the pages that are contained in a folder like this:
[Put this in a file that you include through out your whole website (e.g. like the file with your database connection if you have one)]
define('BASE_URL' , 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/');
Than just add an echo in the start of each link:
And for images the same thing:
<img src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?>images/img_01.jpg"/>
You can just use /path/to/image.jpg to get absolute paths, while still being fine if your domain name ever changes.

Duplicate content on homepage of custom made PHP script

I coded a simple php blog. On the homepage it displays the most viewed post and also links to the actual page of the post similar to the frontpage of a wordpress blog for example.
How to avoid duplicate content for SEO purposes? Is there a certain html tag or code for search engines to prevent considering the post on homepage and the actual page duplicate??
Homepage is the page that index.php or index.html outputs, even if this is a redirection to an inner file. If you want to make a cms for example with an admin panel and offer different templates, styles and plugins, and decide to divert the design code from the engine code, it is is functionally common sense that you 'll include the template in other template-folders (to keep the filesystem clean, well-organised, and easily accessible from the design work). In this way, admin panel will insert and update your site parameters to the database and the root index file will read those parameters from the db. So the best you have to do for SEO means is to create and keep well-informed all the xml files (sitemap, feed, rss, atom), include keywords (taxonomy),tags and metadata, coherence at internal and external links, keep a clean design output and a lot more parameters that needs a lot of space and time to analyze.

Changinging Joomla template according to the url open in the browser, how?

I am asking if is it possible do the following thing using Joomla
I have 2 different URL, something like: www.stupidname.com and www.seriousname.com
If the user open stupidname.com by his browser will open the website having a stupid template
If the user open seriusname.com by his browser will open the website having a serious template
The website and the content are the same...should only change the template according to the url open in the browser
Do you have some ideas about how to do this thing?
I've done this before making elements of a template conditional based on the domain name, and that can work well. I suppose you could extend the same logic to change the template.
Perhaps you could add a conditional to both template's index.php to change the template. Perhaps something like...
if ( substr_count( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], "silly") ) {
$GLOBALS["mainframe"]->setTemplate = "silly_template_name";
} else {
$GLOBALS["mainframe"]->setTemplate = "serious_template_name";
...I've not tested this, but I think in principle it should work fine, though it might depend on which Joomla version you have.
There are, as saji89 pointed out, plenty of good multi-site extensions and that'd be an ok solution too.
From my personal experience with Joomla I can advise you to use the component Virtual Domains (http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/core-enhancements/multiple-sites/7557) you can add the domains which you redirect to the main site where Joomla is installed and it this component you assign them the template you want.
I can confirm the functionality on Joomla 2.5 latest update with usage of around 5+ different Virtual Domains on one Joomla installation.
Some possible downsides i want to mention:
SEO links can get sometimes messy, you need to play with some SEO component and its settings
its better to use same structure and components for boths side its easier because otherwise the administration gets messy but its possible
the user which register on one website has automatically account on all of them because its one Joomla

Test custom header in Drupal before publishing

I'm quite new to Drupal and want do some editing of the header. I want a custom toolbar to appear on every page. I've already created that toolbar in a file called toolbar.php. It has a layer which is fixed and will appear on top of every page.
How do I include the toolbar.php in the header template of drupal?
The toolbar refers to $user which is a global Drupal variable and I want to test toolbar.php before publishing it to the site. Is there anyway I can do that?
Of the two methods above the first is easier if you understand the basic idea of html and CMS templates, the second will be easier if you are a programmer.
First thing to check is that you really need to do this! Can't you restyle one of the existing menus (Primary or secondary) to do this - will make your life (and anyone who works on the site in the future) a lot easier.
The other thing you can do is look into adding an output region, basically something where you put the php into a drupal friendly format and then effectively do a 'drupal print'. This is how the toolbar, search box etc are done. You still need to alter the templates as above.
Yes for sure. If you want to have the html produced by your function/file appear on every page of the site then you will need to over-ride the page.tpl.php file in the theme you are using and essentually add the html to that file.
To gain access to the $user variable, just declare it in your script.
global $user;
open page.tpl.php file in a code editor and save as page-front.tpl.php (with two dashes if you are using Drupal 7.. one dash with Drupal 6) and upload it to your theme's directory. Clear your cache by going to configuration->Performance->Clear All Cache. Then referesh the page. Now your homepage is using page-front.tpl.php as it's template file. Every page will need its own template file. The page machine name comes after the hyphen so the user page template uses page-user.tpl.php. You can edit it as you want. The proper way to really do this is to use hook_theme() to pass variables to the template file. One variable could be the html which creates your custom header.
See also http://drupal.org/node/457740 Beginners Guide to over riding theme output

How to edit the files of an osCmax site

I have a website running on osCmax setup by a developer a while back and now I want to restyle some of the pages myself from the markup and CSS only.
I'm familiar with HTML/CSS and some jQuery to an extent but I have never touched any PHP. This is my first time really getting into any of the osCmax pages, site, etc., myself so I am little confused on what it really is or does.
If I want to edit any of the HTML/CSS myself for styling pages will I have to download and login to the osCmax admin panel to get to any of the files?
Or can I just go directly through my server to grab the appropriate HTML and CSS files? Wouldn't all the necessary files from the download be on my server already or is this something that I have to download to use?
If all you want to do is restyle the pages, then just modify the css. You shouldn't need to modify the PHP (unless parts of your HTML are created with out a class or id).
oscmax has a seperate folder for its template. all you have to do is editing the .css file. but sometimes you need to design the template from scrath and since the OSCMAX is outdated you must edit all the pages with .tmpl prefix.
