First Drupal Module - converting PHP script to Drupal 7 Module - php

I am trying to convert a much used PHP script that has served me well as a block for a while but now I am trying to convert it into a module for ease of use, and for the challenge. It puts a block into the list but not any content into the block. As I am more of a HTML5 / CSS3 geek this PHP is a little new to me. Could anyone help mentor me here? Many thanks
* #file
* A block module that displays a local weather forcast for Reading Berks UK.
function moduleone_help($path, $arg) {
switch ($path) {
case "admin/help#moduleone":
return '<p>' . t("Displays the weather for a user defined region defined by <a href='#'>LINK</a>") . '</p>';
* Implement hook_block_info().
function moduleone_block_info() {
$blocks['moduleone'] = array(
// The name that will appear in the block list.
'info' => t('Module One Weather'),
// Default setting.
return $blocks;
* Custom content function.
* Get weather report from Yahoo
* Output var is $output.
* #return
* A result set of the targeted posts.
function moduleone_weather(){
$zipcode = 'UKXX0117';
$result = file_get_contents('' . $zipcode . '&u=f');
$xml = simplexml_load_string($result);
//echo htmlspecialchars($result, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$xml->registerXPathNamespace('yweather', '');
$location = $xml->channel->xpath('yweather:location');
foreach($xml->channel->item as $item){
$current = $item->xpath('yweather:condition');
$forecast = $item->xpath('yweather:forecast');
$current = $current[0];
$output = <<<END
<h1 style="margin-bottom: 0">Weather for {$location[0]['city']}, {$location[0]['region']}</h1>
<h2>Current Conditions</h2>
<span style="font-size:72px; font-weight:bold;">{$current['temp']}°F</span>
<img src="{$current['code']}.gif" style="vertical-align: middle;"/>
{$forecast[0]['day']} - {$forecast[0]['text']}. High: {$forecast[0]['high']} Low: {$forecast[0]['low']}
{$forecast[1]['day']} - {$forecast[1]['text']}. High: {$forecast[1]['high']} Low: {$forecast[1]['low']}
{$forecast[2]['day']} - {$forecast[2]['text']}. High: {$forecast[2]['high']} Low: {$forecast[2]['low']}
$output = 'No results found, please try a different zip code.';
function moduleone_block_view($delta = '') {
switch ($delta) {
case 'moduleone':
$block['subject'] = t('Weather Conditions');
if (user_access('access content')) {
if (empty($output)) {
$block['content'] = t('No forcast available.');
else {
$block['content'] = theme('item_list', array(
'items' => $output));
return $block;

Drupal works via a system of hooks which you override, so rightly you've overridden hook_help, hook_block_info and hook_block_view but there is no hook_weather (well, at least not in core Drupal although a contributed module may provide one) so at the moment moduleone_weather() is never called.
You could fix this by placing $output = moduleone_weather(); before you check whether $output is empty or not in your hook_block_view function.


PHP Syntax error issue, display title correctly using parameters

I have a php Code as below but unable to display title with correct php value
For instance on standalone basis it displays correct data as
$this->CatName; - Displays category
$this->prodDet->prod_name; - Displays Product Name
$this->prodDet->v_location; - Displays Location
I want to create a combined title as
Used <catname> <prod_name> for sale in <v_location>
Used Fisher Milk Bottle for sale in Capetown
But when i modify code in
$title = 'Used' ($this->CatName $this->prodDet->prod_name) 'for Sale in' ($this->prodDet->v_location);
It shows syntax error and does not work
Here is complete code
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
* Prepares the document
* #return void
* #throws Exception
protected function _prepareDocument()
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$menus = $app->getMenu();
$title = null;
$menu = $menus->getActive();
if ($menu) {
$this->params->def('page_heading', $this->params->get('page_title', $menu->title));
} else {
$this->params->def('page_heading', JText::_('COM_USEDCAR_DEFAULT_PAGE_TITLE'));
$title = $this->params->get('page_title', '');
if (empty($title)) {
$title = $app->get('sitename');
} elseif ($app->get('sitename_pagetitles', 0) == 1) {
$title = JText::sprintf('JPAGETITLE', $app->get('sitename'), $title);
} elseif ($app->get('sitename_pagetitles', 0) == 2) {
$title = JText::sprintf('JPAGETITLE', $title, $app->get('sitename'));
$title = $this->CatName;
Can any one help how to display correct title
Use the concatenation operator . , read more here
$title = 'Used' ($this->CatName $this->prodDet->prod_name) 'for Sale in' ($this->prodDet->v_location);
$title = 'Used' . ($this->CatName .' '.$this->prodDet->prod_name). 'for Sale in' . ($this->prodDet->v_location);
Use concatenation(.) operator there like below:-
$title = 'Used '.($this->CatName.' '.$this->prodDet->prod_name).' for Sale in '.($this->prodDet->v_location);
Note:- Also add spaces in between variables and string so that output look bit good.(I have already did that in my solution)
Reference:-String Operators

How do I change PHP Scripts from MediaWiki to Wordpress Plugin?

I am working on a project where I have MediaWiki PHP Scripts that import publications information from a DB into a Publications Page.
I need to convert this scripts to Wordpress Plugin but I don't really know the best way to do it. Quite lost right now I try to do the Tutorial: Writing a simple WordPress plugin from scratch but I did not have success on that and I still don't have this working.
Original MediaWiki Code
Here you will see my original MediaWiki Code:
# the function registered by the extension gets the text between the
# tags as input and can transform it into arbitrary HTML code.
# Note: The output is not interpreted as WikiText but directly
# included in the HTML output. So Wiki markup is not supported.
# To activate the extension, include it from your LocalSettings.php
# with: include("extensions/YourExtensionName.php");
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfExampleExtension";
// Register the extension with the WikiText parser.
// The first parameter is the name of the new tag. In this case it defines
// the tag:
// <server-id> ... </server-id>
// The second parameter is the callback function for processing the text
// between the tags.
function wfExampleExtension() {
global $wgParser; // MediaWiki global variable
$wgParser->setHook("server-id", "renderSERVERID");
// The callback function for converting the input text to HTML output.
// The function registered by the extension gets the text between the
// tags as $input and transforms it into arbitrary HTML code.
// Note: the output is not interpreted as WikiText but directly included in
// the HTML output. So Wiki markup is not supported.
// To activate the extension, include it from your LocalSettings.php
// with: include("extensions/YourExtensionName.php");
// $argv is an array containing any arguments passed to the extension like:
// <server-id what="foo" bar>..
// According to the metawiki, this works in MediaWiki 1.5.5.
// <server-id what="person" id="62">This text is not actually used</server-id>
// Personal information:
// <server-id what='person' id='62'></server-id>
// Information for a group:
// <server-id what='publications' cc='IP02'></server-id>
function renderSERVERID($input, $argv) {
// connect to the database
$idDBLink = odbc_connect('SERVER ID', 'some_db', 'some_db_pw');
if (!$idDBLink) { exit("Connection to database failed! Please contact"); }
$html = "";
if ($argv['what'] == 'person') {
$id = split(",", trim($argv["id"]));
if ($id != '') {
// information about someone:
// 1. personal contacts and summary
// 2. publications by person
// 3. advisory work by person
$html .= personById($idDBLink, $id[0]);
$internalIds = authorIdByNumber($idDBLink, $id); // use all Ids
$html .= pubsById($idDBLink, $internalIds);
$html .= advisingById($idDBLink, $internalIds);
else if ($argv['what'] == 'advising') {
$id = split(",", trim($argv["id"]));
if ($id != '') {
$internalIds = authorIdByNumber($idDBLink, $id); // use all Ids
$html .= iconv('latin1', 'UTF-8', advisingById($idDBLink, $internalIds));
else if ($argv['what'] == 'publications') {
// information about some "centro de custo":
// 1. currently, only a list of publications
$cc = trim($argv["cc"]);
$id = trim($argv["id"]);
if ($cc != '') {
$html .= iconv('latin1', 'UTF-8', pubsByCC($idDBLink, $cc));
else if ($id != '') {
$html .= iconv('latin1', 'UTF-8', pubsById($idDBLink, authorIdByNumber($idDBLink, array($id))));
/*else if ($argv['what'] == 'publications') {
// information about some "centro de custo":
// 1. currently, only a list of publications
$cc = trim($argv["cc"]);
if ($cc != '') {
$html .= pubsByCC($idDBLink, $cc);
else if ($argv['what'] == 'calls') {
// information about some "centro de custo":
// 1. currently, only a list of publications
$cc = trim($argv["cc"]);
$showClosed = isset($argv['showclosed']) ? trim($argv['showclosed']) : "";
if ($cc != '') {
$html .= iconv('latin1', 'UTF-8', callsByCC($idDBLink, $cc, $showClosed == "yes"));
else {
// oops! no text...
return $html;
My WordPress Try Version
Here you will see what I try to do with WordPress Code:
// ==================================================
// WordPress Plugin
// ==================================================
Plugin Name: Publications Importer
Plugin URI:
Description: Integrates the Publications Importer plugin into your WordPress install.
Version: 0.0.1
Author: Someone
Author URI:
require_once 'server-id-config.php';
require_once 'server-id-util.php';
require_once 'server-id-people.php';
require_once 'server-id-pubs.php';
require_once 'server-id-advising.php';
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( 'Plugin file cannot be accessed directly.' );
if ( ! class_exists( 'Publication' ) ) {
class Publication
* Tag identifier used by file includes and selector attributes.
* #var string
protected $tag = 'publications-importer';
* User friendly name used to identify the plugin.
* #var string
protected $name = 'Publications Importer';
* Current version of the plugin.
* #var string
protected $version = '0.0.1';
public function __construct()
add_shortcode( $this->tag, array( &$this, 'shortcode' ) );
public function shortcode( $atts, $content = null )
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'what' => false,
'cc' => false
), $atts ) );
$styles = array();
if ( is_numeric( $what ) ) {
$styles[] = esc_attr( 'what: ' . $what );
$classes = array(
if ( !empty( $cc ) ) {
$classes[] = esc_attr( $cc );
?><pre cc="<?php esc_attr_e( implode( ' ', $classes ) ); ?>"<?php
echo ( count( $styles ) > 0 ? ' style="' . implode( ' ', $styles ) . '"' : '' );
?>><p><?php echo $content; ?></p></pre><?php
return ob_get_clean();
new Publication;
// ==================================================
// END WordPress Plugin
// ==================================================
# the function registered by the extension gets the text between the
# tags as input and can transform it into arbitrary HTML code.
# Note: The output is not interpreted as WikiText but directly
# included in the HTML output. So Wiki markup is not supported.
# To activate the extension, include it from your LocalSettings.php
# with: include("extensions/YourExtensionName.php");
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfExampleExtension";
// Register the extension with the WikiText parser.
// The first parameter is the name of the new tag. In this case it defines
// the tag:
// <server-id> ... </server-id>
// The second parameter is the callback function for processing the text
// between the tags.
function wfExampleExtension() {
global $wgParser; // MediaWiki global variable
$wgParser->setHook("server-id", "renderSERVERID");
// The callback function for converting the input text to HTML output.
// The function registered by the extension gets the text between the
// tags as $input and transforms it into arbitrary HTML code.
// Note: the output is not interpreted as WikiText but directly included in
// the HTML output. So Wiki markup is not supported.
// To activate the extension, include it from your LocalSettings.php
// with: include("extensions/YourExtensionName.php");
// $argv is an array containing any arguments passed to the extension like:
// <server-id what="foo" bar>..
// According to the metawiki, this works in MediaWiki 1.5.5.
// <server-id what="person" id="62">This text is not actually used</server-id>
// Personal information:
// <server-id what='person' id='62'></server-id>
// Information for a group:
// <server-id what='publications' cc='IP02'></server-id>
function renderSERVERID($input, $argv) {
// connect to the database
$idDBLink = odbc_connect('SERVER ID', 'some_db', 'some_db_pw');
if (!$idDBLink) { exit("Connection to database failed! Please contact"); }
$html = "";
if ($argv['what'] == 'person') {
$id = split(",", trim($argv["id"]));
if ($id != '') {
// information about someone:
// 1. personal contacts and summary
// 2. publications by person
// 3. advisory work by person
$html .= personById($idDBLink, $id[0]);
$internalIds = authorIdByNumber($idDBLink, $id); // use all Ids
$html .= pubsById($idDBLink, $internalIds);
$html .= advisingById($idDBLink, $internalIds);
else if ($argv['what'] == 'advising') {
$id = split(",", trim($argv["id"]));
if ($id != '') {
$internalIds = authorIdByNumber($idDBLink, $id); // use all Ids
$html .= iconv('latin1', 'UTF-8', advisingById($idDBLink, $internalIds));
else if ($argv['what'] == 'publications') {
// information about some "centro de custo":
// 1. currently, only a list of publications
$cc = trim($argv["cc"]);
$id = trim($argv["id"]);
if ($cc != '') {
$html .= iconv('latin1', 'UTF-8', pubsByCC($idDBLink, $cc));
else if ($id != '') {
$html .= iconv('latin1', 'UTF-8', pubsById($idDBLink, authorIdByNumber($idDBLink, array($id))));
/*else if ($argv['what'] == 'publications') {
// information about some "centro de custo":
// 1. currently, only a list of publications
$cc = trim($argv["cc"]);
if ($cc != '') {
$html .= pubsByCC($idDBLink, $cc);
else if ($argv['what'] == 'calls') {
// information about some "centro de custo":
// 1. currently, only a list of publications
$cc = trim($argv["cc"]);
$showClosed = isset($argv['showclosed']) ? trim($argv['showclosed']) : "";
if ($cc != '') {
$html .= iconv('latin1', 'UTF-8', callsByCC($idDBLink, $cc, $showClosed == "yes"));
else {
// oops! no text...
return $html;
So what I exactly need to know is:
1) Should not WordPress be able to interpret the MediaWiki tags (for example: <server-id what='publications' cc='IP02'></server-id>) and do this automatically?
2) Where can I find more documentation about this kind of migrations?
3) Am I doing this the wrong way?
WordPress and MediaWiki are independent applications and one can not expect a plugin written for one to be directly portable to the other. If you are lucky some of the code may be reusable but it will not be as simple as a cut and paste. The two application has different ways of doing things.
1) No, WordPress will not be able to understand such tags. WordPress can be made to understand MediaWiki style markdown tags with additional plugins but I do not recognise the tag example you highlight.
2) I think your current approach is sound, you will need to understand what the MediaWiki code is doing and re-create this within a WordPress plugin. I doubt there is a short cut to this other than taking some time to get to grips with WP plugins. If you enjoy coding and writing plugins thin this is time well spent. Being able to customise WordPress is very useful.
3) Other than re-coding it yourself the other option would be to see if there is a WordPress plugin that does what you are looking for. Your question does not detail what exactly the functionality is that you are trying to add.
Having written plugins for both MediaWiki and WordPress I have found the easier more enjoyable to work with.

Moodle 2.7 Need to know how to create custom menu for different user groups

I have been working on moodle 2.7 framework, my requirement is i wanted to show 2 different custom menu for Teacher and Student Role, at present I have created custom menu in template options, but I have no idea how to create multiple custom menu in moodle. so far I tried doing it by searching group id and then use if statement to assign custom menu but still no output, so I request can anybody help me to sort this issues.
You can extend the custom menu -
Then use has_capability() to see if the user can see the menu item.
Something like this (I haven't tried it)
// theme/themename/renderers.php
class theme_themename_core_renderer extends core_renderer {
protected function render_custom_menu(custom_menu $menu) {
$context = context_system::instance();
if (has_capability('local_plugin/menuname:view', $context)) {
$branchlabel = get_string('menuname', 'local_myplugin');
$branchurl = new moodle_url('/local/myplugin/index.php');
$branchtitle = $branchlabel;
$branchsort = 10000;
$branch = $menu->add($branchlabel, $branchurl, $branchtitle, $branchsort);
return parent::render_custom_menu($menu);
below is code from renderes.php
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
This plugin is part of Archaius theme.
#copyright 2013 Daniel Munera Sanchez
class theme_archaius_core_renderer extends core_renderer {
* Prints a nice side block with an optional header.
* The content is described
* by a {#link block_contents} object.
* #param block_contents $bc HTML for the content
* #param string $region the region the block is appearing in.
* #return string the HTML to be output.
function block(block_contents $bc, $region) {
$bc = clone($bc); // Avoid messing up the object passed in.
if (empty($bc->blockinstanceid) || !strip_tags($bc->title)) {
$bc->collapsible = block_contents::NOT_HIDEABLE;
if ($bc->collapsible == block_contents::HIDDEN) {
if (!empty($bc->controls)) {
$skiptitle = strip_tags($bc->title);
if (empty($skiptitle)) {
$output = '';
$skipdest = '';
} else {
$output = html_writer::tag('a', get_string('skipa', 'access', $skiptitle), array('href' => '#sb-' . $bc->skipid, 'class' => 'skip-block'));
$skipdest = html_writer::tag('span', '', array('id' => 'sb-' . $bc->skipid, 'class' => 'skip-block-to'));
$title = '';
if ($bc->title) {
$title = html_writer::tag('h2', $bc->title);
$controlshtml = $this->block_controls($bc->controls);
if ($title || $controlshtml) {
$output .= html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::tag('div', $title , array('class' => 'title')), array('class' => 'header-tab'));
$output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', $bc->attributes);
if ($title || $controlshtml) {
$output .= html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::tag('div', '', array('class'=>'block_action')). $title . $controlshtml, array('class' => 'title')), array('class' => 'header'));
$output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'content'));
if (!$title && !$controlshtml) {
$output .= html_writer::tag('div', '', array('class'=>'block_action notitle'));
$output .= $bc->content;
if ($bc->footer) {
$output .= html_writer::tag('div', $bc->footer, array('class' => 'footer'));
$output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
$output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
if ($bc->annotation) {
$output .= html_writer::tag('div', $bc->annotation, array('class' => 'blockannotation'));
$output .= $skipdest;
return $output;
* From boostrapbase
* Overriding the custom_menu function ensures the custom menu is
* always shown, even if no menu items are configured in the global
* theme settings page.
public function custom_menu($custommenuitems = '') {
global $CFG;
//TODO: Check this in a different way
$langs = get_string_manager()->get_list_of_translations();
if ( (count($langs) < 2) and (empty($CFG->custommenuitems))) {
return '';
if (!empty($CFG->custommenuitems))
$custommenuitems .= $CFG->custommenuitems;
$custommenu = new custom_menu($custommenuitems, current_language());
return $this->render_custom_menu($custommenu);
protected function render_custom_menu(custom_menu $menu) {
global $CFG;
//navigation mycourses is no supported since 2.4
if (isloggedin() && !isguestuser() &&
$mycourses = enrol_get_my_courses(NULL, 'visible DESC, fullname ASC')) {
$branchlabel = get_string('mycourses') ;
$branchurl = new moodle_url('/course/index.php');
$branchtitle = $branchlabel;
$branchsort = 8000 ;
$branch = $menu->add($branchlabel, $branchurl, $branchtitle, $branchsort);
foreach ($mycourses as $mycourse) {
$branch->add($mycourse->shortname, new moodle_url(
array('id' => $mycourse->id)),
$course_id = $this->page->course->id;
if (isloggedin() && $course_id > 1) {
$branchlabel = get_string('grades');
$branchurl = new moodle_url('/grade/report/index.php?id='.$this->page->course->id);
$branchtitle = $branchlabel;
$branchsort = 9000;
$branch = $menu->add($branchlabel, $branchurl, $branchtitle, $branchsort);
//From boostrapbase
// TODO: eliminate this duplicated logic, it belongs in core, not
// here. See MDL-39565.
$addlangmenu = true;
$langs = get_string_manager()->get_list_of_translations();
if (
count($langs) < 2
or empty($CFG->langmenu)
or ($this->page->course != SITEID
and !empty($this->page->course->lang))) {
$addlangmenu = false;
if ($addlangmenu) {
$branchlabel = get_string('language');
$branchurl = new moodle_url('#');
$branch = $menu->add($branchlabel, $branchurl, $branchlabel, 10000);
foreach ($langs as $langtype => $langname) {
new moodle_url(
array('lang' => $langtype)
return parent::render_custom_menu($menu);
protected function render_custom_menu_item(custom_menu_item $menunode) {
$transmutedmenunode = new theme_archaius_transmuted_custom_menu_item($menunode);
return parent::render_custom_menu_item($transmutedmenunode);

Bcmath adding decimal places randomly

I have a PHP function I got from the web that uses bcmath functions:
function SteamID64to32($steamId64) {
$iServer = "1";
if(bcmod($steamId64, "2") == "0") {
$iServer = "0";
$steamId64 = bcsub($steamId64,$iServer);
if(bccomp("76561197960265728",$steamId64) == -1) {
$steamId64 = bcsub($steamId64,"76561197960265728");
$steamId64 = bcdiv($steamId64, "2");
return ("STEAM_0:" . $iServer . ":" . $steamId64);
For any valid input the function will at random times add ".0000000000" to the output.
$input = 76561198014791430;
//result for each run
This was tested on 2 different nginx servers running php-fpm.
Please help me understand what is wrong here. Thanks
The answer provided by JD doesn't account for all possible STEAM_ ID types, namely, anything that is in the STEAM_0:1 range. This block of code will:
function Steam64ToSteam32($Steam64ID)
$offset = $Steam64ID - 76561197960265728;
$id = ($offset / 2);
if($offset % 2 != 0)
$Steam32ID = 'STEAM_0:1:' . bcsub($id, '0.5');
$Steam32ID = "STEAM_0:0:" . $id;
return $Steam32ID;
echo Steam64ToSteam32(76561197960435530);
echo "<br/>";
echo Steam64ToSteam32(76561197990323733);
echo "<br/>";
echo Steam64ToSteam32(76561198014791430);
This outputs
The first one is for a Valve employee and someone who's had a Steam account since 2003 (hence the low ID), the second is a random profile I found on VACBanned which had an ID in the STEAM_0:1 range. The third is the ID you provided in your sample code.
I found this: SteamProfile
* This file is part of SteamProfile.
* Written by Nico Bergemann <>
* Copyright 2009 Nico Bergemann
* SteamProfile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* SteamProfile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with SteamProfile. If not, see <>.
// thanks to voogru for the id transformation algorithm (
class SteamID {
private $sSteamID = '';
private $sSteamComID = '';
const STEAMID64_BASE = '76561197960265728';
public function __construct($sID) {
// make sure the bcmath extension is loaded
if(!extension_loaded('bcmath')) {
throw new RuntimeException("BCMath extension required");
if($this->isValidSteamID($sID)) {
$this->sSteamID = $sID;
$this->sSteamComID = $this->convertToSteamComID($sID);
} elseif($this->isValidComID($sID)) {
$this->sSteamID = $this->convertToSteamID($sID);
$this->sSteamComID = $sID;
} else {
$this->sSteamID = '';
$this->sSteamComID = '';
public function getSteamID() {
return $this->sSteamID;
public function getSteamComID() {
return $this->sSteamComID;
public function isValid() {
return $this->sSteamID != '';
private function isValidSteamID($sSteamID) {
return preg_match('/^(STEAM_)?[0-5]:[0-9]:\d+$/i', $sSteamID);
private function isValidComID($sSteamComID) {
// anything else than a number is invalid
// (is_numeric() doesn't work for 64 bit integers)
if(!preg_match('/^\d+$/i', $sSteamComID)) {
return false;
// the community id must be bigger than STEAMID64_BASE
if(bccomp(self::STEAMID64_BASE, $sSteamComID) == 1) {
return false;
// TODO: Upper limit?
return true;
private function convertToSteamComID($sSteamID) {
$aTMP = explode(':', $sSteamID);
$sServer = $aTMP[1];
$sAuth = $aTMP[2];
if((count($aTMP) == 3) && $sAuth != '0' && is_numeric($sServer) && is_numeric($sAuth)) {
$sComID = bcmul($sAuth, "2"); // multipy Auth-ID with 2
$sComID = bcadd($sComID, $sServer); // add Server-ID
$sComID = bcadd($sComID, self::STEAMID64_BASE); // add this odd long number
// It seems that PHP appends ".0000000000" at the end sometimes.
// I can't find a reason for this, so I'll take the dirty way...
$sComID = str_replace('.0000000000', '', $sComID);
return $sComID;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to convert Steam-ID");
private function convertToSteamID($sSteamComID) {
$sServer = bcmod($sSteamComID, '2') == '0' ? '0' : '1';
$sCommID = bcsub($sSteamComID, $sServer);
$sCommID = bcsub($sCommID, self::STEAMID64_BASE);
$sAuth = bcdiv($sCommID, '2');
return "STEAM_0:$sServer:$sAuth";

PHP pagination - problem displaying correct content on additional pages

I found this awesome code online to help with pagination, and it's working well, the only problem is: each page displays the same 4 rows.
Any ideas will be much appreciated
//Include the PS_Pagination class
//Connect to mysql db
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM studies WHERE niche = '{$_GET['niche']}'";
//Create a PS_Pagination object
$pager = new PS_Pagination($conn,$sql,4,5);
//The paginate() function returns a mysql
//result set for the current page
$rs = $pager->paginate();
//Loop through the result set
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
while ($a < $num) {
echo '<div class="container"><p class="subheadred">'.$title.'</p></div>';
echo '<div class="containerstudy"><div class="column1"><p class="subheadsmall">Strategies</p><p class="sidebarred">'.$strategies.'</p>';
echo '<p class="subheadsmall">Client</p><p class="sidebargrey">'.$client.'</p></div>';
echo '<div class="column2"><p class="bodygrey">'.substr($copy, 0, 300).'...more</p></div>';
echo '<div class="column3"><img src="images/'.$thumbmedia.'" height="160" /></div></div>';
//Display the navigation
echo $pager->renderNav();
This is the included file:
* PHPSense Pagination Class
* PHP tutorials and scripts
* #package PHPSense
* #author Jatinder Singh Thind
* #copyright Copyright (c) 2006, Jatinder Singh Thind
* #link
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class PS_Pagination {
var $php_self;
var $rows_per_page; //Number of records to display per page
var $total_rows; //Total number of rows returned by the query
var $links_per_page; //Number of links to display per page
var $sql;
var $debug = false;
var $conn;
var $page;
var $max_pages;
var $offset;
* Constructor
* #param resource $connection Mysql connection link
* #param string $sql SQL query to paginate. Example : SELECT * FROM users
* #param integer $rows_per_page Number of records to display per page. Defaults to 10
* #param integer $links_per_page Number of links to display per page. Defaults to 5
function PS_Pagination($connection, $sql, $rows_per_page = 1, $links_per_page = 5) {
$this->conn = $connection;
$this->sql = $sql;
$this->rows_per_page = $rows_per_page;
$this->links_per_page = $links_per_page;
$this->php_self = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
if(isset($_GET['page'])) {
$this->page = intval($_GET['page']);
* Executes the SQL query and initializes internal variables
* #access public
* #return resource
function paginate() {
if(!$this->conn) {
if($this->debug) echo "MySQL connection missing<br />";
return false;
$all_rs = #mysql_query($this->sql);
if(!$all_rs) {
if($this->debug) echo "SQL query failed. Check your query.<br />";
return false;
$this->total_rows = mysql_num_rows($all_rs);
$this->max_pages = ceil($this->total_rows/$this->rows_per_page);
//Check the page value just in case someone is trying to input an aribitrary value
if($this->page > $this->max_pages || $this->page <= 0) {
$this->page = 1;
//Calculate Offset
$this->offset = $this->rows_per_page * ($this->page-1);
//Fetch the required result set
$rs = #mysql_query($this->sql." LIMIT {$this->offset}, {$this->rows_per_page}");
if(!$rs) {
if($this->debug) echo "Pagination query failed. Check your query.<br />";
return false;
return $rs;
* Display the link to the first page
* #access public
* #param string $tag Text string to be displayed as the link. Defaults to 'First'
* #return string
function renderFirst($tag='First') {
if($this->page == 1) {
return $tag;
else {
return ''.$tag.'';
* Display the link to the last page
* #access public
* #param string $tag Text string to be displayed as the link. Defaults to 'Last'
* #return string
function renderLast($tag='Last') {
if($this->page == $this->max_pages) {
return $tag;
else {
return ''.$tag.'';
* Display the next link
* #access public
* #param string $tag Text string to be displayed as the link. Defaults to '>>'
* #return string
function renderNext($tag=' >>') {
if($this->page < $this->max_pages) {
return ''.$tag.'';
else {
return $tag;
* Display the previous link
* #access public
* #param string $tag Text string to be displayed as the link. Defaults to '<<'
* #return string
function renderPrev($tag='<<') {
if($this->page > 1) {
return ''.$tag.'';
else {
return $tag;
* Display the page links
* #access public
* #return string
function renderNav() {
for($i=1;$i<=$this->max_pages;$i+=$this->links_per_page) {
if($this->page >= $i) {
$start = $i;
if($this->max_pages > $this->links_per_page) {
$end = $start+$this->links_per_page;
if($end > $this->max_pages) $end = $this->max_pages+1;
else {
$end = $this->max_pages;
$links = '';
$niche = $_GET['niche'];
for( $i=$start ; $i<$end ; $i++) {
if($i == $this->page) {
$links .= " $i ";
else {
$links .= ' '.$i.' ';
return $links;
* Display full pagination navigation
* #access public
* #return string
function renderFullNav() {
return $this->renderFirst().' '.$this->renderPrev().' '.$this->renderNav().' '.$this->renderNext().' '.$this->renderLast();
* Set debug mode
* #access public
* #param bool $debug Set to TRUE to enable debug messages
* #return void
function setDebug($debug) {
$this->debug = $debug;
Just at first glance i see your query is repeating itself from the beginning every time you run it, so that means every time you run it it searches from the beggining. you need a counter to tell it where to start from on the next page. something like:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM studies WHERE niche = '{$_GET['niche']}' limit $startPoint, $offset";
that way the offset is the same as the number of items you want per page and the $startPoint is the point at which the search beggins at the next iteration.
somehting like this would work:
if(!$startPoint){$startPoint = 0;}else{$startPoint = {$_GET['$startPoint'];}
within your code pass the start point back to the query and increasing it by the offset after each iteration.
Please bear in mind i've not taking into consideration stuff like injection, and the fact that the variable $num doesn't seem to come from anywhere in the 1st file. I cant see where you initialized it so as to test $a against it.
After looking at your code more in depth i found a few things that need to be changed to get it work in the least here is the changed code:
//Include the PS_Pagination class
//Connect to mysql db
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM studies";// WHERE niche = '{$_GET['niche']}'";
//Create a PS_Pagination object
$pager = new PS_Pagination($conn,$sql,4,5);
//The paginate() function returns a mysql
//result set for the current page
$rs = $pager->paginate();
//Loop through the result set
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
// $a=0;
// while ($a < $num) {
// $id=mysql_result($result,$a,"id");
// $title=mysql_result($result,$a,"title");
// $strategies=mysql_result($result,$a,"strategies");
// $client=mysql_result($result,$a,"client");
// $copy=mysql_result($result,$a,"copy");
// $thumbmedia=mysql_result($result,$a,"thumbmedia");
// $niche=mysql_result($result,$a,"niche");
echo '<div class="container"><p class="subheadred">'.$title.'</p></div>';
echo '<div class="containerstudy"><div class="column1"><p class="subheadsmall">Strategies</p><p class="sidebarred">'.$strategies.'</p>';
echo '<p class="subheadsmall">Client</p><p class="sidebargrey">'.$client.'</p></div>';
echo '<div class="column2"><p class="bodygrey">'.substr($copy, 0, 300).'...more</p></div>';
echo '<div class="column3"><img src="images/'.$thumbmedia.'" height="160" /></div></div>';
// $a++;
// }
//Display the navigation
echo $pager->renderNav();
Notice i have commented out some part that where not necessary
the variable $a was meaningless as it compared to $num which doesn't exist therefore nothing would show. Now these lines:
// $id=mysql_result($result,$a,"id");
// $title=mysql_result($result,$a,"title");
// $strategies=mysql_result($result,$a,"strategies");
// $client=mysql_result($result,$a,"client");
// $copy=mysql_result($result,$a,"copy");
// $thumbmedia=mysql_result($result,$a,"thumbmedia");
// $niche=mysql_result($result,$a,"niche");
where also wrong as you are trying to get the result set from $result. at no place had you put the result set into $result the class you have imported does that and puts the result set into an identifier called $rs.
Since you are using $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs) to read through the result set then to get the variables all you need to do is get the column row through an array like this
and so on. once you do that then the code should work as expected. However this brings us back to this:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM studies WHERE niche = '{$_GET['niche']}'";
i had to get the last part out in that this variable is not getting passed back into the query string (seeing you are using get), the other problem is the 1st time you load the page this variable 'niche' doesn't exist so the 1st time you run the code you will get a blank page, unless this script is accessed through a link that passes in this variable. at this point i have left it commented out as am not sure what you were trying to do through niche.
Hope that helps.
Do you have page set in your query string?
I think that if you changed the paginate function, so that it would have one parameter $page and you would set $this->page = $page at the begining of the function, it would work.
You would also have to change the calling of this function in your code to $pager->paginate($_GET['page']).
The pager is also very inefficient, it gets the whole query just to find out, how many rows does the response have. I would use something like:
$all_rs = #mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' . $this->sql . ')');
if(!$all_rs) {
if($this->debug) echo "SQL query failed. Check your query.<br />";
return false;
$this->total_rows = mysql_result($all_rs, 0, 0);
I'm not sure what this pagination library does with the index of the rows, but you are always setting $a to 0. Perhaps the index is not relative to the page but to the overall recordset being returned?
In other words, what if you set $a to 0 on page 1, 4 on page 2, etc.
You should be able to use $rows_per_page and $page to calculate it. Or perhaps that is the $offset value, so that you set $a to offset and loop it until you hit $rows_per_page additional rows.
Edit clarifying solution:
So what I see you could do is:
while ($a < $pager->rows_per_page) {
$row = $a + $pager->offset;
