How can i Install Rack Tables in windows 7. Here is the link where i downloaded the Rack Tables .. I want to know how can i install this system. (Rack Tables is a rack inventory). Im using xampp but whenever i try to install it im getting this error.
RackTables installation: step 3 of 7
The C:\xampp\htdocs\racktables\RackTables-0.20.7\wwwroot\inc/secret.php file is not writable by web-server. Make sure it is.The following commands should suffice:
touch 'C:\xampp\htdocs\racktables\RackTables-0.20.7\wwwroot\inc/secret.php'; chmod 666 'C:\xampp\htdocs\racktables\RackTables-0.20.7\wwwroot\inc/secret.php'
Fedora Linux with SELinux may require this file to be owned by specific user (apache) and/or executing "setenforce 0" for the time of installation. SELinux may be turned back on with "setenforce 1" command.
Check to see if the file 'secret.php' exists in that folder. If not, just copy past a other .php file and make it empty.
And don't forget to change the windows properties of the file (check off read only).
I just installed on Windows using WAMP. I had to literally set the file permissions on secret.php to read-only for all users (including System) to get by that screen.
My server uses Ubuntu with PHP5 and NginX.
I have installed pear using sudo apt-get install php-pear, and later uninstalled it using sudo pear uninstall pear. Today I downloaded phpmailer using sudo apt-get install libphp-phpmailer.
I wrote code to send email with phpmailer. It begins with:
and I edit the php.ini both in /etc/php5/cli and in /etc/php5/fpm to set:
include_path = ".:/usr/share/php/libphp-phpmailer"
It did work well if I execute this php program in command line, but if I visit this php page through my browser, it produce a HTML500 error, and I checked the error.log file, which shows:
PHP message: PHP Fatal error: require_once():
Failed opening required 'class.phpmailer.php'
(include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in ...
I wander how comes this path? I am sure I have edited the include_path in both php.ini files. Is there another configuration file I missed? Where does the string ".:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear" come from?
If you are absolutely sure all paths are correct then it could be a file permission issue.
Find out what user Nginx runs under. It will probably be nginx. Run groups nginx and the output should be nginx : nginx, meaning the user nginx exists, and has only one group, which is also nginx.
On the command line navigate to the location of class.phpmailer.php and run ls -l to view the permissions of the files in that directory. Example output would be: -rw-r--r-- 1 someuser somegroup, meaning read and write access is granted to the owner (someuser), read access for the group (somegroup), and read access to everybody else.
The user nginx (if that is what it is running under) needs to have read access to that file. So change the owner/permissions as necessary.
If you need further explanation of how to do any of this just give me a shout and I will update this with further instructions.
I have just installed a fresh copy of Yii2 advanced and am having trouble getting the style sheets to load. The error seems to be that Yii (or webserver) cannot create path /var/www/frontend/web/assets/1ecfb338/css despite doing so in the same http request that it errors. Even after reinforcing file permissions of 777 from without and outside the VM, Yii doesn't seem to make further attempts to write the stylesheet.
If I just refresh the page loads without error but the stylesheet bootstrap.css has not been created in the directory.
This is most frustrating. Does anyone have any ideas?
If it matters I am running Yii in a Vagrant VM with Virtualbox. Debian is the VM OS and Ubuntu is the host.
This is quite strange at not experienced this before. I was able to correct this by changing the mode to 777 as the super user from outside the virtual machine. From doing the same thing inside the virtual machine made no difference.
I have worked on many projects before with this kind of setup but not had this before. Software that I'm using that may be responsible is:
Host machine:
Ubuntu 14.04
Vagrant 1.7.4
Virtualbox 4.3.30
Virtual machine:
Debian Jessie
Nginx 1.6.2
PHP 5.6.14
Edit: I found that I had defined the sync folder incorrectly. I had to change to rule this this:
config.vm.synced_folder "./", "/var/www", id: "vagrant-root", :group=>'www-data', :mount_options=>['dmode=775,fmode=775']
You just give permission for particular directory like:
sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www/frontend/web/assets
The solution for me was adding
sed -i 's/www-data/vagrant/g' /etc/apache2/envvars
to the Vagrantfile like written here
Vagrant file_put_contents permission denied
I used Xampp and deleted it.
Then, I tried to use Mamp. There is an error that I don't understand.
Mamp is working perfect as webserver. But if I want to use phpmyadmin, it doesn't work.
For example, I insert something to database. It isn't showing in phpmyadmin.
It is saving to old Xampp database although I deleted Xampp. How does it happen?
How Can I delete Xampp permanently(with mysql) on Mac OS?
XAMPP 5.x:
You can find in /Applications/XAMPP.
After running this program, then you can use this command to delete all XAMPP cache files: sudo rm -rf /Applications/XAMPP
XAMPP 7.x:
Open Mac OS Finder and go to /Applications folder. You should find an XAMPP icon there (eg., right-click it and choose 'Move to Trash'.
In addition to this, you might want to delete the ~/.bitnami folder within your home directory.
the newer version of XAMPP include uninstaller apps, you can find it inside XAMPP folder in Application directory. But they leave empty XAMPP folder.
To Delete XAMPP
Step 1:
Go to your Application folder and delete it.
Step 2:
Open your terminal and type: sudo rm -rf ~/.bitnami
To uninstall XAMPP-VM, follow these steps:
Delete the XAMPP-VM icon from the Applications folder.
Remove all XAMPP-VM data by deleting the ~/.bitnami folder within your home directory on the OS X host.
I think that just put the application (in your Applications folder) is enough. But you can try to search some XAMPP garbages.
Open your terminal, sudo and search for something containing XAMPP:
sudo -s
[ Type your password ]
find / | grep -i xampp
It can take a time if you do not have a fast hdd.
This will display all files/folder containing XAMPP in their name.
Open Spotlight and search for XAMPP,
To open Spotlight, click the magnifying glass icon in the upper-right
corner of the menu bar, or press Command-Space from any app.
Should be displayed some folders. Check for XAMPP (in upper cases) folder and open it.
XAMPP folder should contain an uninstall programm, tap on it and follow the instructions.
For a complete remove Go to Macintosh HD and delete the folder /Aplications/XAMPP (Be careful with you application files).
I did it right now and it works.
it's easy pro,
Open the application folder.
Click on the XAMPP icon and hold it.
Drag the icon to Trash.
Clean Trash (to do it just hold Ctrl and click on “Empty Trash”).
run this command on the terminal:
rm -fr ~/.bitnami/
On Windows, when I run
pear config-set auto_discover 1
I get the following error
PEAR_Config::writeConfigFile fopen('C:\Windows\pear.ini','w') failed (fopen(C:\Windows\pear.ini): failed to open stream: Permission denied)
even though I had mentioned during PEAR installation that my config file was c:\pear\pear.ini.
How to fix this, please (without running PEAR in admin mode or changing the permissions of c:\windows\pear.ini)? I guess my problem will be solved if I can figure out where PEAR is getting the directory for pear.ini from.
In the PEAR installation, when I got to the step of modifying the paths I changed the path for pear.ini from C:\Windows\pear.ini to $prefix\pear.ini and I still ran into this same error. Apparently the installation script did not update everything that it needed to.
Based on a comment on a bug report for PEAR (, I added an environment variable PHP_PEAR_SYSCONF_DIR to point to my PEAR install folder (C:\php\PEAR).
I am now able to successfully run the same config-set command that you were initially attempting to run.
Note the follow-on comment on the bug report however. I only needed one PEAR installation on my machine whereas you may need multiple installations.
I was able to fix this by opening the command prompt as administrator. This is done by right-clicking on the command prompt icon and selecting 'Run as Administrator'. Once command prompt is open, navigate to your php directory and run: php go-pear.phar again. Should run without an issue.
The issue is, when you open your command prompt, your current account doesn't have the privilege to write to your windows directory. Running your command prompt as administrator, will allow for writing to c:\windows
Hope this helps.
My operating system is Windows 7.
I got my WAMP2.2 install in my computer.
Then I try to install PEAR.
However, I can not find my go-pear.bat file in my wamp directory.
Fine. I download in here:
and install using this file.
I put the file in
Run the command: php -d phar.require_hash=0 PEAR/go-pear.phar
After the installation, I include the path of pear in php.ini in php and apache folder.
I also include C:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.8/ in windows $PATH variable.
But when I run pear command. It said it can not find the pear command.
I check the folder and just find a file called pear.bat and pear.ini.
I tried to run pear.bat again in command line. It still does not work.
Experts, please help on this issue.
Ok since many people may be asking the same thing. Let's suppose the following.
I'm currently running 2.2 E which includes Apache 2.2.22 – Mysql 5.5.24 – PHP 5.3.13 XDebug 2.1.2 XDC 1.5 PhpMyadmin SQLBuddy 1.3.3 webGrind 1.0
Now, to install PEAR do the following:
Download this file:
And put it on your WAMP server directory under the PHP version on the bin folder.
Run the command to install PEAR and you're over it.
Example (defaults, no change has been done)
Get the file on the link ->
Go to this directory C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.13
Open command prompt (cmd.exe). Supposing you're using Windows Vista and higher, press Start, type "cmd.exe" and right click on it and select run as administrator/CTRL+SHIFT+Enter (Haven't tested on non-priviliges rights)
Use Window's cd command to change the directory to the go-pear.phar file you've just downloaded. In my case I'll be pin pointing it to my own directory, so I did it like follows:
cd "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.13"
Press Enter. You should note that instead of saying "C:\system\32" is now displaying C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.13
Write the following command and press Enter:
php -d phar.require_hash=0 go-pear.phar
Select whether you like or not a local copy or a system one. By typing system:local and pressing enter you'll install a local copy. By typing system and pressing enter you'll install a system-wide copy.
Type yes to confirm the option chosen.
The next list of directories, will be the referring directories that PEAR will install its components. If you select from 1 - 12 you can change the directory you'd like to install. By typing all and pressing Enter you'll be able to change them all in a queued manner. In my case, I just pressed Enter and left all defaults
11. It is very probable that afterwards you'll receive a message like:
WARNING! The include+path defined in the currently used php.ini does not contain the PEAR PHP directory you just specified: If the specified directory is also not in the include_path used by your scripts, you will have problems getting any PEAR packages working.
Below it will also appear:
Would you like to alter php.ini ? [Y/n]:
Type y and press enter
This should put you running with PEAR on WAMP server :)
pear.bat is the executable on windows. You have to put that directory in your system's PATH variable for the command to be recognized.
All the steps mentioned to below link for GUI based - easy understanding review and setup:
Click here
For anyone looking for a more current answer. On Windows 10 I had to edit .bash_profile to add the following:
function __pear {
pear.bat $#
alias pear=__pear