Discount mathematical operation with MySQL and PHP - Can't get result - php

I have this query for getting out the total amount of check after discount:
Please note that i have to multiply the quantity with price first
SELECT SUM(pino_order_item.ord_item_quan * pino_menu_item.menu_item_price) * (1 - pino_table_order.order_discount)
FROM pino_order_item join pino_menu_item join pino_table_order
WHERE ord_order_id = %s AND menu_item_id = ord_item_mid
I'm trying to echo this on my page with PHP like:
echo number_format($row_get_total['SUM(ord_item_quan * menu_item_price) * (1 - order_discount)'],2);
It's not working at all .. it's giving me totally wrong numbers.
Please help me identify my coding problem and kindly note that all what i want is to multiply the quantity of order item with the price then calculate the discount entered as percentage number (20) or (30) for example and get 2 results (one before discount and one after discount)
Thank you in advance ....

I'm not seeing any group by keyword in the query, if you're trying to get the order total, you will need to group by the order_id.
You said the discount value is stored as integers like 20 or 30. Subtracting that from 1 would give you unexpected values like -19 or -29 respectively. Which is probably the cause of the weird number you're complaining about.
Correct SQL should say something like this:
SELECT SUM( tblItems.price ) * ( 1 - ( / 100 ) ) AS totalCheck FROM tblItems JOIN tblOrders USING order_id WHERE tblItems.order_id GROUP BY order_id
Then something like this to echo the result:
echo $row[ 'totalCheck' ]


How to stop the loop and add the value?

I have the following table:
id tax rate quantity
1 20 400 5
2 20 566 2
3 5 200 4
Here is my expected output:
taxableamount taxamount total
3132.00 626.40 3758.40
800.00 40.00 840.00
Let me explain my attempts here:
If each row have the same tax value, I calculated the amount (rate × quantity) from each row of data and then calculate the tax amount (amount × tax ÷ 100) and displayed the result in a single row even if they come from multiple rows. But if the rows do not have same tax value, it will be displayed in separate rows.
$query = "SELECT SUM(
CASE WHEN tax=tax
THEN rate*quantity ELSE 0 END) AS taxableamount,
THEN (rate*quantity)+(rate*quantity)*tax/100 ELSE 0 END) AS tax,
THEN (rate*quantity)*tax/100 ELSE 0 END) AS taxamount,
THEN (rate*quantity)+(rate*quantity)*tax/100 ELSE 0 END) AS total
FROM pricing group by tax";
while($row = show($query)):
echo '<td>'.$row->taxableamount.'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$row->taxamount.'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$row->total.'</td>';
The above code gives me wrong and unexpected result. So looking at my expected output, how do I go about it. Please help.
You should remove your CASE statements. As i said in my comment, tax it´s allways equal to tax, because you are comparing with the same row. I have added the tax column, so you know the amounts for each kind of tax:
SUM(rate * quantity) AS taxableamount,
SUM(rate * quantity * tax / 100) AS taxamount,
SUM(rate * quantity * (1 + tax) / 100) AS total,
what you are looking for is a group by tax in your sql statement. remove the remove case when. and two lines giving col called "tax"? that lokks like an error to me.
group by

Group values and get percentage from database

I have a database table where I save players bets it the following logic:
This table will of course have several user_id's for every match_id. I want to display how the users have placed their bets. If they think that the home team will win lose or draw. AND I want it to be stated in percentage.
Germany - France 35% - 20% - 45%.
So far I have managed to calculate the quantity guesses, but not the percentage, with the following query:
SELECT games.home_team,games.away_team,COUNT(*) as 'qty',user_result_bet.match_id,(
WHEN `home_score` > `away_score` THEN 'home'
WHEN `home_score` < `away_score` THEN 'away'
ELSE 'draw'
END) as 'tipped_result'
FROM user_result_bet,GAMES
WHERE games.match_id = user_result_bet.match_id
GROUP BY tipped_result, match_id
ORDER BY match_id
Where do I go from here? I want to turn this in to percentage somehow? Im using PHP for the website
you need to use count if
SELECT user_result_bet.match_id,COUNT(*) as 'qty',
count(if(`home_score` > `away_score`,1,null))/count(*)*100 as home_percent,
count(if(`home_score` < `away_score`,1,null))/count(*)*100 as away_percent,
count(if(`home_score` = `away_score`,1,null))/count(*)*100 as draw_percent
from wherever
group by 1
SUM(CASE WHEN `home_score` > `away_score` THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/COUNT(*) AS PercentageHome

Collect values from DB, group matching values, count it and use in other code

This is what my customers_basket table looks like:
customers_id | products_id | basket_quantity
3 | 56:3121fefbe6043d6fc12e3b3de2c8fc38 | 3
3 | 56:fb4c9278fcfe6225b58c06711a7e62ef | 1
3 | 56:8e334fce09556108f5416e27154b6c27 | 1
3 | 52:f3b9f38e4ddd18035bc04cd264b0f052 | 1
This is the query I'm using:
$products_in_cart_query = "SELECT products_id FROM customers_basket WHERE customers_id = " . $_SESSION['customer_id'] ."";
$products_in_cart = $db->Execute($products_in_cart_query);
$products_in_cart_model = $products_in_cart->fields['products_id'];
$products_in_cart_model = substr($products_in_cart_model, 0, strpos($products_in_cart_model, ":"));
The end result I get is 56,56,56,52
First of all, how do I use the first line's quantity field? I'd need to list that products_id 3 times since quantity is 3. Therefore, the end result needs to be: 56,56,56,56,56,52
or, for easier understanding (56,56,56),56,56,52
And second, how do I count how many same values I have? In this case, I have 5x56 and 1x52. I need to use those counts in my further calculation.
EDIT: further calculations explained
I need to know how many of each product_id I have and then run something like this:
foreach(product_id) {
$shipping_cost += FIXED_VALUE * basket_qty;
To get the basket quantity, you have to select it. It would be best if the first portion of the product ID was stored in a separate column, rather than having to do messy operations like substringing.
Query 1: 2-character codes and corresponding quantities
SELECT SUBSTR(products_id, 1, 2) AS product_code, basket_quantity
FROM Customers_Basket
WHERE customers_id = 3;
Query 2: 2-character codes and summed quantities
SELECT product_code, SUM(basket_quantity) AS total_quantity
FROM (SELECT SUBSTR(products_id, 1, 2) AS product_code, basket_quantity
FROM Customers_Basket
WHERE customers_id = 3
GROUP BY product_code;
If you really, really, really desperately want 3 rows of data for the product ID 56:3121fefbe6043d6fc12e3b3de2c8fc38, then you have to know ways to generate rows. They're truly painful in the absence of convenient SQL support (so much so, that you'd do better to select a row in PHP with the quantity and then generate the appropriate number of rows in your array in the client-side (PHP) code). I'm going to assume that some variation on these queries will get you the information you want.

Exploding data from mysql using PHP

I have a database table where I am storing all the values from an external xml file. Since my project requirement demands me to deal with this unnormalized data. I need to help to extract data in an appropriate way.
I have two web pages (one for categories) and one for products.My database table looks like this:
**product_id Code Name ProductRange ProductSubRange WebCategory**
1 1002 Lid 30l Crystal;Uni LIDs Household products
2 10433 Casa Basket Silver Casa Casa Hipster BASKET Kitchenware
3 17443 Casa Basket Ice White Casa;Laundry LAUNDRY BASKET Laundry products
4 13443 Garden tub Eden Eden Garden Pots Household products
5 199990 Black Lid 201 Crystal Crystal Lids Household products
The product that belong to more than one productRange is indicated my semicolon(;). For example,above product_id 1 with name "Lid 301" belongs to two Product Ranges "Crystal" and "Uni". Same is for product_id 3. However product 2 belongs to single ProductRange.
1) How can I construct a query so that it could return "ProductRange" based on my query_string values of "Webcategory"? For example:
if I get "Household Products" as my WebCategory from query string, it could give me distinct like this:
Household Products
Laundry Products
2) Based on extracted ProductRanges, I want to display products separately in my webpages according to the product range and webcategory. For example, if I choose "Crystal" from above, it could give me Products with product_id "1" and "5" respectively like this:
Household Products|
|-Lid 301 (product_id=1)
|-Balck Lid 201 (product_id=5)
|-Lid 301 (product_id=1)
|-Garden Tub
|-Casa Basket silver
Laundry Products|
|-Casa Basket Ice White
|-Casa Basket Ice White
Can anyone guide me how can I retrieve records from the database and what I will need to do as I am new to programming? I would appreciate if anyone could help me in this regard.
In order to get distinct product ranges based on a give WebCategory input = 'XYZ', you can use the following - don't be intimidated by the numberstable, it's just a helpful table that contains rows each with increasing integer values from 1 ... up to N where N is the maximum number of characters in your ProductRange column. These can be made by hand or using a special insert/select query like the one found here:
SUBSTRING(ProductRange FROM number FOR LOCATE(';', ProductRange, number) - number) AS ProductRange
SELECT ProductRange, CASE number WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE number + 1 END number
SELECT mydatabasetable.ProductRange, numberstable.number
FROM mydatabasetable
INNER JOIN numberstable
ON numberstable.number >= 1
AND numberstable.number <= CHAR_LENGTH(mydatabasetable.ProductRange)
WHERE WebCategory = 'XYZ'
) TT
WHERE number = 1 OR (number + 1) <= CHAR_LENGTH(ProductRange)
) TT
WHERE SUBSTRING(ProductRange FROM number FOR 1) = ';'
OR numberstable.number = 1;
In order to retrieve a result set with all values WebCategory, ProductRange and Product for your website you can use the below slightly modified version derived from the above query. So that the results will appear more meaningful at first, I added an ORDER BY clause to keep all same-category, same-product-range products in sequence one after the other. This might or might not be desired as you might prefer to do that in your application/server-script code. In that case you can remove the ORDER BY clause without doing any harm.
SELECT WebCategory,
FROM number
FOR LOCATE(';', ProductRange, number) - number
) AS ProductRange,
SELECT WebCategory, ProductRange, Product,
CASE number
ELSE number + 1
END number
SELECT WebCategory, ProductRange, Product, numberstable.number
FROM mydatabasetable
INNER JOIN numberstable
ON numberstable.number >= 1
AND numberstable.number <= CHAR_LENGTH(ProductRange)
) TT
WHERE number = 1 OR (number + 1) <= CHAR_LENGTH(ProductRange)
) TT
WHERE SUBSTRING(ProductRange FROM number FOR 1) = ';'
OR numberstable.number = 1
ORDER BY WebCategory, ProductRange, Product
You are probably going to want to do a GROUP BY clause in your query and maybe an JOIN if the detailed data is in a different table. If I understand you correctly it would look something like this.
SELECT T.WebCategory, T.ProductRange, T2.Product FROM table T
INNER JOIN table2 T2 ON T2.ProductRange = T.ProductRange
WHERE T.WebCategory = 'Household products'
GROUP BY T.WebCategory, T.ProductRange, T2.Product
It is tough to test my query without having a database setup to test against, but something like the above should return what you are looking for. You will of course need to rename your columns based on the actual names in the second table. Overall though, this should get you started if I understood the question correctly.

MYSQL sort function, depending on the arithmetic operation using the database field values as array keys

I have table of products, and there are 2 fields: price, currency. Possible values in currency fields are 1,2,3. 1 for MDL, 2 for USD, and 3 for EUR. I have to sort my products by price in mdl currency. So i have an array with rates:
$v = array(1,11.38,15.8);
Help my please with my query, I've tried something like this, but I've got errors:
$results = $this->Product
->query("SELECT `id`,`price`,`currency` FROM products
ORDER BY price*$v[currency] DESC");
Hmm... I`ll try to explain, through an example.
My table:
1 | 500 | 2
2 | 300 | 3
It shows that first products price is saved in USD, and second products price is saved in EUR. But i have to sort them in MDL valute. So i get an array of rates for each value:
$rates = array([1] = > 1, [2] => 11.50, [3] => 15.50);
So i have to order my products by the result of formula: price*value rate
in first case: 500*$rates['currency value from db, in our case 2] = 500 * 11.50 etc.
Thanks in advance.
Because of the extended example on this problem I have edited this query.
Lets assume that the currencies are alse stored in some table, lets say currency (if not, it should be anyway).
Table currency should be as follows:
1 1 USD
2 11.38 EUR
3 15.8 MDL
Then the query should be:
SELECT p.`id`, p.`price`, p.`price` * c.`value` AS 'ratio'
FROM products p
LEFT JOIN currency c ON c.`id` = p.`currency`
By this query You select the currency value from the table currency depending on the currency ID from products table and finaly the results are ordered by the ration price * currency value.
I understand that maybe You have the currencies only hardcoded as array within some config, but it really would be better to put the currencies into the DB (if it is not).
You can`t use data base column name as array keys, because mysql is later instance than php. In php you simply generate query string that is passed to database managment system.
Your query should look like this:
$results = $this->Product->query
"SELECT `id`,`price`,
CASE `currency`
WHEN '1' THEN $v[0]
WHEN '2' THEN $v[1]
WHEN '3' THEN $v[2]
END AS 'ratio'
FROM products
ORDER BY price*ratio DESC
