I have a php image upload form.
the image gets to the server, but then the image ends up looking like this:
That is not a snake at all! I'm not doing anything special to the image, just uploading and naming it. The corruption is adding about 100% to the file size.
I am hoping that by seeing the image somebody will have a bright idea as to what is happening. Thanks!
I am using laravel, but a previous iteration of this question in that context provided no leads, so I am asking in the context of the image alone, to cast a wider net.
upload form:
{{ Form::open(array('url'=>'/manage/photos/upload', 'class'=>'form-signin', 'files' => true)) }}
{{ Form::file('image') }}
{{ Form::submit('Upload Photos', array('class'=>'btn btn-large btn-primary btn-block'))}}
{{ Form::close() }}
file receiving code in my controller:
public function uploadPhoto() {
$file = Input::file('image');
$input = array('image' => $file);
$rules = array(
'image' => 'image'
$validator = Validator::make($input, $rules);
if ( $validator->fails() )
return Redirect::to('/manage/photos')->with('message', 'There was a problem:');
} else {
$destinationPath = 'profileimages';
$filename = uniqid('', true).'.jpg';
Input::file('image')->move($destinationPath, $filename);
return Redirect::back()->with('message', 'The photo was successfully uploaded');
I need to validate my image array as an image and specific image file extensions only. but my request validation to image WONT ALLOW me to use inser nullable values
For example I will add a content and dont want to add images. then the image should contain null that is why i need to have request validation as nullable. But in my experience null value is not allowed and it gives me error why? help me please
here is the error.
The Promotion Image must be an Image
here is my CONTROLLER
public function store(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'promotion_image' => 'image|nullable|max:1999'
$promotion = [];
if ($request->has('promotion_image'))
//Handle File Upload
foreach ($request->file('promotion_image') as $key => $file)
// Get FileName
$filenameWithExt = $file->getClientOriginalName();
//Get just filename
$filename = pathinfo( $filenameWithExt, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
//Get just extension
$extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
//Filename to Store
$fileNameToStore = $filename.'_'.time().'.'.$extension;
//Upload Image
$path = $file->storeAs('public/promotion_images',$fileNameToStore);
array_push($promotion, $fileNameToStore);
$fileNameToStore = serialize($promotion);
if (count($promotion)) {
$implodedPromotion = implode(' , ', $promotion);
$promotionImage = new Promotion;
$promotionImage->promotion_image = $implodedPromotion;
return redirect('/admin/airlineplus/promotions')->with('success', 'Image Inserted');
return redirect('/admin/airlineplus/promotions')->with('error', 'Something went wrong.');
here is my VIEW
{!! Form::open(['action'=>'Admin\PromotionsController#store', 'method' => 'POST','enctype'=>'multipart/form-data', 'name' => 'add_name', 'id' => 'add_name']) !!}
<div class="form-group">
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-bordered" id="dynamic_field">
<td> {{ Form::file('promotion_image[]')}}</td>
<td>{{ Form::button('', ['class' => 'btn btn-success fa fa-plus-circle', 'id'=>'add','name'=>'add', 'style'=>'font-size:15px;']) }}</td>
{{Form::submit('submit', ['class'=>'btn btn-primary', 'name'=>'submit'])}}
{!! Form::close() !!}
No need to add nullable attribute in the validation. just change your validation code like this
$this->validate($request, [
'promotion_image.*' => 'image|max:1999'
If you need user must add image input then you can use required validation rule other wise you don't need such thing.
Above code forces user to add file of type image or nothing at all.
I hope you understand and if any explanation needed, feel free to ask.
You need to validate it as an array:
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'photos.profile' => 'required|image',
Take a look laravel docs
you may want to combine it with sometimes which indicates that the current validation rules will apply only if the field is present.
I need to validate my image array as an image and specific image file extensions only. but my request validation to image WONT ALLOW me to use inser nullable values
For example I will add a content and dont want to add images. then the image should contain null that is why i need to have request validation as nullable. But in my experience null value is not allowed and it gives me error why? help me please
here is the error.
Undefined variable: promotion
here is my CONTROLLER
public function store(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'promotion_image' => 'image|nullable|max:1999'
if ($request->has('promotion_image'))
//Handle File Upload
$promotion = [];
foreach ($request->file('promotion_image') as $key => $file)
// Get FileName
$filenameWithExt = $file->getClientOriginalName();
//Get just filename
$filename = pathinfo( $filenameWithExt, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
//Get just extension
$extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
//Filename to Store
$fileNameToStore = $filename.'_'.time().'.'.$extension;
//Upload Image
$path = $file->storeAs('public/promotion_images',$fileNameToStore);
array_push($promotion, $fileNameToStore);
$fileNameToStore = serialize($promotion);
if (count($promotion)) {
$implodedPromotion = implode(' , ', $promotion);
$promotionImage = new Promotion;
$promotionImage->promotion_image = $implodedPromotion;
return redirect('/admin/airlineplus/promotions')->with('success', 'Image Inserted');
return redirect('/admin/airlineplus/promotions')->with('error', 'Something went wrong.');
here is my VIEW
{!! Form::open(['action'=>'Admin\PromotionsController#store', 'method' => 'POST','enctype'=>'multipart/form-data', 'name' => 'add_name', 'id' => 'add_name']) !!}
<div class="form-group">
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-bordered" id="dynamic_field">
<td> {{ Form::file('promotion_image[]')}}</td>
<td>{{ Form::button('', ['class' => 'btn btn-success fa fa-plus-circle', 'id'=>'add','name'=>'add', 'style'=>'font-size:15px;']) }}</td>
{{Form::submit('submit', ['class'=>'btn btn-primary', 'name'=>'submit'])}}
{!! Form::close() !!}
You need to declare $promotion = [] above if ($request->has('promotion_image')), not inside of it.
public function store(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'promotion_image' => 'image|nullable|max:1999'
$promotion = [];
if ($request->has('promotion_image'))
//Handle File Upload
That is because your selecting file other than image in your form. See the following to restrict user to only upload images.
<input accept=".png, .jpg, jpeg" name="files[]" type="file" multiple>
Not sure but try once
'promotion_image' => 'nullable|mimes:jpeg,jpg,png,gif|max:1999'
I'm not sure what is the cause of my file upload. It's failing and redirecting back, but not with error.
public function updateLogo()
$inputs = Input::all();
$logo_path = Input::only('logo_path');
$cpe_mac = $inputs['cpe_mac'];
$rule = ['logo_path' => 'mimes:jpeg,bmp,png'];
$validator = Validator::make($logo_path, $rule );
if ( $validator->fails()) {
return Redirect::to($cpe_mac.'/view-profile/')->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
} else {
{!! Form::open(array('url' => '/'.$cpe_mac.'/view-profile/logo/update', 'class' => 'form-horizontal', 'role' =>'form','id' => 'editLogo','file'=>true)) !!}
<input name="logo_path" type="file" required> <br><br>
<button class="btn btn-success btn-sm mr5" type="file"><i class="fa fa-user"></i> Update Logo</button>
{!! Form::hidden('cpe_mac', $cpe_mac)!!}
{{ csrf_field() }}
{!! Form::close();!!}
Did I forget something ?
A file (really uploaded file, so not just a string) can be called with Input::file(); It isn't included in the standard Input::all().
You need to change your validation slightly in order to get this to work to follow up on #marmorunl answer.
public function updateLogo()
$input = [
'logo_path' => Input::file('logo_path')
$rules = [
'logo_path' => 'mimes:jpeg,bmp,png|required'
$validator = Validator::make($input, $rules);
if ($validator->fails()) {
return Redirect::to($cpe_mac.'/view-profile/')->withErrors($validator)->withInput()
} else {
// else
See Laravel: Validate an uploaded file is an image for additional information. This suggests using image as the validation rule which would also include git and svg. So I've left it as the mime type one you where using in case you don't want this.
So, I am trying to battle the old file upload inside of the Laravel framework but getting a bit lost. I have managed to get the upload to work so the file uploads and saved into an assets folder with a random string name.
This is the form:
<form action="{{ URL::route('account-upload') }}" method="post">
{{ Form::label('file','Upload File') }}
{{ Form::file('file') }}
<br />
{{ Form::submit('Upload') }}
{{ Form::token() }}
This is the Route:
Route::get('/account/upload', array(
'as' => 'account-upload',
'uses' => 'AccountController#getUpload'
Route::post('/account/upload', function(){
if (Input::hasFile('file')){
$dest = 'assets/uploads/';
$name = str_random(6).'_'. Input::file('file')->getClientOriginalName();
return Redirect::to('/account/upload')
->withGlobal('Your image has been uploaded');
this is the method inside AccountController:
public function getUpload(){
return View::make('account.upload');
public function postUpload() {
$user = User::find(Auth::id());
$user->image = Input::get('file');
I am now trying to enable that to push the string name into the database and also be associated with the user who uploaded it and show as their profile image? Ay pointers would be great!
I have created a row inside of the database named 'file' with the type of text....I am not sure on this point of how to store and view the image.
try this
// the view
{{ Form::open(['route' => 'account-upload', 'files' => true]) }}
{{ Form::label('file','Upload File') }}
{{ Form::file('file') }}
<br />
{{ Form::submit('Upload') }}
{{ Form::close() }}
// route.php
Route::get('/account/upload', 'AccountController#upload');
Route::post('/account/upload', [
'as' => 'account-upload',
'uses' => 'AccountController#store'
// AccountController.php
class AccountController extends BaseController {
public function upload(){
return View::make('account.upload');
public function store() {
if (Input::hasFile('file')){
$file = Input::file('file');
$dest = public_path().'/assets/uploads/';
$name = str_random(6).'_'. $file->getClientOriginalName();
$user = User::find(Auth::id());
$user->image = $name;
return Redirect::back()
->withGlobal('Your image has been uploaded');
// and to display the img on the view
<img src="assets/upload/{{Auth::user()->image}}"/>
In order to upload a file, you'll need enctype="multipart/form-data" as an attribute on the <form> element.
If you're using the Form::open() method, you can just pass "files" => true here, but this should allow you to actually use Input::file() correctly.
Next, when actually dealing with the file, you'll need to use something like storage_path() or public_path() and give an absolute path to the file's destination when moving it.
And a tip: you fetch an authed user's model by calling Auth::user().
I'm trying to learn to an process image form that uploads images to a database and lets users view the image on the website, this is done using Laravel 4. I must have some sort of bug, because the view doesn't have any errors, but when I select an image to upload and hit the "save" button on my form, nothing happens other than it looks like the form has been refreshed because the file is gone.
// This is for the get event of the index page
Route::get('/', array(
'as' => 'index_page',
'uses' => 'ImageController#getIndex'
// This is for the post event of the index page
Route::post('/', array(
'as' => 'index_page_post',
'before' => 'csrf',
'uses' => 'ImageController#postIndex'
class ImageController extends BaseController {
public function getIndex()
// Let's first load the form view
return View::make('tpl.index');
public function postIndex()
// Let's validate the form first with the rules which are set at the model
$input = Input::all();
$rules = Photo::$upload_rules;
$validation = Validator::make($input, $rules);
// If the validation fails, we redirect the user to the index page, with errors
if ($validation->passes()) {
// If the validation passes, we upload the image to the database and process it
$image = Input::file('image');
// This is the original uploaded client name of the image
$filename = $image->getClientOriginalName();
// Because Symfony API does not provide filename
// without extension, we will be using raw PHP here
$filename = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
// We should salt and make an url-friendly version of the file
$fullname = Str::slug(Str::random(8) . $filename) . '.' .
// We upload the image first to the upload folder, then
// get make a thumbnail from the uploaded image
$upload = $image->move
(Config::get('image.upload_folder'), $fullname);
->resize(Config::get('image.thumb_width'), null, true)
// If the file is now uploaded we show a success message
// otherwise, we show an error
if ($upload) {
// image is now uploaded, we first need to add column to the database
$insert_id = DB::table('photos')->insertGetId(
'title' => Input::get('title'),
'image' => $fullname
// Now we redirect to the image's permalink
return Redirect::to(URL::to('snatch/'.$insert_id))
->with('success', 'Your image is uploaded successfully!');
else {
// Image cannot be uploaded
return Redirect::to('/')->withInput()
->with('error', 'Sorry, the image could not be uploaded.');
else {
return Redirect::to('/')
Image Model
class Photo extends Eloquent {
// the variable that sets the table name
protected $table = 'photos';
// the variable that sets the table name
protected $fillable = array('title', 'image');
// the timestamps enabled
public $timestamps = true;
// Rules of the image upload form
public static $upload_rules = array(
'title' => 'required|min:3',
'image' => 'required|image'
The view for the form
{{ Form::open(array('url' => '/', 'files' => true )) }}
{{ Form::text('title', '', array(
'placeholder' => 'Please insert your title here')) }}
{{ Form::file('image') }}
{{ Form::submit('save', array('name' => 'send')) }}
{{ Form::close() }}
Let me know if you can find any bugs, I'm pretty sure something must be going wrong in my ImageController#postIndex
Thanks for any insights
2 things you need to check out.
1st off, once you updated your composer.json to include the Intervention/Image package. you should run composer dump-autoload to refresh the autoload file.
2ndly, there's a logical error in your controller.
->resize(Config::get('image.thumb_width'), null, true)
should be
->resize(Config::get('image.thumb_width'), null, true)
because you've already moved the image file to image_folder with the code below:
$upload = $image->move
(Config::get('image.upload_folder'), $fullname);
Hope this helps.