How to convert a xlsx file into pdf using php - php

I am in searching to find a solution to convert the .xlsx(Excel) file into pdf files.
$fileType = 'Excel5';
$fileName = 'testing.xlsx';
$outputFileType = 'PDF';
$outputFileName = 'test.pdf';
$objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($fileName);
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, $outputFileType);
I used this above code,but is not working. If any can an Idea, please help me


How to fix 'Unable to load PDF Rendering library' Export Excel to PDF using PHPExcel TCPDF

I want to export my Excel to PDF file using TCPDF in PHPExcel and save it to the path, but I found this error 'Unable to load PDF Rendering library'. Please help, how to fix this?
I'm not sure this is because of rendererLibraryPath
$excel2 = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel2007');
$excel2 = $excel2->load('./template/invoice.xlsx'); // Empty Sheet
$excel2->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('C6', $row['nama'])
->setCellValue('C7', $row['idpel'].$row['periode_tagihan'])
->setCellValue('H6', $row['idpel'])
->setCellValue('C6', $row['nama'])
->setCellValue('H7', $row['rekening_bulan'])
->setCellValue('H8', $row['tarif'])
->setCellValue('J8', $row['daya'])
->setCellValue('E12', $row['rpptl'])
->setCellValue('E13', $row['rpbpju'])
->setCellValue('E14', $row['rpppn'])
->setCellValue('E15', $row['rpmat'])
->setCellValue('E16', $row['tagsus'])
->setCellValue('E17', $row['rpbk'])
->setCellValue('E19', $row['rptottag'])
->setCellValue('C22', $terbilang)
->setCellValue('E25', $row['batas_akhir_bayar'])
->setCellValue('H33', date('d F Y'));
//$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($excel2, 'Excel2007');
$rendererName = PHPExcel_Settings::PDF_RENDERER_TCPDF;
$rendererLibrary = 'tcpdf';
$rendererLibraryPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $rendererLibrary;
PHPExcel_Settings::setPdfRenderer($rendererName, $rendererLibraryPath);
$path = "./template/cetak/".$row['idpel'].$row['periode_tagihan'].".pdf";
$objWriter = new PHPExcel_Writer_PDF($excel2);
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($excel2, 'PDF');
* Remove TCPDF folder from vendor and install again with php composer.phar *
Hope this link help to find your solution

PHP: reading xls with phpexcel

I am having trouble reading the .xls file. Values ​​are read as null and in unknown characters. The file is downloaded from an ftp server and it comes protected
$path = 'doc/20180719-ASK FIDC_EVOLUCAO_COTA.xls';
$inputFileType = PHPExcel_IOFactory::identify($path);
$reader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($inputFileType);
$excel = $reader->load($path);
echo $inputFileType;
$writer = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($excel, 'CSV');
echo 'File saved to csv format';
The converted file looks like the image:

can't read and write xlsx file php

this is my code i want to attach this file and send it and the values are numerical variables that in excel file i use them to drow a chart
it dosen't work at all ,
my boss is mad at me , Help
let me explain more . i have to attach an excel file {which contains 4 numbers that are a test result and draw a chart } I've done the test i have the result, i have done sending with attachment but i can't make the file .
require_once '../Classes/PHPExcel.php';
$fileType = 'Excel2007';
$fileName = 'Result.xlsx';
// Read the file
$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($fileType);
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($fileName);
// Change the file
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, $fileType);
$objSheet = $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0);
objSheet->getCell('A2')->setValue($SumY );
objSheet->getCell('B2')->setValue($SumR );
objSheet->getCell('C2')->setValue($SumB );
objSheet->getCell('D2')->setValue($SumG );
// Write the file
Tell PHPExcel that you want to include charts when reading and writing
Assuming that the chart is defined in your template
require_once '../Classes/PHPExcel.php';
$fileType = 'Excel2007';
$fileName = 'Result.xlsx';
// Read the file (including chart template)
$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($fileType);
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($fileName);
// Change the file
$objSheet = $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0);
$objSheet->getCell('A2')->setValue($SumY );
$objSheet->getCell('B2')->setValue($SumR );
$objSheet->getCell('C2')->setValue($SumB );
$objSheet->getCell('D2')->setValue($SumG );
// Write the file (including chart)
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, $fileType);
If the chart isn't defined in your template, then you need to create it in your code

PHPExcel converting multiple sheet of xlsx to csv

im using this few lines to convert an xlsx, which contain 4sheets to convert to .csv . but it only convert the first sheet of the xlsx file. how can i make it to convert every sheets in the xlsx. heres the code,
/** PHPExcel_IOFactory */
require_once sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir').'/lib/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php';
// Check prerequisites
//print sfConfig::get("sf_upload_dir").DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."temp".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; exit;
if (!file_exists($file)) {
exit($file."Please run 06largescale.php first.\n");
$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel2007');
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($file);
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'CSV');
$objWriter->save(str_replace('.xlsx', '.csv',$file));
return "success";
Please check the tutorial here which has step by step code to achieve this
require_once 'PHPExcel/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php';
$excel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load("test123.xlsx");
$writer = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($excel, 'CSV');
To convert all sheets you must iterate through all worksheets and set it as the active sheet and then write that to a file.
$inFile = 'fileWithMultipleWorksheet.xlsx';
$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel2007');
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($inFile);
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'CSV');
$index = 0;
foreach ($objPHPExcel->getWorksheetIterator() as $worksheet) {
// write out each worksheet to it's name with CSV extension
$outFile = str_replace(array("-"," "), "_", $worksheet->getTitle()) .".csv";
Write each sheet in turn to a different file, and then concatenate those files into one: PHPExcel does not provide an option to write multiple sheets to a single CSV file.

How to split the Excel file that contains multiple sheets?

I have the Excel file that contains a few sheets. How to split this file to get get each sheet as a separate file?
From PHP, you'llneed to have something like phpExcel to open the spreadsheet, and rewrite each tab as a new file.
Using the PHPExcel library:
include 'PHPExcel.php';
$fileType = 'Excel2007';
$inputFileName = 'testExcel.xlsx';
$objPHPExcelReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($fileType);
$objPHPExcel = $objPHPExcelReader->load($inputFileName);
$sheetIndex = 0;
$sheetCount = $objPHPExcel->getSheetCount();
while ($sheetIndex < $sheetCount) {
$workSheet = $objPHPExcel->getSheet(0);
$newObjPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
$objPHPExcelWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($newObjPHPExcel,$fileType);
$outputFileTemp = explode('.',$inputFileName);
$outputFileName = $outputFileTemp[0].$sheetIndex.'.'.$outputFileTemp[1];
