Basically I have two sliders on my page, whenever their value is adjusted they reference a script which returns a JSON array holding values about products which meet the new criteria.
In my success callback I want to call my PHP class which renders my view to the screen ( I am aware that I could probably achieve this effect in Javascript, but I already have a PHP class built which handles all of the required logic, so it would be simpler if there was a shortcut.
My AJAX method looks like this:
function update_results(values)
var json = JSON.stringify(values);
type: "GET",
url: "./app/core/commands/update_results.php?cache=" + (new Date().getTime()),
data: { query : json },
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
// Remove the old data from the document
// Build the new table rows using the returned data array
$('table').append("<?php Table t = new Table(data); ?>");
Calling my Table constructor builds everything I need just by passing the JSON array I recieve back from my AJAX call, however nothing is being rendered to the screen at the moment - is there any way of doing this?
PHP runs on the server...JavaScript on the client... "<?php Table t = new Table(data); ?>"
does not magically work with the Ajax call. The server should be returning the table when you make the Ajax call.
I am new to php and am trying to update a hidden field value inside a php function and can't see to find a solution that works.
In template.php I have:
<input type="hidden" id="variable_ID" name="variable_name" value="variable_value">
This works fine.
However I need to update the value of the variable to the record ID of inserted record in a function in functions.php eg
function myFunction() {
$insert_record = $mydb->query("INSERT INTO `Table`(`Name`) VALUES ('John')");
$get_record_id = $mydb->insert_id;
// *** Set Hidden field value to $get_record_id here ***
I have tried a myriad of things but can't seem to find a solution.
Any pointers on how to solve this problem?
Here is the solution I used - thanks to #Steven and #El_Vanja for direction.
(I may need to change the question title now though because what I actually needed to do was return a variable to javascript from PHP using Ajax. I didn't need to use hidden fields).
function myFunction() {
$insert_record = $mydb->query("INSERT INTO `Table`(`Name`) VALUES ('John')");
$get_record_id = $mydb->insert_id;
echo json_encode($get_record_id);
url: ajax_url,
data: {
action: "myFunction",
anydata:"to be posted"},
success: process_record_ID
function process_record_ID(data_returned_from_myFunction){
recordID = data_returned_from_myFunction;
Hope this helps others!
I believe that we have to declare 'process_record_ID' as a separate function outside of AJAX because AJAX is asynchronous. If we define the function in the success handler, the function runs in AJAX before the value is actually returned from PHP.
In the AJAX success handler, we don't need to explicitly list the 'data_returned_from_myFunction' variable in the call to process_record_ID function. When the data is returned to the AJAX success handler from PHP, it still gets sent to the function.
Additional answer
You're correct AJAX is an asynchronous construct which means that certain tasks can be carried out before you might expect them to (from a synchronous perspective).
For example we can (as per the code in the original answer) use jQuery to update the value of a field directly in the success handler.
We can't update a JS variable directly, i.e:
some_variable = response.value;
If you attempt it the variable some_variable will likely be undefined.
The difference comes down to callbacks:
Callbacks allow the asynchronous function to call a function after it completes. Where as setting a variable happens on the spot.
There are two easy ways to solve this issue then:
Create a function outside of the AJAX request and allow it to callback that function once the AJAX request has completed -- as you've already discovered.
Use the complete option inside of your AJAX request.
Using a call back
Firstly we need to define out variable to be updated and the function which we will use to update it:
var inserted_id = "";
function update_id(data){
inserted_id = data.record_id;
Then we can make out AJAX call:
type : "POST",
url : "/url/to/functions.php",
data : {data:"to be posted"},
dataType: 'json',
success : update_id
Calling update_id in this fashion means we pass the entirety of the returned JSON object; not just the returned number.
var inserted_id = "";
function update_id(data){
inserted_id = data;
type : "POST",
url : "/url/to/functions.php",
data : {data:"to be posted"},
dataType: 'json',
success : function(response){
This method is effectively the same but we only pass the returned number to the update_id function.
Using complete
complete works the same way as success however activates once the AJAX request is... complete...
var inserted_id = "";
type : "POST",
url : "/url/to/functions.php",
data : {data:"to be posted"},
dataType: 'json',
complete: function(data) {
inserted_id = data.responseJSON.record_id;
Original answer
Having not seen the rest of your code giving a complete answer is tricky. However, this should set you on the right track:
Firstly, in your PHP you need to make sure and output the data that you want returned to the webpage. In this case we want to return the insert id of the newly created record; to do this we're going to output a JSON object so that the AJAX call can interpret the value and update the page:
function myFunction() {
$mydb->query("INSERT INTO `Table`(`Name`) VALUES ('John')");
echo json_encode(["record_id" => $mydb->insert_id]);
We don't want any output other than the JSON string. Hence exit has been used after the echo. You may want/need to adjust the echo and exit to fit with the rest of your code etc.
Now that we have our PHP returning usable data to our ajax call (which should look something like the below) we can take the returned data aka response and update the value of the hidden field accordingly.
type : "POST",
url : "/url/to/functions.php",
data : {data:"to be posted"},
dataType: 'json',
success : function(response) {
I've read all the articles but cant seem to get my ajax response into a PHP variable. Please can you advice. I want to assign rowid to a PHP variable.
$(document).on('click', '#updateid', function() {
var vallab = $('#idval').val();
var rowid;
type: 'POST',
async: false,
data: {labid: vallab},
success: function(data){
// console.log(data);
rowid = data;
return rowid;
my a.php code is below
# Fetch the variable if it's set.
$lab_id = (isset($_POST["labid"])) ? $_POST["labid"] : null;
echo $lab_id;
I am getting the response back with the id, and want to use it on that page
I want to pass rowid into a PHP function so I need to get the value of rowid.
Please can you advice?
I cant seem to get my ajax response into a PHP variable
Well, the AJAX response came FROM a PHP file, right? So why don't you do whatever you need to do with the response right in that PHP file?
type: 'POST',
success: function(data){
console.log(data); //THIS IS THE RESPONSE YOU GET BACK
You can't use it. Javascript is a scripting language which run in browser when the dom is loaded and elements are visible.
PHP is a serverside language and run on server before the page is loaded.
You need to understand the lifecycle of your application. Your php code executes once, it runs the full script from top to bottom when the page loads. At the point the script starts if can only access the post that came with the request (e.g if you clicked submit on a form then the 'action' of the form receives the post). Any number of things can happen in your script, but once it's finished the php is gone, and so is the post (in basic terms). So you no longer have any access to the php which created this page.
Ajax allows you to update a section of your page - it sends a request to your sever and runs some php code - you must understand that this is a new and separate request, so the new post submission only exists in the lifecycle of this new execution and is in now way linked to the page that has already finished loading. Now you could ask Ajax to call your original script, but that wouldn't affect your page at all because the page does not reload. What you would get is a strange looking response which you (probably) couldn't do anything useful with.
Ajax allows small specific changes to the page, so when you get your response (which I assume you get in a format you want since you don't ask about it and you have a console.log) you then need to do something with jQuery/javascript. Instead of returning rowid write a javascript function like :
function printRowId(rowid) {
$('#your html div id here').text('Row id is ' + rowid);
and then call it in your response:
type: 'POST',
async: false,
data: {labid: vallab},
success: function(data){
// console.log(data);
rowid = data;
return rowid;
You can use Ajax to update your data, update your database and then reflect the changes on the current page, but you cannot use it to pass directly to the php that has already finished executing
I have a script that calls dat from my table and returns it in JSON format. How do I echo out the var nps and data as php variable.
My script:
type: "POST",
url: "../charts/1-2-4-reports_nps.php?TAG=<?php echo $_SESSION['SectionVar'];?>&From=<?php echo $_SESSION['StartDate'];?>&To=<?php echo $_SESSION['EndDate'];?>",
cache: false,
success: function(data){
var nps = data[0].name;
var data = data['data'];
$("#div1").append($("<div/>", { id: "div2", text: nps }));
My Json returns:
Something like $nps = data['nps'] and echo the result of $nps.
I think initially you were confused about the contexts your code is running in. var nps = data['nps']; is JavaScript. It runs in the browser, and it runs after the page is loaded.
$nps by contrast is a PHP variable, and PHP runs on the server, and it runs before the page is loaded. In fact it is the PHP which creates the HTML, CSS, Script etc which is then downloaded to the browser. After that is downloaded, the JavaScript executes separately.
There is no direct connection between the two languages, other than you can use PHP to generate JavaScript (just like you use it to generate HTML).
Once you understand that, then you realise that to display your nps variable further down the page, you need to use JavaScript to manipulate the web page and insert the data.
The first issue to resolve with that is that the data being returned from the server is coming back as a string that looks like JSON, but not an actual JSON object. You can add
dataType: "json"
to your ajax options, and that tells jQuery to treat the returned data as an object instead of a string.
The next problem is that data is an array, containing a single object, and you were trying to read it like it was just a plain object.
So you get data out of it, and, as you requested, display each value in a new div which gets inserted into an existing div, you can do the following :
function success(data)
var nps = data[0].name;
var dt = data[0].data[0];
$("#div1").append($("<div/>", { id: "div2", text: nps }));
$("#div3").append($("<div/>", { id: "div4", text: dt }));
You can see a working example (with simulation of the ajax call, but using the correct data structure) here:
Hey guys I am building an application in which I send input value from a text box via AJAX to a controller function and then return what I send back to the user (I am developing an instant search, this is a first step).
The AJAX links to the method fine however I am having problems returning the information. I receive no error messages, the problem is that the return string is BLANK.
I receive [you wrote ] rather than [you wrote WHATEVER I IN PUTTED ]
Any help greatly appreciated.
function search(){
var term = document.getElementById("mainsearch").value;
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo base_url('index.php/site/search/')?>",
data: term,
cache: false,
success: function(html){
alert("you wrote " + html);
function search(){
$gotcha = $this->input->post('term');
return $gotcha;
The data: parameter accept a key : value json to pass to the POST, as the json array key will be your $_POST key
Try with this:
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo base_url('index.php/site/search/')?>",
data: {'term': term }
cache: false,
success: function(html){
alert("you wrote " + html);
You didn't send your data correctly, so PHP has nothing to process, and you end up sending back nothing:
data: term,
POST/GET requests MUST be in key=value format, and you're sending only the value portion. Try
data: {foo: term},
and then
$gotcha = $this->input->post('foo');
You need to change return to echo as AJAX response works on whatever echo from called function.
So, you can code like :
function search(){
$gotcha = $this->input->post('term');
echo $gotcha;
function search(){
echo = $this->input->post('term');
The responseText property returns the response as a string, and you can use it accordingly
It is generally a bad idea to return HTML from your controllers. Instead try to just manage data server-side wise and do all the frontend on the client side.
Now, for the error:
The success callback takes 3 parameters
You need to pass key-value pair in the data argument of the .ajax call
Make sure you handle errors on your controller appropriately because if something goes wrong you'll get an html document as a response from CodeIgniter and you'll spend a lot of time debugging javascript to find out that the error was actually server-side
1 the callback:
Your success callback function should look like this:
function (data, status, response) {
data is whatever you are echoing from your controller's method. You'll probably want JSON.
status Will tell you if the HTTP response message (e.g. "Not Found" is the status for a 404 code, "success" for a 200 code)
response is the jquery wrapped XmlHttpRequest object that gives you a handful information of the transaction, for example response.responseText would give you whatever you outputed from PHP, response.responseJSON would give you a JSON object if you echoed a json encoded object, etc.
Why should you care? Because those extra parameters will let you decide if something went wrong on your backend so you can handle the situation client-side not leaving the user wondering if you app just don't work. Worse, giving the infamous red cross on the status bar of the browser.
If you set the dataType parameter of the jQuery.ajax function then you can explicitly tell jQuery what kind of data you are expecting to be retrieved from the server on data parameter from your callback.
2 the sent data
As said, you need to either pass value-pairs or a URL encoded string. If you intend to use GET then you can pass the URL encoded string, but that means you have to have arguments on your CI function like:
function search($term)
And then CI automatically routes the incoming parameters. But since you want to do POST then you'll want to effectively get the values with $this->input->post("name")
If you have your input inside a form, or several fields that you need to send, then its easier to just serialize the form:
$.ajax("url", {
type : 'POST',
data : $('#form').serialize(),
dataType : 'json',
success : function(data, status, response) {} error : function(response, status error) {}});
3 handle errors
If you are relying on AJAX then make sure that you return some sort of error or warning so you can catch it client side:
function search() {
$term = $this->input->post("term")
if($term == FALSE) {
//return a 404 so that you can catch .error on jquery
} else {
echo $term;
Do a research on RESTFul apps. It'll help you a lot understanding that. this is a good starting point and although your question was not exactly related to this, it is a good practice to have separate layers on your application so that you just consume data from your backend, handle situations and then just react accordingly on the frontend, that is, you just use javascript to either send, receive and list data. If you are using CI or any other MVC framework then you should not really be generating HTML on your controllers, thats what the views are for.
I have a jquery/php voting system I'm working on. Once a user clicks a vote button a jquery modal pops open and they must confirm their vote by clicking "Confirm". This will send an ajax request to update the database and what not. After clicking confirm the modal will close. I would like to be able to update the number of votes dynamically on the page. I can easily grab that data from the mySQL table. My question is how does this get sent back for me to then update the html page dynamically?
Currently the page does nothing, so to the user it doesn't look like they've voted. Ideally I'd want to update the total number of votes and also inject an image that shows what they voted for.
function vote(el, id) {
type: 'POST',
url: '/path/morepath/',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
'action': 'castVote',
'vote': id
success: function (data) {}
On the server side, respond to the POST request with a JSON object containing the number of votes and possibly the image path.
Then inside the AJAX callback, data will be that object. Then you can use jQuery to select an element in the DOM and call .text() or .html() on it to update the content.
If you're passing poorly formed data back from PHP, you can make it a bit better by giving it some structure and then making it json for javascript's ease-of-use:
$sqlResult = ...;
$responseArray = array();
$responseArray['result'] = true; //or false if it failed
$responseArray['data'] = $sqlResult;
print json_encode($responseArray);
Before you can really expect the page to respond properly to an ajax response, you must be sure your response data is being parsed correctly.
Inside of your success function, try console.log'ing your response to see what it looks like
if there is something you can reference in the return data that is reliable, do a check for it:
success: function(data) {
if(data.result == 'true') {
You can change the value or html content of the voting number using a few different options such as:
success: function(data)
var $newTotal = ...//get total from data
$('voteCountContainer').html($newTotal); // or you can also use .val() if it's an input
Hope that helped,