PHP find difference between two linux time - php

I'm trying to get the difference between two linux times. I want to show the difference in months. I am getting one Linux time from the database and comparing it against time();.
$sql_sms_transactions = "SELECT MAX(`sendtime`) FROM `sms_transaction` where customer_id='$customer_id'";
$result_sms_transactions = mysql_query($sql_sms_transactions);
$status = $row2['MAX(`sendtime`)'];
//print $status;
$month = date('m', $status); // 1-12
$year = date('YW', $status);
//print $month;
//print $year;
$monthcurrent = date('m', $current); // 1-12
$yearcurrent = date('YW', $current);
//print $monthcurrent;
//print $yearcurrent;

Using DateTime and DateInterval objects, this should work:
$date1 = new DateTime();
$date2 = new DateTime();
$diff = $date1->diff($date2);
// Result of type DateInterval
echo ($diff->y*12) + $diff->m
From what I understand of your code, you have to do this beforehand:
$timestamp1 = time();
$timestamp2 = $status;


Transform PHP script to a general-case function

I have this code that modify date in the way I want, for example, if starting date is 31/01/2000, adding 1 month will return 29/02/2000, then, 31/03/2000.
If date is 30/01/2000 (not last day of the month) it will return 29/02/2000, then 30/03/2000, 30/04/2000 and so on.
I want to transfirm that code in a general case function, to be able to add 1,3,6,12 months, and inside the for loop, to work all corect.
I would like it to be a function 2 or 3 arguments, startingDate, duration(nr of iterations), frequency (add 1/3/6/12 months per once).
$date = new DateTime('2000-01-28'); // or whatever
#echo $date->format('d')." ".$date->format('t');
$expectedDay = $date->format('d');
$month = $date->format('m');
$year = $date->format('Y');
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
echo $date->format('Y-m-d') . "<br>";
if ($month++ == 12) {
$month = 1;
if ($expectedDay > $date->format('t')) {
$day = $date->format('t');
} else {
$day = $expectedDay;
Whelp, there's an extremely easy function for this in PHP nowadays.
first, you get a timestamp instead of a datetime:
$timestamp = $date->getTimestamp();
Now, just use strtotime to add onto the date.
strtotime("+1 month", $myTimestamp);
You can change the +1 into anything you want, so you just throw the amount in the string and voila; a dynamic way of adding them!
however, since you want to do +30 days instead of a natural month, you're better off just adding 30 days to the timestamp, like so:
$timestamp = $timestamp + (3600 * 24 * 30); //s per h * h per d * d
So, you'd end up with something like this:
function calculateTime($startingDate, $iterations, $frequency){
$timeStamp = strtotime($startingDate);//if you expect a string date
$timeToAdd = (3600 * 24 * 30) * $frequency; //30 days * frequency
$return = array();
$return[] = date('Y-m-d', $timeStamp); //Original date
$previousDate = $timeStamp; //Original date for now
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++){
$newDate = $previousDate + (3600 * 24 * 30);
$return[] = date('Y-m-d', $newDate);
$previousDate = $newDate;
return $return;
And then for the rendering part:
//Let's render this stuff
$dates = calculateTime('24-08-2017', 25, 3);
foreach($dates as $date){
echo "$date</br>";
If you'd like to do it with full months, something like this:
function calculateTime($startingDate, $iterations, $frequency){
$timeStamp = strtotime($startingDate);//if you expect a string date
$return = array();
$return[] = date('Y-m-d', $timeStamp); //Original date
$previousDate = $timeStamp; //Original date for now
for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++){
$lastDay = false;
//It's the last day of the month
if(date('t', $timeStamp) == date('d', $timeStamp)){
$lastDay = true;
if($frequency == 12){
$newDate = strtotime('+1 year', $previousDate);
$firstDayOfMonth = strtotime(date("01-m-Y", $previousDate));
$newDate =strtotime("+$frequency month", $firstDayOfMonth);
$newDate = strtotime("+$frequency month", $previousDate);
$return[] = date('Y-m-t', $newDate);
$return[] = date('Y-m-d', $newDate);
$previousDate = $newDate;
return $return;
//Let's render this stuff
$dates = calculateTime('31-01-2000', 25, 1);
foreach($dates as $date){
echo "$date</br>";
I hope this helps? :)
If you'd like to see how this works quickly, just paste my code into a phpfiddle. Unfortunately the save function is broken right now.

Calculate days in months between two dates with PHP

I have a period with startdate of 2016-12-26 and end date 2017-03-04.
Now I would like to find out how many days in each months there is, from a given period. Expected output from the above period dates (array):
2016-12: 5
2017-01: 31
2017-02: 28
2017-03: 4
How can I accomplish this cleanest way? I have tried to:
first looking at the period_start, get the days = 26 and
find out the start/end dates of the months between 2016-12 and 2017-03, to then calculate the days here (31 respectively 28 in february)
then finally calculating the 4 days in 2017-03.
But is there any cleaner/better way?
This can be achieved easily using the DateTime class. Create the objects, and use DateTime::diff() on them, then use the days property.
$start = new DateTime("2016-12-26");
$end = new DateTime("2017-03-04");
echo $start->diff($end)->days; // Output: 68
Live demo
#Karem hope this logic will help you, this is working case for all your conditions please try this below one:
$startDate = '2016-12-26';
$endDate = '2017-03-04';
$varDate = $startDate;
while($varDate < $endDate){
$d = date('d', strtotime($varDate));
$Y = date('Y', strtotime($varDate));
$m = date('m', strtotime($varDate));
$days = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN,$m,$Y);
$time = strtotime($varDate);
if($varDate == $startDate){
$time = strtotime(date('Y-m-01', $time));
$days = $days - $d;
else if(date("Y-m", strtotime($varDate)) == date("Y-m", strtotime($endDate))){
$days = date("j", strtotime($endDate));
echo date('Y-m', strtotime($varDate)). ": ".$days."<br>";
$varDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+1 month", $time));
This is long but easy to understand that how to achieve you your goal
function getMonthDays($start,$end){
if($start < $end){
$start_time = strtotime($start);
$last_day_of_start = strtotime(date("Y-m-t",$start_time));
$start_month_days = ($last_day_of_start - $start_time)/(60*60*24);
echo date("Y-m",$start_time).": ".$start_month_days."\n";
$days = "";
$start = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 month", $start_time));
$start_time = strtotime($start);
while($start < $end){
$month = date("m",$start_time);
$year = date("Y",$start_time);
$days = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
echo date("Y-m",$start_time).": ".$days."\n";
$start = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 month", $start_time));
$start_time = strtotime($start);
echo date("Y-m",strtotime($end)).": ".date("d",strtotime($end))."\n";
echo "Wrong Input";
live demo :
Function returns array :
$d1 = strtotime('2016-12-26');
$d2 = strtotime('2017-03-04');
echo floor(($d2 - $d1)/(60*60*24));
i used Carbon ( but you can do it with any other time lib.
$startDate = Carbon::createFromFormat('!Y-m-d', '2017-01-11');;
$endDate = Carbon::createFromFormat('!Y-m-d', '2018-11-13');;
$diffInMonths = $endDate->diffInMonths($startDate);
for ($i = 0; $i <= $diffInMonths; $i++) {
$start = $i == 0 ? $startDate->copy()->addMonth($i) : $startDate->copy()->addMonth($i)->firstOfMonth();
$end = $diffInMonths == $i ? $endDate->copy() : $start->copy()->endOfMonth();
echo $end->format('Y-m') . ' ' . ($end->diffInDays($start) + 1) . PHP_EOL;

Inserting dates within an array with PHP

I am getting the starting and ending dates from a form.
I need to put within an array all the date between the former two, including themselves.
I'm using a normal for loop and, at the same time, printing the result, to verify.
Everything appear to be alright.
But when I print_r the very array, I get only a series of equal dates. Which are all the same: last date + 1.
This is the code:
$date1 = date_create("2013-03-15");
$date2 = date_create("2013-03-22");
$diff = date_diff($date1, $date2);
echo $diff->format("%R%a days");
$diffDays = $diff->days;
echo $diffDays;
$dates = array();
$addDay = $date1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $diffDays; $i++) {
$dates[$i] = $addDay;
date_add($addDay, date_interval_create_from_date_string("1 day"));
echo "array: " . $i . " : " . date_format($dates[$i], 'Y-m-d');
PHP code demo
$dates = array();
$datetime1 = new DateTime("2013-03-15");
$datetime2 = new DateTime("2013-03-22");
$interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);
$days = (int) $interval->format('%R%a');
$currentTimestamp = $datetime1->getTimestamp();
$dates[] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $currentTimestamp);
for ($x = 0; $x < $days; $x++)
$currentTimestamp = strtotime("+1 day", $currentTimestamp);
$dates[] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $currentTimestamp);
I would do it that way
$startDate = new \DateTime("2017-03-15");
$endDate = new \DateTime("2017-03-22");
$dates = [];
$stop = false;
$date = $startDate;
$dates[] = $date->format('Y-m-d'); // or $dates[] = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')
$date->modify('+1 day');
if($date->getTimestamp() > $endDate->getTimestamp()){
$stop = true;

Get month name using start date and end date?

$startDate = "2014-03-01";
$endDate= "2014-05-25";
Result required: March, April, May;
for that PHP delivers the DatePeriod object. Just have a look at the following example.
$period = new DatePeriod(
new DateTime('2014-03-01'),
DateInterval::createFromDateString('1 month'),
new DateTime('2014-05-25')
foreach ($period as $month) {
echo strftime('%B', $month->format('U'));
A quick solution is to parse each day and check it month:
$startDate = "2014-03-01";
$endDate = "2014-05-25";
$start = strtotime($startDate);
$end = strtotime($endDate);
$result = array();
while ( $start <= $end )
$month = date("M", $start);
if( !in_array($month, $result) )
$result[] = $month;
$start += 86400;
I believe it can be done much efficient by new OOP (DateTime object) approach, but this is fast and no-brain if you need to make it work.
$startDate = "2014-03-01";
echo date('F',strtotime($startDate));
$date = date('F',strtotime($startDate));
For full month representation (ie Januaray, February, etc)
$date = date('M',strtotime($startDate));
For abbreviated...(ie Jan, Feb, Mar)
If you wanna echo out those months in between based on two dates....
$d = "2014-03-01";
$startDate = new DateTime($d);
$endDate = new DateTime("2014-05-01");
function diffInMonths(DateTime $date1, DateTime $date2)
$diff = $date1->diff($date2);
$months = $diff->y * 12 + $diff->m + $diff->d / 30;
return (int) round($months);
$t = diffInMonths($startDate, $endDate);
echo date('F',strtotime($d. '+'.$i.' Months'));

PHP: Retrieve number of days from Calendar Range Period

$_POST['SelectedDate1'] = 2013/08/05
$_POST['SelectedDate2'] = 2013/08/07
How can I set a variable which gives me back the number of days (2 in this case) to then echo it as result
I'm looking for a solution that can cover any calendar combination.
Is there any global function in php.
I think, in the following Documentation on is exactly what you're trying to do.
$datetime1 = new DateTime('2009-10-11');
$datetime2 = new DateTime('2009-10-13');
$interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);
echo $interval->format('%R%a days');
In your case:
$first = new DateTime($_POST['SelectedDate1']);
$second = new DateTime($_POST['SelectedDate2']);
$passed = $first->diff($second);
var_dump($passed->format('%R%a days'));
For more formats, next to %R%a, see:
$days = (strtotime($_POST['SelectedDate2']) - strtotime($_POST['SelectedDate1'])) / 86400;
$_POST['SelectedDate1'] = '2013/08/05' ;
$_POST['SelectedDate2'] = '2013/08/07' ;
$days = (strtotime($_POST['SelectedDate2']) - strtotime($_POST['SelectedDate1'])) / 86400;
// output: 2
I use this function that I've found on this forum but I don't remember where :
function createDateRangeArray($start, $end) {
// Modified by JJ Geewax
$range = array();
if (is_string($start) === true) $start = strtotime($start);
if (is_string($end) === true ) $end = strtotime($end);
if ($start > $end) return createDateRangeArray($end, $start);
do {
$range[] = date('Y-m-d', $start);
$start = strtotime("+ 1 day", $start);
while($start <= $end);
return $range;
it returns a range of date as an array, then you just have to get the count
DateTime class is created for this:
$date1 = new DateTime('2013/08/05');
$date2 = new DateTime('2013/08/07');
$diff = $date1->diff($date2);
echo $diff->days;
