Complex if and else statement with preg_replace function - php

Good evening...Am a newbie to programming and I was able to work my way round getting url in text to display as link using the codes below
$textorigen = $row_get_tweets['tweet'];
// URL starting with http://
$reg_exUrl = "/(^|\A|\s)((http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}(\/\S*)?)/";
if(preg_match($reg_exUrl, $textorigen, $url)) {
// make the urls hyper links
$text_result=preg_replace( $reg_exUrl, "$1$2 ", $textorigen );
echo $textorigen=$text_result;
} else {
// if no urls in the text just return the text
echo $text_result=$textorigen;
// URL starting www.
$reg_exUrl = "/(^|\A|\s)((www\.)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}(\/\S*)?)/";
if(preg_match($reg_exUrl, $text_result, $url)) {
// make the urls hyper links
$text_result=preg_replace( $reg_exUrl, "$1$2", $text_result );
echo $textorigen=$text_result;
So Its works fine but duplicates my post if its the second if statement found true i.e ( and If there's a post without a link it doesnt display it.Am very sure its my if statement that is wrong and have spent hours trying to fix it..Kindly help me.
I want it to :
1) Display a www link if posted
2) Display a http link if posted
3) Display the link if no htto or www is posted..Thanks
Kindly note the preg_replace function works perfectly well

The problem is that every time the program reaches echo, the post gets printed again.
So my suggestion is to change all echo $textorigen=$text_result; to just $textorigen=$text_result;, and at the very end of the all the replacement logic put echo $textorigen;.


PHP function to find matching url from wordpress posts

I'm looking for php code or function which can help me to search and find first matching URL, based on specific pattern, from a wordpress post and echo the same url in the same post where it's necessary instead of modifying parent url.
Example Case:
when I open this page, afer title of the post, there is description of this post, here I want to search from description to find matching url that must starts from my desired domain name like https://some-url-is-here/3978732978937298.html and ends with .html
If anyone here can help me to create a function or use any filters those can work with wordpress or php, it would be so helping and must appreciated. Thank you so much.
I found the solution what I was looking for and it's working perfectly fine on single post or on custom page.
Here is function, I've added in functions.php of my WordPress theme;
function getBetween($content,$start,$end){
$r = explode($start, $content);
if (isset($r[1])){
$r = explode($end, $r[1]);
return $r[0];
return ''; }
so I can call above function by using following code and it work 100% fine, example code:
$content_post = get_post($my_postid);
$content = $content_post->post_content;
$content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
$start = ' https://some-url-is-here/';
$end = '"';
$output = getBetween($content,$start,$end);
echo $start.$output; ?>
It gives output like below based on first matching url and stop immediately
On the other hand, once I applied the same code throughout my website so I can get every matching url from each and every published post to use it where necessary on the same post. As I save changes, my server got halted coz there were hundreds of httpd requests started processing and server went down immediately.
I'm not sure what exactly is going wrong here, If anyone can guide me and help me what exactly wrong here so it'll be much appreciated and any suggestion or fix, Thanks.

file_get_contents() function loads different page compared to broswer

I am trying to find next page's link of a particular page(i call that particular page as current page here).The current page in program i am using is
The next page link which i am extracting from the current page is the below one
But ,, when file_get_contents() function load the next page link it's getting the the current page contents ,,,
The code is
$string = file_get_contents(""); //Getting contents of current page ,
preg_match_all("/\(previous page\) \(<a href=\"(.*)\" title/", $string,$matches); // extracting the next_page_link from the current page contents
foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
$next_page_link = $match;
$next_page_link = "" . $next_page_link; //the next_link will have only the path , does't contain the domain name ,,, so i am adding the domain name here, this does't make any impact on the problem statement
$string1 = file_get_contents($next_page_link);
echo $next_page_link;
echo $string1;
As per the code string1 should have next_page_link's content ,, but instead it just getting the current page's content.
In the source of the original web site, the links have entity-encoded ampersands (See Do I encode ampersands in <a href…>?). The browser decodes them normally when you click the anchor, but your scraping code does not. Compare ... &pagefrom=Alexis%2C+Toya%0AToya+Alexis#mw-pages
versus ... &pagefrom=Alexis%2C+Toya%0AToya+Alexis#mw-pages
This malformed querystring is what you are in fact passing into file_get_contents. You can convert them back to regular ampersands like this:
// $next_page_link = $match;
$next_page_link = html_entity_decode($match);

Redirecting takes place even to wrong urls

I have written a script, to redirect the users who visit my website,
When theres URL like above my script grabs the go variable value and checks whether its there on my database table as a trusted site if so it redirects to the site. In this occurance the redirection should take place even for sub domains
as an example even if the "go" variable has a value like the redirection should take place if is there in the trusted sites table.
I do that by using PHP INDEX OF function as below
$pos = strrpos($trusted_sites, $go_value);
this works fine, But there is a problem that i accidentally came across...
Which is even if the go variable has a value like it still redirects the user to
this is a serious bug any help would be highly appreciated on how to avoid redirecting to wrong urls
If you want such redirect from a whitelist of sites. First build of the whilelist in an array. Then you can compare them using in_array() from the $_GET['go']. Consider this example:
// sample: http://localhost/ghi/red.php?go=
if(isset($_GET['go'])) {
$go = $_GET['go'];
$url = parse_url($go);
$go = $url['host'];
$scheme = $url['scheme'];
$certified_sites = array('', '', '', '', '');
if(in_array($go, $certified_sites)) {
header("Location: $scheme://$go");
} else {
// i will not redirect
The "correct" way is to us an array of sites (or even a database), then use in_array.
if (in_array("",$trusted_sites)) {
print "Ok\n";
} else {
print "Bad site\n";
A quick way of cheating, which I use from time to time, is to make sure you have a separator (e.g. a space) as the first and last character of your $trusted_sites, then add the separator to the beginning and end of your $go_value.
if (strpos(" $trusted_sites "," $go ")===False) {
print "Bad site\n";
} else {
print "Ok\n";
In this example, I've added the separator (a space) to the beginning and end of both variables, inside the strpos(); in the case of $trusted_sites, I could have put them in the initial declaration instead.

Using WildCard in PHP if search program

this is my code that I've written so far --
$actual_link = "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";
$search_link = "";
if($actual_link == $search_link)
echo "Place your conversion pixel code here";
The situation is like this - Once a user completes a registration he/she lands on urls like these -
So what I am trying to achieve is fetch the current url using $_SERVER and then matching it with my sample url which is stored in $search_link if both these match then I wish to display a particular code otherwise the code will not be displayed anywhere else in the website.
I don't know how to use wildcard entries in PHP :(
My mind tells I should have done something like this -*
Can anyone over here help me regarding this please?
Why so complicated? I bet you can exclude, because if it's not this file, it won't load the script anyways, so focus on ?user=abc
if (isset($_GET["user"])) {
echo "Place your conversion pixel code here";
You can also try empty()
OR if you want to compare it to certain value:
if ($_GET["user"] == "abcd1234") {
echo "Place your conversion pixel code here";
There is a function which could help you with your problem and that is strpos(). Check out the following link:

Issue with & in a string submitted with $_GET

I'm building an "away"-page for my website and when a user posted a link to another website, each visitor clicking that link will be redirected first to the away.php file with an info that I am not responsible for the content of the linked website.
The code in away.php to fetch the incoming browser URI is:
$goto = $_GET['to'];
So far it works, however there's a logical issue with dynamic URIs, in example:
is working, but dynamic URIs like
aren't working since there is a & included in the linked domain, which will cause ending the $_GET['to'] string to early.
The $goto variable contains only the part until the first &:
echo $_GET['to'];
===> ""
I understand why, but looking for a solution since I haven't found it yet on the internet.
Try using urlencode:
$link = urlencode("") ;
echo $link;
The function will convert url special symbols into appropriate symbols that can carry data.
It will look like this and may be appended to a get parameter:
To get special characters back (for example to output the link) there is a function urldecode.
Also function htmlentities may be useful.
You can test with this:
$link = urlencode("") ;
$redirect = "{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?to={$link}" ;
if (!isset($_GET['to'])){
header("Location: $redirect") ;
} else {
echo $_GET['to'];
Ok, I have got a solution for your particular situation.
This solution will work only if:
Parameter to will be last in the query string.
if (preg_match("/to=(.+)/", $redirect, $parts)){ //We got a parameter TO
echo $parts[1]; //Get everything after TO
So, $parts[1] will be your link.
