The main layout file is src/BD/TestBundle/views/layout.html.twig.
I'm trying to extend it from a file located in src/BD/TestBundle/views/Default/index.html.twig.
{% 'BDTestBundle::layout.html.twig' } throws a unable to find the template error message.
Any ideas?
It should be {% extends 'TestBundle:Default:layout.html.twig' %}
TestBundle bundle name
Dedault directory name in Resources
layout:html:twig template name
Website : Open source frameword based on Symfony 2.7
My entitie : Entity/Download.php (with properties "id", "creation_date" and "name")
I'm working on my own Bundle and I try to create a new datagrid based on my own entitie, I follow this tutorial. Below is what I've done :
Create /resources/config/datagrid.yml, with a very light datagrid.
Edit DependencyInjection/MyBundleExtension.php to load datagrid.yml.
Edit my twig view to render the datagrid :
{% import 'PimDataGridBundle::macros.html.twig' as dataGrid %}
{% block content %}
{{ dataGrid.renderGrid('custom_download', { localeCode: locale_code() }) }}
{% endblock %}
But this error is generated :
Twig_Error_Runtime: "An exception has been thrown during the rendering
of a template ("A configuration for "custom_download" datagrid was not
-> If I try the same code with another gridname already existing that works then I believe the problem comes from my new datagrid but I don't understand what's wrong : does the kernel include my YML config file ? I don't think so.
Thanks for your help.
You create datagrid.yml in /resources/config folder.
But according OroPlatform conventions configuration file should be placed in Resources/config/oro folder of your bundle and named datagrids.yml.
Exactly in this path OroPlatform is looking for datagrid configuration.
Please move your configuration into correct directory and filename. And It will be work. And of course you should remove this file loading from DependencyInjection/MyBundleExtension.php OroPlatform do it automatically.
For more detailed understanding how you can use OroPlatform datagrid features please read bundle documentation
I'm pretty new to Symfony development and i just tried to use the FOSUserBundle. I followed the guide Getting Started With FOSUserBundle on the official Symfony website.
Afterwards i wanted to test the functionality of the installation and visited the link which worked flawlessly. But when i tried to visit to test the registration functionality, i got the following errormessage:
Unable to find template "register_content.html.twig" (looked into: /home/vagrant/mytestproject/app/Resources/views, /home/vagrant/mytestproject/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bridge/Twig/Resources/views/Form) in #FOSUser/Registration/register.html.twig at line 4.
500 Internal Server Error - Twig_Error_Loader
I checked the file register.html.twig, which contains the following code:
{% extends "#FOSUser/layout.html.twig" %}
{% block fos_user_content %}
{% include "register_content.html.twig" %}
{% endblock fos_user_content %}
When I change the third line into:
{% include "FOSUserBundle:Registration:register_content.html.twig" %}
The file is found correctly and i can use the registration functionality as intended.
But the change i made is inside the vendor folder, which obviously isn't affected by any means of version control. So i guess there has to be a place somewhere in the configuration files, where this file/foldermapping is affected.
I would really appreciate it, if someone could help me out with this question, even though this is probably a really basic problem.
First override the FOSUserBundle
After that, you can create view folders like in vendor and you can use views like that;
{% include "YourBundle:Registration:register_content.html.twig" %}
It's a bug a issue is open on github
Is a bundle issue, in my project I change on the file
{% include "register_content.html.twig" %}
for this
{% include "#FOSUser/Registration/register_content.html.twig" %}
I have a Twig template in this folder structure
from -myTemplate.html.twig- I would like to reference -templateToRefer.html.twig- that is inside folder views that is brother of FosUserBundle folder. Is there any way to do it?
My way is this
{% form_theme form 'Form/fields.html.twig' %}
but I always get error
Unable to find template "Form/fields.html.twig" (looked into: /home/felpone/Scrivania/appName/app/Resources/views
you need to pass the full path 'AppBundle:Form:templateToRefer.html.twig'
On my eZ publish 5 site I have all my templates in Twig, in the vendor/ezsystems/demobundle/EzSystems/DemoBundle/Resources/views/ subfolders. They are all being used throughout my whole site, no problems there. With one exception: 404 pages. If I go to mysite/nonexistingurl, it gives me a kernel (20) / Error page, with status 404. The template being used for this is the 20.tpl somewhere in eZ publish/symfony, I don't want that, I want to use my own Twig template for this.
How can I achieve this? I added a vendor/ezsystems/demobundle/EzSystems/DemoBundle/Resources/views/Exception/error.html.twig page, but this one is not being called
first add this configuration parameter
ezpublish_legacy.default.module_default_layout: 'YourBundle::pagelayout_legacy.html.twig'
you may add it in the parameters.yml file located in path/to/yourezpublishinstall/ezpublish/config, the parameters.yml is usually imported in the config.yml located in the same folder
this would define the twig template located in path/to/yourbundle/Resources/views/pagelayout_legacy.html.twig as the parent template for legacy stack modules templates
inside the pagelayout_legacy.html.twig template, you may use this code
{% extends 'YourBundle::pagelayout.html.twig' %}
{% block content %}
{# module_result variable is received from the legacy controller. #}
{% if module_result.errorCode is defined %}
<h1>{{ module_result.errorMessage }} ({{ module_result.errorCode }})</h1>
{% else %}
{{ module_result.content|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
note in the code, the template extends the pagelayout.html.twig template, that should here define a block named content, the pagelayout.html.twig may usually be the main base layout for your ez publish 5 website
you may modify the pagelayout_legacy.html.twig template to your needs
I am new to symfony and I am trying to make some tests.
My first test is to make a page including header and footer.
I have created controllers files in bundle:
for the login tests.
I have also created three twig files in
Now for first, I have tried to include in index.html.twig the file footer.html.twig, with the code:
{% extends 'AcmeSecurityBundle:Default:footer.html.twig' %}
Now, if there is only text or tags, all works better. But if i declare in the footer controller some vars and put this code in the twig file:
{{ year }}
{{ lastyear }}
{{ copyright }}
Symfony gets me the 500 Internal Error, with
"Variable "year" does not exist in AcmeSecurityBundle:Default:footer.html.twig at line 7" message.
How can Ipass FooterController.php variables in a twig inclusion?