How to show sub category inside parent category for woo commerce products - php

I'm building woo commerce online store i'm facing one problem that i'm unable to show sub-categories inside parent category. I try to find plugin or any other solution but i didn't get any thing. All categories are displaying in the main product page i want to show only parent category in the main product page and all sub-categories inside the parent/main category page.
I have two main categories
And both have subcategories such as t-shirt , apparels , pants etc.
I need to know how to show sub-category inside parent category page.

I have found the solution just add parent="0" in woo commerce product short code at shop page.
[product_categories number="12" parent="0"]


Woo-commerce Product Parent category then show child categories and then products related to child categories

i am trying to show on my custom template name (Brands.php) all brands from brand category(i-e Acson,samsung,lg,eco-star etc)when click on any of brand category it will show appliances related to that brand(e.g if i click samsung it will show me airconditioner,LCD's,refrigrator etc etc)and in each sub-category it will show products like. The product should be shown like woocommerce shop layout. Any help would be appriciated. Need effective query or woocommerce hook or filter for doing work like this.

Show subcategories instead of actual products in woocommerce

In wooCommerce when you click on a category (WC side bar product filter) it displays only the products but the subcategories. How can I change this behavior so that parent and child and other nodes shows not the actual product. I have to set this so the user passes through more subcategory before they see the product.
I know I can build static pages this way but is there way to edit category system somehow?
Just an example:
Men Clothing –> Jeans —-> some brand —-> and then they see all products related to that brands. Right now when i click on Clothing it brings all products from these subcategories which looks like a mess.
Thank you for reading this.

for all subcategories magento shows the description of their parent category

I have a problem in Magento of showing the subcategories description on the category listing page.
I have a number of categories with subcategories. PArent categories and each subcategory have their own title and description.
What exactly happens is that the title of the page in h1 tag and the description of subcategory pages are displayed from their parent category... The catalog/category/view.phtml file is just the standard file - not modified.
Could anyone please help to get the subcategories display their own descriptions instead of it's parent?
Thanks in advance!
Try this solution.
Login to admin panel.
Open catalog->category select subcategory from sidebar.
Now Click on custom design section.
And set Use Parent Category Settings to no.

Magento Category Manufacturer setup

I need a help with Magento Category Manufacturer.
Currently, the Main category is divided into two sub-categories - Manufacturer and Product category.
Root category
When a product is added, the admin selects the Manufacturer and also the category type.
What we need is - from the Frontend, when user click on a Manufacturer link, it will 1st show available Categories under that Manufacturer, then when clicked on the Category, it will show the products under that Category by that Manufacturer.
Currently, when we click on the manufacturer link, it shows all it products.
Some times might be you are some missing configuration or not assign product to specific category.
just go throw below two links to manage product and category
How to Manage Category
How to Manage Product
i hope it will sure help you to solve your problem.
Check this,
it will list sub-categories on specific category page.

Sub categories of products in WooCommerce plugin in WordPress are not displaying on UI?

Categories of products are displaying on webpage successfully.
But sub categories are not displayed on page.
I have checked all the conditions in Catalog section in admin panel.
Please suggest me the solution for it.
I am using WooCommerce plugin in WordPress in php.
I have solved this issue. First choose the subcategory for any product. Then categories or subcategories are being displayed.
Then in nav menu of Menus option in Appearance, add the subcategories to the nav menu of categories. Please make sure sub categories would be dragged in parent-child relation. It would be as like in menus :
Parent 1
Child 1
Parent 2
Then, sub categories will be displayed. Sub categories should have in parents in the category panel of products panel of woocommerce plugin.
