I'm trying to update a model, I load the model, take all the data from the POST and then save it, easy... But my record was never updating so went to the log and discovered that the update query is adding a weird condition. FYI, MD_ID is my primary key.
So, I load the model, the next line is the SQL produced by Yii:
$model = Ositems::model()->findByPk($id);
If echo the json_encode of the loaded model I get that dictionary in my browser:
echo json_encode($model->getAttributes());
At this point everything looks right, now I take the values from post:
$model->attributes = $_POST;
And here if echo the values of the model I get the new values right, now here is the problem: I save the model and this is the SQL Yii runs (I replaced the :yp_ values to make it more readable)
And there is the problem! WHERE "MTODETALLADO_INV"."MD_ID"=1, Why would it make it 1 if all this time my model id has been 249218 ?
A few considerations:
My model only takes some columns that I need from the actual table, Yii sets the other columns as null and I omitted them in the previous code.
The table is in a foreign db, I use have a custom ActiveRecord which manages the CDbConnection to a database according to the user. (It's a webservice app)
I followed what the function save() did and could finally find the problem was when it tried to get the primary key. I had this method in my model:
public function primaryKey()
return array('MS_ID');
But it had to be:
public function primaryKey()
return 'MS_ID';
Somehow that was causing the problem.
I added a couple of virtual columns to my database tables using Laravels virtualAs column modifier:
$table->decimal('grand_total')->virtualAs( '(total_value + (total_value*tax_rate))');
Basically it keeps a mysql virtual column that automatically calculates the grand total based on the total and tax rate stored in another column.
However, Laravel does not seem to play nice with virtual columns at all. When saving a record, it attempts to INSERT or UPDATE the virtual column, which is obviously not allowed in mySQL. I could not find a way to configure in the Eloquent model which fields are actually written to the database on an update or insert.
I've tried adding the field to the models $hidden, and $appends but nothing seems to work.
Looking at the Laravel Source code for an insert (https://github.com/laravel/framework/blob/5.6/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php#L733), it seems to just insert whatever attributes are in $this->attributes. When the record is read from the database the grand_total field is read from the table and set as an attribute and then it is tried to be written again once the record is saved.
Is there any way to get this Laravel to stop trying to save columns that are virtual?
Here's a quick trait I wrote to solve your problem that will filter fields residing in the $virtualFields property before saving. It requires a select (refresh) after the save to get the new value for the virtual field. If you don't need to query this virtual field, I'd highly recommend you look into a mutator instead.
trait HasVirtualFields
public function save(array $options = [])
if (isset($this->virtualFields)) {
$this->attributes = array_diff_key($this->attributes, array_flip($this->virtualFields));
$return = parent::save($options);
$this->refresh(); // Refresh the model for the new virtual column values
return $return;
class YourModel
use HasVirtualFields;
protected $virtualFields = ['grand_total'];
I'm working in a Webapp and I have a problems to work with a intermediate table, these are my tables in mysql:
So, what I want to do is that when I create an exercise, it be created one row for each user with the exercise-id that I have created it before. Later the user could change his record in this exercise.
I have thought to create a model to handle the user_exercise's table but I don't know if there is some way to do this better or not.
So, There are some way to do this without create a new model?
PD: Sorry for my terrible english
You don't need a seperate model for User_Exercise
You can use $this->belongsToMany from base Model i.e., User
Note :
For insert process you can get the parent id by
$insertUser = User::create($userData);
$insertUser->id for taking the last insert id
And then to retrieve with respect to User_Exercise you shall use $this->belongsToMany from your User Model
Have this in your User Model
public function getUser() {
return $this->belongsToMany('App\User', 'excercise_name', 'user_id', 'excercise_id')->select(array('exercise.id', 'excercise.name'));
And Get the data you need from any Controller like this
$userData = User::find($userId)->getUser;
So I'm encountering a weird bug that is happening, but only some of the time. I can't seem to nail down anything that's causing it to happen. Basically, I have a ActiveRecord which corresponds with a table in my DB. I assign values to a object and call save().
Lets say I have the following code:
$student = new Student();
$student->name = "Gregg";
$student->surname = "Smith";
$student->gender = "Male";
Then my Student active record model I have the following:
public function afterSave()
$this->id IS not the correct ID after saving. I can see the ID in the log being 1416253 while the ID in the DB for that record is 670336. How can something like this happen?
I've done some more investigation and it seems that $this->id is assigned by assigning the last insert id back after doing the insert. Except that it is not returning the ID for the save() insert, but for a insert that was done previously (The insert in question was into the log table). This means that the insert into the student table is, according to the system, not happening correctly (even though it is, because I can see the record in the DB).
I am not sure how a wrong id can appear. Does the wrong id match another record of the table?
Have you tried something like this to be sure to be up to date ?
public function afterSave()
Also, the documentation states "When overriding this method, make sure you call the parent implementation so that the event is triggered" (documentation afterSave). So I think the correct way of writing all this may be:
public function afterSave($insert, $changedAttributes)
parent::afterSave($insert, $changedAttributes);
I'm able to save data to the database and it creates a uuid in the primary key column(id). When I call $model->save(); and access $model->id afterwards, it returns:
It should return the actual value in the database...How can I get the actual value that mysql stores?
I have a beforeSave function that adds in the uuid:
public function beforeSave() {
if ($this->isNewRecord)
$this->id = new CDbExpression('UUID()');
return parent::beforeSave();
I have also tried creating a trigger that executes the mysql uuid function before update on the id...The $model->id then returns null.
The problem is that you are telling Yii to run a MySQL function to insert into the DB. And it does so just fine, but Yii does not re-read the record afterwards to get the value. To re-read it would be inefficient because what you are doing is not very used and a read from the DB is not necessary usualy. You can go around this in 2 ways:
1) to read the value yourself from the db. You can do a $model->save(); $model->refresh(); right after and you should have the fresh data in the $model
2) you can make your function do a
public function beforeSave() {
if ($this->isNewRecord)
$this->id = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('select UUID()')->queryScalar();
return parent::beforeSave();
I have not tested this but you get the idea.
This will go to the DB, run UUID() and return to yii the result. By assigning to $this->id a string instead of a mysql command you will be able to use right away the value without doing a refresh. This will still use MySQL to get the UUID, so it will still put some stress on the server.
Usually I do something like
public function beforeSave() {
if ($this->isNewRecord)
$this->hash = hash('ripemd160',microtime());
return parent::beforeSave();
So I do not use the MySQL server at all, but because you use your column as the ID you might want UUID() to generate a truly unique ID.
When I try to save() any Yii Model, it updates all fields in the row.
The problem is: When I try to save model users, even if has no PASSWORD to update, it get the database value(already hashed) and hash again.
How can I do to YII only update fields that I want?
$user = Users::model()->findByAttributes(array('username'=>$this->username));
$user->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
Users.php (Model):
public function beforeSave() {
if (!empty($this->password))
return true;
I have an API that can create USERS.
API Tutorial: http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/175/how-to-create-a-rest-api/
When I have crypter_password in the database, instead password, I got the error: Parameter password is not allowed for model Users, because the API validate parameters using $model->hasAttribute().
How can I fix the API actionCreate to allow custom parameters?
According to Yii's doc: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/1.1/CActiveRecord#save-detail
public boolean save(boolean $runValidation=true, array $attributes=NULL)
$attributes - array - list of attributes that need to be saved. Defaults to null, meaning all attributes that are loaded from DB will be saved.
You can pass in an array of fields that you want to save.
Eventhough the other answers listed here are not wrong, they are definitely not really developer friendly and it's extremely easy to forget to add the attributes to the save line.
Here is a developer friendly way of working.
In your model, add the following attribute:
private $_aAttributesBackup;
In this variable, we will store an exact copy of the current model. To do this, the following afterFind method needs to be added:
public function afterFind()
$this->_aAttributesBackup = $this->attributes;
Almost there. At this point, the model will store all of his attributes in the attributesBackup field which makes it easier to compare. To make it easier, we also need a method that will check if the specified attribute has a backup value. We do this by adding the following code into our model:
public function getOriginalAttribute($sAttribute)
if ($this->_aAttributesBackup)
return $this->_aAttributesBackup[$sAttribute];
return NULL;
Now, how about checking if the password has been changed? Simple, by adding the following beforeSave code:
public function beforeSave()
if ($this->getOriginalAttribute('password') != $this->password)
$this->password = sha1($this->password);
return parent::beforeSave();
Et voila. Now everytime you execute the code $Model->save(); the system will check if the password has been changed, If the password is changed, it will hash it again, if it is not changed, it won't be hashed again.
Save () inserts a row into the database table if its isNewRecord property is true. Otherwise, it will update the corresponding row in the table (usually the case if the record is obtained using one of those 'find' methods.)
What you have to do is update specific field so you can use SaveAttributes and it accepts the array of string values that have been updated for example demo code is as follow
$user = Users::model()->findByAttributes(array('username'=>$this->username));
$user->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];