Division by zero error with FPDF + WriteHTML add-on - php

I am trying to use FPDF to generate at PDF file, this is my first time attempting it.
I have the latest FPDF files and have also set up the WriteHTML add-on. The below code is working up until the WriteHTML part at the very bottom. I am getting the error "Warning: Division by zero in /home4/fwall/public_html/fpdf/fpdf.php on line 796". When I look at line 796 of the FPDF.php, I find this:
// Output text in flowing mode
$cw = &$this->CurrentFont['cw'];
$w = $this->w-$this->rMargin-$this->x;
$wmax = ($w-2*$this->cMargin)*1000/$this->FontSize; // <--LINE 796
$s = str_replace("\r",'',$txt);
$nb = strlen($s);
$sep = -1;
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
$l = 0;
$nl = 1;
If I add a conditional statement, along the lines of:
if ($this->FontSize != 0) {
$wmax = ($w-2*$this->cMargin)*1000/$this->FontSize; // <--LINE 796
I can get the error to go away, but I know that can't be correct. Does anyone see an error in my code that would cause this?
require ('/home4/fwall/public_html/fpdf/fpdf.php');
//create a FPDF object
$pdf=new FPDF();
$pdfhtml=new PDF_HTML();
//set document properties
$pdf->SetAuthor('Author Name');
//set font for the entire document
//set up a page
//display the top block
$contact = 'Contact Name';
$addline1 = '4002 2nd Ave NE, #2';
$addline2 = 'Address Line 2';
$cityzip = 'Seattle, WA 98105';
$pdf->Cell(0, 4, 'PRESS RELEASE', 0, 0, 'L');
$pdf->Cell(0, 4, 'FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE', 0, 1, 'R');
$pdf->Cell(0, 4, 'CONTACT: '.$contact, 0, 0, 'L');
$pdf->Cell(0, 4, 'KILL DATE: August 1, 2014', 0, 1, 'R');
$pdf->Cell(0, 4, $addline1, 0, 1, 'L');
$pdf->Cell(0, 4, $addline2, 0, 1, 'L');
$pdf->Cell(0, 4, $cityzip, 0, 1, 'L');
//display the title
$pdf->Cell(0,10,'PRESS RELEASE TITLE',0,1,'C',0);
//display the sub-title
$pdf->Cell(0,10,'The Subtitle',0,1,'C',0);
//display the italic summary
$summary = 'SEATTLE - Theatre Off Jackson presents SPF 8, the annual exhibition of solo performance. Featuring four featured performers and one shorts night, the festival will occur between February 6th and March 1st, 2014. This year\'s festival is an exciting mix of experienced artists and new-comers with exciting stories to tell. From tales of a ten-day vows of silence to what it\'s like growing up with deaf parents and siblings, this year\'s festival is a potpourri of styles and stories.';
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 4, $summary , 0, 'J');
//display the main content
$maincontent = '
First line.
Second Line?
Item 1
//Output the document

The WriteHTML add-on is a class called PDF_HTML which extends the original FPDF. To use the add-on functionality you have to instantiate the subclass and use it:
$pdfhtml=new PDF_HTML();
You don't need the additional instance ($pdf) of the parent class. Remove it and change all references of $pdf to $pdfhtml and you are good to go:
define('FPDF_FONTPATH', '../Classes/FPDF/font/');
require ('../Classes/FPDF/fpdf.php');
require ('writeHtml.php');
//create a PDF_HTML object
$pdfhtml=new PDF_HTML();
//set document properties
$pdfhtml->SetAuthor('Author Name');
$pdfhtml->SetTitle('PRESS RELEASE - NAME OF SHOW');
//set font for the entire document
//set up a page
// $pdfhtml->SetDisplayMode(real,'default'); //<-- commented this line, what is real?
//display the top block
$contact = 'Contact Name';
$addline1 = '4002 2nd Ave NE, #2';
$addline2 = 'Address Line 2';
$cityzip = 'Seattle, WA 98105';
$pdfhtml->Cell(0, 4, 'PRESS RELEASE', 0, 0, 'L');
$pdfhtml->Cell(0, 4, 'FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE', 0, 1, 'R');
$pdfhtml->Cell(0, 4, 'CONTACT: '.$contact, 0, 0, 'L');
$pdfhtml->Cell(0, 4, 'KILL DATE: August 1, 2014', 0, 1, 'R');
$pdfhtml->Cell(0, 4, $addline1, 0, 1, 'L');
$pdfhtml->Cell(0, 4, $addline2, 0, 1, 'L');
$pdfhtml->Cell(0, 4, $cityzip, 0, 1, 'L');
//display the title
$pdfhtml->Cell(0,10,'PRESS RELEASE TITLE',0,1,'C',0);
//display the sub-title
$pdfhtml->Cell(0,10,'The Subtitle',0,1,'C',0);
//display the italic summary
$summary = 'SEATTLE - Theatre Off Jackson presents SPF 8, the annual exhibition of solo performance. Featuring four featured performers and one shorts night, the festival will occur between February 6th and March 1st, 2014. This year\'s festival is an exciting mix of experienced artists and new-comers with exciting stories to tell. From tales of a ten-day vows of silence to what it\'s like growing up with deaf parents and siblings, this year\'s festival is a potpourri of styles and stories.';
$pdfhtml->MultiCell(0, 4, $summary , 0, 'J');
//display the main content
$maincontent = '
First line.
Second Line?
Item 1
//Output the document
Note that I changed the include paths on top. I also commented the line where you call SetDisplayMode.

You might have some elemets such as got unbalanced in your pdf html. Some elements might not have been closed or started.
It cost me 2 days to find this issue.


FPDF after page break using SetAutoPageBreak multicell values are not inserted in the defined Y position

I am trying to display data using multiCell. And when the data in the page arrives to y=228 I want it to go to the next Page And be displayed in the position y=112.
As first Step I tried to only add 2 simple conditions :
when the data arrives to position y=228 create a new page
when the data goes to the next Page display the result at position =112
It worked. But if the current multiCell content is large it dosn't go to the next page untill it finishs writting all the multicell content , so I added the function SetAutoPageBreak So it inserts a page Break when y=228 .
Here where the problems start The code doesnt insert my data in the new page in the position I defined (y=112) it insert it in the start .I don't know how to fix this problem I hope I could find some help I will appreciate it.
Here is My code :
require ('../fpdf/fpdf.php');
$pdf = new FPDF();
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12);
$y = $pdf->GetY();
$x = $pdf->GetX();
$width_cell = array(
$pdf->SetFillColor(193, 229, 252);
$pdf->Cell($width_cell[0], 10, 'ID', 1, 0, C, true);
$pdf->Cell($width_cell[1], 10, 'NAME', 1, 0, C, true);
$pdf->Cell($width_cell[2], 10, 'CLASS', 1, 1, C, true);
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10);
for ($i = 0;$i < 30; $i++) {
$pdf->Cell($width_cell[0], 10, $i, 1, 0, C, false);
$pdf->Cell($width_cell[1], 10, 'John Deo', 1, 0, C, false);
$pdf->Cell($width_cell[2], 10, 'Four', 1, 1, C, false);
$y = $pdf->GetY();
$pdf->Cell($width_cell[0], 10, $i, 1, 0, C, false);
$pdf->Cell($width_cell[1], 10, 'Y:' . $y, 1, 0, C, false);
// $pdf->Cell($width_cell[2],10,'Four',1, 1, C, false);
$pdf->MultiCell($width_cell[2], 10, 'four four four four four four four four four four four four four four four four four four four four four four ', 1, C, false);
// Uncomment this line to see what Happends when the Page Break is inserted
// $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(auto,69);
$y = $pdf->GetY();
if ($y > 228 && $i != 29) {
if ($pdf->PageNo() != 1 && $y < 20){
Extend fPDF and add a header function which positions Y where you want it every time a new page is started.
require ('fpdf.php');
class PDF extends FPDF {
function Header() {
} // end of the PDF class
$pdf = new pdf();
The rest of your code goes here and you DO want to uncomment the AutoPageBreak line. You'll also want to change the AutoPageBreak line to read
since the first argument is a Boolean to indicate whether or not it should be enabled.

FPDF - PHP - Different styles on center cell

My problem is that I have a center text in a cell and I want the word "Client:" in bold and the rest in regular, like is centered I cant print "client:" first and after that print the name, neither use "write" function because is centered, please help.
$pdf->SetTextColor(102, 106, 117);
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 15);
$pdf->Cell(626,25,"Client: ".$name,0,0,'C',0);
We have to calculate position of centered text like follows:
$pdf = new FPDF();
$pdf->SetTextColor(102, 106, 117);
$fullCellWidth = $pdf->GetPageWidth();
$pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", 15);
$regularCell = "some name";
$regularWidth = $pdf->GetStringWidth($regularCell);
$pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", 15);
$boldCell = "Client: ";
$boldWidth = $pdf->GetStringWidth($boldCell);
$centerIndentX = ($fullCellWidth - $boldWidth - $regularWidth) / 2;
$pdf->Cell($boldWidth, 25, $boldCell, 0, 0, "L");
$pdf->SetX($centerIndentX + $boldWidth);
$pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", 15);
$pdf->Cell($regularWidth, 25, $regularCell, 0, 0, "L");
The output PDF example - part of screenshot:

SetDrawColor() is behaving like SetFillColor()

SetDrawColor() supposed to color Cell frame but instead another color is rendering as background color. This is the whole code :-
$pdf = new FPDF();
$pdf->SetTextColor(103, 58, 183);
$pdf->SetDrawColor(0, 80, 180);
// Fourth Page --
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, "Hello Santanu", 1, 1, 'C', true);
$pdf->Output('helo.pdf', 'D');
You should try using SetFillColor before drawing any cell because it's taking black as default.
$pdf->SetFillColor(0, 0, 0);

FPDF align text LEFT, Center and Right

I've have three cells and i'am trying to align the text to Left, Center and Right.
function Footer()
$this->SetY( -15 );
$this->SetFont( 'Arial', '', 10 );
$this->Cell(0,10,'Left text',0,0,'L');
$this->Cell(0,10,'Center text:',0,0,'C');
$this->Cell( 0, 10, 'Right text', 0, 0, 'R' );
When I ouput my PDF file, center text get automatically aligned right.
This is how it looks:
Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong here and how I can fix this issue?
The new position after a Cell call will be set to the right of each cell if you set the ln-parameter of the Cell method to 0. You have to reset the x-coordinate before the last 2 Cell calls:
class Pdf extends FPDF {
function Footer()
$this->SetY( -15 );
$this->SetFont( 'Arial', '', 10 );
$this->Cell(0,10,'Left text',0,0,'L');
$this->Cell(0,10,'Center text:',0,0,'C');
$this->Cell( 0, 10, 'Right text', 0, 0, 'R' );
Though Jan Slabon's answer was really good I still had issues with the center not being exactly centered on my page, maybe we have different versions of the library and that's what accounts for the slight differences, for instance he uses lMargin and on some versions that's not available. Anyway, the way it worked for me is this:
$pdf = new tFPDF\PDF();
//it helps out to add margin to the document first
$pdf->setMargins(23, 44, 11.7);
//this was a special font I used
$nombre = "NAME OF PERSON";
$apellido = "LASTNAME OF PERSON";
$pos = 10;
//adding XY as well helped me, for some reaons without it again it wasn't entirely centered
$pdf->SetXY(0, 10);
//with SetX I use numbers instead of lMargin, and I also use half of the size I added as margin for the page when I did SetMargins
$pos = $pos + 10;
$pdf->Output('example.pdf', 'F');
Seems that there is a parameter for this, so ('R' for right-aligning, 'C' for centering):
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, "Some text", 0, true, 'R');
will right align text.
Also, notice that the first parameter ('width') is zero, so cell has 100% width.

Inserting an image with PHP and FPDF

I'm trying to insert an image but do not want to specify the x and y coordinates. Is that possible?
$pdf->Image($image1, 5, 70, 33.78);
I want to be able to specify the size (33.78) but not the x and y so that it moves based on the content.
$pdf->Write( 70, $reportTitle );
$pdf->Ln( 45 );
$pdf->SetFont( 'Arial', '', 12 );
$pdf->Write( 6, $reportSubtitle );
Create product 1
$pdf->Ln( 10 );
$pdf->SetFont( 'Arial', '', 12 );
$pdf->Write( 6, $prod1title );
$pdf->Ln( 30 );
$pdf->SetFont( 'Arial', '', 10 );
$pdf->Write( 5, $prod1sub );
$pdf->Ln( 30 );
$pdf->Image($image1, 5, 70, 33.78);
The above is the code I use. If $reportSubtitle is two or three lines, it pushes $prod1title and $$prod1sub down, and inevitably under the image that is fixed. Is there no way to have the image act like the product title and subtitle and be pushed down too while still declaring the size?
I figured it out, and it's actually pretty straight forward.
Set your variable:
$image1 = "img/products/image1.jpg";
Then ceate a cell, position it, then rather than setting where the image is, use the variable you created above with the following:
$this->Cell( 40, 40, $pdf->Image($image1, $pdf->GetX(), $pdf->GetY(), 33.78), 0, 0, 'L', false );
Now the cell will move up and down with content if other cells around it move.
Hope this helps others in the same boat.
You can use $pdf->GetX() and $pdf->GetY() to get current cooridnates and use them to insert image.
$pdf->Image($image1, 5, $pdf->GetY(), 33.78);
or even
$pdf->Image($image1, 5, null, 33.78);
(ALthough in first case you can add a number to create a bit of a space)
$pdf->Image($image1, 5, $pdf->GetY() + 5, 33.78);
$pdf =new FPDF();
$pdf-> AddPage();
$pdf-> SetFont("Arial","B",10);
$pdf-> Image('profileimage/'.$image,100,15,35,35);
Please note that you should not use any png when you are testing this , first work with jpg .
$myImage = "images/logos/mylogo.jpg"; // this is where you get your Image
$pdf->Image($myImage, 5, $pdf->GetY(), 33.78);
// Image URL
$url = 'img/img.png';
// Place the image in the pdf document
$pdf->Cell(30, 30, $pdf => Image($url, 5, $pdf => GetY(), 93.78), 0, 0, 'L', false);
The 93.78 is the size of the image.
5 is the position from the left side.
You can't treat a PDF like an HTML document. Images can't "float" within a document and have things flow around them, or flow with surrounding text. FPDF allows you to embed html in a text block, but only because it parses the tags and replaces <i> and <b> and so on with Postscript equivalent commands. It's not smart enough to dynamically place an image.
In other words, you have to specify coordinates (and if you don't, the current location's coordinates will be used anyways).
