I'm learning the Doctrine ORM and I'm loving, but I have a question about how remap a already mapped entity.
I created some of attributes in my table, and I want to map them to my entity. The problem is that I have some of business rule methods on my entity and I can' t lose them, so I need to remap the class and convert to entity without lose the already existed methods.
Actually I use the commands below:
php doctrine orm:convert-mapping --from-database --force annotation /path/project/models
php doctrine orm:generate:entities --update-entities --generate-methods=1 /path/project/models
So, you can help me? How?
I am using the Lexik Trnaslation Bundle.
After I ran
./bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
It added some tables to my database. These tables however don't have any Entities or Repository Classes.
How can I fetch the Data from these tables?
Is this even possible with doctrine?
There are entity classes and repository classes mapped to these new tables, or course. Otherwise doctrine:schema:update wouldn't create any tables at all.
If you take a look at the source code of the plugin, you'll see the corresponding classes here.
The repositories are:
These repositories are not declared as services, so you won't be able to inject them directly. But you can inject the ManagerRegistryInterface and get the repository like this:
// example to get the FileRepository, assuming that $this->manager
// holds the EntityManager
$fileRepository = $this
Is there a way I can extend a symfony entity in another bundle using #DiscriminatorMap without having to specify it beforehand?
Has a class AbstractQueueItem which is a MappedSuperclassfor
Event which is extended by
CreateEvent and DeleteEvent as Single Table Inheritene or Class Table Inheritence
How can I add a new Event (i.e. UpdateEvent) to the Event-hierarchy without modifing BundleA?
You can try letting doctrine auto-generate the discriminator map.
From the last bullet point in this section of the docs:
If no discriminator map is provided, then the map is generated
automatically. The automatically generated discriminator map contains
the lowercase short name of each class as key.
So you would:
Omit the #DiscriminatorMap declaration in BundleA.
Extend the entity as normal in BundleB (making sure the short name of each class is unique).
Update the database schema.
As pointed out by ju_ in the comments, this solution will apparently not work with Doctrine ORM 3.0, but should still be valid for versions 2.5 - 2.7
I suppose the answer is no but I am asking to be sure.
SensioGeneratorBundle contains a command to generate entities. Do you know if it can generate the mappings for a one2Many or Many2Many field? Is there any project that implements this?
The only example I found:
php app/console doctrine:generate:entity --entity=AcmeBlogBundle:Blog/Post --format=annotation --fields="title:string(255) body:text" --with-repository --no-interaction
Many thanks
I know this is old... but this could help some people.
Here is a Symfony3 bundle that can generate Doctrine 2 associations, including a one-to-many relationship:
Handles all Doctrine2 association types (OneToOne, OneToMany, ManyToOne, ManyToMany).
Handles unidirectional and bidirectional associations.
AFAIK the answer is no. I have already asked a similar question and it seems that there is no free tool that can do that. But if you want to pay : http://www.orm-designer.com/
There is a workaround that makes the job perfectly, without any additional software or bundle to install.
You just have to edit the DatabaseDriver.php from doctrine like described here :
Symfony2 Doctrine2 - generate One-To-Many annotation from existing database by doctrine:mapping:import
I am using this to generate getters and setters for my all classes in Bundle.
php app/console doctrine:generate:entities Acme/UserBundle
This is working fine.
When i use this , to update single entity then i get error
php app/console doctrine:generate:entity AcmeUserBundle:User
Then i get error
Entity already exists.. But in the multiple entities method , my entities were still there but it updates them
I think there is issue with eingle entity generator
If you read the docs, you'll realize that this behavior is exactly as intended. That command creates a new entity from a code-generation template in order to save you a couple of lines of boilerplate code.
Propel can generate classes based on a schema file. Some of the resulting classes are:
The object (e.g. User)
The Peer (e.g. UserPeer)
The Query (e.g. UserQuery)
The object class (User) includes getters and setters for all of the attributes. E.g.
$user = new User();
echo $user->getEmailAddress();
My question is: can Doctrine 2.0 do this? Does it generate base classes and does it add getters and setters?
Yes Doctrine 2 does support schema to class generation, I prefer YAML over XML so here's the link covering that http://www.doctrine-project.org/docs/orm/2.0/en/reference/yaml-mapping.html
AND then via the Doctrine command line tools, you can take the provided YML files and generate http://www.doctrine-project.org/docs/orm/2.0/en/reference/tools.html
As for your second question, for the most part Doctrine does have simple setters/getters but they're called accessor methods in Doctrine terminology.
For completely generated classes, give a table like
id: integer
name: string
active: bool
it would be $user->getName() and $user->setName("Joe"), $user->setActive(true) and $user->getActive();
How it generates these intermediate classes can be somewhat understood by checking out this file in the Doctrine 2 git repo https://github.com/doctrine/doctrine2/blob/master/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Tools/EntityGenerator.php