divide xml into chunks based on url in php - php

I have a robots.txt file
in that i generate dynamic sitemap links.
I get the following links if i run the robots.txt file in the browser.
Here you get 5 sitemap links for each language.
Reason: there are 10 products in database.
i want to show only two products per link. so i divided the total no.of products with no.of products on one page.
the part in bold is dynamic.
code in: sitemap_products.php
$Qproduct : returns an array of all the products in the db for all the languages.
So the bellow loop generates an xml having links of the products for the language in the sitemap url
for eg.
if the link is
it will generate all the products present in IT language.
The xml links that are generated now are based on languages that we get from url.
but i want to divide them into chunks of 2 product's xml per sitemap link.
$page_language[$Qproduct->valueInt('language_id')] = mxp_get_page_language($MxpLanguage->getCode($Qproduct->valueInt('language_id')), 'products');
if($Qproduct->valueInt('language_id') == $QproductLang->valueInt('languages_id'))
$string_to_out .= '<url>
<loc>' . href_link($page_language[$Qproduct->valueInt('language_id')], $Qproduct->value('keyword'), 'NONSSL', false) . '</loc>
what i wish to do is apply a condition so that it gives me exactly two products links in xml when page=1(see in the sitemap links) instead of all the 10 products link in xml.
similarly if page=2 it should display next 2 products. and so on.
I am a bit confused in the condition that i am supposed to apply.
Please help me out.

First of all, use an XML library to create the XML, not string concatenation. Example:
$loc = href_link($page_language[$Qproduct->valueInt('language_id')], $Qproduct->value('keyword'), 'NONSSL', false);
$url = new SimpleXMLElement('<url/>');
$url->loc = $loc;
$url->changefreq = 'weekly';
$url->priority = 1;
In your case, you can even easily wrap that into a function that just returns such an element and which has two parameters: $Qproduct and $page_language (as string, not array (!)).
But that's just some additional advice, because the main point you ask about is the looping and more specifically the filtering and navigating inside the loop to the elements you're interested in.
First of all you operate on all results by looping over them:
while ($Qproduct->next())
Then you say, that you're only interested in links of a specific language:
while ($Qproduct->next())
$condition = $Qproduct->valueInt('language_id') == $QproductLang->valueInt('languages_id');
if (!$condition) {
This already filters out all elements not interested in. What is left to keep track and decide which elements to take:
$page = 1;
$start = ($page - 1) * 2;
$end = $page * 2 - 1;
$count = 0;
while ($Qproduct->next())
$condition = $Qproduct->valueInt('language_id') == $QproductLang->valueInt('languages_id');
if (!$condition) {
if ($count < $start) {
if ($count >= $end) {
Alternatively, instead writing this all the time your own, create an Iterator for $Qproduct iteration and the use FilterIterator and LimitIterator for filtering and pagination.


Limiting the number of XML items to parse in php that match a specific value

The PHP I have right now is only half working and it is a little clunky. I'm looking to display the 3 most recent press releases from an XML feed that match a specific value type. What I have right now is only looking at the first three items, and just echoing the ones that match the value. I'm also pretty sure DOM object is not the best approach here, but had issues getting xparse to work properly. Some help with the logic would be greatly appreciated.
//create new document object
$dom_object = new DOMDocument();
//load xml file
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($dom_object->getElementsByTagName('press_release') as $node) {
if($cnt == 3 ) {
$valueID = $node->getAttribute('id');
$valueType = $node->getAttribute('type');
$headline = $dom_object->getElementsByTagName("headline");
$headlineContent = $headline->item(0)->nodeValue;
$releaseDate = $dom_object->getElementsByTagName("published");
$valueDate = $releaseDate->item(0)->getAttribute('date');
if ($valueType == 5) {
echo "<div class=\"newsListItem\"> <p> $valueDate </p> <h4>$headlineContent</h4><p></p></div>";
DOM has the ability to execute Xpath expression on the XML tree to fetch nodes and scalar values. Use DOMXpath::evaluate() - not just the DOM methods.
But the "3 most recent" is not a filter. It is a sort with a limit. You will have to read each item and keep the 3 "newest" or read all of them into a list, sort it and get the first 3 from the list.
You can do this in PHP or using XSLT.
this did the trick...
if ($valueType == 5)
if ($printCount < 3) {
echo "...";

Display first 4 columns of external table

I am using Windows software to organize a tourpool. This program creates (among other things) HTML pages with rankings of participants. But these HTML pages are quite hideous, so I am building a site around it.
To show the top 10 ranking I need to select the first 10 out of about 1000 participants of the generated HTML file and put it on my own site.
To do this, I used:
// get top 10 ranks of p_rank.html
$file_contents = file_get_contents('p_rnk.htm');
$start = strpos($file_contents, '<tr class="header">');
// get end
$i = 11;
while (strpos($file_contents, '<tr><td class="position">'. $i .'</td>', $start) === false){
$end = strpos($file_contents, '<td class="position">'. $i .'</td>', $start);
$code = substr($file_contents, $start, $end);
echo $code;
This way I get it to work, only the last 3 columns (previous position, up or down and details) are useless information. So I want these columns deleted or find a way to only select and display the first 4.
How do i manage this?
I adjusted my code and at the end I only echo the adjusted table.
$DOM = new DOMDocument;
$table = $DOM->getElementsByTagName('table')->item(0);
$rows = $table->getElementsByTagName('tr');
$cut_rows_after = 10;
$cut_colomns_after = 3;
$row_index = $rows->length-1;
while($row = $rows->item($row_index)) {
if($row_index+1 > $cut_rows_after)
else {
$tds = $row->getElementsByTagName('td');
$colomn_index = $tds->length-1;
while($td = $tds->item($colomn_index)) {
if($colomn_index+1 > $cut_colomns_after)
echo $DOM->saveHTML($table);
I'd say that the best way to deal with such stuff is to parse the html document (see, for instance, the first anwser here) and then manipulate the object that describes DOM. This way, you can easily extract the table itself using various selectors, get your 10 first records in a simpler manner and also will be able to remove unnecessary child (td) nodes from each line (using removeChild). When you're done with modifying, dump the resulting HTML using saveHTML.
ok, here's a tested code. I removed the necessity to hardcode the numbers of colomns and rows and separated the desired numbers of colomns and rows into a couple of variables (so that you can adjust them if neede). Give the code a closer look: you'll notice some details which were missing in you code (index is 0..999, not 1..1000, that's why all those -1s and +1s appear; it's better to decrease the index instead of increasing because in this case you don't have to case about numeration shifts on removing; I've also used while instead of for not to care about cases of $rows->item($row_index) == null separately):
$DOM = new DOMDocument;
$table = $DOM->getElementsByTagName('tbody')->item(0);
$rows = $table->getElementsByTagName('tr');
$cut_rows_after = 10;
$cut_colomns_after = 4;
$row_index = $rows->length-1;
while($row = $rows->item($row_index)) {
if($row_index+1 > $cut_rows_after)
else {
$tds = $row->getElementsByTagName('td');
$colomn_index = $tds->length-1;
while($td = $tds->item($colomn_index)) {
if($colomn_index+1 > $cut_colomns_after)
echo $DOM->saveHTML();
Update 2:
If the page doesn't contain tbody, use the container which is present. For instance, if tr elements are inside a table element, use $DOM->getElementsByTagName('table') instead of $DOM->getElementsByTagName('tbody').

Adding banner between SimplePie feed articles

My SimplePie install is a straight-up linux install. (no wordpress or anything)
I'm trying to add a banner in-between my feed articles. For instance if I have 10 feed articles displaying per page, I'd like to add one after the 5th one.
Any help is much appreciated... My feed page is very basic and visible here:
In case you're unfamiliar with SimplePie code, here's basically a very similar code to what makes up the page above:
To display how many articles I want on each page, I use:
// Set our paging values
$start = (isset($_GET['start']) && !empty($_GET['start'])) ? $_GET['start'] : 0; // Where do we start?
$length = (isset($_GET['length']) && !empty($_GET['length'])) ? $_GET['length'] : 10; // How many per page?
$max = $feed->get_item_quantity(); // Where do we end?
In your loop that outputs the articles, you can use a counter and the modulus operator:
$counter = 0;
foreach ($feed->get_items($start, $length) as $key=>$item) {
if ($counter % 5 == 0) { // use modulus operator
// display banner
// ...
See php modulus in a loop article. The code above will display the banner when $counter = 0, 5, 10, etc.

Codeigniter Pagination and MySQL Query with dynamic parameters

Let me explain my issue in detail
I have a table called products
Products : Name , views , sale_wanted , added_date
I am listing all my products in a view .
I am handling sale wanted through a flag means 0 or 1.
There are some links to sort the listing.
Most Viewed
For Sale
New Arrivals
Now when user clicks all the listing is sorted according to the parameter i am sendig.
I want to use pagination class of Codeigniter.
Here comes some issues.
When i am clicking let suppose Wanted and sending a parameter it lists all the products wanted.
Now i click on a pagination link and the wanted parameter is gone
and the list becomes without wanted parameter.
Same goes with the other Anchors.
I have to restrict it so it still has my parameter.
The second problem is that what i see Codeigniter is laking.
I need some links that user can select. Means i want to give the user functionality to select how many products he wants to see in one page.
Let suppose 5 ,10 ,15 ,20
Choosing the greater number will reduce the number of pages.
And still i want the same functionality.
The important point is that i want to handle all this just in one shot means i dont want to duplicate my code for every anchor.
I need suggestions from expert and any help regarding Pagination library.
$noOfresultsToshow=$this->uri->segment('5')//use if else for by default no of results
$typeOfresult=$this->uri->segment('4'); //Most Viewed Wanted For Sale New Arrivals
$config['total_rows'] = $countqueryresults;// mention the total rows here
$config['per_page'] = $noOfresultsToshow;
$config['uri_segment'] = $seg;
$data['yourvariable'] = $this->model_name->getData($config['per_page'], $this->uri->segment($seg),$typeOfresult);
$data['links'] = $this->pagination->create_links();
in your view file echo $links;
I have found a solution for the issue.
I have made two methods in Codeigniter Pagination library
Here they are
Defined two new variables
var $base_link = '';
var $per_page_link = TRUE;
var $per_page_array = array();
The user can define both of them while initializing
$config['per_page_link'] = TRUE;
$config['per_page_array'] = array(5,10,15,20);
Now the methods
public function create_per_page()
$CI =& get_instance();
$output = '';
$current = $CI->uri->segment(3,5);
if($this->per_page_link === TRUE AND count($this->per_page_array) > 1){
foreach($this->per_page_array as $row){
if($current == $row){
$output .= $this->cur_tag_open . $row . $this->cur_tag_close;
$output .= ' ';
$output .= ''.$row.'';
$output .= ' ';
return $output;
And the other is create_per_page_links(). I have just copied the code of create_links method in it and modified it. In the start of create_per_page_links() i have added these extra lines.
$this->per_page = $CI->uri->segment(3,5);
$this->uri_segment = $CI->uri->segment(4,1);
However, This will only work with segments on. i haven't tested it with query string. Also if per_page_link is FALSE both methods will not work.
Calling create_per_page_links will generate the following
« First < 1 2 3 4 5 > Last »
And create_per_page will generate the following
5 10 15 20
And Done

Random Link PHP

I'm trying to setup a random link at the bottom of all my pages. I'm using the code below, but want to make it so the current page is not included in the random rotation of links.
I need code to randomly select and display ONE of these links. The exception being, IF article1.php is currently being viewed, I want it to be excluded from the random selection. That way only links to OTHER articles are seen on any given article.
I would use array_rand with something like:
$links = array(array('url' => 'http://google.com', 'name'=>'google'),
array('url' => 'http://hotmail.com', 'name' => 'hotmail'),
array('url' => 'http://hawkee.com', 'name' => 'Hawkee'));
$num = array_rand($links);
$item = $links[$num];
printf('%s', $item['url'], $item['name'], $item['name']);
Where links makes it easier to build an array. Nevertheless, I think we miss some details about how you grab your links.
What is the mean of "current page"? because the simplest way to do, is just not add the page to the array.
And the use of array_rand avoids confusion with size of array and so.
Edit: I suppose you use a database, so you may have an sql request like:
SELECT myfieldset FROM `articles` WHERE id = 'theid';
So you know the id of the current article. Now you just have to build an array with some other articles with a query like:
SELECT id FROM `articles` WHERE id NOT IN ('theid') ORDER BY RAND LIMIT 5
And build the candidate array with those results.
Each time you randomly choose a URL to display, pop it off of the array and store it in a temporary variable. Then, on the next rotation make your selection and THEN push the previously used URL back into the array.
$lastUrl = trim(file_get_contents('last_url.txt'));
while($lastUrl == ($randUrl = $urls[rand(0, count($urls) - 1)])){}
file_put_contents('last_url.txt', $randUrl);
// ...
echo $randUrl;
Ensures that on each page load, you will not receive the previous URL. This, however is just an example. You would want to incorporate file locking, exception handling (perhaps) or an entirely different storage medium (DB, etc.)
To ensure the URL is not the same as the current, this should do the trick:
// get current URL
$currentUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
// randomize URLs until you get one that doesn't match the current
while($currentUrl == ($randUrl = $urls[rand(0, count($urls) - 1)])){ }
echo $randUrl;
Google "PHP get current URL", and you'll get considerably more detailed ways to capture the current URL. For example, conditions on whether or not you're use HTTPS, to append an 's' to the protocol component.
try the codes below :
$links = array(
$currentPage = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$count = 0;
$currentIndex = NULL;
foreach($links as $link) {
if(strpos($link, "/".$currentPage)>-1) $currentIndex = $count;
if($currentIndex) {
$random = mt_rand(0, sizeof($links) - 1);
} while($random==$currentIndex);
} else {
$random = mt_rand(0, sizeof($links) - 1);
$random_link = $links[$random];
