Crawler gets the asked code twice - php

I'm using simple html dom parser and everything works fine, but my code produces the asked code multiple times.
U can see what I'm talking about here:
I'm using the following php code:
$webpage ="";
$html = file_get_html($webpage);
$links = $html->find('a');
foreach($html->find('a') as $element){
$div = $element->find('div[.kalenderRow partyPicsRow]');
$som = count($div);
if($som != 0)
echo $element;
What is causing the multiple entries?


Fetching image from google using dom

I want to fetch image from google using PHP. so I tried to get help from net I got a script as I needed but it is showing this fatal error
Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\nq\qimages.php on line 7**
Here is my script:
include "simple_html_dom.php";
$search_query = "car";
$search_query = urlencode( $search_query );
$html = file_get_html( "$search_query&tbm=isch" );
$image_container = $html->find('div#rcnt', 0);
$images = $image_container->find('img');
$image_count = 10; //Enter the amount of images to be shown
$i = 0;
foreach($images as $image){
if($i == $image_count) break;
// DO with the image whatever you want here (the image element is '$image'):
echo $image;
I am also using Simple html dom.
Look at my example that works and gets first image from google results:
$url = "";
$content = file_get_contents($url);
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$images_dom = $dom->getElementsByTagName('img');
foreach ($images_dom as $img) {
$image_url = $img->getAttribute('src');
//this is first image on url
echo $image_url;
This error usually means that $html isn't an object.
It's odd that you say this seems to work. What happens if you output $html? I'd imagine that the url isn't available and that $html is null.
Edit: Looks like this may be an error in the parser. Someone has submitted a bug and added a check in his code as a workaround.

How to get innerhtml of an element from PHP

I have two files:
mainpage.html and recordinput.php
I need get a div's innerhtml from the mainpage.html in my php file.
I have copied the code here:
in my php file, I have
$dochtml = new DOMDocument();
$div = $dochtml->getElementById('div2');
$div2html = get_inner_html($div);
echo "store information as: ".$div2html;
function get_inner_html(DOMNode $elem )
$innerHTML = " ";
$children = $elem->childNodes;
foreach ($children as $child)
$innerHTML .= $elem->ownerDocument->saveHTML( $child );
echo "function return: ".$innerHTML."<br />";
return $innerHTML;
The return is just empty. Any body helps me? I have spent two days on this. I feel like the problem is in here:
PHP DOMDocument has already provided the function to retrieve content between your selectors. Here is how you do it
$div = $dochtml->getElementById('div2')->nodeValue;
So you don't need to make your own function.
If you're looking to get the div contents including all nested tags then you can do it like this:
echo $div->ownerDocument->saveHTML($div);
Note that this includes the div2 tag itself, which you could easily then strip off.

PHP Simple HTML DOM Scrape External URL

I'm trying to build a personal project of mine, however I'm a bit stuck when using the Simple HTML DOM class.
What I'd like to do is scrape a website and retrieve all the content, and it's inner html, that matches a certain class.
My code so far is:
//use curl to get html content
$url = '';
$html = file_get_html($url);
//Get all data inside the <div class="item-list">
foreach($html->find('div[class=item-list]') as $div) {
//get all div's inside "item-list"
foreach($div->find('div') as $d) {
//get the inner HTML
$data = $d->outertext;
echo "END";
All I get with this is a blank page with "END", nothing else outputted at all.
It seems your $data variable is being assigned a different value on each iteration. Try this instead:
$data = "";
foreach($html->find('div[class=item-list]') as $div) {
//get all divs inside "item-list"
foreach($div->find('div') as $d) {
//get the inner HTML
$data .= $d->outertext;
I hope that helps.
I think, you may want something like this
$url = '';
$html = file_get_html($url);
foreach ($html->find('div.item-list div.item') as $div) {
echo $div . '<br />';
This will give you something like this (if you add the proper style sheet, it'll be displayed nicely)

change variable with GET method

I have a page test.php in which I have a list of names:
name1: 992345
name2: 332345
name3: 558645
name4: 434544
In another page test1.php?id=name2 and the result should be:
I've tried this PHP code:
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
$elements = $xpath->query("//*#".$_GET["id"]."");
if (!is_null($elements)) {
foreach ($elements as $element) {
$nodes = $element->childNodes;
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
echo $node->nodeValue. "\n";
I need to be able to change the name with GET PHP method in test1.pdp?id=name4
The result should be different now.
is there another way, becose mine won't work?
Here is another way to do it.
/* file function reads your text file into an array. */
$doc = file("test.php");
$id = $_GET["id"];
/* Show your array. You can remove this part after you
* are sure your text file is read correct.*/
echo "Seeking id: $id<br>";
echo "Elements:<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
/* this part is searching for the get variable. */
if (!is_null($doc)) {
foreach ($doc as $line) {
if(strpos($line,$id) !== false){
$search = $id.": ";
$replace = '';
echo str_replace($search, $replace, $line);
} else {
echo "No elements.";
There is a completely different way to do this, using PHP combined with JavaScript (not sure if that's what you're after and if it can work with your app, but I'm going to write it). You can change your test.php to read the GET parameter (it can be POST as well, you'll see), and according to that, output only the desired value, probably from the associative array you have hard-coded in there. The JavaScript approach will be different and it would involve making a single AJAX call instead of DOM traversing using PHP.
So, in short: AJAX call to test.php, which then output the desired value based on the GET or POST parameter.
jQuery AJAX here; native JS tutorial here.
Just let me know if this won't work for your app, and I'll delete my answer.

when parsing html, check if element is present

Im parsing html from some a page, to get a list of the outgoing, i want to split them in two - the ones with the rel="nofollow" / rel="nofollow me" / rel="me nofollow" element and the ones with with out those expressions.
At the moment im using the code bellow parsed using - PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser
$html = file_get_html("$url");
foreach($html->find('a') as $element) {
echo $element->href; // THE LINK
but im not quite sure how to implement it, any ideas ?
Try using something like this :
$html = file_get_html("$url");
// Creating array for storing links
$arrayLinks = array(
"nofollow" => array(),
"others" => array()
foreach($html->find('a') as $element) {
// Search for "nofollow" expression with no case-sensitive (i flag)
if(preg_match('#nofollow#i', $element->rel)) {
$arrayLinks["nofollow"][] = $element->href;
else {
$arrayLinks["others"][] = $element->href;
// Display the array
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
Do a regexp on $element->rel I guess
