I have one temporary model as viewModel. In my CRUD actions (for example actionCreate) I want to get this viewModel data and assign that to a ActiveRecord model. I used below code but my model object atrribute always show NULL value for attributes:
$model = new _Users();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
Yii::info($model->attributes,'test'); // NULL
$attributesValue =[
'title' => $_POST['_Users']['title'],
'type' => $_POST['_Users']['type'],
$model->attributes = $attributesValue;
Yii::info($model->attributes,'test'); // NULL
$dbModel = new Users();
$dbModel->title = $model->title;
$dbModel->type = $model->type . ' CYC'; // CYC is static type code
Yii::info($dbModel->attributes,'test'); // NULL
if ($dbModel->save()) {
return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $dbModel->id]); // Page redirect to blank page
else {
return $this->render('create', [
'model' => $model,
I think $model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) not working and object attribute being NULL. Is it Yii2 bug or my code is incorrect??
If there is no rule for your attribute the $model->load() will ignore those not in the rules of the model.
Add your attributes to the rules function
public function rules()
return [
[['attribute_name'], 'type'],
To fetch data for an individually attributes(db-fields) in yii2.0 then you should just do as:
echo $yourModel->getAttribute('email');
ActiveRecord $attributes is a private property
Use $model->getAttribute(string)
You can use following codes:
$model = new _Users();
$model->title= $model->title
$model->type = $model->type . ' CYC'; // CYC is static type code
#$model->sampleAttribute='Hello World';
Declare attribute as private then
echo $yourModel->attribute
work as expected
You must remove all public properties (title, type, etc.) in your _User model and $model->attributes = $post will work correctly.
I have also encountered the same problem, i Add my attributes to the rules function,but also error. And i found the reason for this problem. It is beause that the submit form's name in corresponding view file is not the same as the model's name which you use in controller
[controller file]:
$model=new SearchForm();
[view file]:
<input name="SearchForm[attribus]" ...
[view file]:
<?= $form->field($model,'atrribus')->textInput()?>
Hi everyone i'm having trouble with my software developed with yii2.
I Have a model called Anagrafica and with its primary key id. With this model everything works.
I also have a model called AnagraficaOpzioniCarriera which extend the first one.
I have a view anagrafica/index that show a Kartik grid with the data of people enrolled that you can find in anagrafica. Admin user can update the data of an Anagrafica model by clicking on an the attribute "cognome" that render to anagrafica/update.
this is the command that call the controller AnagraficaController to reach anagrafica/update
This is AnagraficaController
public function actionUpdate($id,$error=0,$message='')
$id = (int)$id;
$model = Anagrafica::findOne(['id' => $id]);
$model->scenario = 'update';
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
return $this->redirect(['anagrafica/update','id'=>$model->id]);
return $this->render('update', ['model' => $model, 'extended'=>true]);
i removed some portions of code to semplify it, but this is the core.
One time the view anagrafica/update is reached in this page i have an ActiveForm to modify data of the model and i have a render to a grid that show the attributes contained in AnagraficaOpzioniCarriera about the $model that i'm updating.
<?= $this->render('_opzioni_carriera',['parent'=>$model]); ?>
anagrafica/_opzioni_carriera view contain a Kartik grid that shows the column in the model AnagraficaOpzioniCarriera
use kartik\grid\GridView;
use kartik\select2\Select2;
use kartik\widgets\ActiveForm;
use kartik\editable\Editable;
use kartik\widgets\SwitchInput;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use app\helpers\Autoconfigurazione;
use app\models\AnagraficaOpzioniCarriera;
use app\helpers\Grid;
use yii\helpers\Html;
use app\helpers\UserInfo;
/* #var $this yii\web\View */
/* #var $model app\models\AnagraficaOpzioniCarriera*/
$model = new AnagraficaOpzioniCarriera(['scenario'=>'search']);
<div class="">
echo GridView::widget([
'dataProvider'=> $model->search($parent->id,Yii::$app->request->queryParams),
'pjax'=>true, // pjax is set to always true for this demo
'toolbar'=> [
'columns' => Grid::gridColumns([
'extraOptions' =>[
'cashback' =>Grid::YNColumn('cashback',['anagrafica-opzioni-carriera/update', 'id' => $parent->id],'left',true,'5%'),
'compensa'=>Grid::YNColumn('compensa',['anagrafica-opzioni-carriera/update', 'id' => $parent->id],'left',true,'5%'),
'associazione'=>Grid::YNColumn('associazione',['anagrafica-opzioni-carriera/update', 'id' => $parent->id],'left',true,'5%'),
'formazione'=>Grid::YNColumn('formazione',['anagrafica-opzioni-carriera/update', 'id' => $parent->id],'left',true,'5%'),
cashback, compensa etc.. are the attributes in the model AnagraficaOpzioniCarriera.
Here when i try to update this attributes everything looks fine, the function model->validate() and model->load returns true value, but at the end of the process doesn't works.
Honestly i don't know what i have to return from the function of the controller.
public function actionUpdate($id)
$model = AnagraficaOpzioniCarriera::findOne(['id_anagrafica' => $id]);
if (!$model) {
// Se l'anagrafica opzioni carriera non esiste, genera un'eccezione 404
throw new \yii\web\NotFoundHttpException(Yii::t('app', 'The requested page does not exist.'));
$model->scenario = 'update';
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->validate()) {
if(Yii::$app->request->post('cashback') != null) $model->cashback = Yii::$app->request->post('cashback');
if(Yii::$app->request->post('compensa') != null) $model->cashback = Yii::$app->request->post('compensa');
if(Yii::$app->request->post('associazione') != null) $model->cashback = Yii::$app->request->post('associazione');
if(Yii::$app->request->post('formazione') != null) $model->cashback = Yii::$app->request->post('formazione');
if ($model->save()) {
return Json::encode(["success" => true, 'message' => 'Dati aggiornati']);
// Mostra il form di modifica
return $this->render('_opzioni_carriera', [
'parent' => $model,
anyone can help me? i hope i explained my problem in a good form, but my english is not the best, i know. Anyway thanks in aadvance to everyone who want to try to help me, if you need anything other you can easily ask.
I tried every everything, also a logger but nothing worked
Like someone suggest these are the rules of the model AnagraficaOpzioni, but like i said prevously model->validate() works, for this reason i think the problem is not over there
public function rules()
return [
[['id_anagrafica'], 'required'],
[['id_anagrafica'], 'integer'],
[['cashback', 'compensa', 'associazione', 'formazione'], 'required', 'on'=>['update']],
[['cashback', 'compensa', 'associazione', 'formazione'], 'integer'],
[['id_anagrafica', 'cashback', 'compensa', 'associazione', 'formazione',], 'safe', 'on'=>['search']],
Model - Promo:
protected $table = 'promo';
public function locations()
return $this->belongsToMany(Cities::class, 'cities_promo');
Controller in laravel-admin
protected function form()
$location = Cities::pluck('name', 'id');
$form = new Form(new Promo);
$form->text('title', __('Title'));
$form->textarea('desc', __('Description'));
return $form;
The bottom line is that it does not display the values that were previously selected and saved. An empty field is displayed there, where you can select values from the City model.
An intermediate solution was to use the attribute.
It is necessary that the format for multipleSelect (and others) was in array format [1,2,3 ... ,7].
In normal communication, an array of the form is transmitted:
['id' => 1,
'name' => 'Moscow',
['id' => 2,
'name' => 'Ekb',
Therefore, for formalization, I used a third-party attribute "Cities" to the model "Promo".
//Add extra attribute
//These attributes will be written to the database, if you do not want
//this, then do not advertise!
//protected $attributes = ['cities'];
//Make it available in the json response
protected $appends = ['cities'];
public function getCitiesAttribute()
return $this->locations->pluck('id');
public function setCitiesAttribute($value)
If there are other suggestions, I am ready to listen.
change $location to
$location = Cities::All()->pluck('name', 'id');
you can return $location to know it has value or not
also you can set options manually
$form->multipleSelect('locations')->options([1 => 'foo', 2 => 'bar', 'val' => 'Option name']);
to know it works
I am building a CSV uploader and I want to add a custom validation function that will check the header row of the CSV file to ensure the correct columns are in place.
I am trying to put a custom validation rule in the model to do this but failing at the first hurdle.
I am getting
Setting unknown property: yii\validators\FileValidator::0
exception but as far as I can tell from the documentation this should work.
* UploadForm is the model behind the upload form.
class UploadForm extends Model
* #var UploadedFile file attribute
public $file;
* #return array the validation rules.
public function rules()
return [
[['file'], 'file', 'extensions' => 'csv', 'checkExtensionByMimeType'=>false, 'headerCheck', 'skipOnEmpty' => false]
public function attributeLabels(){
return [
'file'=>'Select csv'
function headerCheck($attribute, $params, $validato){
$this->addError($attribute, "error");
Controller function:
public function actionUpload()
$model = new UploadForm();
if (Yii::$app->request->isPost) {
$model->file = UploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'file');
$filename = $model->file->baseName . '.' . $model->file->extension;
if ($model->file && $model->validate()) {
$upload = $model->file->saveAs('uploads/'.$filename );
$csv_file = CSV_PATH . $filename;
$filecsv = file($csv_file);
foreach($filecsv as $data){
$lines = explode(',',$data);
return $this->render('csvUpload', ['model' => $model]);
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['options' => ['enctype' => 'multipart/form-data']]) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'file')->fileInput() ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end() ?>
Why is headerCheck() not getting picked up as a custom validation function?
Short Answer
Your rules should be written like so:
return [
[['file'], 'file', 'extensions' => 'csv', 'checkExtensionByMimeType'=>false, 'skipOnEmpty' => false],
[["file"], "headerCheck"],
Note that your validation rule, "headerCheck", is a separate item in the array.
Long Answer
A rule's structure is like so:
Note the first two items are the attributes and the callback respectively, and then after that you can specify params that should be assigned to the validator, or passed to your validator callback. These params are expected in a form where the key is the name of the property, and the value is the value to assign to the property.
In the example you provided, Yii sees that you want to utilize the "file" validator, so it creates an instance of yii\validators\FileValidator. It then sees that you want the parameter "extensions" set to "csv", so it does:yii\validators\FileValidator::$extensions = "csv"; But then, because you have included your custom validator in this part of the array, it thinks that "headerCheck" is actually a value of a property you want to assign to the validator. Because you have entered this "param" without a key, the key defaults to 0 and so Yii thinks the property you want to assign is called '0'. Thus, Yii attempts this: yii\validators\FileValidator::0 = "headerCheck";
Of course, there is no property '0' on FileValidator, and so that's where the error you're getting is coming from.
I'd like to ask, is it possible to change the original posted attributes in actionCreate()?
For example I have 3 attributes: name, phNumber, address
In the _form.php, it automatically posts these 3 attributes. BUT what if I want to change the posted name attribute to all Uppercases? Do I need to create my own method of creating a record just to change how the name will be recorded OR is there something that I can do in actionCreate() so that it only changes the name attribute?
For example, user types in
adam michael
for the name textbox, and I want to change only this attribute to
to be recorded in the database instead of having to create another method.
Code below:
public function actionCreate() {
$model = new Masseuse;
if (isset($_POST['Masseuse'])) {
if ($model->save()) {
if (Yii::app()->getRequest()->getIsAjaxRequest())
$this->redirect(array('servicemasseuse/create', 'mid' => $model->id));
$this->render('create', array( 'model' => $model));
Just simply do a $model->name=strtoupper($model->name);
Refer here
You must alter the user input prior to saving the data. You do this by creating an overwritten function in your model.
class Masseuse extends CActiveRecord {
// ...
public function beforeSave()
$this->name = strtoupper($this->name)
I'm using a custom datasource to consume webservice.
Create, Read and Update work well but Delete doesn't works.
Here is my code calling the delete method in my controller.
public function delete($id){
$this->autoRender = false;
And here the code in my datasource
public function delete(Model $Model, $id = null) {
echo "Display a message if this method is called";
$json = $this->Http->post(CakeSession::read('Site.url') . '/webservice/delete/', array(
'id' => $id,
'apiKey' => $this->config['apiKey'],
'model' => $Model->name
$res = json_decode($json, true);
if (is_null($res)) {
$error = json_last_error();
throw new CakeException($error);
return true;
But when I want to delete an item, the debug(); display false.
I have no other displays.
I don't understand why my delete method isn't called correctly.
Is there something wrong in my code ?
Let's check: you're only passing a parameter to your method:
According to the method that you created, the first parameter, which is required, is the Model. The second is $id:
public function delete(Model $Model, $id = null)
During the method you want to use both parameters. Here:
'id' => $id
And here:
'model' => $Model->name
Based on this, you need to review how this method will be called. BTW, if you want override delete() method, according the book, you need something like this: delete(int $id = null, boolean $cascade = true).