How to read facebook FriendsList using PHP? - php

I created Facebook app from I have App ID and App Secret.
I given following permissions:
read_stream, manage_friendlists, user_friends
I used following code to read my facebook id and name:
$userdetails = file_get_contents(
I got id and name in JSON format.{"id":"my_id","name":"Sathish Kumar"}
I used following code for get friendslist
$userdetails = file_get_contents(",name,friends&access_token=".$access_token);
But, I got Warning message
Warning: file_get_contents(,name,friends&access_token=my_access_token)
[function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
How to get friends list using facebook api?

This code work fine for me. Check your access token is valid
$userdetails = file_get_contents(",name&access_token=".$access_token);

The correct endpoint would be /me/friends, you need to make another API call for that. I´d highly recommend using CURL for that instead of file_get_contents.
Keep in mind that you will only get friends already using the App, see changelog:


Vtiger Query webservice returnes 403 access forbidden error in postman

I am new to vtiger and recently I tried working with third party API integration of vtiger where we can have a query webservice. I tried following API in Postman
http://myurl/webservice.php?operation=query&sessionName=63c67873606f00c2d94fa&query=select count(*) from Leads where Leadid = 1
which is giving 403 error. Also please let me know where to create a webservice in vtiger.
You have to authenticate:
First, get a challenge token:
GET /webservice.php?operation=getchallenge&username=<USERNAME> HTTP/1.1
Then use that token, together with a username and the accesskey of that user (not to be confused with the user's password) to login:
POST /webservice.php HTTP/1.1
accessKey=md5(TOKENSTRING + <ACCESSKEY>) // Note: accessKey= K here is capitalized.
Notice that the concatenation of TOKENSTRING and ACCESSKEY need to be encoded using the md5 function. I recommend using php to do that operation because I've had problems using online encoders.
About the second question, take a look at the folder include/Webservices. Many of the files under that folder are ws functions and you have to create something similar. After created, you have to register
the function by calling vtws_addWebserviceOperation() and
each parameter of the function by calling vtws_addWebserviceOperationParam.
Both of the above functions are defined under /include/Webservices/Utils.php

Facebook API Changes? PHP Get Page Count Error

Facebook API Broken?
Ive got this code ive been using for a while now that looks at a facebook page and reports back how many fans the page has. However over the past few days its stopped working and im now getting the following error. Can anyone shed any light on why this is happening?
Warning: file_get_contents(*********3|9b5***********fcd&fields=fan_count): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /homepages/28/d541****/htdocs/*********project/facebook_stats.php on line 4
function fbLikeCount($id,$appid,$appsecret){
$json_url =''.$id.'?access_token='.$appid.'|'.$appsecret.'&fields=fan_count';
$json = file_get_contents($json_url);
$json_output = json_decode($json);
//Extract the likes count from the JSON object
return $fan_count = $json_output->fan_count;
return 0;
echo fbLikeCount('coregenie','___APPID___','___APPSECRET___');
It works in the API Explorer:
So i assume with some error logging, you would get the error that your App is inactive. Try with a different or new App instead. This should not be affected by the recent changes.
Side note: You should not use that script on every page load, better cache the result for some time. If a lot of users visit the page in a short time, you will hit the rate limit.
The Facebook API has changed .
The fan_count can be retrieved using an user token only after aprovement by Facebook Platform, completing the submission process .
The fan_count can be retrieved using page access tokens, to get fan count for that page .
Attention: Graph Explorer can get the page information if yours pages, so, be carefull on testing your apps, and use TEST USERS for testing insead your profile, ok ,
After test submit it for aprooval, and you be done !

PP_E_RPS_CERT_NOT_FOUND error when querying Outlook API

I am trying to retrieve the contents of my calendar using the Outlook REST API, but I am getting weird error responses.
The code is based on the example code supplied by Microsoft in
I have created an application and specified it want access to and changed the scope in the testcode, Constants::SCOPE, to include this scope.
After succesfully retrieving a token I can verify that the application requests and sets the correct privileges. After that I try to retrieve the events in my calendar as described at the documentation:
I use the Advanced REST client add-on for Chrome to create a GET request with the following specs:
Authorization: Bearer [token]
Prefer: outlook.timezone=Europe/Berlin
The response I get is a 401 status code with the following content for the X-Ms-Diagnostics header:
2000010;reason="ErrorCode: 'PP_E_RPS_CERT_NOT_FOUND'. Message: 'Certificate cannot be found. Certificate required for the operation cannot be found.%0d%0a Internal error: spRPSTicket->ProcessToken failed. Failed to call CRPSDataCryptImpl::UnpackData:Certificate cannot be found. Certificate required for the operation cannot be found.%0d%0a Internal error: Failed to decrypt data. :Failed to get session key. RecipientId=293577. spCache->GetCacheItem returns error.:Cert Name: (null). SKI: d6c3dacffd2b3fba2fb3d6c2b0fcd78680a3acd1...'";error_category="invalid_msa_ticket"
The Www-Authenticate header specifies 'error="invalid_token"' while the token was just received.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
I think another thing you might be able to check out is the scope when you request the v2 endpoint. for V2 endpoint, the scope is different between Graph API and outlook api. you need to specify scope as "" instead of Graph scope.
I hope it will help.
Basically, the message means that the token you're trying to use is not valid for the operation.
I went through this. This is how I've solved:
I use the suggested scopes here (I was creating an event):
To get the authorization code I used this URL schema:[YourClientID]&scope=[ScopeYouNeed]&response_type=code&redirect_uri=[YourRedirectURI]
Then I get the refresh & the access token. And now it's working!
You need to just change the URL from to

unable to retrieve picasa photos with php when requesting data feed

I tried to retrieve the latest 10 photos from my picasa account but it doesn't work.
$file = file_get_contents("".$tSize);
the result :
"author":[{"name":{"$t":"Firdaws Haskell"},"uri":{"$t":""}}],
"gphoto$user":{"$t":"108451527358440546192"},"gphoto$nickname":{"$t":"Firdaws Haskell"},"gphoto$thumbnail":{"$t":""}}}
there is no data about photos. when I tried this exemple with another account it works. I verified the photos are public.
I tried your url and all works fine, i can access gphoti$id and media$group values.
So far seems all ok ;) Try again!
Maybe you didn`t have public photos at that time there...
Not relevant answer to that question
(in case if server requests authorisation):
For all Picasa web albums api queries with alt=json, or alt=json-in-code and /userid/default/ you must provide access_token parameter.
Access token you can get using OAuth2 authorization work-flow as described here: (using google-api-php-client SDK for example)
And using in scopes this value "".
More how to do OAuth2 and get access token from
after requesting user login: you can find on official website:
In final you must have:
$file = file_get_contents("".$tSize."&access_token=".$access_token);

Can't get "Live Delegated Authentication" to work

I try to get the Live Delegated Authentication to work for the purpose of reading the email addresses.
I am doing this in PHP with the help of the windowslivelogin library. The problem is that I get an error.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, i registered my application on the Azure webpage and got the appid and the secret into the code. This is what i use to initialize the Live Library :
$o = new WindowsLiveLogin();
return $o;
Then I call
And after I Login in to Live, it posts 2 things back, $_POST['stoken'] and $_POST['action'].
As soon as I call
It fails and gives back an error that the token is invalid.
I tried getting Consent straight away by making redirecting to
But that gives an 3007 error and says that it cant share the information
According to MS this means the following :
Consent Service API failed in the <method name> method. The application verifier is invalid.
The offer security level requires that a valid application verifier be passed with the request.
I am using the following URL, generated by the library
I don't understand most of the documentation Microsoft has on this thing, I think its really unclear and chaotic. Also the Sample I tried doesn't work. I get an error message, it can't validate/decode the token. Same I get when I try the processLogin().
Thanks in Advance,
