PHP MYSQL filling an array with variables and change the field names - php

I'm new to PHP and MySQL. I need to fill an array and I want to change the field names and I can't achieve it.
My code:
$querystr = "SELECT DISTINCT descr_bien,ubicacion,marca,modelo,ano,DescrMoneda,valor FROM bienes,Moneda WHERE bienes.IdMoneda = Moneda.IdMoneda AND bienes.Idpropuesta = '" . addslashes($Idpropuesta) . "'";
$result3 = mysql_query($querystr,$dbConn);
while($hrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result3)){
$descr_bien = $grow['descr_bien'];
$ubicacion = $grow['ubicacion'];
$marca = $grow['marca'];
$modelo = $grow['modelo'];
$ano = $grow['ano'];
$DescrMoneda = $grow['DescrMoneda'];
$valor = number_format($grow['valor'],2,",",".");
$data = array(array('Descripción'=>$descr_bien,'ubicacion'=>$ubicacion,'marca'=>$marca,'modelo'=>$modelo,'Año'=>$ano,'DescrMoneda'=>$DescrMoneda,'valor'=>$valor),array($hrow));
$pdf->ezTable($data,$cols,'Bienes:',array('gridlines'=> EZ_GRIDLINE_DEFAULT,'shadeHeadingCol'=>array(0.6,0.6,0.5),'showBgCol'=>1,'width'=>500,'cols'=>array('valor'=>array('justification'=>'right'))));

Okay first of all I am going to assume you have managed to set up $dcConn to get your database connection. If not go look at
Next your while statement is storing each value in $hrow but you seem to be assigning everything to grow.
Your next issue is that $data will be overwritten for every row in your result.
From what I understand you will be wanting something along the lines of
$querystr = "SELECT DISTINCT descr_bien,ubicacion,marca,modelo,ano,DescrMoneda,valor FROM bienes,Moneda WHERE bienes.IdMoneda = Moneda.IdMoneda AND bienes.Idpropuesta = '" . addslashes($Idpropuesta) . "'";
$result3 = mysql_query($querystr,$dbConn);
while($hrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result3)){
$descr_bien = $hrow['descr_bien'];
$ubicacion = $hrow['ubicacion'];
$marca = $hrow['marca'];
$modelo = $hrow['modelo'];
$ano = $hrow['ano'];
$DescrMoneda = $hrow['DescrMoneda'];
$valor = number_format($grow['valor'],2,",",".");
$data[] = array('Descripción'=>$descr_bien,'ubicacion'=>$ubicacion,'marca'=>$marca,'modelo'=>$modelo,'Año'=>$ano,'DescrMoneda'=>$DescrMoneda,'valor'=>$valor));
I do not know about the last line at all so left it out.
One other suggestion that using the PDO library to access the mysql database would usually be a better idea unless this all that the php will ever need to do.
I hope this helps


Prevent text from being interpreted as a number

I have a PHP/SQL app that processes invoices. Recently, I had an invoice number come in that is not being processed as text, rather as a large exponential number when I do an insert/update on associated SQL tables. For example, take an invoice number that looks like this: 123E456. PHP will try to convert this to an extremely large number due to the 'E' being bookended by numbers.
I am leaning towards this being a PHP issue because when I look at the SQL being sent to the server, it is being scripted without quotes, 123E456 rather than '123E456'.
I have tried multiple ways to try and force it to be text, but nothing seems to work.
If I put single quotes around the string, I get double single quotes in the SQL.
strval() also does not work
the issue might be in the SQL interpreter, but not entirely sure
Right now, I am instructing my clerks to put a space between the E and the numbers, which works for now. But, I am hoping to address this specific issue in the code rather than have the clerk remember to manage it on their end.
Can anyone help with how to force this as being text in the SQL clause?
OK, the code is rather my own style and is based on retrieving a dummy record (the table has 178 columns) and then populating the values into the elements that need updated. It then creates the SQL from the array and does the update. Most of this is just pre-processing to get the values needed. The database being used is Oracle.
function processF0411Z1($id, $user){
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/truck/inc/';
$b = '\' \'';
$z = 0;
$co = get_route_company($id);
$usrsql='SELECT `userID` from `user` where `id` = ' . $user;
$usr = openRecordset_Fetch_Assoc($usrsql);
if($usr[0]==1)$userid = $usr[1]['userID'];
else $userid = $_SESSION['username'];
$jul = date2jul(getdate());
$tjul= getJulTime(getdate());
$sql = "SELECT a.`id`, a.`carrierInvoice`, a.`carrierNbr`, a.`ivd`, a.`dgl`, b.`bol`, b.`obj_acct`, b.`allocation` FROM `route13` a inner join `route131` b on(a.`id` = b.`id`)WHERE a.`id`=".$id;
$myArr = openRecordset_Fetch_Assoc($sql);
if(isset($myArr) && $myArr[0]>0){
$carr = $myArr[1]['carrierNbr'];
$carrsql = 'select `CarrierName` from `Carriers` where `CarrierNbr` = '. $carr;
$carr_res = openRecordset_Fetch_Assoc($carrsql);
if($carr_res[0]==1)$carrName = $carr_res[1]['CarrierName'];
else $carrName = $carr;
// get the next number in the EDI Batch sequence
$nn = getJDEZFileNN();
// get the base associated array of the F0411Z1 table
$F0411Z1 = oracle_fetch_array($msSQL);
// test to see if this record exists
$tsql = "select * from PRODDTA.F0411Z1 where VLEDUS = '".strtoupper($user)."' and VLEDBT = ".$nn[1]['NNN006']." and VLEDLN = " .$i*1000;
$tres = oracle_fetch_array($tsql);
$dsql = "delete from PRODDTA.F0411Z1 where VLEDUS = '".strtoupper($user)."' and VLEDBT = ".$nn[1]['NNN006']." and VLEDLN = " .$i*1000;
$count = oracle_update($dsql);
if($count === $tres[0]){
$count = $count;
$an8_sql = 'SELECT aban85 FROM PRODDTA.F0101 WHERE aban8='.$myArr[$i]['carrierNbr'];
$aban85 = oracle_fetch_array($an8_sql);
$dp = date_parse($myArr[$i]['ivd']);
$dp1 = getDate(mktime(0,0,0,$dp['month'],$dp['day'],$dp['year']));
$ivd = date2jul($dp1);//date('Y-M-d',mktime(0,0,0,$dp['month'],$dp['day'],$dp['year'])));
$dp = date_parse($myArr[$i]['dgl']);
$dp1 = getDate(mktime(0,0,0,$dp['month'],$dp['day'],$dp['year']));
$inv_no = strval($myArr[$i]['carrierInvoice']);
// index: ("VLEDUS", "VLEDBT", "VLEDTN", "VLEDLN")
$gld = date2jul($dp1);//date('Y-M-d',mktime(0,0,0,$dp['month'],$dp['day'],$dp['year'])));
$F0411Z1[1]['VLEDUS'] = '\''.strtoupper($user).'\'';//$_SESSION['userid'];
$F0411Z1[1]['VLEDLN'] = $i*1000;
$F0411Z1[1]['VLEDBT'] = $nn[1]['NNN006'];
$F0411Z1[1]['VLAN8'] = $myArr[$i]['carrierNbr'];
$F0411Z1[1]['VLPYE'] = $aban85[1]['ABAN85'];//$myArr[$i]['carrierNbr'];
$F0411Z1[1]['VLDIVJ'] = $ivd;//$myArr[$i]['ivd'];
//$F0411Z1[1]['VLDSVJ'] = $jul;
$F0411Z1[1]['VLDGJ'] = $gld;
$F0411Z1[1]['VLCO'] = $co;
$F0411Z1[1]['VLKCO'] = $co;
$F0411Z1[1]['VLAG'] = round(($myArr[$i]['allocation']*100),0);
$F0411Z1[1]['VLAAP'] = round(($myArr[$i]['allocation']*100),0);
$F0411Z1[1]['VLVINV'] = $inv_no;// <-- This element is the issue
$F0411Z1[1]['VLRMK'] = (strlen($carrName)>30?substr($carrName,0,29):$carrName);
$F0411Z1[1]['VLGLBA'] = '00573714';
$F0411Z1[1]['VLMCU'] = '1';
$F0411Z1[1]['VLTORG'] = $userid;//$_SESSION['userid'];
$F0411Z1[1]['VLUSER'] = $userid;//$_SESSION['userid'];
$F0411Z1[1]['VLPID'] = 'TRUCK';
$F0411Z1[1]['VLUPMJ'] = $jul;
$F0411Z1[1]['VLUPMT'] = $tjul;
$F0411Z1[1]['VLJOBN'] = 'TRUCK';
$F0411Z1[1]['VLURAB'] = $id;
$F0411Z1[1]['VLURRF'] = $myArr[$i]['bol'];
$val1 = $F0411Z1[$x];
// first element of array is the counter, skip it
if($val1 != 1){
foreach($F0411Z1[1] as $val){
$stmt = 'VALUES('.$val;
if(!is_numeric($val))$val = '\''.$val.'\'';
$stmt .= ','.$val;
$stmt .= ')';
$msSQL = 'INSERT INTO PRODDTA.F0411Z1 '.$stmt;
$count = oracle_update($msSQL);
if($count != 1) return 36;
else return 36;
return 0;
You can use the strval() method to cast the number as a string.
$number = 123E456;
$string = strval($number);
Or just force it to cast as a string
$string = (string) $number;

transform sql query to Fluentpdo query

i have this sql query written in php:
$query = sprintf("UPDATE bank_info SET
amount_dollar = amount_dollar +'$amount_dollar' ,
amount_euro = amount_euro + '$amount_euro' ,
amount_local = amount_local + '$amount_local'
WHERE bank_id = '$bank_id' ");
this query works fine, but i want to transform this query using FluentPDO.
i want to use arrays to SET the values .
for example:
$table='bank_info'; //table name
$arrVal=array(); //values needs to be SET
$arrVal['amount_dollar = amount_dollar+?']=$amount_dollar;
$arrVal['amount_euro = amount_euro+?']=$amount_euro;
$arrVal['amount_local = amount_local+?']=$amount_local;
$arrWhere=array(); //where condition
this is the query:
$query = $this->pdo->update($table)->set($arrVal)->where($arrWhere);
I think the problem is in the $arrVal, cant find the proper way to SET and add value to the current value for a column in the table.
I used array to select and get values from the DB/tables for many times so i think the $arrWhere is not the problem.
well, found the answer,
for ex.:
This is working for me:
$id = 5;
$field = 'stock';
$amount = 1;
$increment = array($field => new FluentLiteral($field.' + '.$amount));
$fpdo->update('products')->set($increment)->where('id', $id)->execute();

Update by id but only the field i want

Im tryin to make my update form and query to update by id. But when i put the data in the form he updates all the fields even tho it dont have any data so in the database he get gets "0".
I need to update just the field that have data.
Can you guys help me?
Its giving me always that i have Undefined variables! And only updates the first and second fields!
Thanks, here´s my code:
if (isset($_POST['alterar'])) {
$id_cliente = $_POST["id_cliente"];
$nome_cliente = $_POST["nome_cliente"];
$telefone_cliente = $_POST["telefone_cliente"];
$morada_cliente = $_POST["morada_cliente"];
$email_cliente = $_POST["email_cliente"];
$servico = $_POST["servico"];
$n_pecas = $_POST["n_pecas"];
$tp_arranjo = $_POST["tp_arranjo"];
$descricao = $_POST["descricao"];
$query = "UPDATE `clientes` SET ";
if ($nome_cliente) $columns[] = "`nome_cliente` = '{$nome_cliente}'";
if ($telefone_cliente) $columns[] = "`telefone_cliente`= '{$telefone_cliente}'";
if ($morada_cliente) $columns[] = "`morada_cliente` = '{$morada_cliente}'";
if ($email_cliente) $columns[] = "`email_cliente` = '{$email_cliente}'";
if ($servico) $columns[] = "`servico` = '{$servico}'";
if ($n_pecas) $columns[] = "`n_pecas` = '{$n_pecas}'";
if ($tp_arranjo) $columns[] = "`tp_arranjo` = '{$tp_arranjo}'";
if ($descricao) $columns[] = "`descricao` = '{$descricao}'";
$columns = implode(",",$columns);
$query .= $columns . " WHERE id_cliente='$id_cliente'";
You need to change your query to only list columns to be updated if you have values to update them with. This requires building the query string dynamically based on conditions.
$query = "update `clientes` set ";
if ($nome_cliente) $columns[] = "`nome_cliente`= '{$nome_cliente}'";
if ($telefone_cliente) $columns[] = "`telefone_cliente`= '{$telefone_cliente}'";
$columns = implode(",",$columns);
$query .= $columns . " where id_cliente='$id_cliente'";
NOTE: As others have mentioned, this is not secure! You should always sanitize user input before passing it to your database.

Variable in a mysql query

for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) {
$appid = $chk[$i];
include "dbconnect.php";
$selectquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM regform_admin WHERE tid = '$appid'");
$fetch = mysql_fetch_array($selectquery);
$tid = $fetch['tid']; $username = $fetch['username']; $c_month = $fetch['month']; $c_day =$fetch['day']; $c_year = $fetch['year'];
$c_month2 = $fetch['month2']; $c_day2 =$fetch['day2']; $c_year2 = $fetch['year2'];
$pickup = "".$c_month."/".$c_day."/".$c_year."";
$return = "".$c_month2."/".$c_day2."/".$c_year2."";
$pickuploc = "".$fetch['pickupret']." "." ".$fetch['speclocation']."";
$desti = "".$fetch['destination']." "." ".$fetch['location']."";
$vehicle1 = $fetch['vehicle1'];
$datesent = date("n j, Y; G:i"); ;
$rand = rand(98765432,23456789);
include "vehicledbconnect.php";
$vquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM vehicletbl WHERE vehicle = '$vehicle1'");
$getvquery = mysql_fetch_array($vquery);
$maxcars = $getvquery['maxcars'];
$carsleft = $getvquery['carsleft'];
if ($carsleft == 0) {
echo '
<script language="JavaScript">
alert("Cannot move reservation to Pending for payment status. No available vehicles left for this reservation.");
echo "$vehicle1";
Hi guys my problem here is that the $vehicle is not returning its values if it is inserted in a database query ($vquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM vehicletbl WHERE vehicle = '$vehicle1'");) but if it is echoed, it return its value. The logic here is that it will select all the values from vehicletbl wherein the value of any values in 'vehicle' column will be equal to the $vehicle1. Thanks for the help!
You've got ZERO error handling on your queries. Try adding some debugging to the query calls:
$result = mysql_query(...) or die(mysql_error());
The rest of the code is ugly, but looks "ok", so start looking at WHY you're not getting anything back from the queries.
Never ever assume a query succeeds.
try this to debug :
$sql = "SELECT * FROM vehicletbl WHERE vehicle = '" . $vehicle1 . "'";
$vquery = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error() . "\n<br>$sql");
thats what i do to find errors in my sql.
Noob programmer ? Here are some things to know :
for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) {
$appid = $chk[$i];
// Replaced By ...
foreach($chk as $appid){
// Include the file before the loop ! You're including 20 times your file, but you just need to do it once ! Another thing to know:
$desti = "".$fetch['destination']." "." ".$fetch['location']."";
// WHY ?? Isn't that easier to do this ?
$desti = $fetch['destination']." ".$fetch['location'];
And security :
// Don't forget to escape your variables before putting it in mysql queries
$appid = mysql_real_escape_string($appid);
$selectquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM regform_admin WHERE tid = '$appid'");
Best way to defend against mysql injection and cross site scripting
There are other remarks, but try to improve those points first !

table updates empty spaces when user do not enter anything to the textbox

i am doing a project where one may update the name, position, department and tag of the employee.
But as i do my project, it wont update, i know there is something wrong with my code. would you guys mind checking it.
my php page has an index.php which is the main menu, if you click the employee name in the list, a pop up window will appear. that pop up is for updating.
my php code (it now updating) but errors found:
$con=mysql_connect('localhost','root','pss') or die(mysql_error());
$sql = "SELECT * FROM gpl_employees_list where emp_id='".$_POST['eid']."'";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());
if(!$result || mysql_num_rows($result) <= 0)
return false;
$qry = "UPDATE gpl_employees_list SET emp_nme = '".$_POST['ename']."', emp_pos = '".$_POST['pos']."', emp_dep = '".$_POST['dep']."', emp_tag = '".$_POST['tag']."' WHERE emp_id = '".$_POST['eid']."' ";
mysql_query($qry) or die (mysql_error());
*NOTE : this is now updating, but if a user leaves one of the textboxes empty, it updates the table with empty spaces as well and that is my problem now. how do i avoid that? i mean if a user leaves one textbox empty,the data with empty values must still contain its old value,but how to do that with this code? thanks for those who will help
You use $_POST for 'name/pos/dep/tag' and $_GET for 'emp' so you're probably not getting the values.
Change the GETs to POST - that should do it.
Since you're updating, I'd recommend using POST over GET.
GET is more appropriate for searching.
Also, you can put all your update queries into one update query.
Like so.
$name = $_POST['name'];
$pos = $_POST['pos'];
$dep = $_POST['dep'];
$tag = $_POST['tag'];
$emp = $_POST['emp'];
$qry_start = "UPDATE gpl_employees_list SET ";
$where = " WHERE emp_id = $emp";
$fields = "";
$updates = "";
$updates .= " `emp_name` = $name,";
$updates .= " `emp_pos` = $pos,";
$updates .= " `emp_dep` = $dep,";
$updates .= " `emp_tag` = $tag,";
$updates = substr($updates, 0, -1); //To get rid of the trailing comma.
$qry = $qry_start . $updates . $where;
this is what i used to keep it working :) i hope this could be a source for others as well :)
$col['emp_nme'] = (trim($_POST['ename']))?trim($_POST['ename']):false;
$col['emp_pos'] = (trim($_POST['pos']))?trim($_POST['pos']):false;
$col['emp_dep'] = (trim($_POST['dep']))?trim($_POST['dep']):false;
$col['emp_tag'] = (trim($_POST['tag']))?trim($_POST['tag']):false;
// add a val in $col[] with key=column name for each corresponding $_POST val
$queryString ="UPDATE `gpl_employees_list` SET ";
foreach($col as $key => $val){
$queryString .="`".$key."`='".$val."',";
$queryString = substr($queryString ,0 ,strlen($queryString) - 1 )." WHERE emp_id = '".$_POST['eid']."'";
After making changes to an SQL database, remember to commit those changes, otherwise they'll be ignored.
