Passing callback function created in my custom controller - php

I have the follow code snippet and works well:
require_once(FOLDER_ROOT . "/lib/transaction/RetornoBanco.php");
require_once(FOLDER_ROOT . "/lib/transaction/RetornoFactory.php");
$fileName = 'test.txt';
function rowProcess($self, $numLn, $vrow) {
print ($numLn . ' - ' . $vrow);
$test = RetornoFactory::getRetorno($fileName, 'rowProcess');
$retorno = new RetornoBanco($test);
The getRetorno function uses 'rowProcess' as a handler function.
But now I'm trying do it in my custom controller (on my own Magento Extension, looks like Zend Controllers).
For each line of my file (test.txt), rowProcess runs.
But now, in my controller, rowProcess has a class.
My controller:
class MY_CLASS_HERE extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
public function uploadAction()
//just to simplify, this uploaded file exists
$fileName = '/home/user/public_html/app/files/file.RET';
$test = RetornoFactory::getRetorno($fileName, "rowProcess");
$retorno = new RetornoBanco($test);
echo 'My Controller Here';
public function rowProcess($self, $numLn, $vrow)
print ($numLn . ' - ' . $vrow);
//I'm creating log to prevent it is not a problem for standard output
Mage::log($numLn . ' - ' . $vrow);
//This function log is default in Magento and works without problems.
My controller works well but now the handler doesn't print nothing!
I think it's wrong because now my function handler inside a class and getRetorno function can not use it. What could I do to fix this?

How about using like this? Can you try it?
$test = RetornoFactory::getRetorno($fileName, $this->rowProcess);


Getting Undefined index error and Method name must be a string in ..error in PHP

While upgrading to PHP7, I encountered these problem.
The issue is am trying to create codes that I can reuse like a mini-framework and the RUN function where the problem is used to load the relevant template and supplying the variables. It complains about
undefined index
of these 2 variables
$controller = $routes[$this->route][$this->method]['controller'];
$action = $routes[$this->route][$this->method]['action'];
and it also complained about this line
$page = $controller->$action();
which displayed
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Method name must be a string in...
public function run() {
$routes = $this->routes->getRoutes();
$authentication = $this->routes->getAuthentication();
if (isset($routes[$this->route]['login']) && !$authentication->isLoggedIn()) {
header('location: /login/error');
else if (isset($routes[$this->route]['permissions']) && !$this->routes->checkPermission($routes[$this->route]['permissions'])) {
header('location: /login/permissionserror');
else {
$controller = $routes[$this->route][$this->method]['controller'];
$action = $routes[$this->route][$this->method]['action'];
$page = $controller->$action();
$title = $page['title'];
if (isset($page['variables'])) {
$output = $this->loadTemplate($page['template'], $page['variables']);
else {
$output = $this->loadTemplate($page['template']);
echo $this->loadTemplate('layout.html.php', ['loggedIn' => $authentication->isLoggedIn(),
'output' => $output,
'title' => $title
This is the index.php
try {
include __DIR__ . '/../includes/autoload.php';
$route = ltrim(strtok($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?'), '/');
$entryPoint = new \Ninja\EntryPoint($route, $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], new \Ijdb\IjdbRoutes());
catch (PDOException $e) {
$title = 'An error has occurred';
$output = 'Database error: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' in ' .
$e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine();
include __DIR__ . '/../templates/layout.html.php';
The code is much, so, I can't display the whole code here since am using MVC pattern, but if there is anything you still want to know, I will gladly post it here
This code is runnable in php 7.2.7 (MAMP and LAMP), your way of dynamic function calling is invalid and your two variables are empty. This is not exact as yours but you can take logic form this demo.
Ok i am just providing a very simple example of reflection with mapping url to class along with functions. I make folder structure like below-
Here .htaccess is used to redirect all the url to index.php (if no file exists).
index.php include all code that could initialize code(for now only three files were there - uri.php, urlMapping.php and actions.php)
URI.php - have function that provide values like basepath, baseurl, uri
urlMappig.php - that allows you to provide which url hit which class along with method
actions.php will call dynamic class and function (reflection)
now look into code of index.php
aNow code insise uri.php file -
// all function should be accessible to all file loaded now
// return full url
function full_url (){
return (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "https" : "http") . "://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";
// returns current directory
function directory() {
$parts = explode("/", __DIR__);
return $parts[count($parts)-1];
// return base url
function base_url(){
$dir = directory();
return substr(full_url(), 0, strpos(full_url(), $dir)+strlen($dir));
// return uri
function uri() {
return substr(full_url(), strlen(base_url())+1);
Now code in urlMapping.php
Note - file name and name of the class must be same as you map url in
this file so that you can make call to dynamic classes and function on actions.php. If don't this will not work
// this $urlMap will be accessed in actions.php
$urlMap = [
// here we use only uri so .. hit LoginController class along with login function, this is just only the mapping
'login' => ['class'=>'LoginController',
Now actions.php code
// if call is not like means no uri is there
// if your uri exists in route collection or urlmapping collection then make call to your dynamic class and methods
if(array_key_exists(uri(), $urlMap))
// include the class file dynamically from controllers folder
// making references for dynamic class
$controlerObject = new $urlMap[uri()]['class']();
// call function dynaically from the referece
// you can make 404 page not
echo 'No routing found';
// call for home page
Now controllres/LoginController.php class,
Note - As mentioned above file name and name of the class as in urlMapping.php
class LoginController{
public function login()
// .... something your code goes here
echo 'hello from the login function of login controller';
//...... other function you can define
Before calling $page = $controller->$action(); check if controller and action are exists:
if (isset($routes[$this->route][$this->method]['controller'])
&& isset($routes[$this->route][$this->method]['action'])) {
$controller = $routes[$this->route][$this->method]['controller'];
$action = $routes[$this->route][$this->method]['action'];
$page = $controller->$action();
// ...
} else {
// return 404 Page not found

How does a php program decide what function is called first when I go to a php page?

I am trying to understand how a php application that is called with a POST to this URL works:
The romaji.php looks like this:
namespace JpnForPhp\Transliterator;
class Romaji extends TransliterationSystem
private $latinCharacters = array();
public function __construct($system = '')
$file = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Romaji' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . (($system) ? $system : 'hepburn') . '.yaml';
public function __toString()
return $this->configuration['name']['english'] . ' (' . $this->configuration['name']['japanese'] . ')';
TransliterationSystem looks like this:
namespace JpnForPhp\Transliterator;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
abstract class TransliterationSystem
public $configuration = array();
public function __construct($file)
$this->configuration = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($file));
public function transliterate($str)
$str = $this->preTransliterate($str);
foreach ($this->configuration['workflow'] as $work) {
if (!method_exists($this, $work['function'])) {
$params = array($str);
if (isset($work['parameters'])) {
$params[] = $work['parameters'];
$str = call_user_func_array(array($this, $work['function']), $params);
$str = $this->postTransliterate($str);
return $str;
Can someone explain to me the sequence of events for when I POST to romaji.php? Below is a link to the github if there is something that I should have included but didn't.
For reference here's the link to github
Normally a PHP file is read (and evaluated) from top to bottom. As pointed out in a comment above, these are just class declarations - there's no code there to actually instantiate the classes or do anything with them, so there's really nothing happening here as such.
For something to happen, there would need to be some code to make use of these classes, for example:
$r = new Romaji();
// Do something with $r ....
I just had a look at the GitHub link, and apparently this is a library; so you'll call it from your own code - it won't do anything by itself.
I'm the one who wrote this library :)
JpnForPhp exposes various helper and functions, that's why you don't see any instanciation like = new Romaji() ; the transliterator component doesn't call himself :)
If you want to see some sample to understand how to use it, please check the test files or the demo website source code
Hope this help.

OpenCart Call Different Controller

I have a custom module, and now want to call the add() function from checkout/cart. How do I call the controller and function?
I have tried $this->load->controller('checkout/cart'); but this returns a fatal exception.
I am using OpenCart v
In OpenCart 1.5.*, getChild is used to load other controllers. Specifically, it is running a route to the desired controller and function. For example, common/home would load the home controller from the common group/folder. By adding a third option we specify a function. In this case, 'add' - checkout/cart/add.
class ControllerModuleModule1 extends Controller {
protected function index() {
$response = ob_get_clean();
Most controllers don't return or echo anything, but specify what to output in the $this->response object. To get what is being rendered you need to call $this->response->output();. In the above code $response is the json string that checkout/cart/add echos.
To solve the same issue, I use $this->load->controller("checkout/cart/add").
If I use getChild, this exception get thrown : "Call to undefined method Loader::getChild()".
What is the difference between the 2 methods? Is getChild better?
The problem with getChild() is it only works if the controller calls $this->response->setOutput() or echo at the end - producing actual output. If on the other hand, you want to call a controller method that returns a variable response, it isn't going to work. There is also no way to pass more than one argument since getChild() accepts only one argument to pass, $args.
My solution was to add this bit in to system/engine/loader.php which allows you to load a controller and call it's methods in the same way as you would a model:
public function controller($controller) {
$file = DIR_APPLICATION . 'controller/' . $controller . '.php';
$class = 'controller' . preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $controller);
if (file_exists($file)) {
$this->registry->set('controller_' . str_replace('/', '_', $controller), new $class($this->registry));
} else {
trigger_error('Error: Could not load controller ' . $controller . '!');
Now you can do this:
$result = $this->controller_catalog_example->myMethod($var1, $var2, $var3);

File handling functions in PHP class

I am trying to debug some scripts that I've done that don't work.
I want to implement the very basic logging (I mean log files) function that I use in the main page script in my class files.
However it doesn't work, for example these simple lines:
if ($file = fopen('C:/wamp/www/xxxx/Logs/General/' . date('Ymd') . '.log', 'a+') {
fputs($file, "[" . date('d/m/Y - H:i:s') . "]\t" . "[" . $type ."]\t" . "[" . $author . "]\t" . $message . "\r\n");
return false;
Work perfectly if I put them in a php function included at the top of my main page (for example in a log.php file).
Howevr they don't work at all if they are in a class method:
public function __contruct(array $connectionArgs)
if ($file = fopen('C:/wamp/www/xxxx/Logs/General/' . date('Ymd') . '.log', 'a')) {
fwrite($file, "test");
I am quite new to OOP so I guess it has something to do with the way of calling such function into a class?
It shoudln't be a different if you're putting your logger in class definition or in function code. I assume that you're doing something wrong or maybe you have some error.
Here this is working example
Class Logger
const PATH_TO_LOGS_DIRECTORY = 'C:/wamp/www/xxxx/Logs/General/';
const FILE_DATE_SUFFIX = 'Ymd';
private $handle;
public function log($what) {
fwrite($this->handle, $what . PHP_EOL);
protected function openFile() {
if ($this->handle === null) {
$this->handle = fopen(self::PATH_TO_LOGS_DIRECTORY . date(self::FILE_DATE_SUFFIX) . '.log', 'a');
if ($this->handle === false) {
throw new RuntimeException('Cannot open log file');
register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'close'));
public function close() {
if($this->handle !== null) {
Few extra things that you should care of :
don't open file till you want to log something. When you're not logging stuff you don't need to reach the file and seek to end of file.. It's called Lazy Initialiation. When you want to log something they you're opening file
in this demo class I'm using a small trick, normally when you're shuttingdown application you should close the log file, (call fclose()), but then you have remember that, and then if you have exception you have to handle that also. But you can use register_shutdown_function and PHP will always call that function on the end of php script
take a look on PSR-3 ( - PHP group is trying to standarize the logging systems so there is no need to to write your own interface to handle
it's good to pass date string (timestamp or DateTime object event better a param to constructor. You should pass dependency, not expect them

Getting controller variables in a loader view method?

I'm building a script that got a static class used to load few things including files and views.
class load
public static function view($file_path, $area)
debug::log('getting view <b>' . $area . $file_path . '</b>.');
self::file($file_path, 'areas/' . $area . '/views');
debug::log('flushing view <b>' . $area . $file_path . '</b>.');
eturn ob_get_clean();
public static function file($file, $folder)
if(is_file($file_path = ROOT . '/' . $folder . '/' . $file))
if(require_once $file_path)
debug::log('file <b>' . $file_path . '</b> included.');
return true;
debug::kill('requested file <b>' . $file_path . '</b> does not exist.');
In the controller Im calling the view method to get a view:
$html = load::view('public', 'path/to/view/file.php');
Obviously, Im not able to access the variables from the controller at the view file using this practice, so I did a small modification on the view class to capture the vars:
public static function view($file_path, $area, $vars = array())
And added the following lines of codes to get the keys into vars:
$$n_list_var = $v_list_var;
But again I can't access the vars since Im using a method to load a file.
I have a method to load the files because I wanna test and log each file include attempt and not repeat the code every time I need include a file. And I have the loader view inside the loader class so I have all the methods of this kind together. Should I give up on using a class to load files? Should I use the loader view method on a extendable class from my controller?
Instead of going ahead and modify my entire script I would like to hear some opinions ... what would be the best practice to go? Or is there a way to solve my problem? Maybe using __set and __get magic methods?
Why not just pass a $vars argument to load::file() and extract( $vars ) (possibly moving the vars you use inside file() into class variables to prevent them from being overwritten)?
I'm suggesting using extract() instead of:
$$n_list_var = $v_list_var;
By the way, it would be a good idea to name your class Load.
