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Closed 8 years ago.
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Currently I have:
Click here
This takes me to the index.php page
How do I change this in order to take me to another page?
Since you guys closed this. I will answer my own question:
The answer:
What you put in the WP_Query post_type = '(POST TYPE HERE)'
You can make a page called:
"single-(POST TYPE HERE).php
So once you click the link. This will take you to the:
"single-(POST TYPE HERE).php page
the_permalink() outputs the URL of the post currently being viewed in the loop. If you wanted to change the destination of the link then replace <?php the_permalink();?>.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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a challenge like this $_GET['2020'] snippet boring me a long time, i want to know how this work, but do not know which keywords to search, maybe how the parameter works?
$_GET reads querystring parameters from the URL. So if someone goes to your PHP script with a URL like http://servername/scriptname.php?2020=ABC then when the PHP script runs, the variable $_GET['2020'] will contain the value ABC.
More info is available in the documentation:
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am trying to make this page:
same as this page using htaccess:
So basically /role-65678 is a parameter like role-{parameter}. So when on /role-65678 i have a script that fetches this (65678) and displays the job according to it.
Rather than editing your htaccess file, I would just reccomend sticking with a good old get method.
Then in the index.php file in the directory "role", use the get functionality as shown below.
$id = $_GET["id"];
//Code to follow
Past experiance tells me this will save alot of htaccess headaches!
All the Best.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a page 'Error 404' and the address is like
the php file of error404 require's the index.php to properly show it.
I need a php code that will load or show the content in the url above without redirecting/changing the url. thanks
echo file_get_contents("");
Works also for URLs.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a situation here. I want one link to redirect to another link. I am using it in custom php project.
to REDIRECT to registration page
admin could be replaced by any other name.
You can try this. Sorry I haven't time for check.
$ref = $_GET['ref'];
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to create a simple site for local test, but I need to show on URL the following:
How can I do it?
You can do this by hyperlink, form submit, manually typing it into the URL bar and many other methods. Use a hyperlink:
Im not too sure what you are asking, but if you are looking to add an id variable to the URL you need to add it to the URL when you redirect
From link